p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1920 PACIFIC THEATRE BO SOS white The Grey Ghost The Lion Claws fy; and never To day, Like Yesterday, The Price of a Gas has not Changed.
Is it the Same with Other Fuels?
finitas TO bilt on Then Cook With Gas And Save Money. stelling because YOUR Dillle Sunday Cricket.
Sosec Encouragement OPPORTUNITY Yorkshire Crushed NEGRO FELL WMEN: Oppmunity at some time koneks at by Surrey As am privileged to be among the door of every one, and those who you again feel it my bouudenezbret bir chances are alwys most st Sunday, quite a Irige crowd Saturday, Sunday and Monday duty to say something in till in complime of bond luck und Beginning Tuesday, 20th inst. way of encouragement and war fortune when they olarve the rue gathered on the sandard Oval, to watch 17th, 18th and 19th inst, ing to you. Just a few days of others which the cult hove the match between Surrey and York.
you had a wonderful experience indelund thy net alued their ahire. Quite a lot bad been said during as to who are your true friend ch weet slip by.
the week concerning this match, and the and who are your enemies; and fans were eager to see the outcome. hope you have profited by that To the people of the Republie of Pa Yorkabire won the tose and selected to Last Episodes of The Great Universal Serial experience.
ning and the Cnal Zone OPPORTU.
but on a wicket that seemed perfeet, hut, Just a few months ago two NITY w koeking at their dwar stronge to say, they just crumbled before men came to the Istbmos to rid them of a life long row und the bowling of Thomsa and Black with the ultimate purpose of gik premture Death, which are the one mm. The entire Yorkshire tean fell for ting the Negros together for quences of long standing Kidmy aud 41, and if the fielding of Surrey was up Featuring the world famed actor their mutual ben fit they said, Bladder roubles, which can write the to the standard, we doubt whether York and we, longing for deliverance and by any of the following sy np.
shire could have made 25, Blackman EDDIE POLO from the condage and oppression toms towany way excellent; he captrred five of our American busses for whoin Lame back, burning senseof Yorkshire wickets for runs, Only we worked, threw in our lot thon certain parts of the body, two men on Yorkshire side reachd wholesale with their Union.
duuble figurrs, Brathwaite who As an individual, never had dizziness, headache, rheumadropped five times made 19 not out, any faith whatever in them as tism, swollen feet and Joints, and Smith 11 the officers at this end can certi scanty and discolored urine To the 44 runs made by Yorkshire, that is is the freason why with sediments, inflamation of Hurrey replied with 101 runs for mentioned the Union in wickes Even when Yorkshire had fallen all wy writings But when saw bladder, puffiness of flesh, etc. for 49, they beated that the runs were the inembers of my race, the god. and said Surrey could not make race that love so much, joining Mr. With of Et god was them. But this board, like the ot bera the Brotherhood in such numbers 76 yosra ohit won the King of all wema bry bad made during the week, was and being further told that unless wednes esired iron 14 scattared to the winds. Surrey estab.
a white man was at the head we bladder, and gave Surgeons and Phun. lished a ree by passing the score with could not get the Negroes to CHR surprise at mein DeWitt out the loss of wicke. Moore and John gether, became somewhat in Pulls do what they would not.
were the first pair, nd they put fifty on capacitated to resist the great Sold in two at all tirst place the tins before Moore was nicely stump temptation and therefore threw ed. In thie match, two very untoward in my lot with my race with this Drug Store Brware final decision If they suffer in so doilers are handing out incidents occurred. First, John Goddard, EC Witt who came to bat, second wicket down.
this bull attempt to free them.
Co Id. Landon, attempted to hit Thomas, but tkied the selves from econote slavery, hottle with BLUE SEAL City Phara hali tumid wicket.
This let me suffer with them.
wry printed on whippers. THE CITY Blackin goi under it, but before he tirst night ske at the PLARMACY. 15 Central Aven could take it. Goddard left his grou d, Cristobal Silver Clubhouse said exclusively gentstoe Republied ranto Blackman, ane using the handle NO.
in the presence of the two white the Cost Zona on Blacko who plexus, ten; am not joining this Union because believed me to our maqor will be next tlender; and after which trosed him to the round. Thomas webriptly appealed to the umpire, and love that caused these mento kly gave the batsman out cone down here, but symboliz ferred to Monrovia, Liberia.
tu obstructing the field The second was eu them to the piano; for inter to send your dailis HALA Surrey the century, York inuch as one inay be able to play the Convention for it will 10 bire walked off the field without some a simple tune on the white keys your individual and neil benutit.
the who was at the alone, he is compelled to use Do not be wesry in well Join wicket then thiet il ey were done, the black keys if he wishes to Bay shares in the Black Si For Yorkshire Brithwaite de 19 advance to a higher stage in the Line Stram hip Corp. so that iv.
may tinally free ourselves Dot out, and musicai at 11. For Surrey0. Moure made 33, Deusa THE Now, there are in any who have the bonds of Economie slag. t, and John 20. Blackman was Usi anti opression: Webtu become AT discouraged Panama Gas Co.
