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Vor, Nr. 39 PRICE Cts. There is much concern felt in local circles over the continued rise in the prices of nearly every article of everyday consumption, and especially sugar which during the past few days, has startled retail buyers. There is the suggestion of an attempt at profiteering on this local production and that the proper authorities should put a check on any such attempt to further oppress an already oppressed commnnity.
World War Hero in Panama DOCK CASES GRENADA BIG FIRE IN TRINIDAD CONTINUE NEWSPAPER AMERICA FIRST SOLDIER DESTROYS INSTITUTE ON VISIT TO THE ISTHMUS Four Others Found Gulty Sound3 Note of Warning Sentence Reserved to that Government דן Hse and Poil Dis.
fron TUU If of Loss of Valuable Collections Will Four more employees of th: Fron Th: West Ind an af 16th inst Panan Railrond deck charg Over one hundred laborers were 13 Given Warm Welcome by Every be Difficult to Replace. with ceiving stil proprly in desirous of taking passage on the November last were trid Saction of the Community.
by Jade Hall on Wednesday Canadian stasner which arrived The Port of Spa Gazette built it up or whom it has the City D strict Court. The here on Sunday. Thay wanted to Yrsarw Cham get to Kitts or to anywhere so Once again has society on He is here, we understand, says that early on the morn busit up aa: Was in this pro, Amare never ing of March 31, a fire, 9:453 of building up is, unlerce were charged by the as the route led to Cubs the Isthmus been wound up to inspect the Canal Zone whose origin is hila wsc doubtedly, incalculable.
Over ondtad lab» ers were to concert pitch by the defenses, but at the saine Abron was de prison to Colima ting it is plannel to give rity coinpletely destroyed the Tastitu te History.
Knowiny ant le syr stewne which tart here on Sun arrival here of one of the hia a per vd of enjoyment Victoria Institute and with to their ir et u in charge or wanted to get to St, present day celebrities. Fol and pleasure never suun to it the priceless collections in The Royal Victoria Institute oth short shipment depressions as lo vly closely in the wake of be forgotten.
tha rilettipia Grenada, Le musuem comprised of two sury building) was estib at the. Yesterday he callel on Koological specimens prednioppitust the u at 5) pup ray of the Post Indies, anto, to be the Prince of Wale; corn :3 Hundreds me, thousands General John Pershing, President Lefevre, Minister 8ented to the institution by le. By 1J0L it Wus molarged to transit, knowing that they had they want to leave Grenada wno arrived on the transport and te dıy he will be the memory Q seen Viciota Jabi wa Rulmo C, being goods in are of the desire nerica greatest soldier, Prics and Governor Harding the late Mr. Lechnere include a ruling room dating been stol.
Gappy; spec meas of Trinidad society and a recreation tirst nam three wire peasafully Northern Pacilic at noon guest of the Shriners. His Onnea Sturgy and fauna; relied billiards, chess, dranghugully, but the Judd forkan there is to bo no efect to on Thursday la 31. And rignt stay on the Isthm 13 will end redolent Curib history in it suci la activities who fou served decision with regard we writan tron our hearts in royal was the welcome he with it reception and dance the island; relics from Ausme to time. In 1993 a tennis musiwiu has been built up from from It tralia donated by Sir George court was laid out in 1911, a provou any on a chaise o ano cuments for the hundreds Jew and Gentile alike, for the President of the RepubJ. Fostul who was acgnitted a man to mas recived at the pier by bɔih to be given in his honor by Le Hunte, an seperate building commemorativ gratid larceny is still held in ja and thousands to go our to ad It not only Americans but Pa lic at the Union Club on tique stones; preserved in printed on river bovine other charges agaius: is our business pu le journal maninians and clients, in: Monday night, and he is exand and equipped with funds exists for no other purposes clu ting a fair sprinkling of pected to sail on Tuesday by It is said that ju Igment will We mals, most of which can hent to further technicii educa ve pronouncement une conclusion have staked our reputation in West Indiane were there to the same boat which brought never be replaced even with lon under the Blind it londutrial or the case on all found guilty.
this matter We are bond slaves greet him.
him to us. THE WORKMAN money worth. Besides, training to the god laterests of Granda and thus furoished We The old man appeared in sincerely hopes that this will chicken hem. This Week Cables may be same share the painle of health, and any valy by the first of a series dvniei nu se filsat suka the salu ies of visits equ pm nt is consideravle, al training in anony which are three tin tutsit well specialized. The last wen, underneath who site in Brief.
antion in this in un building was sullenness there is the king a personal greetings he ceive from this distinguished biliard tables, each of which the King Elward vil Manorial pulsins of the of av válcano. We heard tendered to those present. visitor.
ic is estimated would costing, with a concert haſ opened what some of said in their some of the News from Paris announong loss. Ignorant some of them, per fron 25) to 200 puunds. ster WHL. Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig Holsten in link to replace; pianos, cine Seisultats des tie pizneer or with food committee is just why we are at aid that ex Premier Jorph Caillaux hrps most of them are, but that 1914 BOCAS NEWS and was held at which mato grapa app. ritus, hune the continuation school mo th: nein officers for that station were ny.(Germans) by movement want to go, and that is a elected. In an interview with Mr.
Breas del Tor, April 23. Mon. Powerswho is now Secretary, typewriters three of them all its contempo aries owa their teacade to Bears imprisonment, ter all.
