
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL, 24, 1921. STACK BLUE MOTTLED SOAP Box 74. Panama ERN One Year Six Months Three Өое 20 600 23.
Market. For Sale Everywhere then Canal Zone Notes the Metropolis of us seekers with of bouming procent ondition, it will be with holy.
al Artes Rey.
This Week Cables THE WORKMAN in Brief.
Ask For It is reported from Chicago that 20 Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicapersone were killed and several injured as the result of a burricane which struck WALROND, as she office Central avion. Correspondence on all matters nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
the northern part of the site of Arkao de ew early this week.
All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Information recently rerived from HerRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be companied by the same of bio, Manchuria, is to the effect that EIN ENGLAND clash occurred between Japanese and 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a mark of good faith.
Cuech troope in Siberia due to the Jape We do not undertake to return firing on Ruwians who threw bubs at them Many were killed and wounde.
Sar rejected correspondence.
Used all over The on both sides. It is further reported that fighting also took place between Japanes The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS and Chinese troops along the railroad the West of Harbin. The Japanese may SATURDAY, APRIL, 24, 1920 occupy the railway fa a lako Bail THE MIGRATORY INSTINCT Best on ti Owing to new legislation becoming effective against profiteering lenement owners, riou condition has bee The unfailing, unerring instinct of our feathered brought about in New York City. Thous LARGE friends, sends them winging away to the warm and sunny BARS.
anda of bere have been evieted by the landlords, boven to Southlands when the chilly autumnal winds begin to blow.
evade the anti rent profiteering lay They seek a congenial clime.
which compete them to prove their right The animals of the primeval forests move onwards to increase mentale to more 25 before the rapacious game hunters they do this in the cent a year. In view of the prosperi interests of preservation instinetive in the species.
the advent to the Dvne of pleasure Fas The same general postulation holds good along the made up by war profte or unpreceden Ines of the present ecɔnomic situation.
od stained they are evieting the preThe West Indian laborer on the Isthmus of Panama is Name to Depend On EMPIRE sont occupante in order to rent the 20 longer worthy of his hire, he has outlived his Usefulapartment to the highest bidder. The authorities are making medord to meet ness, and is now on sufferance. We are prostituting our sell respect by hitching on to the skirts of this system, for Members of the Girls Friendly fahe situation by endeavoring to home Society of St. Barnabas Church, the homelew families is teow obwined we know that the official idea is that we are an unnecesEmpire of which Mies from the War Department, but comide sary adjunct to the economic status quo.
Wallace is the President, jour. ing the colimato increase in the city Like the horse on the treadmill, we are going very noyed to Panama on Thursday of population of ba8, 004 since Jawy let, fast but getting nowhere, exploited by a wicked, vicious, branch for an outing at Bella Visthe sborlasbe precipitation of the this week to join the St. Peter the expected tour of hourists and.
heartless system, the by product of inherent predatory secommodation MASON TIRES ta; most enjoyable time existing before tendencies.
are guaranteed perfect tires spent be to that Sir Sydney Olivier, at one time Governor of Jamaica, during their entire life, with The St. Barnabas Church is the task before theme and a profound student of Social Economics, once referred no limitation placed on the composed of strong organization in the housing problem is. Rrious one.
to the West Indian people as an inarticulate mass.
time or length of service Andrew, senior and junior; The hurricane that Following the report of the disastrous That is, they do not voice their grievances, their hopes, during whieh MASON restheir fears; but are obsessed by a fatalism which is deadDaughters of the King, and the Gerusaha thalenused such serious lose of Girls Friendly Society. These or the new comes from Birminghain, Ale.
to properly ponsibility remains in effect.
ening to effort, and like the Mohammedan is wont to exA maximum mileage from ganizations are alive to their du that terrible tornado swept througe claim, Kismet. It is Fate. This unen viable attitude MASON TIRES, which ties, and they are all working con. the States of Alab of Alabama, Mississippi and jointly with the of mind may be bred of tropical laziness, but be it what Minister, Tennessee on Monday, destroying over destes means from 10, 000 to 20. Mulcare, and their Lay 150 lives, injuring hundreds and deve it may, it is a condition not to be desired.
