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VOL. No. PRICE Cts. A Big Mass Meeting of the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad Workers Society will be held to night at the Standard Oval.
All interested in this Society are asked to attend.
Protection for Jamaicans in Cuba SANCOCHO BAPTIST ENGAGE ATTENTION OF SOUSED SOCIETY DASTARDLY ATTACK LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Doggorod Newesenting to do. Hold Use Monenty Social ON WILLIAM STOUTE Suggestion that a Paid Represen TO THE EDITOR, sir In the Star Herald of the the bare named solders. com Vigorous Refutation of Article tative be Sent to Cuba.
which appeared in Local Daily.
to an And it be of Не solos else the way, Yours PEPPER POT recently htly caused about It Community last Wednesday usual Monthly Socialof 18th inston Wednesday evening at 30.
his admirers with this infautile Thes, socials are hid once a product of his bibulous genius uonth as a stimulus with mem bers, the object being to neur The Jamaica GLEANER of the 10th Inst. reports And Monker Stuter boots coneixey age and foster purit on here In glving publicity to the attached letter, we do On long well. that at a meeting of the Legislative Council of that his striker triends whom bo has many devourd chindly So not so much to satisfy the desire of the writer, but and goodwill skinned, This island held recently the question of the protection of Most view it with olation. the young people, and it is in rather as a duty which, we are sure, is due the comJamaicans in Cuba and elsewhere was taken up by Sancocho doggre! may be the bes surebadra that their literary munity in defence of William Stoute. We feel, that tastes trained the Hon. Smith, member for Clarendon. considered extremely clever by Below we give a full report of the discussion on ates and co workers, but some those who were present went the columns of a local daily to go unchallenged himself and his fat headed associ evening was a decided success, such scandalous and villitying charges as appeared in The meeting on Wednesday as newspaper men we could not sit idly by and allow this most important question which must be of in people know it he does not, that away Leeling that they had spent enjoyable and protitable knowing the man Stoute as we do. man of honesterest not only to Jamaicans but to West Indians on terrores eren door het e paster en though evening.
generally as it is telt sure that the powers of such a confectioned in a nursery, with The Juniors of this society, ty, integrity and straightforwardness; attributes that representative would be extended to West Indians on your tensiel sorabile cochos are to be congratulated for the we make bold to say, could never be hitched on to the generady. The discussion follows: to wonderstand, if there is any ware it which they helped to writer of the infamous article, which has prompted That with reference to the Mes. hon. men, ber should continue the place in his nut wherein Sene make it a success, and the Su the very fitting letter of our correspondent. Ed.
use perintendent ought to feel proud wage fruth His Excellency the debate on another day. can penetrate, that poetasters of the material which she has to the Editor, The WORKMAN. for the tremendous risk he too Governor dated the 2ud maron, Mr. Smith did not think the are sometimes tolerated, but Sir. The Star Herala with his liberty, to say nothing 1920, this Council approves of the motion ould be regarded as when they are wont to degene Wade one feel good to hear these payment wy tuis Guvernment of controversial one, because he rate into rank dissimulators and children sing some of those old claiming to have received its in his life, for God alone knows the travelling expenses of repre was supporting it, he was only scandal momen it becomes nau. Southern folk songs, such as formation from the honorable what he would not have sufferet ventatives of the Brituals su siving reasons to show that the meaning, wondes peligente como Dixie Land, swing how sweet Police Department of the Pana, hands of those who the starana if he quireu awwww pan, sucu om cers inotion gave him the opportunity that wilt ole eritrdlige bencins folks contributed bills with premesting article to which great tion. You talk or THIRD DE tion at Havana, who may be res circumstances were bad. The world where to be one in to cha polis etenSome of the big inte Clestani recite yo published as Herald. Clains wave the informa this culony as ap things.
of Dancucho which bad and which pointed at any une to invest wanted the steps taken at Hadicrous utterances as merely Ouçe; very harmonious effect. Bro. referred to a certain Negro nam. GREE, pshaw, that nothing gale cases of aged litreatment he did not want the natter de humorous skits.
Williams, with his old scotch ed William Stoute, the Negro But here is something How Jamaicatis iu CUD ferred. He wanted the people ballad Aunie Laurie. on the vio who, who, by 150, 000 and more of Mr. Smith said that he was not get the remedy at once.
lin, helped the program mater the whole Canal Zone to sit up these same Negroes money that opposing the rule 1, 000, out was very unsatisfactory bave ially. This is looking for, and take notice of his doings are comfortably reposing in the ward to have a Grand Social bringing and Vice car coffers of hoe tilause that sucing vuxit you on business with agents to the labpares, but still have nex: mnunu, when the member the Star Herald were given the store intende adalah is not readers of sorters or a percin organization good o be done to present was create They might find this when the department over there to wee have promised that in addition to understand that Stoute bud worried about the hotel oes not the Isthmus seem boste relatiese behandois mot and the Government had also u the Committee. The labourers allowed these men to go, whether in the forum the organization through its the preparing er ubave the recentemente che nowa mellets which a stoute seulement plaint hau beeu wade. and posited, or they which they say; collect there was a custody u these were things to be cuiquir should ingliste, por the benetto evening with their friends agaies ed by him during the recent 88, 000 compared with 160, 000 for und ed pass people and depend This should be.
