p. 8


Commencing Monday and continuing throughout the weekthe NEW UNIVERSAL SERIAL The Radium Mystery und credit.
be tions are Britanie HOUSE WIVES Bales of the of imit to We want you to know that with a Gas Stove, vegetables and soups can be cooked with the Top Burner Flames, while at the same time the meat is being broiled and the bread is being baked in ovens.
This Advertise Workm:in 600, 0) as France su SERVICE PIE EIGHT THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, MAY, 1, 1920 Rooi ooooo ooooooooooooooooooo Why France Can OPPORTUNITY Pay Her Debt Now THEATRE PACIFIC Chorrill Leleats Fed Oppitunity some time kane at told by Premier. the door of evwy one, and three who Tank.
neglvet this chances are always most loud iconpaining of bond luck and Tim was only one mich played Opporture Time to misfortune when they chorve the rue Hundry, in te wih ti mind thu United States ress of others which they aiult bo Spalding smpetition, and that was the ou model bad bry sus alleged their oue played at Chorrillo liwe thre She does not ask for cho to slip by.
Dillo and Red Tant. The Red Tank Charity, He says. bekled first, and ovuld only put To the people of the Republic of Pa.
up 64 Chorrillo replied with 159, mami sot the Candle OPPORTU. Alleyne bellug top sourer with 51 to PAY WOʻLD BE DOUBLED UNDER NITY is now hboeking at their duer to bis croat.
EXCHANGE RATES them of lue long pretuature Death, which at the conse Britannic defeats ProgresParis March 15. Associated Prew. Blad ter combles, which con was the quoc bestanding Kidwry and Premive Millerand put aside the Germ u traoed by my of the following sv Hp sile oi Colon.
crisis long enough bday to discue the Afrierdly gone of ericket was played relatives between Pernice sed the United tomo ontby Standard Oval Le bunday.
States Lame back, burning sensaand the conditions of the interna The wiehet me tighly inpaired by rain tival tlun cartala pirts of the body, bereit va surprise when atau France sodbe United States munt dizziness, headache, rheumaDewa Prorive to but, alter lunving continue the close fri nd ship sbb tism, swollen feet and Ants, om the tom. With two or three exopL ways has been maiorised between them. scanty and discolored urine Hous, bone of the Internen of the Pro Le sid.
No fleeting wirunderstandinge gressive shwed any bles, and lle entire must be allowed to trouble their relation with sediments, inflamation of team Jemisod for 63. of the Yet To that end the the mooner mise aep bladder, puffiness of flesh, etc. man II a Cain 10 were the out only No en to reach double figurer Mux etc.
are dissipated the better.
two Without going in the purely politiwall bowled bat fut Beib unic, cupturi cal que ius, it appear to me, oppor. 78 sets all ahen this king of all Mr. Wathed Er gland was wiele fur 18 rand Crubey, pend tune to recall now to our friend, the medi ings extracted one from his their anina with King inning United that Prance is not king Idder, and 21VP Surgeone at Phiand dat die uitso, it looked if Brito for chariy. The gre ter prt would dupio to Sumy lest by www money France borrowed a road wa lig sittinet wing De Witt ning with uut the lus of a wicket, but at ut in the cornon intereet of all the Pills do what they could nit.
As Crucey was ought u Yeunas civilineal e suntries. foot which will sold in two siau at all fire than The principal scores for Briannis were form the basis of a claim for special Drur Stoves Beware Best 34, Comey and King 28 vach. The sideration, but such is not our intention, some dealers are handing out.
bowling of Pe wresive was very indiffer We don request cancellation of our DeWitt Co. Lid, London, en eut, abone of their bowlere weted to debla. We valy ask time to breathe and bottle with BLUE SEAL City Phone know how to Geld for his own bowl to recover our strength after four and muey printed on wrappers. THE CITY ink, Brinntid fuade 135. Philips hall years of exhausting war. Our propo. PILARMACY, 139 Central Avenue ww tuo only buwer with any suso, aud wtion are thee which any debtor would exclusively agent on the Republic and he captured wickets for 31 runs, feel right in making in the interest of the Canal Zone.
Games for To morrow.
boib btself and bis creditus.
Jamaica vs. Dewetara at Istuimian Hatled by Exchange Rates.
and hat further inapproposed woul!