000 miles, is yours with a Readers, Mr. Holder and taring va nrous of rich faran lande and This stolid indifference is a throw back to the slave little attention.
Sayers. They have also a large other valuable property worth millions of instinct.
Sunday School attendance. In dollars. In some instances whole town To day we possess volition We are free, and being spite off the many draw backs, and villages were levelled and eatire free, should act and think in terms of freedom. We are the members have been all loyal families wiped out.
We wish them success, trusting what we are by election. Are we going to bear the slings that their labours will not be london despatch says that the Lonin and arrows of outrageous misfortune, rather than take WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. vain, and that the new Bisnop by Visovun French of the Lord weiendon Times announces the resignative arms against a sea of troubles? Why not say with that will always tiud it possible to PANAMA, Henry, Forbid it apostle of liberty, the immortal Patric Visit them antey of Ireland.
Almighty God, but as for me give me liberty, or give me Buona Aires news says that Vi.
viani, of Frauce, Lord Northcliffe, of GATUN England, together with several other The present situation is keyed as tensely as the The Colored School has been prominent Franco British potables, will string of a violin. There is a suggestion of breaking.
undergoing soon be visiting the Argentine and will minor repairs The camel cannot carry that last straw that threatens what a pity it is, that the System deliver lectures on Franco British Argenthe integrity of its spinal column.
cannot be given Major repairs. tine interebange.
Wherein lies the avenue of escape out of this blind The fundamental difference be 000 went on strike on Sunday. Only the Berlin waiters to the number of 10, alley?
tween teaching here and in the Adlon Hotel and a few others, which Several propositions have been placed before us from West Indies is that in the Islands acceded to the men demands being time to time, but all have been of a didactic nature. It of the Caribbean teaching is a seems to us that the time has come for us as a people to profession. here it is a job in open move on. Such is the teaching of history in relation to Now a job premises production New York news of the 19th announces Economics. In the early dawn of history, the Aryans Our workmanship reflects that Proficiency in greater or less measure, and in the arrival there of Sir Auckland like manner the amount or value Geddes, the new British Ambasador to moved down from the Hindoo Koosh mountains into the which acquired only by years of Experience.
of the product determines the the United Ststes, with bis wife, an Ganges valley and westward into Europe pressed by ecoremuneration nomic necessity. The Irish migrated westward into Ame NO. 1, TIVOLL ROAD, PANAMA forthcoming. The board of the Kaiserine Augusta Vicpresent system really enitails toria.
rica, seeking and finding a land of Opportunity. We must httle or no produetion, and the ANN THOMAS, is relatively sipall. The old that the movement which started in the remuneration seek in like manner, our social and economic salvation Washington and New York report elsewhere, in fresh fields and pastures new, for our work Proprietress.
Guard of teachers is passing Tampa of wearing overalle se a protest is done; we have outlived our usefulness; we are scrapped.
away men trained and skilled against the high cost of clothing, iaraHeed the signs of the times and MOVE ON Pag SSES est in the practice and theory o pidly spreading throughout the country.
their profession. Only one or two Senators, government officials, clergymen WEDDING BELLS wore a lovely dress of charmeuse silk are teft.
and judges, supporting it.
beautifully trimmed with glass beads.
THE TYRANNY OF FEAR news item from Madrid, Spain, says pretty wedding took place at the local termine ceremony party under tenings in this section on Sun that the Congress of the International There Christian Mission Church, Guachapati, the strains of Mendelsohns wedding As one goes around from day to day, the very circum on Sunday, April 18th The contracting march wended their way to the Christian day last, Messrs, Van and Women Suffrage Alliance is to be held there early nexi mouth. Delegates from to partake of ren to the Baptsmal fount. These Indie baby India, Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden, a clutching, chilling suggestion of something that we widower) and Mrs. Albertha Miller, well prepared reception.