The strike Being, therefore, one of why that little enough. Who the British Legation aud utie Os vote and do something immedients who were loft here, that churches have a right to foster ubiose who contributed toward can tell that li tle William had had been written to, but nothing seemed to have been done they should be taken from this healtby and wholesome recres the funds of the Isthmiano Diri not come forward and blocked Mr. Sredinan said instead of colony under proper guarantees tion, and this Society can be sion of the United Brotherhood their game, they would not still have been sucking the not get trial. He thought the hon. member for Clacendon, be provided for. He was not pre good socially, intellectually and ess and Railroad Shop Laborers, with delight over our of technical position could be got proposed at they in Jainaica pared under the slightest pre spiritually.
respectfully solicit the privilege markedness. until they finally easy over in this way: While they can should do exactly what the Im text to give to the British Consult of not send a representative to Cuba perial Government insisted farthing Departure of Newly Weds mants that am mightily pleased more than one hundred times and Herala infor an agent would be able to get a che case of labourers recruited hearing by getting an officer of from India, and that was, there posed to give the Consul.
The President: It is not proto know that Willie was able to what they say Willam got. So, the Legation accompany the bould be a department estab with that and you see, even in that, we have agent from Jamaica. ne Con lished, viz: an Immigration Desu and Vice Consulat sau uair ment to look after laburers don care what tosine you call it. to day on the Colon for British Legation; it than have it fall in in the hands of Stoute for. Therefore, my dear wako, Mesut Nduwun aud Brice from this culong (Heur. hear. The President. The only result New York will be an and Mrs. Hucbamaegevers Alany Berkereot worry about what William mot of old Star and Herald. don labour of of John Everaly of Tank, Canal Howard or of and ask your. the of their own, and further they regards the were engage in the labour trauy guy was being and culotes (Laughter)
wental position. Zone, who were recently united of them. And when say so, themselves in Cuba througe elsewhere. Thy we paying in holy matrimony by the Revd. feel that am voicing the senti the Panama Canal, not to worry Mr. Stedman am a rental ne.
of either because he left without. wey capused. and money for education, they were butositys myselt, sir. Laughter Nightengades hers. Bere West Indian Negroes here we saty nuou as maca iau you for De.
Bre. incey Wute at duce weiu dy parints and for Medical De he thought it would be an imper. only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. amount that the Star and Her there are others of a whiter Continuing. Mr. Stedinnn said 15, nee Olive Humphreys, is the Stoute did get away with the saying goodbye. Remember that en be ageus and were wuuuu urtinents and they were bring. tinence on their pare to offer to Charles Humphrey, natives of ald tells us (and the Star and use the foam Parallisen deho Thade comparative, Hande wurk u well estates ing up the people certain the Taperial og vernment any Barbados, and long Herald is famous for the relia bes were ve tacts while stivut we plandard of leticiones. and cer sun of money to and the Consulay time residents on the Isthmus. bility of the news it publishes. Bottenham he ditand unded more away with wood have vrought to be attention of the tain West Indian crependencies Agent li carrying on their wurk. Mr. Humphreys Imperial Government.
or colonies or states whatever He had travelled in many cuun ploved for tion for the hazardous task which Procteuing, Mr. Smith said they were called, realised that tries and had come across several with or the past twelveem. think that it was just compense detestable pretensions, and rethat under the circumstances he Jarnaica was a happy hunting sud circumstances of the nexlect supplying oil to all their floating the strike, for the very capable want of a tongue that a cow does the Dredging Division, he undertook in connection with member also that it isn for bu teisted, it was impossible ground for capital, to take from of duties by Consuls. He did not equipment, and is fumiliar manner in which he carried iton, not talk. Thanking you for space for these Consuls to give protectneru what they had and pro, think a tigure in fraternal circles here, for the nerve and talent which he Yours.
tion, aua that was why they duced. He thought they should having been several times elect displayed and last, but not least, STOUT ITE.
ought to support the vote, protret what they had spent, and Consul in Cuba Should be ad Chief Ranger of Court John whether they had to pay the instead of going to a Wallace.
Legation representative or not. office which was under the Hone Mr. Eversley was at one time privilege of taking a glance, BOCAS NEWS He thought it would be to the Government, they should ins to carry on his duties They had a owing to overfilled cars resident here but left for the interest of the Colony, and he tend act independently. Every known of improper treatment, United States more than two coaches. Even doorsteps and felt sure that although they had single man out of the colony even of isolated cases, of British years ago in search of more housetops were crowded. to tal of 37 cars were used for the no control over the appointment should be purrectes preunised so he could not for one moment con rived here about three weeks (From our Correspondent)
hear) subjects in this hemisphere. and lucrative employment. He arMonday the 5th inst. was a derstood that among those who purpose. It can be plainly un; ber. He did not think they could he was promised to be given a ficer of the British Legation in WORKMAN juins with the rela of the Black Star Line Steamer of all conditions, ages and complexions. The crowd ran up in they were to do with voyage and pros. reached the day before that the they should not only guarantee Continued on page 8)
perous united career, of all thit, many were denied the (Continaed on Page 8)
In that.
cans in Cuv. be tud tler, these very Consuls would be on (Hear, hear. And before they be something more substantial of Jamaica, carrying with him minions that started the job inlendi.
cakes, quarters it poor ne upon in Cuba one and get away amount and Me Stedman: The Consular Among the passengers sailing that much prefer to let him have something to be thankful to.
onse and carried on arge businesses present the time they this exploited of other the Lourers you es dear deal has been years het Consulat!
and (Hear If the labourer The President Baid he was much per day, they should be template or think that it was na. ago and is making the trip es red letter day at Almirante Bay, came to see the ship were people ml continue to discuss the matter Certain amount of work in a Cuba to do what was really part tives and many friends of tbe Yarmouth. There were spe the thousands. On hearing the spite


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