Again we offer to associate day 19th inst. Rv. Gordon Somero he said we can boast of 111 succeeding Mr. Ephraim Ductor, echnical works eto, in the unit afforded bommer of civic rights. In view of his who may think it wise to go into viary schooner Lindu for Colon near future our number will be qime new and volumes of existence and experience to the parts of France, und 10 years loss. with any serious body xud Kirkhara sailed on the auxi. members at present and in the paling room. Toen the cilat sunsets Although not strict. hwing already spent such a long the question of how to save our whence tliey returned lys Government time during the Jatnaica. doubled here. There will be an.
sustituie was headquarters cuiven a regular subvention bom his trial, ut is bela by the release the speeding ruin. Grenada Mo. Kirkham and some arrived other meeting for the same pur for many organizations not from the the must be.
attached thereto, such as inercial education which is sop court that he has completed the Shortiest part of his sentence.
Let every island of the West here on March 27th on delegation to when members from Farms 2, 3, the Trinidad Dramatic Club, plmented by class Indies know, let Great Britain the churones in charge of Rev. Terence and Base Line will visit there and consequently brought it and Paris that large quantities there is a general desire of labor in vim Baptist Misionary Saci ty. Dur unturned to make the Associa from leave about 700. 00, repre! enting within the reaen of the masses of arins and am nunition bave ers in Grenada to leave the island ing the stay they conducted mission tion a success, stage scenery, electrical fit by the charge of moderate fees. been found hidden in diferent for foreiga tields where they will service at Almirante and furniture Despite the outpitition of recent parts of Germany by the French be able to learn their daily bread lines, over diatasoa of gearly Sylvester, Foreman, and Miss along the tings, costumes, Gifty On Sunday 18th inst. Mr. Louis etc. not covered by insur years and the disabilities of stroops stationed there. In one by the sweat of their bror, These were largely attended. Mary College tute has held its own and between the ch enging secretariat, the Insti instance serious fighting result chi ly twecause of the presence of Rev. Pethrona Thomas both of the Boys Cricket Club, which he to in the more details here to Geranda Prelista report that anl aarial transport pour les no ano de outros con la vista holyn wedlook at there Island of Jamaica joined in meetings lost implements and the tion. From its inception to date gandarnes, in which, it is said, service is to be inaugurated on an guniola East by Rev.
Tennis Club, which also an unbroken stream of young many were killed on both sides the 15th, of May between that that during the use of this yeur Johason (Rector of St Mary anirant issionary suffered the loss of imple: through ivs portals in business oss plans have been founding at mer place, France and England.
men and women bas passe It is also reported that numer.
ments. This constitutes an life and practically outside loss of a priitty fair offices in city and deluged the ing manoeuvers purporting to that the Prince of Wales was wretion with the churches at Bopet bito Commissary, after many power News from Newasaland atatro did not come over with the delegation Bocus. Green in charge of Gus and country. The cover military operations against given an enthusjastic reception and Gurbito nor the stations on the sum considering the pres. Saith bursary bus aanaals Brence through the Zone occu. by the Maoris in their native Coin Rican border under Rev. c. years in seid employment has ent high cost of things, rewarded with a valuable money pied by the Anerican Aruby lasia on his arrival at Rutolua, Nou on their return to Je, resigned, which will take effect Apart from the monetary priza wany students of outstand The resignation of representation on any matter regarding are in authority, the people re snaic they will not make any official at end of present month. Holy loss connected with the des inc ability to givea group of Hines Director General ot Ruil. 26, Writ tells us when the righteous conuereiul subjects.
truction of the Institute, the Coroner inquiry into the crom Washington.
roads of the is reported According to the despatches Mr. Notman, who is not subject to the moral toss to those who have caus: of the tire has been begun. From Birmingham Ala, it is is assuming serious aspects top Rövs: mera and Kirkham conducted oth rule, the people mourn.
trom Mexico the revolution there Jonnica Union. Ou Snoday, 18th inst, joice; but when the wicked bear.
stated tnat reports to hand of the Carranza Government 60, 000 nigh services the NEW BRANCH STORE Monday morning, the 3rd daar results of the recent terrible Padepal andere having recorded Depoint charan Toge morning attend the renew Parlour Leasing and Health Lodging May and West Indians in the Alabama, Mississippi, and Ten; tornado that strack the Giates of and joined the Sonora rebels. wce but in the afternoon it The West Indian Trading Calidonia section are expect nessee, place the figures at 233 became known that Mr Soners would Park sells ire under the following preach at night, and the building was conditions: Compulsory purchase Company Ltd. is further ex ed to support their own. persons killed, 630 injured and Silver City Band. file with West Indi ns of all intel of a pint of soda for 30 cents and tending its usefulness as a The Silver City Band will ligence and eros. deep impression cents the pound for the ice.
business concern by opening LOST er powerful and.
another branch store at Caliity testata vichas from Guatemala amuse the lovers of dancing, and on the sutience by art. ssa (Prices are silver. Between Ancon and Bal city state that some eighteen at La Boca Clubhouse on the What with the recent heat wayo dunia, on the first floor of the boa Flat a daily sales cash bundred persons including hinten 11th, of May. Come and and scarcity of water the above West Indian Red Cross build book, of Fruit Pedlar con during the revolation that took have a good time. The Band Mr. William Powers, accompan certainly hard on poor folks and On Sunday evening 18th inst; unwarranted conditions were women, and killed ing. The doors of this new taining names. Finder bring place there to depose President will also be at tha Paraiso ied by officers and members at gue grounds for just indignation branch is expected to be ing same to this office will Cabrera.
Clubhouse on the 15th of Farm 2, Changuinola East, jour and the more. shameful are they thrown open to the publ. on be rewarded.
Fron Bilbao, Spain comes the May for the same purpose. neyed over to Base Line, where when they are imposed, bya color TISKI to class fees.
Tuis has miles.
manbery Spacial way will be sent out to CASO.
Rey in BBNotrasa, and so Z over 500 families homeless.

    EnglandFranceGermanySpainWorld War

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