Those present were Mrs. Husbands. of Mr. of sense bnt cannot locate a suggestion of impending evil. his city, Mrs. Mosley, Mro. Gittens, Mr. and portant local functions. There is Finland, Germany, Rumania, Serbia and This is not merely the psycho physical reaction to the The ceremony, which was conducted Comdnt. Morris, Rev. 11. Thorbourne, Mro. John, Miller, Rev, Wilkins, always a festal board, and such loeland, representing in al 12 nations, post prandial speaking carrying are to attend. One of the delegates from events of the immediate past, rather does it seem to be a by the Rev. Wilkins, assisted by Meats. Brootme, Headley on a suggestion of the old Epicu India is expected to be Mra. Serajin prevision of what is to be in the days before us. the Rev. N. Tylerbest and CommandWe gaze in the faces of those around us, engaged in ant Morris of the Salvation Army, was Williams, Johu Newton, Brewster, rean philosophy of Eat, drink, Niadu, poet fand orator.
Cripples Association to be the daily round and the common task. and the look of entirely choral. The eboir was conduet King, Belle, and Mr. Barclay. The and be merry, for to morrow furtive fear is there. We have been unnerved, unmanned ed by Mr. Cragwell and rendered Misses Forde, Skeete, M, Francois Mrs Mascoll is on an extended and Husbands.
Transferred the hymn The Voice that breathed and we are in bad shape. We need to brace up. and o er Eden, as the bride entered the ed charmeuse silk trimmed with chiffon Mrs. and Miss Lambert will Editor of The Workman, The bride dress was made of flower vacation in the Witdy City.
strike out boldly against this ebbing tide of manliness, church, leaping on the partner of Me. and pearl beads, She also carried soon be sailing for the Pearl of with faces set grimly shorewards. who neted bestman.
Panama City, bouquet of lovely cream roses and white the Antilles.
This tyranny of fear is putting a ragged edge on to The chief bridesmaid, Mrs. Hinkson, lilies.
Sir; The Headquarters of the our moral fibre, and is sapping the well springs of our in it is practically impossible to purchase nutritious food, House 87. o incarried the scope zal, will in the near future, The plot originating Panama Canal Colored Cripples Association, which was at Coro dependence and hopes. We are in the grip of a deadly, it is only flesh and blood that goes cheap.
devitalizing fear that augurs badly for our future as a goat was not caught in the be to Panama, and man is to day facing the pathological punishment that shiekh Yeu see acording to the plans are also being protected no people.
Scotch poet of AssociaThis is not an extract from the Book of Lamentations comes from the limitation of food.
plans of mice and men, alt gang tion agley. we have no particular liking for the persistent minor at Cristobal. The former is It is all right for the preachers who are usually wellbeing considered note but the outlook is not propitious.
of For heaven sake let us brace up, and act like men of the Almighty, but these are not the days when we sing fed to talk about the sparrows being fed from the hands Watch the Gatun column. the number of cripples who are Read the Workman given employment outside of Corozal Farm and residing in the Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little city of Panama and most of whom SNAPSHOTS long. Man is no air plant. He cannot live on earth and New Corporation board in heaven.
members of the Association.
If the plan goes into effect arrangements will be made as soon Sometime ago, an official document highly commend We have tried in as far as is possible, to read as much We are asked to state that the thereafter as possible to extend ed the patriotism of certain and sundry persons. Since of the current literature of to day as comes to hand, and Railroad Workers Society threw general meeting for the purpose Panama Canal and Panama an invitation to all cripples to a that time a new definition has been introduced covering are struck with the trend of vicious suggestion in it all. open its doors to the public on of showing the need of such an the term Patriotism. It runs thus. patriotism is the Now, vicious literature has been common in every age, Monday morning last at No. 31 organization and also for getting last refuge of a scoundrel.
literature that deliberately erases the not from every ports that for the few days please address William King.
but it has been reserved for our own times to produce a Pedro Obarrio and 20th Street more members.
The management.
Prospective members wil Times are getting harder and harder. It is hard now law of God or man, and elects to preach creed of im operation the patronage extend Secretary, Quarantine Station, to procure even a reasonable amount of food. Of course morality as the Gospel of the Future.
ed has been very encouraging. Fort Amador, The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKERS Weddings are die are


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