
ual separatoria. However a church.
An inWe carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
various George American Bazaar into the usion the Revd. gentle PANAMA Pleasant Function at Co The bowling of the Hummers lon Wesleyan Church was fair on the whole, but they were much harressed by their opA very pleasant and interest. ponents. The best average was ing program was rendered by put up by Fitt, in overs capthe volum sleyan Ciwir. On taring wickets for 36 runs.
Sunday evining last, the 18th Clarke and inst, at the Wesleyan Church, in the first coke Morris were Humming aid of the Salvation Army Self to bat, but the bowling of Denial Effort.
Culeridge proved too The run Tunction, though schedul. Morris who headed the scores ed to commence at pm, was was bowled for the cheap score not begun until 30 as the result of 21, while Clarke collapsed after ola beavy downpour of rain at o runs. Fifteen runs were totalled the appointed time, which for a by y Thomas.
while lent a gloomy aspect to the Coleridge who proved to be the evening. This, however, was of stone wall of the Victoria Cup short duration, and all was bright tured wickets in 12 overs for again.
36 run runs with maiden over. It is The program, which consisted thought by many that the game of anthems by the choir, recita might bave taken a different turn tions by the juniors, and solos, had there not been a beavy down.
duets, etc. by various persons, pour of rain which interfered con reflected great credit on Mr. Lsiderable. Kerr, choirmaster and organ This is the second cup match ist, who was responsible for all played by the Humming Birds. the preparations. Miss Doris both of which have been lost.
Rodney, Also, who accompanied many of the musical items, is to The Sussex and Lily Whites be complimented on her fine will try conclusions at the Camp style of execution, as well as in Bierd Oval to morrow.
terpretation, teresting game is promised.
The chair was accupied by Rev. Evers, who at the Dr. Clarence Edwards to clone of the program thanked the Glvo Address parties who had contributed to the success of the Dr. Clarence Edwards will ad.
evening, after which the singing dress the Colon Baptist Chris.
of the Doxology brought the en. tian Endeavour on Sunday even tertainment 10 close at 80 ing the 25th inst. The aim of the society is to educate its memMany Laborers Leaving ters relative to officers of this bers as far as possible in mat.
Installation of For San Blas.
lo Recent reports from San Blas, last, the 18th society took place on Sunday Mrs. Pat are to the effect that The Panama James, President. follows: Product Company is making ra terson, Vice President; Miss pid headway.
Brown, 2nd President, Miss It is understood that a large Scott, 2nd Vice President; number of quarters are being Bryan, Recording Secretary; built for the use of the employees Patterson, Treasurer. The as well as docks, warehouses, ceremony wra performed by and a hospital. The company at Rev. Witt.
present owns two large sailing The executive committee meets vessels which ply weekly between on Tuesday night the 27th inst.
Colon and San Blas, carrying the and the general business meet employees back and forth. ing on Thursday night the 29th This enterprise is at present inst.
attracting large numbers of men, as it is understood that the wages Mrs. Lawson and Family received by carpenters and other Return.
Skilled workmen range between 81 and 3, while laborers earn 25 per day, with (3) meals per Colon, April 22. Mrs.
day and quarters in every case. Lawson wife of the well known batch of over 100 men left Colon musician and their year for those shores on the 13th inst, old son Hugh Mansfield, with and there are many others preliss Baby Lawson, Mr. Lawparing to follow their example. son sister were among the pasIn addition to this, scores of sengers who arrived on the men are said to leave for various Turrialba from Kingston, Jaili vu. places where conditions are maica, today. Mrs Lawson it will also more favorable, as often as be remembered left in December the opportunities present them last, to spend a short vacation selves.
with her parents. Despite the fact that she suffered recentDeath of Mrs. Cordelia fever, she is now looking the pic ly from a severe attack of Wilson.
ture of health, and appears to Mrs. Cordelia Wilson, a well have been much benefitted by her known figure ing manalone sthe Mr. and Mrs.
Cyril Lawrence Friendly Societies of. succumbed to a short illness on Sat who left a short while ago for urday night last. April 17 at her the shores of Jainaica were also residence Street, between 6th among the list of passengers.
and 7th Streets.
The remains were interred at Quiet Wedding the Mount Hope cemetery on Sunday evening in the presence Colon; April 22. quiet little of a large assembly of her fra wedding took place at Christ ternal sisters and brethren, who when Mr. Leslie Grange, an em Church by the Sea this morning sincerely mourn her loss.
Deceased is survived by her ployee of the Dspot Commissary, husband, Mr. John Wilson, an lock to Miss Northover of this Cristebal, was joined in holy wed employee of the Municipal EngiIcity Mr. Grange who neering Department Mt. Hope: in various circles, is much well is to whom we extend our heartfelt respected and beloved on account sympathy.
of his quiet and unassuming style.
Lieutenant Bermudez at We join with the community in Colon Again.
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Grange a happy and prosperous life toThe Colon public hears with gether.
joy that Lieutenant Aurelio Bermudez has been transferred to this city and is once more at Engine Jumps Track the head of the Detective Colon, April 22. Engine No.
238 of the R. engaged in It is sincerely hoped that the the work of filling in the vicinity entire community will co operate of the stables at East Broadway; with this efficient officer in rid accidentally jumped the tracks ding the town of undesirables, and ran into one of the stable a menace to buildings to day at about midthe community.
day. Fortunately however, no Lieutenant Contes, who occu serious damage was done, pied the position, has been transierred to Panama, where he takes up like duties.
