
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands The Diamond Industry.
Jamaica Demerara INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION St Vincent to visited this on his DIS of Trinidad will be ap.
pointed at a of the United Hawaii Anglo American Tailoring Ordinances that Need Amending from Durchases marked the wat Within the past couple of days a quantity of diamonds reached Schemes of Im American Domina but it dirom the Maz arani and Potaro districts. were sent provement. tion Over Sugar, erom the Mazaruni 122 stones equivalent to 43 curats, while Owned By received Large Sum to be Spent in Sugar Users to Follow Ex 360 stones, equivalent to se carats THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, These have been entered at the Kingston ample of Cotton Users.
Department of Lands and Mines.
Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
According to late information Mr. Guy Wyatt And a 4, 000, 000 from the Gleaner the Jamaica Ton Crop For The Colony.
Guvernment intends to carry out several important works of im Mr. Gay Wyatt writes to a De Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 cerara conti coming financial year. In King.
You will perhaps observe that Charcoal Industry is Manchester and buildings to accomodate the Governarells more conversion colome blir e Prices Rise 100 per cent.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama ernment. the cotton but Treasury, the Registration of see nothing of the same kind from DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL Titles Office, the office of Stamp any quarter over sugar. Besides Interview With Mr. McDowell Commissions and the income Tax financial assistance from the Imovec 25, 000 pounds ster etc. and for Sudan Development lish Guiana is Mr. MeDow.
DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD This will involve an ex. perial Government for research, At present on a visit to BritIn St. Andrew it is proposed to Committee, the Federation of McDowell Co. general import.
the Empire Cotton ell, of the firm of Messrs. Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches enlarge the Post ofice at Constant Master Cotton Spinners, the this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Spring and the Executive propose ton Spinners and Manufacturers ers, exporters and commission rry out a scheme of improv Association and the Liverpool and agents of Vincent. Speaking ing school buildings and teachers Manchester Cotton Association to a Daily Agency reporter on Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands: houses in different parts of the are gett are getting the Lord Mayor of 11th instMr.
island at a cost of 10, 000 pounds, Manchester to call a meeting of about 12 years ago had colony INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM With regard to the transport all interested in and service of the island the Govern Trade in the cotton return on this occasion pass resolutions and to he was ment propose to improve it con arrange a deputation 100k the surprised to find that the prices siderably. On the estimates for Prime Minister to obtain the co higher than those obtained in the and provisions were the coming financial year, it is operation of the Government islands of St. Vincent, Trinidad proposed to purchase five mail YOU ARE RIGHT. WANTED vans at a cost of 7, 500; six motor future Cotton supplies, while we, are looking well ahead over and her this was due to the Barbados. He did not know trucks for 6, 000.
proposed apparently look well behind at Wreste (Conversation held in one of the main The public to know that. first class operation of this service. gen and take no solid active measures port duty, but he certainly Drug Stores in Calidonia. sral Superintendent It looks as if we intend to allow lands were better off in so far as Dr. French Strengthening Compound.
thought the people of those is. Customer. Please sell me a bottle of DYEING, CLEANING AND Hint for the 375 minimum salary States to continue Druggist sold the last botul a few PRESSING Legislature.
of 25 poudarising by increments bossing directly and indirect the prices of articles were conto 450 15 the mpputes ago, but can recommend to entire Cane Sugar worla. cerned.
carefully and expeditiously It is proposed to spend 27, 076 We are generally fairly well Trade With St. Vincent you this other preparation that is just as at the Mr. De VERTEUIL REMARKS pounds generally on new works aware now of the advances in on main roads and bridges, With regard to trade between good.
Cuba, Porto Rico, Java the colonies very little was done Customer Don tell me that old and many other non Better Pay For es since 1898 but have no plac between British Guiana and St. trick Doctor. You understand about not quite Vincent, although the latter place medicines and you niust know that there realised the Americans have been looked to this colony for its rice is no substitute for Dr. French Streng107 A, CENTRAL AVENUE, In a case at the City Magia.
trate Court yesterday in which also quietly developing San Do supply.
Cor. 16 St. West, Panama.
St. Vincent, however, thening Compound. have tried all Technical Men mingo for the last fourteen years exported large quantitles o! ar kinds of medicines for debility of bo a boy named Herbert Gonzales, Call phone 218 During period the aggregate was charged with the unlawful trade of San Domingo (inostly the sea island cotton, cocoa blood and nerves and can say there GREEN and WILSON, posession of a gold watch and his Sacretary of State Urged result of sugar) has increased and syrup, the last named com. none that can be compared with Dr.
mother with being privy to the being 9, 632, 926 10 42, 545, 526 per particularly modity wae Canada French Strengthening Compound. It that beats them all.
Proprietors. concealment, His Worship re that he could do annum from 1905 1918.
Industrial Chemist to be ApBritish Guiana from nothing As in Cuberes to the memoriam Trinidad arrowroot shipped from friend, can do that you are mere omwv FITZ BOWEN would have been forme de la moda Druggist are right, my dear e boy. If he was at school he pointed at a Salary of. is an St. instead 500 a Year. Military Governor in San Doanin with dealing fool. That medicine is good one with St. Vincent direct. The times yet Magistrate had no go looking after things for their mer The Gleaner of recent date says investors, with a lien on the local merchants of St. Vincent how and for that reason it is selling so quick. THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Power to do what the master of school could preferred to ship their am expecting a new shipment very that acting on a recommenda Customs revenue; and hear of a commodities to Trinidad instead soon and will let you know when it 82 November Street, San Miguel Mr. Prizgar: hope Your Wortion from the Secretary of State further 38, 000, 000 development of this colony because of the fact arrives. but then burry up, because it ship, that power will soon be House 20 for the Colonies, it is understood loan in 1919, all previous loans that the settlement of consign wells like hot pie.
given to Magistrates don see any.
that the members of the been provided for moving for it yet. These tific branch of the Department of If the matter is tackled serious ments here is not inade as early as Agriculture are to receive sub ly boys go about the streets with is no real reason why kites and stones and are a nuisstantial increases of salary.
