p. 8


PACIFIC THEATRE The Lion Claws toms the and Oval.
IT NO SECRET has son before Mollow.
preme Do you know the Best way to have cool clean Kitchen, and properly cooked food at Moderate cost?
USE GAS 100 Per Cent Fuel tried employers party could current Under PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920 09:00:00 Boo Cricket.
Opportunity at rome time knoke at Continued from Page 1)
Last Sunday, being Erster, there were the door of every one, and those who United States Circuit Court of no cirket matches played. To morrow, neglvet effeir chances are always Appeals, at New Orleans waere horever, there are three games scheduled loud in complaining of bond lock and Mr. Frank Feuils, counsel for to come of the most important of TO NIGHT TO MORROW misfortune when they are de o the Panama Railroat.
Conpins, which is undoubtedly, the Surrey Yorkrew of which they could be argued the case for the Compa.
shite match, which will be plased on the Saturday, April 10th, 1920 Sunday, April 11th, 1920 commanded had thry not allowed their Standard Oval. Surroy the champions chance to slip by ny, and Mr. William Masin.
of the Pacific end numbering in its Seventh and Eigth Ninth Episode of tyre, of the firm of Tola Wa.
Tonks sutenen as Bolder, Thomas, To the people of the Republic of Peintyre argued for Mr.
nauts and the Canal Zone OPPORTU. The United States Circuit Court Aleyne, Arert, John and The Lion Claws.
Episodes of others of like calibre feels sure that the NITY now knocking at their dair of Appeals afttrmed the judge.
team to defeat it will have to do some to rid them of a life long sofrownd ment of the District Court for the playing. Yorkshire on the other hand, and an exciting Reel premature Death, which are the couse Canal Zone, on date of rill since it has been reinforced with some quences of long standing Kidney and 1918 The Railroad Company then of the La Boes cracks, not only tarts Bladder troubles, which can always be Feature that the majority of Clubs will need traced by any of the following sy up appealed to the United States and continuing the coming week sit up and watch her force their way Supreme Court at Washington, to the top, but particularines Surrey.
with one episode of The Lion Lame back, burning sensa where it was finally heard on Not one of their so called cracks can date of January 16th; 1920.
Claws and a thrilling reel feattion certain parts of the body, Messrs Frank Feuille and Walter make 10 runs against our bowling, is and a Reel Feature ure each show night dizziness, headache, rheuma Van Dame, filed a brief in another of Yorkshire mighty boasts.
tism, swollen feet and joints, Supreme Court; but no one ap.
They also claim that whenever Surrey and Yorkshire meet in England a boli scanty and discolored urine peared to argue the case for the Xosessos consist with sediments, inflamation of Railroad Company Messes Todd day is declared in the county, and this coming match shall be exception to bladder, puffiness of flash, etc. and MacIntyre filed a brief oda the Nile.
Toppin, and Mr. MacIntyre etc.
appeared Games for To morrow Mr. Watts of Ex gland was in Mr. Toppin be Burrey vs. Yorkshire at Standard 76 years old when this King of all half. Mr. MacIntyre is the first medicines extracted stone from his member of the Bar of the e District Vincentian vs. Chorrillo at Bishop bladder, and gave Surgeons and Physi. Court of the Oand Zone who cians a big surprise at seeing DeWitt ever in person Grenada vs. Demerara at Isthmian Pills do what they could not.
the Supreme in Court, and he and Park.
Sold in two sia at all first choo Mr. Todd, who wrote Umpires the brief, are to be heartily con Druk Stores, Beware of imitations gratulated upon the winning of Hall and Samuels at Standard Oval, a some dealers are handing out. the first case argued before that MacDonald And Coulthrust at BiDeWitt Co. Ltd, London, on august tribunal by an attorney shop Hollow bottle with BLUE SEAL City Phare from among our midst Roberts and Ward at Isthmian Park.
maey printed on wrappers. THE CITY The decision of the S:PHARMACY, 139 Central Avenue Court in Surrey Team for To morrow Toppin exelusively agen the Republic and case is most important to the Holder. Capt. Thomas, the Canal Zone.
people of the Canal Zone and PaAlleyne, Archer, Blackman, namna, because it finally John, DeSoura, DeSousa, Annonymous Letter that when an accident happen Moore, Holder, Piters and Grovesnor.
in the Canal Zone, the English Demerara Line up Against (Continued from Page 1) and American rules of law as to Grenada To. morrow the responsibility of Collins (Capt. Fields, Hushis duty and shows a desire to will be a for the arts of their servants barde, Mortimer, Millington, master his position.
