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Ta fotos to get them ber of West Indian enterprises that are to day being launched in beci nani Colon. It is evident that West Indians are at last waking up to their in chave decided to hold their own in the matter of industrial advancement.
Bio is amonstration to Union Club STOPS RECEPTION AND ODDFELLOWS. JUDGE HANAN SCORES DANGE TO PERSHING BUSINESS SYSTEM Order by th with the main 200 and over 10. or so of subSO)
were and is on trial for a.
are wry and THIS IS NOT PARABLE TO CELEBRATE First Casi the Beam From Their Annual ThanksgivThino Own Eye ing Day To morrow Threatening Crowd of Over 2, 000, Washington telegram The second Sunny in May or When Commissary Salesman is dated May 4, states that each yuring appointed as the Police Called out.
eighty eight members of the day of Thanksgiving u bo cele said to be 1, 600 Short.
House of Representatives bruto ball branches of the Grand United of Oddfel The following report of the demonstration iast have sent Llovd George and is working onder dhe juris: On Thursday last in the Ancon all the various other counts un2 diction of the Grand Lady of District Court during the trial order which West Indians have in Sunday night to the Union Club to protest to Gen the British Parliament cablegram protesting against America, Thanksgiving Exer une Albert Ross, West Indian, the past been sent to be bor free eral Pershing against the acquisition of the Island of the imprisonment, without cist will be held at La Boca for all aged embezz emont of for the Canal Zone CZunder of Taboga is translated from the DIARIO of Panasia arraignment of political of; Lily of Pharmacist was more than, Maunde se movie politici culoare de canales de chat roke when Government Judge supplies a of the 3rd inst. fenders tomorrow, Sunday, May 9, business methods adopted by the From early Saturday evening awaiting the President from the and suggesting that in fuORDER OF PARADE inalment of the retail stor shoes kom so tvor Wilking arrested posted all bil oay of the house opposite ture persons owned and run by the Paname, etc. themselves drawing big by notice The parade, which, weather Railroad Company Ross was a around the city inviting every the entrance of the club, and af shall be accorded trials withsalaries, can allow a little section one to join in a decaonstriction of branking the Presidents Pout unreasonable delay.
permitting, should bá very at sal sanat the La Boca Comis. of his store to be short of 60 tructive will alsseinble at Grove potestakainst the occupation of mission to say a few words, he We wonder if these plucky Hall on Martinique Street, ar. of over Fary at shortage and not notice it. And to see the aboga by the Americans for read out a beautiful 600 worth of gods. little cages (they call them sec. ap was scheduled to take place at puuded by the crowd as well as States House of Representa Chief Marshal, Bro. Butler, brought out!
uring the trial. are locked in and out four Sant Anu Park, no cork on the guests at the clubs se tives are aware of the fact benne, Brasstant pronounced the syst as apal times a day wil Sundny evening wit was post Carrido was interrupted several that right here on the Canal Maratiti marching in the follow. of us who are conversant with turntug around the whole thing Downes, NF ing sense. To those There is non in it five one poned until later in the night times during his speech by reZone, which, it is stated, is ing order the situation and who have fol. pp ared so flimsy to the Judge From o clock the park started and cheers, ruled by the Washington to get crowded as the sympa lowed the history of these com that he reduced Ross bail from Silver City Band The attitude of the guests of Government, persons thisers were just then coming to the Club at the start was mere arrested and held in jail No 1416. Rising Star Juvenile Lodge missaries during the past four 53000 to 500) and twis the motion teen years, the pronouncement of Ross attorney to quash the join and when the band concert curiosity but afterward it tnrned deportation without was over there was scarcely any out to be indifference. It was for comes as no surprise. We have charge under advisement.
Household of Ruth, No.
always admired the commissaris room in the park to hold the polla diversion to the young being given a hearing before 5649.
We heartily agree with the criwople, then Messrs. Turner and ladies, the greater part of them a court. Household of Ruth. No. 951. as the greatest inachines for the valand Americans, with their high co.