Park The Premier referred to the ruirou bring this up to 20, 000, 000, 000, frenos, Surrey va Standard at Sandurd.
fluctuations in the file of exchange, or for tim grantur tha tho pre war Oval which be held would be aggravated rather total.
than alliated throuxhastes prpo ed Could Pranea, irap warish in to Frabee by those not taking sufle est power which line principal induste Pollard and Nurse at Isthmian Pork count of uletior cuuditions.
Noul, bol tomik greater Hallani Sanner at Stauden Ov. If Fr. no is ob id to meet ile oblipeedier effort. hinqurd.
Surry line up fronofrow will be Rutions abrud at prest rate of exchange aldr, Thoma, Ja, he would be forced to pay be entitud.
Blachan, Adler, Pitton, after a long wuuli АТ ༣༣ ༡༩ ༩; Panama Gas Co.
Colon Gas Co.
Nurse llaws Lira Boud, 30, 000, 000, 00) Int.
koul. 01. 000. 000) bytowed om det The kreat deal of itinut erot but IN THE er in the Sur yandard match the ciri121? ZA YOUR C3 SCLIVAR ST.
trend she would ve copy 45000)
od ni his just lily defeat 000, 000 frances (roly na suwu, idu brillo and his bar Bounted lht Surrey will share the Tel. 793 Tel. 364.
friends Oice, that is uut snin Ente. Os the otilbud Surry is what they mean require fruius yung hat Stanlari uns wory for. We have RIVED our blood, se bave th. Allt in will be left to be on to viven our wory T, a kun now u RiVE torrow when the two tecl. ba more u double sur debt is an ann tie saudard Oval ITEMS OF INTEREST Iy that cannot fail to strike the lui.
Blish Com; an. In 117 se producd partial juto WOPLD NEWSPAPERS Preachers for To norrow 13 000 barrels, and the next year 48. CC. Muring the suggestion made by OIL IN THE CARIBBEAN ANDA The mpany has concessione covering the Losad that Fatecula. se WESLEYAN METHODIST Squeeze:t by Ncw3print 6, 000, 000 AC. In Cubs up to 1917 the value of the tabe by inere. lg ex Panna. 11 Revd.
she was prueing 10, 000 la frels. In Mexico stands first of curre. In oil had not been found in comercial, por atins, Prem Miletand said the question appear drio le preferry uu Ev (y Coun mundo. 1918 she shipped nearly 3100. croqrantities, but in 1017 sha sokl 19, 000 dere oud by the American people. R4P MAG Goodall, Prico up Over 400 per cent and What France Faces Icow Then there is Trinidad. She bze icen barrels, and by June the next year ibre still Rising.
were 24 companies organized to operale, Colon, 11 a. Mr. Go dalla producing ince 1908. In 1917 the yake We ark nothing better than increas AL Nrwappels throughout the el moe lan one mi half million bare duras, Nicara zu. Cota Rien, and Pau manuature, and we could make the Cessions are being explored in Hon lid expres We inusitis, boint. 980, mot. Beva, Pwers world and then with. unde sortage of paper sets, and in 1918 she went bulur.
2014 ylowiu Cpluimvign and Briti ta binus for reig trade until we La Buch im. Mr. David Despach, of London, and Venezuela is developing het al hidroende faciunting. De our American Tree Johnson, there is little prospect of relief Light of the ex pt of the devastatiou of 730 pm Mr. Yearwood. for some years. American de the rich a part of our territiry; do thes New Providence, 11 in. Mr. mands bavo enabled the Scandi.
forget that we are still partly paralysed, York.
mavinns to raise prices enor.
aud that it will require years 19 Neuer 30 (supplied. Junly.
rate out wasted mo pwer and restore Paraiso, Mr. Alrall. Mechanical pulp, which in pre the former fluurishing manufacturing 730 pm. supplied. war days used to sell at 10s.
Lirio, 11. Mr. Ileadley. ta is now costing 38 per ton. The war coets us 600, 000 industrial This material forms 75 per cent.
worker, 600, 000 of our buildings were DIED AT BARBADOS of the newspaper. Sulphite pulp.
destroyed, régions were entirely ruined What Tire are which forms the other 25 per FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE whicb in 1913 gave us Di per cent of We régiet to record the cent. in and has adour soul, ou per cool, of our inco death of Mrs. John Allvanced You Using. thread, 90 per cent of our minerale, sa Screws.
man, aged 82 years, which As a result, the quotation for 21.
per cent of our pie iron, 70 per cent of 200 CAUCA Sud event took place on August hier is about 4d per for June and Joly our sugar and 53 per eur. of our soul.
will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA noon on The war wasted our railroad. to an March 21 last at Barbados August British mills at present usSUNDAY, of MAY, 1920. for unimaginable extent. Thirty per cent. after a short ill ing pulp bought months ago are Esmeraluas, Bahia, Marta and Guayaquil.
of our merchant feet was runk and our ness. She is survived by charging 47d for March, which wheat production was diminished two CORD three sons at present residis as high as the controlled of chirde, involving a deficit JAMAICA war.