will be applied, and if the injured is entitled to The Caskin, Farrell, John, DeSilva, If we could only set the oppoe sation, he is entitied not only to to any compen Went, McLean wih McGregor tunity of night schools where we and Miller as extras.
learn English, the most which he has sustained, but also be paid for the actual cash ines necessary Surrey Replies to Sussex words and es: for his physical pain and suffers pecially those referring to The Surrey C, is quite willing and Panama Gas Co. AT Colon Gas Co.
work, the names of the tools, of intrichand the inental anguish the chief materials which he has. ready to meet the Sussex C. at any handle of the.
time for the lsibmun Championship.
Owing to the fact, however, that all CATHEDRAL PLAZA YOUR 93 BOLIVAR ST. movements which we live scan Courts, Mr. Tonpin a more availble grounds will be in use regularly perform, our already recognised terest at the rate of per year, ment has been accumulating in on Sundays, Surrey suggests that May efficiency would be increased or 50. 00 per inonth, since June, 30 and 31 be the the dates for the game.
SERVICE Tel. 798 Tel. 364.
fitty per cent.
Will this suit you Sussex? If so, we bis does not the Department Sand the judgment of of the hope by the evening of May 31 to show Supreme Court consider this? And why should the original judgment of 10, 000 the payment to Mr.
you that in issuing thallenges, one should never go out of his elass.
not Mr. Lang the Superintendent gold, together with the full in.
Football Around the Canal Kentucky Made Safe Forrity for the Negro Race Governor Morrow has by his in Spanish which it will be obli ceive in cash about the sum of the same idea and open class terest and all of the costs of the two appeals. Mr. Toppin will re.
Zone Courts Democracy.
firmness (which reminds of exStandard Cripples Fox the recentchastiseinent of a mob upon the vicious mountaineers of heexington, Kentucky. Since Governor Stanley)
served notice center for all foremen to at sa 2, 000. Wessbeat Oi, fellow West Indians, do Thomas Nimbley, strack policc. bent upon lynching a Negro who the district that orderly pro vou think Muut and Jett can beat Death of Two Prominent Gentlemen The Standard football team just erip man MeSpieden with a stone was charged and later convicted cesses of government must be this?
pled the Fox fuotball teams Tone Sunday whilst engased along with several of rape, by the State Militia observed.
wa sincerely regret to include other youngsters in the reprehen which resulted in the loss of Many scowling glances are on the Standard Ovale The moment sible practice of stone throwing lives and the wounding of over a cast nt Negroes, bye it is evident Letter of Congratulation known and respecter citizens of the whistle was blown, Fox made an ex much and Filius Circus Company there is a greater sense of secu try and well learned. Exkhange.
to the annoyance of the score of the would be murder is, that the sson taught was salu.
cellent spurt, and carried the ball almost this Republie as Don Alfredo to the goal before it was wrested from San Frar cisco, Cal. Arias and Don Antonio Perithem by Wiles. After this one display and passersby in general. For gaal, both yery prominent fig.
of having a knowlede of who they were him to 30 this Judge Plackburn sentenced To the Elitor THE WORKMAN Tres in our social and coinmer.
about, the Fix never even had a louk in him to 30 days in il, but on an cial life.
Even the Standard supporters tried to appeal the sentence was reduced Judge Dear Sir. Will you kindly al low me space in your valuable REMEMBER THE RALLY encourage the Fux, in order that the District ce Hanan of the Court, on account amu might not be s) one sided. Bril: Ancon columns to congratulate my fel of low West Indian brethren, Pana bear in mind the grand rally the boy age.
liant play was shown by Mottley, Wilos, The general public is asked to Best and Pinder of the Standard team.
For possessing himself of two ma Canal workers, for the gal which will be held at the Shepfour men, each of whom has a commissary books belonging to lant move that they inade in de herd Lodge Hall. 20th Street, good West Indi training in the game, the Zone of which he was janitor, has a batchelors living in quarters on fense of their rights as inen when Central Avenue, to morrow alfought heroically, and at half time the they walked out on February 24.
score was: Standard 4, Fox At the Telesforo Ramos got a jail sen.
