
THE HOLKAN, AURA, Lília, 10, 101, Second Hand Furniture Bought and Sold BEST PRICES Man Mattresses Springs Canal Zone Notes THE WORKMAN GATUN Pay day will soon be here.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaLook at your pay cheeks; the WALROND, at the office Central avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters documentary, rettence of your Due and corner ol Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
poverty and serfdom. de Watch the Deductions. Figo All copy for publication must be Bux 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and ure out the Rint!
RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the same of How rany of you have had that autous taking white slip One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, got necessarily for publica marked Hell for Rent This Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
is a hard world, my husters!
Three we do not undertake to return Ona 23 rejected correspondence.
On Friday last we contemplat.
Given for all kinds of Second hand Furniture ed the Story of the Cross, and the consumating sacrifice of the The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS of Sorrows. Would that He were amongst us once again SATURDAY, APRIL, 10, 1920 to bind up our wounds, and to preach liberty to us who are Threatened Depopulation of all kinds made to order bound captives to the wheels of autocratic industry.
of the West Indian Islands The Local Branch of the Negro Call and see me first, 107 Central Ave. or write Box 333, Ancon Improvement Association started operation again by holding a The great drain on the British West Indian islands just business meeting on Thursday JOHN HART evening the 8thu now for laborers to go abroad, is disturbing the minds of general operating program was outlined and vacant execuserious people in those islands where the labor market is tive offices were filled. The reg not overstocked. The planters are sitting up straight and lar meeting will be held on Sune becoming uneasy over the continued exodus of able bodied day evening at o clock. large Ancon Lodge No. 2516 men, at this time when the cane is to be reaped and turned Wanted at Once! Agricultural College for turn out of members is solicited, West Indies and an attractive program will be into sugar, and when harvesting generally is in full. swing.
are hereby presented The Press of those islands, which stand to be greatly attend a special meeting to be an energetic Agent to handle the Commenting editorially on The Gatun is dead, and depleted by the out rush, deplore the impending crisis of a held at our former place of meet Workman Newspaper the report by the Secretary the Shamrock has like the shortage of man power in the islands It is stated that the ing on Thursday, April 15th, 1920. at 7:30 m.
AT GATUN, of State on the West Indian Phoenix of old, risen from its working class have again caught the fever of emigration All members are urged to be Communicate with Boxa maner: Agricultural College Scheme ture for the newly organised ashes. We predict a great fu; The WORKMAN Box 74, Pa. the Port of Spain Gazette club. Mr. Cortina is manager and are moving in various directions to foreign fields and punctual in their attendance.
By order of the President, nama, says: It may be regarded as and his record with the Pedro that they are doing so at a time when the islands need an settling once and for all the Miguel bespeaks a bright accumulation of man power to develop their resources to question as to whether such future for his new protege Mr.
the highest point of industrial prosperity.
The Problem of Surplus an institution shall be estab roynder was elected Captain. We Donald Earle the well known aliThe Voice of St Lucia, in a stirring article, which lished; and we think it is not hope to see this Club in action in is published in another column of this issue, puts the situaWomen in Great Britain saying too much to state that the very near future.
it is now a mere matter of tion up squarely to the Government and business men of LAS CASCADAS that colony and urges that some steps be taken to halt the The British Press, has of late, been drawing much at details, for such a college to time, and the arrangement of Miss McCourtie, great exodus not by placing any impediment in the way of a free people or the attempt at restricting their freedom tention to the fact that statistics have disclosed that there be actually placed and corte daughter of Mr. Mrs. Claskie Me. who left the Isth to go whither they will, but by the adoption of plans for are over 1, 000, 000 more women than men in Great Britain, ng basis.
mus some time ago for West holding out to them inducements equally as favourable as due it is claimed both to the unequality in the birth rate The choice of location for Wood High School, Jamaica, is as well as to the heavy loss of men in the recent Eurothose to be obtained abroad.