Meeting of the Westmoreland CRICKET.
Colon, April 21. The WestIn the Sinclair Cup match moreland o. held its regular which was played at the Camp monthly meeting last night at Bierd Oval the Victoria de Christ Church schoolroom, Srd feated the Humming Bird by and Cash Streets, with a goodly the wide margin of 59 number of the members of the The Victoria o. was first at club present. The question of the bat and succeeded in muster. the new ground in the vicinity of ing a score of 130 runs to which the wireless station was dealt Alleyne contributed the top with, and it was decided to rush score of 48 runs, not out, and the work in order to have it Sealey 29.
ready for the 2nd of May. Bye ticular church or denomination but Jenveloped all believers in Christ, regardless of nationality, creed or sect. It was to that church, the christian church, he was speaking, observed the speuker, noting that be bad before him mixed congregation as far as denominations were concerned but that made no difference as they were all believers in Jesus Christ.
He next tarned the attention of his hearers to the place of the church in the life of a nation community, or an individual.
He stated that the church stood not for amusement or anything of the kind, but for righteous ness, purity, law and order, its chief principle being the spirit of its for nation, community or individual may be where there the speaker contended, tinge would be should the church be taken out immeasurably worto of that life. As a an example here pinded his hearers bow France became a national wreck as a no sult of closing the doors of her churches, causing bel bells to conse and her ministers to stop preaching thie gospel Be stated that the church rendered possible the cireslation of the bible, and one the meeting of chris tianr in communion The speaker next gave a brief outline of the work in Jamaica, stating that there were at pre sent about 30, 000 fall members 22, 000 Sunday school sobolars, and 52 Baptist connection. He named two men, Lyon an American negro and Moses Baker as being re.
sponsible for the jo troduction of the Baptist Mission into the island it into the Isthmus.
While in turn, Jamaica introduced In conclusion the COLON man advised his hearers to stand by the church and do all in their power to spread the gospel, as this was the work of every chris.
want tian, and not of the ordained n isten ole He insisted that christians should, show their gratitude to our Lord aod Saviour Jesus Christ by telling all mankind of His wonderful love 300 The speaker kept his hearers under a spell for 50 minutes, rendering his instructive address laws were submitted and ap much humour and various anec interesting by means of proved, and will be issued in dotes here and there.
printed form as early as practiThe singing of the doxology cable.
The chief item on the agenda brought the meeting to a close at was the election of officers who are as follows: Lawrence, President. re elected. BEAUTY HINT H. Crawford, Vice President; Cole, Secretary Treasurer; Cole, Assistant Secretary Treas. Rub Nile Queen Crea urer Fred Samuels, captain, Balm into the skin, then app. re elected. McDonald, Vic Nile Queen liquid face Powde Captain. The Committee of Charming and Lasting Effect Management consists of Winter, Gibson and Grant, MANUFACTURED and the ground committee of BY KASHMIR Coley, Hilton and Evans.
For Sale Everywhere.
Crowds Hear Revd Gordon Somers at Cristobal Watch Our AtlanBaptist Church tic PageſGrow.
Colon, Thursday April 22. As Send Your News To The was anticipated, Rev. Gordon Somers, delivered to an over WORKMAN.
crowded house at the ColonCristobal Baptist Church last Advertise in the Workman night a very stirring an instructive address.
At about p, the speaker See cur Colon News and Adverwas introduced by Rev. Witt, pastor of the church who stated tising Representative at the that Rev. Kirkham one of Canal Jewelry Store, the intended speakers of the even WILLIAMS, 167 BOLIVAR ing was indisposed and conse quently could not attend. The STREET collection was next taken up on Mondays, Wednesdays and during which the choir them. of and p.
Thursdays, between the Hours an exceedingly beautiful In opening his address the Rev.
gentleman expressed much sure at facing, such an audieplex.
saying, that he hardly knew NOTICE whether he was in Jamaica or Colon He gave a brief outline of his stay in Bocas del Toro To West Indians Leaving where he and Mr. Kirkham had the Isthmus gone to look into the work of Rev. Duncanson. He had been in Colon about 11 years ago when he For the advice and convenimet Dr. Wise, Rev. Sobey and ence of the West Indian Colony and others. At this point he con on the Isthmus, we beg to ingratulated Rev. Witt on bar form our numerous patrons and ing in such a community, such a readers that Mr. T. Williams congregation and choir, has been considered a competages of the church, Mr. scorers tenti person to verify passport applications those compared this Isthmus to that of to travel abroad by His Excel Corinth which was much lency, The British Minister Auenced by the early church. to Panama. Mr. Williams In speaking about the church, desires it to be known that the Rev. gentleman made it clear he can be found at Hunte to his hearers that the term Place, Muller Building, Callchurch did not apply to any pardonia Road.
inore NILE QUEEN 20p.
Kashai Cheunical Co.
Chicasom Gentlemen. Ne Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin. heath. trends without mucens, until found Kashmir Nile Queen, Now any admire it. wish all our women would try Nile Queen Very truly Yours. Sgd. SALLIE REID, black SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS Box 736. Cristobal. cz 198 Bolivar St. between 8th and sth. Colon.
Call and Inspect our Stock of Musical Albums, Wrist Watches, Radiolite Watches, Tie Pins, Canal Stones, Birth Stones, etc. etc.
BOX 752, CRISTOBAL, who are at prese present STERLING FEMALE TONIC Tonic and Alterative advan Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial results may be anticipated.
The Sterling Laboratory, Los Angeles, in iem


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