Colon Gas Co.
he bowling hero of the day, as he capthey did not get their server main as ever, tured wickets for putas cents raise. but permit me to Yours for Noun Press Chorrillo defeats Vincentian.
state right here, you have won CATHEDRAL PLAZI 93 BOLIVAR ST. much more than a seven cents EDUARDO MORALES)
borrillo C. seems to have got into raise. You have won facial res General Ordizer UN their stride at laet, for Sunday last, they Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364.
pect. You have won a moral Colon April 13, 1920, castly defeated the Vinetian Cathe The strike has enabled Isthmian atk. Yinentian es!
us to prove to the white race NOTICE TO ALL WON their opening tateles, but on si OUR SUPERIOR CIVILIZA tast they fell before Chorrillo for runs TION; because, there has never It has been brought to my nos The deadly bowling of 11 WAS been a strike among the whites tice that there are individuals Toesponsible for this. Chorrillo replied to idea if the winners of both games on Considering the eas with which the game. Fuller of Rangers did not play the prominent part. Universal Improvement Associawhere murder and meendiaris who are using the name of Tie this with 97 runs for wickets. Geo. the 30th would arrange to mention the cable made their tirst goal, it was also showed some class.
Thro are many wbo believe tion and the Black Star Live as Williams proved the harting hero carry 31st and play off a championship game To norrow Game ng bis bat out for 55. The only be instead of the leanas playing two day thought they would have had tiat the Union Jid no good what a means of self as grandinement matches, starting at llam on both ever for us; such a belief is er and galt.
AD on the Vincentian side to reach days would give ample time for the wa kover. The Ringerstrici hard to make a goal, but thanks to the Rangers vs. Standard at Isthi roneous, because it has done just. B: Lefore clearly unde double e figures was Dasent, who made 23 vues to be played out As Captain Holder claims that his goal keeper of the Cable an mian Park.
what expected it would have stood, that any person or persos of 51 thunde tean is going to put it all over on the whenever Rangers sent al Thi should prove a very interdone and nothing Tor Chomilo, Willis Sussexmight well arrange. re.
Who are found guilty of coile mut, Callender sind alle yne 19. 3w with Manager Harrison us to condi near the come it was met nyesting game, as Rangers are de Pit Chrillu, lilitekwi hetstions, ce for this suggestei chan the oal keeper of the lettine to fast going 1st. It was the means of the money or using the nana tas ingether.
e Association or the Black Star pionship same.
with contidence and tricksu ir Caisy Ketting us together, wne without permission from or 15 runs into the outti. Id. Taylor of Cave Standard and so bring them to it nabled us to put away into the Ener acers of the Games for To morrow crushing defeat was adminis. proved himself a past master of their level.
la ity. Provincialism and Seitis duly chartered Locals of said AsSandard vs. Chorrillo at Standard tered to the Excelsior on Sun.
ness to a great extent Sciation or truin wie uury ap3rd and Oval.
day last, the 11th inst at the a never be and fically, it has taught us pointed Agents of the Black Star Demerara vs. Vincentian at Bisnope Camp Bierd oval by Melbourne Hollow in the presence of a large that is, we should never cording to Law.
Red Tank vs Yorkshire at Red Tank. gathering of spectators.
again put our trust and confi EDUARDO MORALES.
Jamaica vs Britannic at Isthmian Park Captain Pearson of the Exceldence in any movement that is headed General Organiver IA: Umpires.
sior won the toss and elected to by a white man; be it bat, while the ball was entrusted Salvations. Red Cross, or her for it h: Coulthrust and Roberts at Standard to Carter and Harding who asThe Isthmian League Britthat ish West Indians.
sisted by and Seales sucFord and Skinner at Bishop Hollow. ceeded in getting them out for been proven al bly, in finan.
Brewster and Weekes at Red Tank the small total of 77.
cial difficulty there was no The general monthly mee!