The Grenada West Indian portrays the grave situation pean war. But what makes it worse is that most of the the College may fall to Ja on the Isthinus again. She cisis maica or Trinidad, depending Las Casdadas, with her father in such a clear, yet concise way, that we here reproduce it of the war and otherwise, and cannot be relied on to main on certain conditions not yet wish her a hearty welcome.
men left are old, unhealthy and diseased owing to the effect and mother. Her many friends word for word, realizing the interest with which it will be tain the high physical standard of the British race. Also dad seems to be the more made quite clear, but Triniread by West Indians in Panama who are interested in their that according to the average of returns it is stated that favoured site up to now. Condensed Cables home affairs: fully 2, 500, 000 women are destined to go down to the Nearly every ship takes away labourers from one grave without functioning in motherhood unless some of or other of the islands and the shipping offices can them do so by unlawful means, BOCAS NEWS recent cable states that apart from the advance in prices that bas taken testify that the applications they have been receivVarious euggestions for offsetting this sad condition ing from persons intending to travel are large enough have been advanced, the most practical of which is exporteplace caused by the shortage of fresh On Saturday evening 27th ult, meat in Chicago due to the strike of live to show that our labourers want to go in increasingly tion. But to put women on the export list will surely cauae about o clock at Las de Lissa stock handlere there, it is feared that the larger numbers to foreign fields. The full meaning resentment in some quarters. The question therefore rs. Costa Rica Division, a young man arike Farm. opposite Chase on the whole nation will be affected by the of the exodus is evidently not realised or is being de solves itself: What is to be done?
was bitten by a snake and after. liberately disregarded otherwise organised effort would being treated for said bite he was Robinson, ex member of the United Los Angeles news says that long ago have been made to retain the services of those advised by his foreman to proceed States Shipping Beard, stated when adworkers who are principally required to help to improve to the nearest dispensary Mar.
but unfortunately on Mon Government efforts to operate the ships dressing a meeting of traders that garita, the our output. The matter is not being given serious attention day, owing to the continual How was an absurdity, and that the and, if in a couple of years time, we find that there are no One of the Most Burning of blood, he had to be taken to which must have best the Goveroment reliable workers in our midst, we will have ourselves alone Questions of the Moment the Nancy Cay Hospital. 2, 800, 000, 000 to build will not realise to blame for our short sightedness. Even the Secretary of Shepherd Island more than 2, 000, 000 000 net when sold.
State for the Colonies, who is in a position to judge only from Almirante Bay, can, through The Berlinger Tageblatt in by representations, has seen what we, with all our familiar knowledge, refuse to see. He has seen the desirability of For God sake try and do something to save the the efforts of Mr. Bryan. issue announces that the Japanese have Anglican Cathecist and school acquired the German Pacific Phosphato Company, the economic advantages to be derived from better provi number of boys go about the streets recklessly? If am mission. Services are beld reg Chairman Jones of the Senate Commerce Washington dispatch reporte that sion for housing, feeding and recreation, His opinion on to judge of their future by their present upbringing, pity nearls months ago. Although Committee, in an amendment to the bil larly from the time it started this subject has been conveyed to the Governors of these the day when the rank of criminals in this colony will re the attendance is scant the future pending charges, the exemption fully aware of it. Despite all this, it seems to us that may think that there is no need to look after the wayward bion.
coastwise vessels from Panama Canal tolls, nothing is being done to induce the West India labourer youths of a colony, and that may seem the reason why by to remain at home and he is going to other places where so purposeful indifference a Reformatory.
The Industrial Hour Service by Bryan dispatch read out the dis reported to sto Friday the London it that a he is satisfied that he will meet conditions suited to his School or some other place where yoaths can be kept safe was quite impressive, Di nounces that the situation in Palestine needs. In the circumstances we are becoming poorer in ly from danger and where they could receive proper train: Stewart was the preacher Easter is considered fra vest Tacopio a Palesting economic vitality. The experience is common to nearly ing has not been established. The time will come when it Duy.
recalled to the west bank of the Sues every British West Indian colony and it is fair to say that will be too late to attempt to reclaim our youths. We let Holy week was fittingly ob Palestine suspended.
