
zeal anded by you with the same Once We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown 90 much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
from church American Bazaar Revd. Parker Is Given only but natural and necan Affectionate Farewell essary that you should return to your native land where climatic Rev. Fred Parker, for the and other influences are more Wesleyan Church. Colon. who enjy a well merited rest.
pust seven years pastor of the congenital and helpful and thus le on Thursday last, the 15th.
inst for Liverpool by the on the Isthuinus has taxed her Mrs. Parher long of Was givna sledic health considerably and both to send oli by the members of his herself and the youngsters will congregation on Monday night a change work incalculable goud.
the 1211, inst.
especally the young of this The platform was occupied by Congregation, will miss and al Messrs. Lawrence, Find ways remember her in our pray lay, and Jan Wilson, Tom inent officers, and Revis. We will for the present be left Eveis Parker without a Pastor but we are sure purse accompanied by the that your prayers will always be fulluwing address was presented that God in His wise disposition the de artig minister, to or things will in due time send us wnich a bilink reply (also re one worthy and capable of taking produced below) was given. up and conducting the work left Oolon, earnestness you have de April 12, 1920. monstrated.
Rev. PARKER, Concluding. Sir, we ask you to accept Present this purse as a mark of our appreciation and esteem.
Reverend and Dear Sir. Rep. Its intrinsic value may be small, resenting the congregation and but sincere and earnest are the well wishers of this church, a feelinge which have prompted duty heavily mixed with regret, the giving.
but not untipged with pleasure, more, Bir, we say man brings us here this evening. We well we commend yourell and far come Sir, to officially bid you mily to the watchful care of our hrewell from this town and Heavenly Father and wish you from your labore 26 Pastor abundant success for the future.
Anong us We are, Reverend and Dear Sir, Aller a period of seven years, Yours sincerely during which time you have ren. LAWRENCE, JAS.
dered faith? ul service as our spir.
WILLIAR itual leader, you are now about SON, and others.
10 leave us. We therefore feel Rev. Parker reply.
that not merely are we bound bz. To the officers and members of long accustomed usage, but er it is our duty to tender you The Colon Wesleyan Methothis address on behalf of the dist Church: and congregation, thus Dear Brethren and Friends: giving permanent expression of feel that am far from deserving our appreciation and esteem for of all the kind things you have the work and service you have said of me in the address which rendered during the period un you have just presented. It is, der review.
however, exceedingly gratifying Seven years is a fairly long pe expression of your appreciation to have received this encouraging PANAMA for people to work together of such services, as, by the grace riod for a common cause; at least it is of God, have been able to render sufficiently long to per mit concerned to have a fair idea of as your minister during the past the sincerity aspirations of As a you, carry with me each other. During this period, leave one eller makes true friends or many happy memories of the succeeds in knowing those from in this church, and will not years of my association with you whom no no sympathy for bis or her easily forget the many acts and aspirations may be expected.
Our presence bere this even have enjoyed at your hands words of kindness and love ing Sir, is eloquent testimony to the fact that you have made your necessary for me to leave you. genuinely regr hat it is self a friend to us and that you and, particulary because the work our sympathy for the con: lay down is not being taken up tnued curts you to the improvement and better by an immediate success SUCCussor. My NILE QUEEN nt of this Chu ch and its con work amoungst fou has bien or The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Herein then applies growing interest to me.
our prelimitary remark that we earnestly pray that the blessHAIR GROWER AND BEAUTIFIER CREAM HALMA here to perform a duty beaving of God our Father may rest by nixed with upon you as a congregation and The to a past, you will strive after the wid regret trust that in the future. as in the friend is always accompanied truth which makes us free.
with feelings of mutual regret. Mrs Parker joins me very cortried nearly everything to clear my complexlou of pimples, liver spots sod black Kashmir Nile Queen. Now my Bio.