2, 000, 000, 000 ia frauca (uormally about 400, 000, 000. The greatest number ing on the Isthmus, at the worst period of the It is bound to go higher when. will leave CRISTOBAL A will leave RALBOA noon on These catastrophul eh of miles possible Du Ich nges were blow Allman, general agent of the deurer pulp comes to the very base of the economie aud into tires is built inta THE WORKMAN at Colon, In the days before the war SATURDAY 1st MAY, 1920 for MASON CORD, FABRIC BUENAVENTURA, financial situation of France Tewton and John, all well newsprint paper in England cost Taking up the view of Americas in and SOLID TIRES.
nown in the community 10 per ton. Now it is 44, and aboiers who bave urged France to ship That is the reason why here they reside.
ber rising The EBRO voldguinst an unfavorable trade they say the mit balance, the Premier continund: DISCRIMINATE BUYER 20 YORKMAN (tenders its con All American Papers Cutting will leave CRISTOBAL, for NEW YORK, on Big Increases in Texation lence to the Allman brothDown, and the MOST EXACTSUNDAY 2nd MAY, 1920. France weje deprived of her sold ING MOTORIST.
ers in their bereavement. grave shortage of paper is it would bring on financial crisis cui Sans St1201 causing newspapers throughout ciding with the period during which the DISTRIBUTORS CANAL EMPLOYEES America deepest concern. All SS. ORCOMA effects of war would be unrepaired, It would constitute perils of another order WESTERN AUTO 2000 TAKE NOTE size while many wre reducing the papers are cutting down their will leave CRISTOBAL, on MONDAY 5th MAY, 1920; for quite ne great as those we were vader SUPPLY CO.
Ciroular No. 606, Paragraph number of their editions, La Rochelle, Pallice and Liverpool.
from 1914 to 1918.
reads thus. The use of pro The te pconcbe of American finunci Phone 83. Box 816 Anco wefane or abusive language by Alberto Green Escapes SAL ADOR er that Frice has been tob slow in in those. in subordinate is forbidden. Vio From His Guards. will leave BALBOA A will leave CRISTOBAL pon on posàng taxes sufficient to balance itile budget, are made without due considertation of this role is sufficient WEDNESDAY 5th MAY 1929 for ation to the extent to wbich the paying cause for dismissal from the ser Alberto Green, who was senPuntarenas, Corinto, Atspala, La Union, Libertad, power of the Acajutla San Jose de Guatein aia and Champerico.
e country has been reduced tenced a few weeks ago by as abown by figures have already Vous ruled Is móre kindred in Juage Hanan to 10 years penal given.
the breach thaa in the observ. servitude in the Gamboa peniten For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies a Besides sapping our economic power, anee difcuter for the house Another the German invasion reduced the trea states. No of Smith, Panaria Canal suty Fosources Lo per cento Also while ITE:2:10. 517100 auditor, mules employee is authoriped to use Jais, escape about the United States mobilized about 17 per other employees for personal er morning from sapids or privato work in tine the convict gang while working or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, cent, of doet men of an age. serw we sent to the os órs 89 per tent, of all for which he SA IYidla on the road near Summit, PANAMA tion of this order will subject the and took to the bush. The police our mobilized mea for an inbyitely longer Deriod offender twy, jn mediate discharge of yoth the Zone and Panama 30 or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDOM BROS. Jh. SudAgents. He said that in 1916 new taxes were and possible prosecution. limin diately co operated in the imposed and old ones increased until the ses The bosses around doar séėžu tembardue tu te cupdate the Tugi 1988, The Royal Mail Steam Packe. Co. IPANN: yield this year. will be 12. 000. 000. 000 to care about this!
tive, soce (uominally about 400, 000, 000. HP Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
32, 000 MILES centres?
Mason price forward vice CRISTOBAL 17


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