
TAON YOU TME ORKHA AYURDAY, MRI, 17. 1920, Canal Zoe Bo STAG BLUE MOTTLED SOAP Best on the Market. For Sale Everywhere LARGE BARS.
There are Second. Hand Furniture Bought and Sold Mattresses Springs development Com Porto system range himseld man elects to ar.
limes us THE WORKMAN Ask For GATUN meeting of the and will be held on BanPablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies day the 13th inst, Members WALAOND, at the office Central avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters Due and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited should keep find the nearsai de ty of keeping up their dues. ReAll copy for publication must be Box 74. Panama member the Grand Consoption written on one sido of paper only, and in August for the purpose of RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the same of MADE IN ENGLAND electing His Supreme Highness One Year 62. 40 the writer, not necessarily for publicathe Grand Pritet Sadur tion but as a mark of good faith.
Six Months 30 subscriptith the local undertake. return do to Three we body.
One 21 rejected correspondence Same as Used all over The The Shock Condor Skipper Earle is busy practising The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS WEST INDIAN ISLANDS.
willing tal on any of the top of te holl.
SATURDAY, APRIL, 17, 1920 tore.
Cricketers on the facilie end, sit up and take to!
Business Men of Panama We should like the Clubhouse and Colon, Wake Up!
to open its box quite a few books which the rend ing public would be tudobava We wonder if the merchants and other business men in and if a stock of first class nuvels and technical and his birical works the cities of Panama and Colon are getting alive to the se.
could be got, the public would be rious situation being created by the large number of West largely benetitted. Dances and Indians leaving the Isthmus! We wonder if these men are movies are again in evidense, and closing their eyes to the fact that a large bulk of the devotees will agulo bave their finn spending community are drifting to other fields, and that consequently there must be a great falling off in the reveThe Samaritans and shr nues of every section of business in both these cities!
herde have moved back into oo It is an undisputed fact that West Indians on the lon. Oues ben, ice sty Isthmus contribute no small quota to the coffers of local The clock and scores of chairs business. They constitute the backbone and sinew of the have been removed surreptiousspending community in the two terminal cities, and with ly from the Lodge Hall. It is re their ranks being gradually depleted, there is bound to be ported that one kind friend whose resting place is reaction somewhere in business circles.
near to the school has added right items to his In a previous issue of this paper we called the attenBEST PRICES household lock. Poor follow tion of th local authorities to the knotty problem created perhape his family is large!
try the large number of unemployed men and women in Meanwhile the chick is licking Given for all kinds of Second hand Furniture the cities of Panama and Colon and suggested that some bours away, somewhere!
tangible action be taken to settle the problem. As no When a while enemy makes an thing has been attempted, and as there is no visible source attempt, corers or overt to place for the employment of labor outside the Panama Canal. jam in the tide of our racial from which the large majority of the prezent unemployed of all kinds made to order can excuse hin.
have been let out, the men see no other recourse but to it is bus natural, being the expiring effort ofan eflete seek other fields and pastures new where the grass being moth eaten and full of holes but greener and the water more palatable, there will be much when a colored better feeding.
Call and see me first, 107 Central Ave. or write Box 333, Ancon against his own class and race tries to help the It had been thought that business men and houseowners of the two cities, realizing the serious situation JOHN HART other fellow to the detrimenti a good good and noble cause, then it would have got together and devised ways and means for gets iny goat it offering favorable in lucements to keep the working people feel hot under the makes one collar, here. propos of these remarks, there is a gentleman of this section Panama possesses all the natural resources required for The Silver City Band popularly knowu by a name some developing great industrial enterprises; her virgin soil conused to characterize Lloadtains all the possibilities for modern agriculture. There The Silver City Band of La who has seen it to array himself are numerous business men here who have the money.
Boca has been practising very against the Universal There is therefore no excuse to be advanced for not estab Name to Depend On hard during the past two provement Association, denon months; and intends springing a nating it with a delightful and lishing centres of industry which would afford substantial surprise upon our friends at charming ignorance (which to employment for the large majority if not the entire numGatun and Cristobal Y, as soon him, is bliss) as a scure and a bers of the unemployed in the two terminal cities.
as they can get an available Sat delusion.
It is high time for our local moneyed men to pull urday night. It can now boast of themselves out of the state of apathy into which they are being in possessian of the lat Suffering as he does, from a est marches, rags, of the at Jistrusineas of metal van reposing through contentment with their share of this jazz, etc. The entire personnel ty, sympathize with him. con.
life goods, and unearth the talent that lies hidden MASON TIRES of the band remains the same, soling myself with the thought away and put it into circulation, this will doubtless be of and is not moures that it is a waste of time to look as rumeurs general benefit, as it will afford work to a large majority are guaranteed perfect tires have it. All information as to for sugar in a coal coal sack, or for during their entire life, with of the unemployed while at the same time the money so the working, etc. of the band, sense in fool. IC no limitation placed on the can be had from Mr. Edmund laid out will surely bring profit to the investor in question is honest in his con time or length of service Squires, president and bandmas victions, if he is and un ter, who is only too willing to im afraid, then we invite during whieh MASON respart any information to those constitute constituted Solon, to to coine to the The Awful Lack of ponsibility remains in effect. who wish to be in the know. will be gold the Association which maximum mileage from held on Public Spirit Among Us MASON TIRES, which at 30 in. and we will allow Notice nim to discuss the question open means from 10, 000 to 20, ly with a representative of the 000 miles, is yours with a Qualified members of the Association.
