
TE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL, 17, 1920, PAGE THER ses:85 90 Ciscoso sexoxes Cisco 8:30:9 Bahamas Wonderful Financial Leap Fro. 74, 00) to More Than 200, 000 KING BEE Th. Bahamas are living a wonderul burst of tinnial prosperity. It was estimated that the yar which ends March 31st, would have a revenue of 174, 471, and after an expenditure of (105, 276 There was to be detieit of 630, 000 But by November the reenue wis already 157. 31 By the of January it was about 145, 10. It was estimated that at th. of March. the expenditure will be about end of CIGARETTES 605616 DID YOU EVER Stand near a chap while he smoked a KING BEE?
They are Best Always BoxOS the sose Sesso Sesso: sex sesso so so sesso sesso Sessescorso This is a vice is oing in part to increased export of pro.
ductions, to a burist trade but also tra large extent to the Puct that enormous quantities of quor have been taken to the Bin Am is now that the Uited States its prohibition. The auty of this has wollen the revenue. There stali 100. 000 duty to be collect id on the supplies held in storage The colony exported a uraini ini lion and a half weight of sponge worth about 1140, 00 and there ar: hundreds of miles of ideal sponging ground still to be Bahama has not only a Board of Agriculture, but a De.
a velopment Buari In its proof legislation the Gov.
vo erument mentions reducing the Art on cess of life.
and broadening the basis of txt tion. The establishment of tanical garden, of electric power, ice making and storige are other proposals. Better einmunication with the United States so as to help the tourists trades. ind a kibus of the improving their agriculture, and helping the market their products is action is one means of stei. in the migti.
tion of labourers, th cultivation of sisal is vocated, the founding of Babin Sholar ship. There is a bill to plech Volunteer Force West Indians Did it ING BE!
SO1800MOCI SONO NORTH CENTRA Extra Mild GARETTES Sold Everywhere, WHY? West The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice latter Sir. beg a small space in your valuable paper to publish the following. On Thursday the 1st. inst. in the Balbon white quarters, Canal Zone, a piano was to be removed from one of the buildings, that is to say from the 2nd floor to the basement. fore.
man with a kang of about eight men in number (not West Indians)
was sent to do the job by the Quartermaster Deva Department and after nearly an hour hard work the result was the piano was abandoned and padal broken by the men. After the departure of the boss, the the cartmana Indian, with two In hans at one tused on to the piano like a pack of wild wolyes and in five seconds piano, men, etc were safely down to the satSexos SOS SEXOS SEXOS SE SOX60XSCOXossos 00 isfaction of the household. Thus coxokoa it is proven that the negro brain is equal to any if it does not excel wany. All he needs is Sec. The Executive Secretary of eral or special rules and regulations, imEXECUTIVE The Panama Canal may authorize the pose such other conditions in respect to this ordor, who carries on or about his the courts shall adjudge the seizure and ability Sec. Any one not authorized by prescribed for a violation of this order, a chance to demonstrate his ORDER. Krunting for permits to have and carry ble interesante be may deem necessary in person any of the prohibited arms men confiscatisn of the arms unlawfully, had, EYE WITNESS.
arms, as follows: the interests of public order, and to pre tioned in Section of this order, or who used, or carried by the offending party, To hunt upon the publie lands of vont injury to persons or property, hunts or engaguis in hunting without first and the same shall be disposed of in such BIGGEST BIBLE. permit granted under this section obtaining the permit provided for in this manner as the Executive Secretary of Carryi ig and keeping of the Canal Zone or upon lands occapied by What is said to be the largest Bible in private person, when authorized by the thull run for the fiscal year in which it order, or who after obtaining the permit The Panama Canal shall determine.
is issued, and it may be revoked at any engages in hunting in violation of the the world is being written by Briton To have arms in residences, of time for en use by the Executive Secreta provisions of this order or any rule or reg. of this order shall be in addition to such who are participating in the work ore Sec. Penalties for the infringement leading men and women. Arnong those By virtue of the authority vested in fices, business places, and plantations, ry of The Panama Canal. ulation established by the Governor here. punishment as may be imposed upon the King George, Queen Mary, the Prince me by Section of the Act of Congress, and to watchmen or overseers of planta.
authorizing the President to make rules tions, inctories, warehouses, docks, or authority of Sow, to have hodu se diredams exceeding twenty five dollars or by im that he may have committed in connee book will contain the complete text of Ser. Permits heretofore issurd hv under, shall be punished by fine not offending person for any other offense Wales, and the cabinet ministers. The per in the Canal Zone, approved August 21, be wide to che Executive secretary shill not be affeted by this order, but prisonment in jail not to exceed thirty tion with the carrying or using of arms in the authorized version, fron Genesis to Applications permits 1916, hereby establish the following or of The Panama Canal, and shall co tu su va permuts shall continue in force unti days, or by boh such fine and imprison violation of this order.