anal and communication to and fra every one has its problems. But has any one yet attempted them go their own way now to become useless men and served here and offered tremi to meet the situation in a manner sufficiently attractive to women in the community. Whose fault will it be when, opportunity for spiritual awaken aviatora Guilietoin Radischaltetlar Foreldre It is from French at a future period these same youths become dangerous ing. On Saturday the 27th ulto. Dakar to day after a successful light its labourers?
there arrived by motor boat the across the Sahara desert, a distance of We have often written that West Indian labour is in criminals in the community. In the above form were we addressed by a peaceful, Gordon Somers, as deputies reRevds. Kirkham and 3, 500 miles, appreciative demand in these days. There is Demerara to Cable news from Vladivostok tell of be developed and recognized and in the absence of East well meaning citizen. says the Grenada West Indian just prisgiogare the Jamaica Baptist the capture of that city by the Japanese Indian emigration the Magnificient Province is looking for to hand.
Society. They were troops Irom the Russian revolutionists. help from the colonies geographically nearest to her. DeThe same cry is to be heard in Panama, but alas! there met at the Dock by the Rev. who were planning to hand over to the feel bound to afford her the assistance she requires. In fact arrest the practice of youthful lawlessness in this city. It James and Notman. respective biare been severe and lasted upwards merara is British and with true British spirit we should seems to be no heed given to the cry, nor steps taken to Pesidence on and Recorted to the Sovie Government to the westelis of. Surgeon eight hours, she is prepared to offer inducements that will make the fu must be conceded that the youths of to day who must be ly. After making short visits there is Cuba with its extensive cane plantations, To that monstrating too vividly that juvenile criminality is pain In the evening in addition to a Almirante by special launch.
the towo they rette stor NOTICE island thousands of West Indians have already migrated, fully on the increase.
welcome for their safe arrival, All members of the Clerk Loand the rush continues.
Through a campaign initiated by the now defunct a couple was joined in are to attend a a sense of anxiety and satisfaction at the changes that are Star Herald, a playground has been built up at the han preached at both the morn Street West, On Monday night, West Indians on the Isthmus must surely experience Morning Journal and carried on by our local confrere the wedlock by Rev. Kirkham. holy cal 2151, On Sunday 28th Rev. Kirk meeting to be held at No. 31 20th taking place in their homes with respect to labor condi Plaza Herrrera which can accommodate only a small sec Jing and evening services at April 12th,! at 7:30 tions, and at the spirit of progressiveness that has over tion of the juvenile population of this city by keeping Almirante.
shadowed all the islands and fired their brother workers to them off the streets. But this does not to any visible On Monday evening the Church was packed to overfiəwing while that state of self assertion where they are demanding a measure affect the greater evil.
living wage, or otherwise migrating to fields where they We have on various occasions expressed our opinion service. adegan tand outside. The for 30 minutes on a most improg: began with the song, sive and instructive manner kept can obtain value for their labor. They must get anxious strongly on the subject and urged the establishment of an for the dawning of the day when they shall strike camp institution, both preventative and corrective in character, is calling thee by the chole and On Good Friday eply interes ted.
herehand wid adieu to the place where they are not consid. where youthful lawlessness could be checkedor and our tered followed by Reun Somers can servicein gefe merante Angle en Building. ered nor their labor compensated. They must feel a sense young boys disciplined and trained to fit them for the va and Kirkham. Alter ranother a Mattins 12 to Three there will be no discrimination, where segregation is un. our readers that reference is made too often to this sub and the choir rendered the song on the Seven Sayings Sermone y known, and there, while earning a living wage, they will ject, we feel, that as it is a matter affecting the good and Tell the World during the talks Cross.
experienee a sense of contentment and be at peace with all welfare of the community generally, we are disinclined to ing up of the offering. At 20 men.
permit it to fade from public notice.
aharp the Rev. Somers took as assisted by Mr. Edward AL his text, The Prodigal Son and leyne officiated, a litte way. a Canal and Song 11.
Dr. Stewart preacher,

    SpainWorking Class

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