There is evident in this community a stagnation of little attention.
Victor Collins Locige No 2503 SFinally in spite of enemies with effort which is alarming. It seems as if nobody wants to and in, an. without move. Everyone is electing to mark time and the sign are asked to attend a meet Long live Marcus Garvey!
of impotency, of helplessness, of supineness, is killing coming, to be held at their Mr. Johnson, familarly mercial life as surely as vegetation dies under the shadow usual place of meeting, to vices of the M on Wednes.
know a Roxroy, quit the ser.
of the Upas tree.
WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. morrow morning (Sunday) day afternoon Working faithThere seems to be no resiliency in the spirit of the PANAMA, masses, that ability to spring back on fundamental prinat a.
ciples, tbet quality of bending but not breaking. At Distributors.
The Secretary master, ultimate reward for canine devotion was the present time it seems hard to interest the community BRITISH CONSULATE a job shaking outcome cement sacks.
in anything that tends towards racial solidarity.
NOTICE This anti climax outraged his It is peculiar in this direction, that although we copy make a horse laugh and bis antics would put a third rate feelings, and he doſled his hat (or with amazing facility, the exterior trappings of our white monkey to shame. It brings to mind the poet lines: cap) to an ungrateful muster, Overlords. we swear like him, we ape his tricks of speech, Man, little man, dressed in a moment brief authority The British Consul at Co Perhaps our friend will console we adopt his immoral code, we imitate his dress yet we Plays such prantics before high heaven as make the angels weep. any information regarding lon would be glad to receive himself with Shakespeare lines!
have failed to sense his clannishness. In old plantation They speak of we are going to do this, we are going one CALEB ALEXANDER Thou art not so unkind as man ingratie Blow, blow thou winter wind, days the toiling slaves expressed their hopes, their woes, to do that, they make frantic attempts at many things and BRUCE, a former soldier of their aspirations, in the plaintive folk song: Schooled in accomplish nothing. It reminds one of the three Grub the British West Indies Regi. Thy tooth is not so keen, because thou adversity there was engendered a brotherhood bred of Street tailors (now, mark, Grub Street is the poorest street ment.
are not greu.
oppression. There was a looking forward to a better day. in London) who sent a petition to Parliament and began it Although thy brosth be rada.
The philosophy of to day is sufficient unto the day this way. We the people of England.
is the evil thereof expressed in Shakespeare lines It is high time for us to quit fooling, close our ranks, NOTICE Tis better to endure the ills we know of arise to race consciousness, and do something of which we ORDER OF DRUIDS.
Than fly to those we know not.
will be proud and not ashamed, and for which our future To West Indians Leaving This is not the spirit that led Columbus across the generation will thank us.
the Isthmus The Half Yearly Meeting ocean blue. This is not the spirit that led Toussaint You teachers who are supposed to be moulders of of the District Management Overture to humble the best and proudest nations of Eu the race that is to take up the threads of the probFor the advice and convent Committee, will be held on rope. This is not the spirit of Marcus Garvey, the Negro lems of to day; come out of clover and make your in. ence of the West Indian Colony Saturday, the 17th, April at Moses.
fluence felt, as leaders in social uplift. Blaze a trail on the Isthmus, we who hold pretensions to culture are awfully lacking in pub ters: This is the way, walk ye in it. Teach them to ap readers that Mr. Williams Strange to say, in this community, most of our men for the path of progress and say to our sons and daugh form our numerous patrono In the Druids Lodge Hall 20 and Street Central.
the own originality, personality, or something else which can them a destiny in Ethiopia, the Land of their Fathers. tent, person to verify passport conferring of the hardly be defined. They will neither lead nor be led, and The Yankee swaggers whistle and sing of the lights to travel abroad by His Excel Degree, Delegates are reapplications for these desiring sink their own manhood, as a rule, in a cringing, servile of Broadway the Englishman proudly speaks of the lency, The British Minister quested to be present at obsequiousness to others who invariably have no more Strand and the Irishman of Dublin fair city, but we to Panama brains than a jack rabbit.
Afric sons and daughters hang our harps on the willows desires it to be known that sharp.
To watch this species of the genus homo in our com and think of the Land of our Fathers, for our hope is Place, Mulleru Buliding, Cali good standing are cordially at Hunte All the s, in munity is both amusing and pathetic. His capers would crushed and our after fate untold, donla Road, invited.
Negru MASON changed If the gentleman brave Self this his or throughout the strietor tude.


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