
PAGE IR THE WRENAN, SATURDAY, MAY. 1921, ooooong Canal Zone Notes STW BLUE MOTTLED SOAP. Bu Durrol Slowaa de RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION OOR Si Matis Three We do not undertake retur Best on the Market. For Sale Everywhere LARGE BARS.
Ho clie In a Siro Alister Punemindful of the his charge Th 11 Haaland OmniScs with keen interest dneiled in quarters THE WORKMAN Ask For CATUN There has been an adition to Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applies the staff of the Gatun Colored WA. it the Cotton Correspondence in a later School in the persa or art!
of publie in uns insity. Ca. pbell me. Campel was All copy for publication must!
formerly on the staff of the LaP. Bu 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, an Boca Scoool and has been in tha must be a companied by the oame ser ice of the Division of Schoos MADE IN ENGLAND the writer, not necessarily for public for a number of years.
89. 40. but as a mark of goud faili.
The Tennis Court for the Gold Employers is nearing completion ected correspondence.
Same as Used all over The Curs La set out in concrete. The major portion of this work has been The Liberty of the press in the palladium of our rights JI NIUS WEST INDIAN ISLANDS.
done by colored. which is generally termed as unskilled SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1920, this court will be a splendid eation ground for those whom Rudyard Kipling styles le THE INSPIRATION OF COURAGI flanneled fo High St seems to be hio. This was the nollest Roman of tl em all. SHAKESPEAR)
able race track for evclists in these days. One cylist in his In the face of the full deep throated cry of the wolf ardor fo. securing the admiration of lo kers on knocked rack pion din Canal Zone officialdom. William Stout tle child down, and termini Las returned. Like it lore stag at lay, he is once mor later wound up his John Gil in 1ucing lis foes and the foes of his race, firm and ur a raid WEDDING. stunt by running into the ti There is something dripping in this exhibition of pur TheUniversalNegro Improvec Independent Orchine of another knight of the cer cf Oddfellows wreel fonal courage. This is not a friend stand play for efiecu Alau il willing took plement le and get thuic is soveething theatrical about it; somethin Improvement As.
Clue of the New Stylocal community recently on All more of the Im ved 12h the coming pre Quite a stir was created in to scciation.
mafcunt in its appea.
Those who followed him and trusted in his leader Info Unity indly city Lane ndedor foldfola Ne Bre ford wit, und Miss Ilide to the arrest of Mr. Web, skin will apain rally around him as the Old Guard rallies Principal teacher of the Gatun The Univers Neer Impr. kdo take note Lala around the little Corporal 0:1 his escape from Elb, fou Colored School for administering The Church tras literally trinsformed on LAWAT 23 1920 is biror into a fare in connee of the Sexere under his Lond Units William Soule is a man amongst nen. leader sans corporal punishment to a Bislands of fw with winch it was Un unmith pour et sans reproche.
SI is the non punishment pofuely correr Hall, Calidoni in the regulations of 10 in Acidiuing to an ancient legend St. Tetor flying front of Norgen and Curtis per poder the his clos in the city of Rome, niet the Christ of Calvar, uld be the 40. Pjen to the St Bride who enter the Church aning on Soresion to the tour winds, and. sy tall, the clier tre of bruber Mr. his cruc tied Lord. and leier returned 10 Rome to list eher hitch at io. clok warp. Bring la culter cuci. Tumay be that the analogy aimed at may provi Et rionia for tlic rud por lo tar oko centro e lehele wereld brought the cogent argument Mother EN Al will be conducted by lling in the lgit of subsequent crants, but if he has In the titū wid the Night Nemupnby Warren, chwil sup liel by several inchis of and other assitant insids.
lexther to bar oa the culinou chutid to tread the vil Crucis that way that leads to is not in and standing are City (tie UNIA) to com u jealt with their Mr Millert the Orgail. The Rey ended Scene Scene will was wirly chvali surfice of the erring maid. Thus the cross, he can rest assured that he carries with him the Heilsuljes ht; bit of Gratis Sicrus atine licarts of his fellowmen.
Tylerlust staged in the Resident Mag.
lisuu predilecto which will al trase court.
Tay good cause entails a sacrifice, and such frecionar Coward, Mrs. Humphrey Ward, authoringther wts impresiv. The br de med Von and tolcance as we cujuy to day has been purchased with al Sell contidence it Els is dead. Brimstond eth buge fri bele ters in this section is it very. The assignment of silver.
the blood of martyr Along with the cof Abeli She was and taught where the llo spite of the legal prostitution of Right; in spite of name to Damod in Buch is left her charac molestie wiede bono regular line or procedures were performedcaliar processto the coronation of Might, we welcome iim back in our members of the UNA anache wyciel. vi diwiwohn Wedding Maren There are several and sundry midst le can weli imagine the feeling of chagiin er et Mitt lille hurt to the residence of Mr an sin a whore really Mis kwa rea a sump ous rupt was not eligible, is the Dutive Oro perienced by bis detractors flow man, low depicall is this Rection of nud slinging!