Flutter in the Fuel Market Guiana alone should not ance. The other day a kite It is Proposed that Mr. Wil! de pulation. When they fuel market of St. Vincent as a 4, 000, 000 crop and a There is a great flytter in the prought about the death of a causing her to leave her six codi de as Government Bota: get to nist and Superinterdent of Pably do elsewhere what the Ameri on the exportation of firewood that one of these days will lic Gardens is to be be appointed have one of these boys before me Assistant Director of Agriculture in Cuba, etc. Cannot focal folk o Chere has been great demand on a charge of murder or manand Government Botanist. His British Guiana and the West In: from Burbados for St. Vincent slaughter for killing a person salary will be increased from dies interested in full develop: charcoal and not only are are persons Considered the best blood and with a stone. have no power to 325 per annum to 475. ment, wake up the West India resident in St. Vincent shipping Nerve tonic in the World do anything with them. If he It has been decided to post. Committee to get al the Sugar charcoal in large quantities to was at a public school they could Growers and Grocers pone the proposal beat him but because he was in a Magistrate Court and not in a services of a whole time Veteri Associations, etc. in the United Barbados, but there are a num.
nary Consultant, and this will Kingdom and Canada, together the island inäking purchases for Is highly recommended by press and public for school nothing can be done to result in a forving in the Agricul to tak prompt action jointly, and themselves. This has resulted Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and tural Vote of 150 pounds per get a permanently secure position in an advance in the price of the As a matter of fact the legislageneral depression of the whole system.
to enable a British Sugar Industure gives more powers to the est It is proposed to appoint an in. try to be properly started to us article by about 100 per cent.
For Both Men and Women.
dustrial chemist at 500 per an. Thriving Peasantry master of a school than to a Maglieve consumers (especially chilistrate. The Magistrate can do num, whilst the salaries of the aren) from the difficulties of obTue peasant proprietors of St. Sole distributors for Central and South America nothing except absurdities or irMicrobiologist and the Entomo taining full supplies of strength. Vincent are in a fairly healthy justices by sending a boy to gut logist have been increased 100 ening food in the shape of Cane condition Some years ago an PANAMA DRUG STORE merely for flying a kite or throw per annum each.
Sugar at reasonable prices? Agricultural Bank was establishTo fine the father The Director of Agricultre has GUY WYATT. ed for the purpose of assisting also made certain important reor mother is an injustice. The Muller Building Cheltenham, the farmers in cultivating their only thing that could be done, commendations with regard to 26th January, 1920 lands and the farmers mak the legislature will not allow and establishment of cane nurseries ind good use of the Bank which CALIDONIA, then they are in Upper Clarendon, St. Thomas boys are uncont to see surprised that the assistance from great Portland, Upper st.
Mary and Applications for Land the Government in in raising loans, Mr. Prizgar: am Cascade in Hanover. These will when necessary to meet the re.
that representatives the Press Involve an expenditure of 790.
are taking full notes of what de wo new items are also inclu ACTIVITY IN MAHAICONY DIS quirements of the people. All classes have manifested a great Your Worship is saying, and TRICT in the vote of the Agricultu desire for co operative societies.
hope they ral Department viz. 100 to carry As regards labor the island is of the out an experiment in the manu.
proper quarter.
Surveys to be Made losing a large number of agricul.
His Worship: Regarding the facture of pimento oil and a like The Department of Lands and fields of activity. The plutocracy tural laborers, who desire new sum to provide for Jamaica case of a technical ground 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA cannot convict. It is a procedure presentative of the forthcoming Mines continue to receive appli view, with great concern this under special ordinance that if Entomological Conference in cation for wood cutting and pro matter, but has not done anything England.
goods are found on premises, The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment vision grants in the Mahaica to stop the exodus. What is and Mahaicony districts. There wanted is a living wage.
then the owner of the premises and Prompt Attention.
and anybody who is privy to seems to be considerable activity of concealment can be among the farmers can be brought be disthose tricts in the extension of their Dr. LOWE Give us an early call and inspect our stock of fore the Magistrate, think am Batisfied the goods in this Tailor and Outfitter engaged in the wood cutting Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicase were not found on the prebusiness who desire to increase L, Edin.
mises and therefore machi the volume of business they had Dealer in School Books, done hence the receipt of these nery of the ordinance fails 139 CENTRAL AVENUE cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
cannot convict. It It is another or and Stationery. new application. Before, however PANAMA CITY hat needs amending.
What we want in this these colony grants can the We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction be alloted necessary sui veys must be made, Office Hours: 30 a. 1 is a straightforward enactment, No. 11 Street, Panama and with this object in view Mr.
wherein anybody found conveyJ. Phang, Land Surveyor, at4 p.
Phone 939 chains from Central Ave, Box 829, Ancon ing or in possession of goods.
tached in the Department of Lands and Mines, left the city Box 798 BROWN McALMON which there is reasonable cause to be suspected as stolen, could Address: Office 844 yesterday for the districts men.
Phones: Proprietors.
be brought up before the Magis.
Box 895, Ancon, C, tioned above, Ancon, Residence 1002 (Continued on Page 6)
a Scien. having od there a New Discovery Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound tu annum, reiog a stone.
are ince receives 01 The Chemical Hall noticed to me will be brought to the to the Wm. Lawrence the and dinance


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