
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Jamaica INTERNATIOAL BANKING CORPORATION can, born in Trinidad ject, and But not Mr.
On have defended her Belgium. through a decent of Reine of dow with Teported profits The athletic sports of Calabar him pay the maxinun. bave High School on Wednesday March a case where a Viscount waitin 10 were well attended, and ed in England on his fourth went with a swing The pole conviction. Every dog must have sault was won by Laing, a first bite.
The Jamaican in London ft. He also won the 20 y ris. His Worship Idon want any the log jup. 1717 8ins, and tirst bites. make it 15 Mrs Owned By the big jum. 5ft ins. RESTAURANT IN THE WESTEND Balfour distributed the prizes. Why Troops at Trinidad?
There is a Jamaican in London THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, running a restaurant in the West For February births in Kings.
End. He is by the way the only ton were 175 and death 130 ring to the garrison, now station The Trinidad Cnordian refer.
coloured restaurant proprietor in Last year tigures were 112 and ed in the colony, says, so far as Head Office, 55, Wall fStreet. that section He is Mr. Lewis 15 the troops being sent there, what Earle. He is an English Jamai in London it is true, seems likely to be the reason but with a father at Good will, the growing importanceea se nube the Dixie Land, Falmouth, and we colony as an oil producing pos. Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000 DO session of His Majesty, and as have it from Mr Earle himself When get successful enough the Admiralty is making large am coming out to start business use of this liquid as fuel for the Exceeding it is only a commonsense in Falmouth, in about five or six Official Depository of the Republic of Panama years time.
licy that every possible pre.
Mr. Earle writes us on a subSpeed Limit DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL his ait will possibly be sure the safety of the country in case of emergency best secured by publishing his DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD letter in The Times and directing DEFENDANT FINED 15 the attention of those concerned Trinidad Ladies Honored to his suggestion. Any letters No First Bites Says His by Belgium Queen sent to us addressed to him will Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches be duly forwarded.
Worship The Port of Spain Gazette of recent date, is responsible for this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities. PUSH JAMAICA FORWARD the following This may be said to be the core John Howard Rapsey, Through the courtesy of Mr.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
of the water, Mr. Earle writes: stood charged at the City Magis Vincent, acting Consul for All the other British colonies trate Court yesterday, before Belgium, we are very pleased to INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM are represented by window dis. Mr. de Verteuil by Sub learn that Mrs. Rapsey of Inspector Lionel Malcolm Fraser Ellerslie. Maraval, and Miss factures of that particular colo with driving his motor car P1126 Renee Nelly de Verteil ny, Africa, Australia, New Zea. at a rate exceeeing 12 miles an been honored by the land, etc. etc.
shop hour at Dundonald Street in Londen to enlighten the Eng. Reilly her august husband, King Albert Hitchins, District Officer. Arima, bridges are undoubtedly too nar: Spain. The direct object was to of Belgium issued on the 13th of on one end, and Mr. Hollman, row. In this connection, it would facilitate as much as possible the Jishman about the British West on a plea of not guilty.
Indies, nobody knows or cares Complainant said on the night November 1919)with the insignia Assistant District Officer. Toco, be well if the old Railway bridges sale to the large population in the anything about Jamaica or any in other island. which are giving way to stronger at provisions.
a large win. was at Dundonald Street in a car beth in recognition of their mlezitine piece of work, and as 11 ones, could be utilized for bridge experiment has, according to rewould you along, SubInspectors Ince torious services rendered during miles are to read compostes bliet is is making on roads.
abundant doing na put with anybody in and Liddlelow and Mr. Rooks, the war. We beg to offer the re expected to make it and it the West Indies who would like His car was on the left side of cipient ladies our hearty congrat drive from the city to Toco di.
Food Depois very likely that the Continue in Port of Spain wall their goods displayed as being the road. Whilst there he saw ulations on the honor which has. rect, by March next year, As a war measure, and in continue activity as a perma produced in the this not car 1126 drive pass about 30 been so deservedly conferred splendid feature is that this order to meet the demand in the ment institution. The figures, as for sale but to show which are miles an hour. He looked up the road is being built to meet pres city, the Government of Triniby the Director of Axis and are not from the various register and saw it belonged to ent day traffic much British colonies.
wider dad about two years ago estab culture. show that tens of thou NEW COMPANY defendant. He wrote him and wote him than existing roads, where the lished a food depot in Port of ands of done in subsequently laid the charge.
During the course of 1919 alone, and that the. been last Governmental Loan Overprofits securing from the va jou driving cars for the past five month there was registered. sk transactions subscribed e new Company entitled The NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET 000. This is one of the discover.
ctions amount to overs years. He thought he was a fair over ies in the economic life of the is.
ein of speed. He would not Mombassa Cooperative Benetit Government invited tenders for ded few weeks ago the Jamaica Juage himself to 30 miles, it was This Companies Company Ltd.
land, and already steps are being launched out with taken to extend business in all a loan of 170, 000 sterling pounds, a little more or less, but certain in a capital of 2, 000 and have The result was that the amount ly less than tive miles either way. its objects the carrying on of ferent directions, so that all the Was secured with a bur plus of Defendant passed within a few business in Trinidad ana Tobago towns may enjoy the benetits of some 2, 000 pounds.
a system whereby the sale or on him for abouť 200 yards. chants, o Launderers, Builders.
and he eye ground provisions is sufficientiv Mr.