As the guests prennt were Mrs Ider spily status tilat slitat the bu dres: To the GCN quorum for th: baina!
et dis and Cocoa destinats with help Rus, Ar. Mis Joulin Mir Milso, the many the irre a pencil p10position is set forin in thelines: sinus of luna for the isste at slike in the tur. 010 Awildet Systen, Mrs. Cartis indenly 10, eligible OL!
natin: GEES LITER. Yanate. You nee, our life is likeldea, Mis Mischuld en Mexarece Puri Risht e Goris Gil, GIVE USD. 177: is en Pin and sn. Meslunes Rice, Wil on other hand its sure! 1. day 11 tu! Vì This the in tilantee tak. Mon. Jci at that want it from that when it also delle truet, Wed by her son. This is Tops; IN Darby, to birther in a big Nor Nordispend at firstandanes Whitebello Pirron, Ble, urvy Town jurted sulely by the Ninas e comentarer is ny, Haynes, Johnson. Mests.
DESFONDENCY AMONG OUR Je only Neem on the just what happenicially leay, Smith, A. NI Mr WMiron, e stilila vas se niseshly opened is ith Wiwi often lind LNS Pustit, clerk onthou in D. JB.
PEOPLE oors to the Nem Prophe thing is something bet. comes, a Rww. y, St. Aus for doing clerical work for the millworlar mirthan what we were looking woud, and the lov. Tylerbest, and Mr.
tary establishment at Toro Pont The highest to the lowest; moord ht was hipote Bred ut leo de los acuaren are Improvement Association 13 who Branch of the Ne.
herent to the 110. Without often find on a very ff retinath Ne The Net mary months ago, there was an awakening ir listination to nauonality oreread to the wil which webovania a dress us Chrineu u mik irimine will now a regular tenant of it in the ranks of the Negro population on the Is hinus that wa It siemy to me that thare vain search Instrad of finding silver lace and postele, le cruin was. wm. Hall. The regular who belive that if this is the train was tom. Branch will be held on loth astonishing and admirable. There seemed a onenes: meeting of the al y who noveerit must expecteel pleasur, jis, nood with or. sizo blossoms, and was un and was of spirit that made for welding the lace into ope solid un Home and happiness, vt experience Charmeuse.
should be restricted there insight and know de a real and buyset uf white tiere, asparagus and who are interested in the move.
Site corried a be. uuful evening May 2nd. All ineunday breakable chan; 11ere existed that warm feeling what members alied more intelligent Names blessing, instead of a fires. They were. appeared to archor us securely into the belief that the ment are asked to attend. Now ind leave the more in ini orant pting and many that conditions are beautiful and costly prents, the bride mal you are asked to take up the are becoming nor: Negro on the Isthmus had made the last grand move for ettirg together; there was a spirit of un cation, which, tid, but it is corrusynt into this Association not for the of the Nazar ve and an ardent worker Hos out. Ti is ide is tollly The there. Those who fit leing a pont beuber of the Church work in real earnest la though it rock these many years to bid forth, had at lasi en, Let cquore a few pissages purpose of improving it, but for in the Christian Eudes vour bave hitherto been considered mere object of getting a po taken root and was bidding fair to spread its branches al on the towing the sopher the more The Gruum wila one of the model Braneh. Let us live up to Wolfgerk the says: sition where they may be held pilars of time once fom. us Democratie lished. Several of the officers are oue of the state the record that over the Isthmus viterever the Negro was to be found. know why wel that we are and seer, Tut is tirst Vice But alas! to day, there are evident sens of indiffe. not and cannot be qual; cnce, a lagging ard hesitation on the part of many tog my opinion he who avoids the us with the direct object of citu ving luculis Funders in this no need to exhibit that chilling 0:hers throw in their lot with thu Unive: Negro Improsement Asso: keeping shy, but as this is nou a labor organization, there is really forward and keep the trail blazing; there are signs of de Cooperder to com. Gaft. Gered, and Speculation. Cly their fear of the job.
pendeney; a lack of alertness. Many of us, who but yes mandard for this culpable Iuris to inforun all such, tint who we knotv their gaun, and that terday were shouting the glad news of the general awaken from his enemy because he fears we have our eyes on them; and There are plans on foot to im.
prove the cricket ground in such ing of the New Negro; many of us who a few shori debent.
when we take our qyes off, we months ago sang the rew song of organization among the Arthur Schopenhauer says: will put our hands on them.
a manner as to give the commi.
nity a first class recreation part.
