
T9E WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL, 10, 1920, PAGE THREE EKSS. Sossies sies as assisiseseisverisossesse sise Milian Francs Wol. Te: pt Clemenceau Sick to Death of Public Affairs.
KING BEE de Cahine American Pub Isher Refusing Memoirs, CIGARETTES amable DID YOU EVER Stand near a chap while he smoked a KING BEE?
They are the Best Always By Special Cable. Parie Feh, Voney is nothing to me. It would not ve templed me if you had made your offer in dollars.
Thus Ex Premier Clemenceau dismise la last minute offer cabled to him by an American Publisher of 1, 000, 000 franes for the first half of his memoirs. am sick to death of public Papers and publicity and wouldn write line for worlds, hie refusal goes on. am going to Egypt solely because am not known there and to travel comfortably incognito an English lord. To avoid recognition have asked for a surgeon to cut up my face and render is more cognizable, but couldn find a practitioner willing to do it. have chosen Egypt because am tired of human beings and am intensely interested in mummies. wonder what ains with a the mummified brain of Pharoah, and what dreams, what souveburs lie behind his closed eyelids. Whatever inspiration derive from of the dead will form the of my literary activity liter. CerI do not intend writing on current events, judgment on which belongs to posterity.
contemplation subject Liinly Tragedy of Errors.
Operation For Mishap That Di Not Occur NGBE NORTH CENTRAL WARDE SOUTHLAMES mercu ALERT Extra Mila 400 GARETTES Awaking suddenly in the night, a Rochdale man named John William Juzginis told his son he had swallowed his fole teeth while asleep He was taken to an infirmary, and a radiograph made by Dr. Patter on showed deep shadow which the medical staff took to be the missing teeth, in the laryny An operatian was promptly performed on the throat, but the teeth was not discovered Juggings died, and a post morlem examination also failed to discover the false teeth. Later, how ver, an upper set of false teeth was found in the dead The doctor said Juggings might have wakened up suddenly, and missing his false leeth imagined he had swallowed them, there was a swelling in the larynx which would give the man that impres80.
man bed.
Sold Everywhere, WHY?
The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice Sexo Soxo0. 65 en reste in se premier commercklas United States to Japan, Siberia, pertantes en de volgehobetween stoereito intermediate sailings of weekly to New York via King Call York inport The Ship Line Portcisco, via Havana and Puerto Colombia on the Atlantic, and via Central American ports on the Pacific side, with a vessel each way every three weeks, carrying cargo only.
The Isthmian St anship Lines operate a a service between New York and San Francisco Seattle Hd Vancouver, carrying cargo.
with a sailing about once a month.
Atlantic Terminal Somosso The United Fruit Company operates a weekly service from New Orleans to Cristobal direct.
Lines Through the service between Cristobal hand Champerien, Guatemala, calling tica is fostered by the length of Company and ratas Galime between Orleans weekly, going via Bocas These steamers return to New at the and uncer New Zealand and Britain Canal Nailing every week.
del route. as to a from New The Compania Sud Americana Sailings are monthly. Passen: with what cargo and by whul folk and New York Sailings York vir Kingston to Cristobay, This de Vapores (South American gers are carried.
Services in Fairly Regular Stamship Co. the Chilean LiaFrom th: Atlantic Coast of the rout.
The American Oriental Line mail boats, carrying passengers, turning to Cristobal, sailing each way are every 28 days for thence to Jolombian ports, reOperation Over the Great in tintains practically a weekly Trade Routes Valvarnis, calling at and Yokohama, Kobe, Cargo Shinghai, Hongkong, Manila, ant er isian and Chilean poris.
ston. Also a line New York, The White Star Line has a ser. via Havana, to Cristobal, thence Is ands and Singapore, carrying cargo, vice between England and ports to Costa Rica, and direct to New (Continued from last 188net ruvian Steinbp and Dork (onary or Callao (PeruThe inoveinents of vessels over with a sailing about once a month of New Zealand and Australia, York, sailing weekly.
with irregular sailings, a ship service this trade route have not been in each direction.