Rapsey say he was going at Printers Agriculturists, Drug centralised to meet all classes all Our Bank Developing. 25 miles he would accept that.
oyer the island. gists, Pharmaceutical Chemists, pleaded not Reilly as did not wine and spirit dealers and other guilty WANTS NEW BUILDING.
know what the Police intended interesting lines. Shares are An instance of the push and to say. We were going at 25 sold at the small figure of 50 energy behind the operations of miles and have committed an of cents each and already over tive the re organised Government fence.
thousand shares are bought up, Savings Bank is evidenced in the deace. Therefore beg to with The inaugural meeting was held There is a form of sport indulg.
postal agencies, and saw my first plea and enter at Moulton Hall on Friday night ed in by certain persons in St.
ilie Treasurer informed a Times His Worship. 420 or 30 days last at which Mr. Gibbs R, Anui and plea of guilty Vincent which is fast becoming representative, has hard sette (solicitor) presided and ex less of sport and more of a nuisAux ot been a of deposi. Mr. Reilly: That the maxi the objects of the meet.
ance, and that is the sport of libel at these agencies, now being mum, Sir?
Interesting matters con actions against newspapers in His Worship: The maximum is discussed and at the close of the cerning the organization were that colony. certain section of operated at Balaclava, Porus. 100.
100 the Press there has been harass.
The Bank wants its own build Inspector Fraser informed his meeting many shares were pured and pestered on many occa ing, and we understand there is a Worship that the maximum Was sions We note the plucky fight proposal to build on the site im. 20.
put up by the Press, but the mediately to the North of the Mr. Reilly: It is the first time The Waterloo Campaign.
nuisance of it all is that it is a Bank of Nova Scotia in King St. that defendantThe Corset of the Century. matter of from fight to fight on valued correspondent resid His Worship: First time he is SOLD AT PANAMA BY the siltiest ground of offence.
New Paper Currency.
Wander Defore me. The First of. Ing in the central sugar belt of the island, in the La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, into consideration a number of which he gives his impression of Central Avenue.
says you have to take interesting communication in FITZ BOWEN With reference to the New SOLD AT COLON BY Paper Currency just issued the Mr. Reilly: Well, one of the the district, as compared with Lam Hing Co. Wing Yuan Co. Sang Chong Long THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Times says that 30, 000 5s. notes things is the first offence.
other sugar producing coun Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
will be put into circulation and 82 November Street, San Miguel His LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents Worship: Strictly speaking says inter alia: From what that these will be followed soon House 20 by notes of los. and and a you cannot apply the act. It is bear and see Waterloo is going are blessed HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE denominations. The notes are held in England that the tirst or strong and it fender water, to section has nothing to do with good luck 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
excellent designs and of very are with dog licenses.
carry on in spite of competition estic finish. Through the cour Colon, R, WANTED Panama, R, some cases, said op Mr. Reilly: The basis is that and Box 152. Phone 90 of the Island Treasurer, a is the first offence O, Box 585, Anco 1, position, this factory will, this The public to know that Timesman had the pleasure o!
His year, be first class examining samples of the 5s, and non. worship: That a sine que have reached record. They admit that.
am informed, 10s. notes. On one side, there is Mr. Reilly: Otherwise, see which is the product of Farmers sugar, all of DYEING, CLEANING AND an inscription stating the de no difference between him and a canes.
nomination etc. with the Jamaica man convicted three times.
canes. Aint dat fine But PRESSING His the Farmers are still going is carefully and expeditiously King on the right on the other is a tremendous lot of these to such a hea vxextent that the at the Cornern and ribe picture of the such a tine simply because there strong andere supplying canes fine things going on and people must represent one of the ships in realise they cannot do that.
canes cannet be removed from the landing stations which Columbus sailed on bis You imposed enough to congestion voyage of discovery; on this side that penalty believing the maxi. need not tell you why: The Rail: CENTRAL of the 108. note stands the picture mum was 100.
Cor. 16 St. West, Panama.
blame, for it of a British lion.
Considered the best blood and is said, they do such things and charged with reckless driving, or they say such things. Water As is known, these notes are dangerous driving Call phone 218 issued under authority of Law 27 Nerve tonic in the World His Worship: There is no lim. by the presence of the great loo, is however, greatly favored GREEN and WILSON, of 1914 and Law 17 of 1918.
it of danger. Let us go back to Proprietors.
Herrera sport Rochie Field, in whom Is highly recommended by press and public for Councillor MacMillan mentions everybody, and the farmers par a bus man in Kingston named Herrera case. It is subjudice. ticularly believe in, for his pro Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and Dr. LOWE McCrea who has been at bis job We don know mise to them is always carried general depression of the whole system.
84 years, and has never once until the jury decideung about it We ought out to the letter; and you can L, Edin.
been before the court.
not to consider a case which is means, especially in these cases, well understand what confidence For Both Men and Women.
Mr. Martin Nesay, who is 139 CENTRAL AVENUE His Worship: am not exSole distributors for Central and South America to the hard working man.
PANAMA CITY leaving the island to return to pressing any opinion on it.
Great Britain. was made the re Mr. Reilly: There is nothing. correspondent informs us PANAMA DRUG STORE Office Hours: 30 a. 1 cipient of a souvenir and address of recklessness or dangerous that the building of the road which were presented to him in driving. Your Worship was from Balandra to Toco is being Muller Building p. p.
the course of a very enjoyable under the impression that the pushed with all speed there function at the Royal Jamaica maximum was 100 and fined being a gang of fully 150 men CALIDONIA, Yacht Club last week in the pres him one fifth. Now you see it is and women employed in carry Bor 798 Office 844 ence of about 300 persons. 20. don think you will make ing out the work under Mr.
Anton, Phones: Residence 1002 St Vincent starting Jabor.
e a regular plained tors 108.
of an things countries they are in it is tesy oman making a New Discovery to Mr, Reilly o prevent Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound Anglo American Tailoring He is not way is given all case there suk iudice.


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