And more so, do those feelings dially in these words of apprecia smooth and lovely as can be and my hair bas grow so long and glosay, my friends permeate the occasion, when it is tion and good will. BALTIE RED between rector and congrega tion. There is a hope, however. Sgd. FRED PARKER.
SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS that after a good rest, which you Box 736. Cristobal. cz so much need and merit, you Dock Cases to be tried on may return to resume the duties Monday which you have hitherto so effi performed. There are The now famous Dock cases, us in testir present who can join which were heard in the magis. THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE to the good work trate court at Cristobal last done by you and who also share November before Judge Thomp167 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
in the general feelings of regret son and held for the district court at your departure. We venture will be tried by Judge Hanan.
to suggest, Sir, that the the regret The court opens its sessions at we kelin having to give utter. Cristobal on Monday and it is Call and Inspect our Stock of Musical Albums, ance to the word, is experienced said that the trials are to be by baie moliena no less deeree jim bav, jury if the accused so desire. Wrist Watches, Radiolite Watches, Tie ins, ing to bear are leaving Old Timer Leaves for the behind unfinished efforts your Canal Stones, Birth Stones, etc. etc.
His States You made plans for the building of a new church and we knew Mr. Aubrey Edwards, a pioner you had a keen and earnest of the timekeeping department of EXPERT REPAIRING DONE desire to see it completed. You the Panama Canal, was among have tried hard but lack of funds the passengers who left for New has been the primary obstacle York on Friday, the 9th inst. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS nes by the Allianca.
the present. You bave Mr. Edwards has spent quite Made to Order however done the principal a long time on the Isthmus, hav.
ing; you have planted the seed seed ing been here for the last seven JAMES WILLIAMSON, Proprietor.
And if dit be a good seed, then teen years.
later it must produce He was employed by the Time BOX 752, CRISTOBAL, the results desired in its plant keeping bureau for a period of ing. We fully appreciate that ten years, during which time he may be feelings of disap gave entire satisfaction to those ment in your breast be above him, and was because of cause you have not seen your his quiet and unobtrusive man.
STERLING hopes materialize during your ner much beloved by all. He Bojourn here, but we hope that has left his wife and four childFEMALE TONIC in the years that are before you, ren who, it is expected, will although you may be in other him sometime in the near future.
lands you will hear of a glorious We take much pleasure in joinharvest, fruit bearing one hur. ing with the community to wish Tonic and Alterative dred fold, yea a thousand fold, Mr. Edwards every possible sue and traceable to the efforts you cess.
made when you labored SO zealSterling Female Tonic contains in palatable and ously amongst us. That to Paul Mystic Star Lodge Elects acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, it was only given to plant. Officers Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, 10 Appollos to watering of whilst on etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re.
it devolved the The Mystic Star Lodge No. sults may be anticipated.
assure you that you have per sence of a large gathering at the formed the duty which provi Flower of the Isthmus Lodge The Sterling Laboratory, dence allotted you.
Hall, 6th Street and Broadway, You have been in the tropics on Friday night, the 9th inst.
Los Angeles, for close upon ten years and it is nominated and elected the fol thrilling experiences they had, and will not hesitate to have these experiences repeated.
To Aid Salvation Army. pleasant Sunday afternoon is planned to take place in the Colon Wesleyan Church tomorrow un der the auspicies of the choir be ginning at p. in in aid of the Salvation Army selt denial. fine musical program is being got up for the occasion, and an enjoyable evening is in store for all.
This function should have taken place some weeks ago, but had to be postponed on account of the sanitary restrictions. The fee of admission, we understand, is the noininal sum of 100 USC The chair will be occupied by Mr. Lawrence.
Rumour Without Foundation rumour has been current for the past few days, that all wont Indians in Cuba will be called up on to leave that country not later than October of the present year: butas far as can be gathered various sources, this rumour ap pears to be without foundation Recent arrivals from Caba he many of whom expect to retara in a short tima express mueh surprise at the news, emphati ally denying it while they claim that that country was never more bright and promising than at the present time.