The Panama Railroad SteamFrom Europe to the Pacific in Line) maintains vetus loin et tobulund Peruvian Canaria elemost of others from Europe to Munde alia and days. The larger ships carrying inge between New York and each way about evory 12 or 15 shin maintains Coast of Cer:tral America as far as Mul loud clear as cargo New Zealand cival and do not attempt a fixed sche passengers The Royal Mail Steam Pistet lendo and making its princio Cristohal, The Commonwealth Govern. Hayti, carrying passengers and via The New Zealand Snipping Company maintains a monthly calls on the way at Paita, Eter, dule. The ten tensy to this prue.
ment Line, operated by the Govcar service between London and Pucasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, ernment of Australia, between ings between New York and cargo, with supplementary sai! Rotterdam and the principal and suthern ports. The line Great Britain and Australia, via Cristobal direct, about every 10 ports in Central America up to has sailings each way once a United States ports, has a and including Champerico. On ek.
the homeward voyage the The Colombian Maritime Steam.
steamers, with irregular sailings ween Cristobal and Cartagena, feet of cargo and passenger days: of vessels carrying cargo steamers also call at vr. ship Company Limited, operates at present, averaging approxima: Colombia, via Cispata, approxi Cargo only. vessel in regular service ba tween Cristobal and Buenaven(BRANDON BANK)
tely a vessel outward every three matel From Europe to the West Cost tura and Tumaco, miking about weeks, returning by the Suez mately weekly, carrying deck of North America round voyages a month.
Canal or the Cape of God Hope. handlingers and freight. line SECURITY coal to plant The Federal Steam Navigation at Cristobal is operated from The Pacific Metals Corporation The East Asiatic Company hs a service between Scandinaviin operates motor schooner beSERVICE Company operates over the same Norfolk, with sailings about fortports and San Francisco, oprat twen Cristobal and Buenaven.
route, with a ship each way nightly about once a month.
ing a vessel each way about every tura, Colombia, carrying cargo, The service of La Veloce Line, Panama fourth week. The ships cury making rund voyages approxi. Founded 1863)
Colon Company. Saville and Albion noted under the section on lines The Shaw mately twice a month of London, between Europe and the west Con bas hers Johnson Line hat er All of the lines named above, Our large Resources and well known of its ships coast of South America, makes been sending all through the Canal on both the stops at Cristobal.
vice over this route, prim rfly except the Pacitid Metals Corpobetween Sweden and San Fru ration, carry both passengers conservative Management afford, unhomeward aad outward voyage The Royal Dutch West India between cisco, with vessel each way and cargo.
Britain and New Mail (Koninklijke West Indische Zealand. The service is irregu. Maildienst) is operating a about every 60 days, with pa. From the Atlantic Ter. ninus to questioned security for every dollar lar but is is settling down to a mail with two ships a month in each sengers.
Central and North America deposited with this bank.
and passenger steamer each way direction between Amsterdam From the Atlantic Terminus to The Pacific Mail Stearnship every month and cargo vessel and Carribean ports, carrying South Are Ica Company is operating a line beevery two weeks.
The Pacific Steam Navigation veen Cristobal an San FranThe Swedish East Asiatic Com cargo and passengers. On the outward voyage the calls are Company has services from Cris cisco, with a sa ting each way pany has an irregular service be usually Trinidad, and regularly General Banking Business Transacted tobal to west coast ports as far about every 15 days. Calls are tween Scandinavian ports and La Guaira, Curacoa, Puerto Cum south as Valparaiso and Coronel made at ports of Central the Far East.
lombia, Cartagena, Port Limon, Sailings for Tumaco ard Ecus o ca and Mexico on the way, and ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON United Srates Coastwise Trade and Cristobal; and returning, the rian ports, ac far as Guayaquil, passengers are carried.
calls are as traffic warrants, norare every, few days: sailing to The Pacific Steam Navigation President.
Vice President.
The Pacific Mail Steamshipmully Puerto Colombia, Cuaracao, Valparaiso via Chilon and Peru Company has a line to Central Company operates a s:rvice be and La Guaira, with other calls vian ports are fortnightly; and a American ports as far north as tween Bal. imore and San Frai depending on orders.
Panama Banking Company Itu, Great service AmeriTreasurer


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