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VOL, No, 37.
All men who served in the Jamaica War Contingent for at least six months and who did NOT join the Eritish West Indies Regiment are requested to call at the British Consulate, bringing their discharge papers with them.
FIERCE FIRES AT KINGSTON, JAMAICA SAYS BRITAIN CANNOT SELL OR BARTER ISLANDS LARGE LIQUOUR STORE COMPLETELY DESTROYED day the 13th inst. a. on Grea sertence of the trial These sceeme is TEN YEARS THE TIME IN PEN HAS COME Was Sentence Given Al And West Indians are Getberto Green For Burglary ting Awakened The record penalty for crime Thank God, the time has Fires said to be Most Destructivə Without Consent of inhabitants. com minder vind the fernal Zone corne when the West Indian was handen out to Albert Green, refuses to depend upon native, by Judge Hanan at the If Principle to be Adhered To.
Experienced for many Years.
Alice District Court on Tues others to work out his Sal.
vation. In the last issue of The Jamaica GLEANER of the 12th inst. states Opposition to the proposal for the sale of the Green was charged with enter this paper we read that a West Indies in liquidaticn of Great Britain war debt is the cameras Audita: Smith dry good store was opened that at about 11. 40 o clock last night the alarm of firs Panama continues to be strongly urged in the Canadian Press. cariy tumurs of April Bril and in Colon by a Society of was give In King Street, and in a few minutes time The Ottawa CITIZEN says it is some hundreds takını away jewelry valued be West Indians and to day the fue erigade was on the scene. It was then this tween 300 and 500 another West Indian Socie covered that a fire had broken out in Mr. Edwin Charof years since nations could barter whole colonies or Mr. Sinith in testifying suid ty, The Panama Canal and ley store in King Street and was developing rapidly.
countries, regardless of the wishes of the people con that we wanawakan diby a slight Panama Railroad Workers The üre:fighters got on to the fire immediately after linerving a dark corned, and concludes: If Bermuda or any of the turneunowing about this bedroom, Society is packing its shelves they arrived, but it had already made great headway, other West indian Islands would like to leave the Brit torom sol out of bed to inves. to open its first grocery store and in a short time the entire building was in flames.
ish Empire they have constitutional means of making tigite. To his amazement he saw at No. 31, Pedro, Obarrio and afterwards all Kingston was awake. The fire continA big crowd gathered in King Streat and soon the fact known. And Britain cannot sell or barter aman, who rusted through some 20th Street West adjoining rooms jump through a The Panama Canal and ued to hold sway, and at one o clock this morning it any of her possessions without the consent of the in window and made his escape Panama Railroad a Workes was still burning.
behind a a habitants, it the principle of seif determination is to be and nimm.
a Society is registered under The same paper also reports that another fire which be adhered to.
Aroused by Mr. Smith shouts the laws of Panama.
Its blazed out at about 30 in the afternoon of the 29th inst.
The Manitoba FREE PRESS observes that the commander her spotte mely nebo se object is to reduce the High is said to be one of the fiercest and most desperate con overheated imagination of some writers has bracketed the haring thiet mand tons were the Surplus Labor on the years past.
hool had the opportunity to see Cost of Living, take care of flagrations ever experienced in the city of Kingston for Canada with the West Irdies in discussing ways and anle to identify him in Court The large means of liquidating war debts by the ceding of ter font appears that being an oideIsthmus, and so give its coupled with Judge of the Lane, with its stock estimated to be worth 25, 000 was ritory to the United States. It says: The grotesque determination to procedente propong their pareoper place Sameitwined at the corner of Harbour Street and mures ness of the idea that Great Nritain would entertain 10 friquent activities of these world.
totally destroyed. It is stated that so intense was the blaze down With over ten Thousand that in 90 minutes after it started the big stock in the brains not unbalanced; but even more incredible is which he any such proposal should prevent its lodgicient in all the teritorney 10, 000 workers of the Pan store was completely consumed and the roof and all the the ignorance which believes that Canada is a chattel Tho npson counsel for the de. ama Canal and as wood work burnt out of the building leaving the bare of the Britisn Parliament.
tenc having failed to establish probable patrons snch a concrete walls standing, an ajibi for his client.
During should the course of succeed.
10, 000 employees 801Condensed Cables the diplomatic representative of Green, who apparently TO ORDER BRITAIN DIED.
ting of a comedian, entertained spend annually about three New York advices state that the court with a clever bit of act million six hundred dollars England method of dealDied at the ripe age of 79 years Special cables from Washing, the American training squadron, ing. Developing an acute attack (3, 600, 000) and the profits ing with the Irish Home Rule on Monday the 12th. Sister Me ton announce the expected arrival with Vice Admiral Hilary and Lean coinmonly known as God.