Negro and his determination to kecp organized, now seen Ordinary people are social and Therefore, advise you to be En la Clínica Venerea del Hos Tie Shamrock CC is open to have suddenly fallen into a lorrible state of inertia and complisant becar se to learothesonable; be honest. George pital Santo Tomas se practican for engagements with all tirst ers company is wisier for Hegel says: It is hard examenes y se da tratamento class teams on the Isthmus, nole for tablish the feeling of every man for him. self and tic devi e rendered sociable by other actually exists, but there is noth. mujeres. Il especialista encar. bership can be handed to the way take his brother.
inability to. that real personalmente He who will be cada sto suy, their own society. They interved except reason; it is obuo lute power.
This fceling seems to have taken Euch hold upon cur become sick of themselves. Itixreal rays Goethe must be 180, practicando examenes Among the visitors to Gatun sccple of late that they have ceased to realize that they is this vacuity of soul which able lo juzgue necesario during the past week was the are cntitled to any rights. luman beings. And there strive them to intercourse Wiebe able to bunit himself. Accorde cuando sujuu hendo el vuo to Jenina translation, Con: Con torus ue servicio fucius, the great Chinese phil. examenes en la Clin. ca de Froti pulpit orator of the Baptist Dr.
Rev. Gordon Somers, noted para appears to exist the idea that there should have been others.
thankful for the merest necessities of life which they were There are others who allow supher said: do not know laxis venerea del Hospital Santo nomination of Jamaica.
This ger. earning despite an irhsone expenditure of energy, and not them from getting together in is to get on.
Those who know their religious teliefs to prevent how a man without truthfulness Tuinas: was born in the Parish to have flown into the faces of their over lords and incur this great wevement for their the truth aru not cqual to those los lunes, miércoles y viernes.
hombres. De a5 Noble St. James an and entered the Calabar red the wrath and tyranny to which they are at prcscnt individual and cov: While rc are not qual to those who tind los martes, jueves y sábados.
advance that love it, and they who love it Para tovjeres. De 2abp. There he sat at the feet of the in preparation for the no leto subjected since the late strike.
ment. To those say: Such a feeling is characteristic of serfdom and it is dan the heavenly mansions and the Hoping that you will see the im rea peruna necerá abierta a todas student, he gave great promise ligion is preparing your soul for pleasure in it.
La Oficina de Profilaxis Vene. Rev. David Jonathan East, who WŁO was then President. As gerously near to the impossible, to expect any human being streets of guld, which you may portance of becoming a inein ber tio. us, uía y noche.
displaying these servile traits, to do anything that will obtain after you are dead, this of this great and world wide of developing into a forceful, elo.
contribute to his own or his brother interest in the mat Association will help you to own movement, and a shareholder in quent speaker a promise that ter of standing up for right and, demanding that which comfortable little cottage for the Black Star Line Corp. and NOTICE. was abundantly justified in later he is justly entitled to.
yourself and family; it will help. Negro Factories, beg to royears.
It was the general thought that the Negro had which you will be able to main. Your for Negro Progress, you to earn more money with main as ever, First class examination and been schooled into the state of being able to withstand retain your family, it will help you treatment of all private diseases with remarkable carrying power, Possessing a voice, full and rich EDUARDO MORALES, of men and women free at Vene combined with an ease which is verses and to welcome them as stepping stones to future to pay the 25. 00 gold the AmeriGeneral Organizer real Clinic, Santo Tomas Hospi: distinctly pleasing to the ear, progress and prosperiy, but alas! can it be that we are ex. cans charge you for a burial hole tal Specialist in charge who this gentleman is without doubt periencing to the contrary!
gives personal treatment to each the peerless one. He has been Indians here resulting, it is claimed, chiefly from the late united stand taken, and the exemplary order inaintained 606 administration where neces. and is pastor of the large Baptis?
The present unsettled state of affairs among West good, morally, and otherwise, that must result from the case. Blood examination and President of the Baptist Union Church at Spanish Town.
strike, is doubtless cause for great apprehension, and throughout the entire strike period HOURS: Men, to p.
would appear per se to bave a demoralizing and devitaliz Why then should our people be discouraged at the Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri: Policeman Michael Russell imate Tha teper may be the present suffering inflicted on a of Right against Might to stem the oncoming ide of pre day, Thursdays and Saturdays: dertly convicted of highway robo: ing effect upon our people, but the concensus of opinion is present outlook? Quit ye like men, buckle on the armour days.
Women; to re(white) attached to the Fourth helpless people for attempting to stend up for their rights, meditated and consolidated opposition which threatens to Prophylactic Station open al bery and sentenced to five years will not be equal to the benefits to be derived from the deluge the race.
hours day and nicht.
imprisonment. known The Ga un aced us les Lid 13 is we permanent illusory one.
were the freipients of Society.
Juliana we havesti Secretary Para Theological FA


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