It is trne that you have not ternoon, Sunday, April 11, come the tence of 40 days.
end of play, Standard bad six goals to won out, because Might defeated mencing at 30 sharo. Mr. Sam love. The captain of the Fox team was froin a s15. fine given him by James Bynoe on appealing Gooding orchestra fwill supply FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Right and Justice was trampled the only player who showed any form.
ander foot. Nevertheless be of the music, and a pleasant wait Wilee at left and Best at right with Judge Blackburn for molesting a CHILE geodicheer you did magnificently anticipated.
despite Mottley and Pinder inner just toyed woman at Red Tank, was unfor had odds you tunate enough to have the penalty GRAND PICNIC with the Fox. It may be early to pre altered by Judge Hanan to 10 will leaveCRISTOBAL, A. ;will leave BALBOA, Noon, on against you. But way I ask, do diet, but it will not surprise is in the days in jail without the option of There will be a grand picno THURSDAY, 22nd APRIL, 1920, for you not read the newspapers? Do team should Guayaquil, Paita, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, are being offered labor daily by The fun will last from 8: mr see the inducements that to night at the Isthmian Pary.
the winners of the sdield. Any day Frederick Hinds was let off by they can be seen hard at work under District Attorney Hindman on the vollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Chañaral, Cuba and Demerara. The latter until 4:a, Soja Band will be Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
of such vast resources and unde. in attendance, and an enjoyable Capt. Forde on the Standard Oval.
forgery charge preferred against veloped wealth and which for time, as usual is promise. En Game for To morrow him in the matter of signing his thermore, is our own flag? trance to all 2ete. s Cv.
If you do not read the newspaRangers vs. Cable Office at Isthmian foreman came to a free entry JAMAICA Park.
request at the Ancon pers then you cannot learn of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA fine of 50 was imposed on will leaveCRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA, noon, on what is happening in the world Ramon Belado, a sailor, for taking WEDNESDAY, 14th APRIL 1920. for around you to day. You will see West Indian Red Cross bottle of liquor over the Zone by THE WORKMAN and other in the United States District boundary.
Buenaventura and Tumaco.
Resumes Activities.
news sheets that there is a move Hester an American fore.
Court for the Canal Zone ment which is gradually gaining Division of Cristobal The West Indian Red Cross man was hailed before Judge ground to the effect that West wishes its members and patrons Wade of the Cristobal Conrt for ORIANA Indians are needed to up RITTER vs. T, RITIE to know that since the Flo selling raffle tickets on the Zonewill leave CRISTOBAL on SUNDAY, APRIL 25th for the West Indies instead of buildben has been lifted regular a diamond ring being the ing up and enriching NOTICE mit etings will be beld as hereto He is out on a 50 bail bond, pendNew York, La Pallice: nl Livrpool, tries and nations who are never To Ritter, the defendant fore and first aid instructions ing a hearing in the District grateful nor appreciative of their TAKE NOTICE: will be given as formerly. The Court before Judge Hanan.
services. My humble advice to attention of bachelors is also you, therefore is to clear out of filed in the above court her comThat the plaintiff herein VICTORIA called to the Restaurant where the place, where you cannot obmeals can be had to their taste United Methodist Church will leave CRISTOBAL on TAURSDAY, APRIL (15th, 1920 tain fair treatment at least as divorce against you Vinculo, plaint against you praying for and a game of billiards enjoyed for LIVERPOOL direct.
fast as opportunity, permits to in the same price as at places where decency and justice exist apon the grounds in said com: where less comfort is provided special meeting will be held though wages be less.
plaint set forth and verified.
on Sunday 11th inst. at pm.
Now, therefore, you are orderFor further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at Yours, etc. ed to Lecture at Red Cross Hall. at the above Church to complete to appear in the said Court at ANTONIO NOONS. Cristobal, on the 28th day the postponed Harvest Services CRISTOBAL attempted last month.
Prince of Walez Arrives in day and plead, answer or demur of May 1920, at o clock of said We have been asked by the ladies (missionaries) will be management of the West Indian among the speakers. Please or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, California. to said complaint, otherwise tha Red Cross to state that Dr. come and sit down with us and same will be taken agaiust yuz San Diego, Cal. cable an by default. Fyfe will give a lecture in the enjoy a pleasant Sunday evening PANAMA nounces the arrival there on the spacions hall on Monday night service.
By order of the Court.
7th, of the Batt e Cruiser Re12th inst. Members and well ANDERSON, Wars. ISAAC BRANDON BADS. ub Apoats: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAN JACKET Pane nown with the Prince of Wa es wishers are requested to attend, Pastor. GOOLSBY On board.
lerk of Court, Topp:n of lend Royal Mail Steam Packet Go.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
These you not Auder build other prize coun Some


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