on the pistbemus towards the end Jones in command and coinprised and tongue which, caused tem po thereon, amount to about Question is likely to provoke over half a irritating effects on Anglo die Mac. This old servant of God of the present month of General of the flagship Connecticut. and Fary loss of memory and speech 600, 000 or he would half American Relations, ershing to inspect the Panama the battleships New Hampshire placed on the stand. Finally call million dollars yearly we say a word when million. With this was a moving figure in the old The result of an interview Empire days as a leader in the Canal units. Kanin connection with his mission of sas and Michigan will begin its ing faintly in the voice of one would be able to make Men whereat the above subject Wesleyan Church; with the break reporting on the question of the cruise on or about May 20. In. about to give up the ghost for a and Women of our children was discussed with Senator ing up of the head quarters of military policy to be adapted by cluded in its itinerary is a trip Chaline gelere Hamalla osud teous and our own lives more Thomas Walsh. who by of the line little a and depopulation the.
acknowledged the talent display comfortable; every West In the way is at present enjoy over and joined forces with the Pa From Sam Jumam tvoel faut undainy Prominent Baptist Minis is die stron ne punish habe se forward movements of this of the Isthmus. published by quite he important addition there ed but reinained unexorable in dian who is interested in the ing the salubrious atmosphere nama Church and deaths have been caused there by ters from Jamaica Visit tie intuerza epidemic. An ex the Isthmus people should support such a local contemporary, leaves to. She truly was God servant the very amusing impression afternoon last by the large con as was demonstrated on Tuesday pected cand te for the presi Around the Canal an enterprise.
dency, Señor Tomas Martinez, that inasmuch as the Senate cou of friends that followed deputation from the Jasunui ex president Martinez, is Zone Courts THE FLU of the is of the opin her, especially those of her maica Baptist Missionary sex, ion that the Universe cannot to the Herrera Cemetery. One Society composed of Rev.
News from the interior of go right unless guided by the the most touching incidents Cables from Mexico depictu Kirkham of Sav la mar On a charge of securing Frank the Republic indicate that wisdom of that august body, when the Rev. Evers spoke connected with her death was very serious condition in that al. and the Rev. Gordon Raymond signature under fade the Flu epidemic is on the Big State of Montana en about her work for the Prord and ready atilicted country.
pretense note State of Sonera has declared it for 300. payable Thompson the are the sels independent of the Federal been to Bocas del Toro to und Diy, yalileonto el hombre glad however. to be able t5 joys the belief that England of her passing away Government under Curtanza, consider the enlargement America to becerling employed and reportinthat tive Gewernuegend her policies to be dictated by Earth your growdium is glomer might do worse than allow thought we gathered from a line and there is every likelihood of and extension of the Baptist and taken before Judge Wade in deal with the situation. The Well done Eagle! That the will be made on Sunday evening the Cristobal docks, was arrested is taking active meas: res to such a fount of knowledge. pass away!
that was sung internieine vartare resulting as work under the direction of the Special reference the the Rev. Duncanson. The bal. on Wednesday. Owing to reports of News from New York relative Rev. gentlemen will pass the absence of an important wit. Authorities of both Panama ity with a certain kind of Church by Rev. Evers. To Health way to scream; but familiar in the Wesleyan Methodist shows no improvement in the si. rough Colon during the ness the case was held over, and and Colon are very reassur music makes the audience her relatives and friends we ten to the railroad workers strike der our deepest sympathy.
the coming week and an opportobelver, stano por parovided bail. ing au decided decrease in indifferent, if not contemptuation. It is said that und Russian Commu tunity will be afforded buth however, was not provided, the number of cases being tuous, and the Lion awakennists are endeavouring to utilize in Panama and Colon to! For being found in the machine noted.
this labor movement to the end hear them. The only meet shops at Mount Hope after mid: ed, is, we imagine, no excepSpecial Meeting. in quest Social Notes.
tion to the rule.
Past Master Conclave the country, bui Attorney Gene ing in Panama wil be at the some old clothes left there by and Grand Christian Enral Pamer appears to be fully Baptist Church, Chorrillo at bim on quitting the job about very pleasant function took informed and has laid a report 30 on Wednesday the 21st, two weeks ago, as he stated, place at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lecture at Red Cross Hall campment No. 11.
before the Cabinet and presi instant; and the only meet Harry Watson, Jamaican, was A, Smith on Sunday the 11th We are asked meeting on will convene a special ingrant colod the bee at the errested and neinarge omdat onbebe the following them bap toeph that Dr. Carrington 18th, ať 30 Members Washington despatches state Baptist Church at 14th, accused, but it being the opinion and Edgar Wellington, at est Attorney at Law will glary. Nothing was found the Edmund that th Irish pickets who were Street on Wedneseay at 30 of Judge Wade that he had no Paul Church, Pantona, at fler ture at the West Indian Red are bereby (summoned to be arrested for parading with ban.
right on the premises at that several of the guests and fest Cross Hall on Monday night punctual. so as to facilitate.
ners etc. in front of the British Collections will be taken tiine lie was held to bail in the pressed their good wishes for the the 19th inst. Members a quick dispatch of business.
Embasy sum of 500 to appear before prospects of additions ARNOLD YEARWOOD, x trial by the Federal Grand up in aid of the Jamaica Judget Hananº in na district to the principis ta ovethe angliyabis and well wishers are asked Jury on the charge of assulting Baptist Missionary Society. Court collation was served.
to turn out in full numbers. Actg. Grand Secretary and old Iv had since been comes the mormation that verely.
course along the victims.
The the issue.
dent Wilson

    EnglandWorkers Movement

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