Persona residing in this sity receive scores of mails from their friends and relatives by erery steamer, in viding them to come as there is much money to be earned Gets Appointment.
The many friends and acquain tances of Teacher Smellie, late of Gatun will be pleased to COLON learn that he has secured a appointment at the St. Josephe school14th street Mr. Smellie has bern for many years a Canal Zone school master, but happened to be one of the unfortunates who suffered by the recent strike. He was also a government schcol master in his island home of Jamaica for many years, dur ing which time he wielded much influence, and was considered to be in the front rank of the pro fession lowing persons as officers for The opinion is expressed in the ensuing term: many quarters that the com Robotham, Commander; munity is fortunate in securing Philpotts, Vice Smith, the services of such an eflicte.
scribe; Ash, accountanti school master. Newton, treasurer; Crooks, marshall. Lloyd, cha every success in his new sphere We join in wishing Mr. Smellie plain; Wood, 8; Glover, of labour. to Ford, Miss Hanson, Lodge Hall Dedicated Initiation Ceremony On Sunday 11th, of April the Loyal Shamrock Lodge No; 14 The Unity Lodge No. 3, FS, dedicated their new in the presence of Lodge Hall situated between 8th two hundred brethren initiated and 9th Sts. Hudson Lane.
the mysteperformed ries of the order on Saturday Bro. 11. Rye, and his night last, the 10th inst. Deputy Bro. Daniel, PI. The ceremony was performed Bro.
Bro. Jos. Hamlet, presided as by Mr. Applewhaite, Chairman fine choir renassisted by Mr. Walter Wara; dered lovely music.
while Mr. Best, a visit. They were also representatives ing brother of the Flowers of the from the following lodges Flower Isthmus Lodge No. 1, presided of the Isthmus Unity, St. Berat the organ.
nard, Loyal Progress, At the close of the ceremo ıy, Royal Doric, M. Court the brethren betook themselves Brock AO St. Joseph to the banqueting hall, and there and of S: Rose of the Nile sumptuous repast. and the represeаtative Instructive speeches were deliv. of the Friendly Societies amal Roberts, gamation.
Best, and Turner, one of the newly made brethren. Mr. BEAUTY HINT Best, in the course of his address, impressed on the new brethren. that if they would be Rub Nile Queen Cream worthy mechanics, they must be Balm into the skin, then apply good Christians. These remarks Nile Queen liquid face Powder.
were very thankfully received Charming and Lasting Effect: by all.
The pleasant function was MANUFACTURED brought to a close at about 30 BY KASHMIR. For The entire evening was per: Sale Everywhere.
vaded by a spirit of order and quietness.
Watch Our AtlanComing Variety Entertaintic Page Grow.
ment Send Your News To The The St. Joseph Junior Dramatic Company is expecting to WORKMAN.
figure bighly in a grand variety entertainment to take place at the Advertise in the Workman St. Joseph May, in aid of the Al Hall on Wednesday the 12th of tar Guild Society. splendid IT PAYS.
program is being prepared for Seo our Colon News and Adverthe occasion, while the Company tising Representative at the is practising in a way that be Canal Jewelry Store, speaks a time of thrilling enjos. WILLIAMS, 167 BOLIVAR ment.
Those who were fortunate STREET enough to hear the St. Joseph on Mondays, Wednesdays and Juniors in the entertainment which took place in October of Thursdays, between the Hours last year. have not forgotten the of and p.
have our su jou have gation WHITENER AND CLEANSER BLEACH ROUGE.
DANDRUF REMEDY Springfield, tu Kashmir Chemical Co.
Chicago, Gentlemen. Nie Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin. heads without Nuvens, until found adre wish all our women would try Nie Queen Very truly Yours. 198 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon ciently cnjoyed a ered by Messrs. to the realization of of your wishes to soner or there may pointment.
on Gode beigume en thee 11,


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