Ward and Hall at Isthmian Park After the usual interval, the Mel Union, Red Cross or charol that ing of the League will be bourne went to bat, and after came to our assistance, the only convened at the Wesleyan FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE financial aid we received was School room tonight, begin Demerara Selection for To considerably harrassing their opponents, were got out for the from the Hon. Marcus Garvey morrow magnificent total of 221 runs.
President General of the Univer ning at o clock. Members Collins, Capt. Husband, Capt. Atherly of the ORIANA. sal Negro Improvement Associa are asked to turn out largely Gaskin, Fields Milliars Colon, journeyed to Panama Prescott, Went John, Par on Sunday last. the ilth inst.
tion and African Communities as this is the first meeting Por, so De Silva Mortimer with where he met the captain of the will leave CRISTOBAL on SUNDAY, APRIL 25th for League who sent us Millington and McGregor as extras.
New York, La Pallice and Liverpool, us as long as the strib. support Flu ban has been lifted.
Dissolution of Grenada Surrey in connection with the game to be played between Now, am again appealing to The Auditors report is exTo the Omcers and Members of Spald. these two clubs on the 31st of your reason, boping you will see pected at this meeting way Longue; May the vital importance of support Owing to the fact that Grenada Capt. Atherly states that all MANAVI ing Negro business places in precaonot realise her formidable eleven the necessary arrangements have fesence to those of Alien Races, BIRTH to compete this season, hereby beg will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA nooon on and that said Negro business to inform you that she has withdraws been made for this game, and his places and professionals will give Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dinfrom the competion.
men are sparing no pains in getMONDAY 19th of APRIL 1920 for The members of the Grenada ting themselves fit for the fray.
you a square deal; and last, but iela baby girl weighing lbs.
also beg permission to play for some Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil.
the greatest of all, Join The Uni Both mother and babe an doi 13 In replying to the challenge other club la the competition.
warin versal Vekto Improvement Asso well while Sam is REP. OF GRENADA cauou and African Communities stated that he would teach his in League Meeting League that has so miraculously tended opponents to keep within CHILE brought together three million ing League Committee on Thursday, there is a difference of class, and There will be a meating of the Spald. their class. Atberly admits that Negrues and has given to us WILLIAMS April 22nd, at the Ideal School, 20 claims that the relative positions will leaveCRISTOBAL, A. ;will leave BALBOA, Noon, on steamship under the colors of the Street, Guachaapall. Very important of the classes will be made maniTHURSDAY, 22nd APRIL 1920, for red, the black and the green in DYER AND RENOVATOR business, on hand.
Meeting starts fest at the close of the game, 45 sharp than two years. Join this Guayaquil, Paita, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, but not as his opponents expect.
wonderful Association and help 107 a Central Avenue and corner THOMAS us to bring together 400, 000, 000 Seey. Treas.
wollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Chañaral, 16 Street West.
inembers of our race that are Football Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
scattered all over the world. Phone 118 B, Box 712 On the 30th and 31st May, Harrius to build a strong Anoon Canal Zone son team will engage the Jamaica merchant fleet: Help us to The Cable Football team met on the Isthmian Mark for the build factories. Help us to NOTICE second time.
For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies fat and defeated the Rangers Foot Due to the Sussex Surrey, game, establish a great and power meeting of the Mutual Bene which will come off on the said aates, ball team at the Isthmian Park, ful African Rebublic Help us to CRISTOBAL the team will not have the help of the last Sunday. The game was fast become a financial power in this fit Life Assurance ciety will Sussex representatives, but with at from beginning to end, and al.
least seven of its original players and though Rangers lost, they have world so that in the very near fu be ineld at the office of the Sec the addition of Spencer, Reid. Bocas nothing to be ashamed of, espe or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, ture we may be able to demnand retary Treasurer, The Ideal Sweene and a few others should find all Racial Respect even as Japan now Pearmacy, Calidonia 4 30 no difficulty in disposing of the formid cially when one knows that they demands it.
PANAMA Remember the on Sunday the 18th inst.
able Jamaica.
were playing against a team, Cricket fans on the Atlantie side many members of whom are regreet Conventioa that will take Members of the Board of Direct: feel that while the best playe. on cipients of medals for mastery of Messrs. 18AAG BRANDIN 830S. Inc. Sub Agrets: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMPASKET Co. Panama Place in New York City from ors are requested to attend on the Isthmus will be in Panama for August 1st to 31st where it will time.
those two days, it would be a great the game.
be declared who shall be our Win. DE SOJŠA.
Elghill ting and Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
when we found Sussex Asso broad smile less Help


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