Revelation, and there is is space in it for ders for the Canal Zone the full name, sidence and occupation they were issued Soc. The Executive Order of 12, 000 hand written tich the expiration the period or which ment, in the couri discretion.
contributions. It See. It shall be unlawful for anyone of the applican, and if the applicant is In addition to the punishme it herein vember 7, 1913, and all other laws, orders will be five feet two inches high, and and regulation or parts thereof in con three feet six inches wide. Twelve large to carry on or about his puts in any fire shall not be granted without flict with this order are hereby repealed, arm or any dirk, duger or other kutte, the consent of his parent or guardian Sec. This Order shall take effect which is done in rellevant morue goat skins were required for the binding!
or sold for the purpose of but to permit shl be granted to a minor manufactured or thirty days from and after this date.
offense or desense, or any slung shot, under 15 years of age.
leather. This huge book will be exhibited sword cane, or knuckles made of metal The Executive Secretary shill satisfy WOODROW WILSON in various places, the idea being to other bord substanae himself by due inquiry that the appliThe White House, attract support to the Bible crusade in Sec. The proceeding section shall cant is a proper preson to have a permit March 6, 1920.
not apply to a person engaged in the to keep and carry arms; and he may (BRANDON BANK)
ANGER POISON SMALL BLESSINGS nilitary or naval. cervce of the Unitd States, or as a peace officer authorized to grant or deny the application, as to bitaw may seem proper Remember to be thankful for your execute judicial process of the United SECURITY Biologists have proved by laboratory God for them. You will soon find that States or the Canal Zone, or Sec. When an applicntion is grant small blessings. Count them; praise or in carrying SERVICE tests that anger is a poisoninh mail or in the collection or custody of ed by the Executive Secretary for a per funds of the United States or the Canal mit to hunt, he shall endorse his approblood; that a person who loses his tem supply of good things is steadily increasyou have many good things and that your Zone, nor to a member of a guir pistol val thereon and file the application, and per is actually self poisoned. Take a ing.
Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon he shall cause a permit to be issued to club organized for the promotion of tar the applicant upon his paying a fee of If you gruntle and forget to few drops of blood from a man in a violent rage, they tell us, drop them on the count your blessings you will gradually get practice, a certified copy of the con Our large Resources and well known tongue of a guinea pig, and they probalose them stitution and bye laws of which have one dollar.
been approved by the Executive Secre Hunting permis issued by virtue of bly will make the little beast sick. conservative Management afford un Boston Globe.
tary of the Panama Canal and filed with this order will allow the holder thereof to the Chief of the Police and Fre Division, have, carry, and use firearms in the area questioned security for every dollar ITEMS OF INTEREST.
when such member is going to or from a or areas prescribed by the Governor of deposited with this bank.
Tailor and Outfitter target range or is engaged in practice at The Panama Caual, and on the condithe target range. For the purpose of this tions imposed by him under such genSleeping Sickness Germ Isolated order; a certificate of membership in the eral or rules regulations as Dealer in School Books, And to time gun or pistol olub shall be issued by the he may issue from Bologne, Italy, March 8th. Another and Stationery.
organization and approved by the Chief the. Governor is hereby empowered to of the Police and Fire Division, which designate the area or areas of the Canal Transacted of mankind disease enemies has surren dered to science. Professor Maggiori o sh Il en title the holder to carry firearms Zone in which hunting is permitted, and as is provided in this section.
the class of the Institute of Hygiene bere, has isolat No. 11 Street, Panama of arms that may be u in used ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON ed the germ of sleeping sickness and is Neither shall the preceding section ap hunting in such areas; and no hunting chains from Central Ave.
busy preparing serun to combat the ply to any person authorized to bave or shall be allowed outside of the areas 30 President.
Vice President.
Treasurer And the Governor malady. The sleeping sickness germ was estry arms by permit granted wider the designated by him.
one of the most elusive in the history of Address: terms of this order of The Panama Canal may, in such genbacteriology Box 895, Ancon, c, tan thor Panama Banking Company a Wm. Lawrence time General Banking Business


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