The most glaring casa in King George Lodge, No Wanufacture of criminals and ticism by Judge Hanan and go further by stating that some we bise our opinion on a com prepared the crowd for the dood dresses and 9017.
low necks, a companied by their connection with this arbitra6 Lily of Paraiso Lady, No. parison between the numerous justice should be metod ont to dos color employers in the Com o her business houses in the cit. es the ry method is that of Osmond 714 it wils about the the partner looking out on Green Energetic Lulze, st Indian help and then go at least be allowed to bi present of Panama and Cvion employing missaries, and that they should procession starts and a skin what was the Donawa, who was arrested Ivenue, headed by a brine o matter and then to remain with during the strike and held No. 8243 music and numerous to med auvaths as though fright for deportation. And it was. Green Bud Lodge, No. here comunissarius run by the when an din ventory of the stock Railroad. It certainly entrusted them is 7779 not until a writ of Habeas siastically in lurrals for Star of the Isthmus. No that in very very few cases does taken. In Ross case it was Alter Mr. Garrido speech Corpus was filed in the Ca 2166 one ever hear of an arrest or con brought out in the evidence that and everything being calm, Pres.
viction for larceny, embezzlement he was absent when his stock The most striking object in leat Lefevre who seemed very nal Zone Court by Attorney 10. Grand Master Council, forgery, misappropriation and was being inventoried.
the pression was the Panama much impressed, marie a brief Carrington, counsel for No. 408 nian lagwhich was draped speech, and it seemed to have Donawa that the Panama 11. Venerable Patriarchy.
with black crepe, showing that been patriotism which called Canal Authorities were forc Arriving at the Jamaica Prado, AN UNPUNISHED CRIME it was in mourning over the sad forth the impromptu addressed to bring him into Court the procession willforun, two anche la barras The President said in few words for investigating why he was semicircles cross the Prado and Panama Fire how glad he see M. Judgement, thou art fled to brulish beasts. SHAKESPEARE Brigade to whom great respet tri tism of the crowd and that held for deportation through the principal streets is shown as he was the repr sentative of Surely if those eighty and avenues lately named to In the month of January 1919, two West Indians, Fully 2, persons attended the country he could inform them eight Congressmen were cominemorate various islands o of Fredericks and Moore, employed on Clarita Farm the demonstration and it seemed that the occupation of Taboga by aware of the autocratic me the West Indies whose sons (Bocas Division) were shot to death by an American Manas though all classes, social as the was not correct, as thods that obtain on the helped to build the Panama Ca dador (Manager of Farm) and a petty official of the Costa well as political were there, all the negotlations concerning sale nalon joining in the same enthusiastie had not wet been com leted. He Canal Zone, they would where the Thanksgiving Service Rican Government, iden to help to make this a very also promised the people that as first cast the beam from will be conducted by the Revd.
Fredericks and Moore are sleeping their last long inposing and impressive ar long as he was at the head of the their own eyes before at. Mulcare.
sleep under the shadows of the waving trees, but this Government he At the conclusion of the ser rampant gunman, bred in the wilds of feud loving KenA few minutes after ten the the U: Government did not tempting to pluck the mote vice, the parade will return by tucky is still at large and still in the employ of the Unitcrowd reached the Union Club, persist in the iden of occupying out of their neighbours. nearly the same route to Grove ed Fruit Cn.
where a dance was going on, and Taboga It is not possible, he where the remainder of the the populace started all sorts of continued, for neither the people Lloyd George Indifferent to exercises will be got through.
Hus killing been legalized? Is this professional gunexclamations, after which follow. nor the Government can allow Bro. Bowen, Congressmens Message man immune from punishment?
ed a religious silence, while the the United States occupy the Il act as Master of Ceremonies The blood of our kinsmen crieth from the ground.
National Anthem was being island. If it is indispensable for Londen news announces that Lloyd and Bro. Wilkinson, How long Lord, how long!
played and never did it under no consideration 470 hec American Congressmen message as to ciples of the Order.
the Panama Police tares of the island.
England treatment to Irish political the suffering that this nefarious being attempted to remedy the commanded by Sub Inspector Not an inch was the shout offenders PROFITEERING IS RAM the poor people; and the Governtrade practice has brought upun evil.
Fernandez and Captain Icaza that echoed from the throats of The United States GovernFabrega was stationed at the over two thousand persons OBITUARY PANT ON THE ISTHMUS ment must also know that there ment is out after profiteers in entrance of the Union Club to persent when the President was can hardly be any legitimate that country and we venture to prevent the crowd getting too about finishing his speech. Pres.
warrant for the rise of the price hope that the example it is show.
We regret to have to chronicle near, but the cordon was broken ident Lefevre was silent for a the death of Mrs. Aberetta fifteering has set its langs deep of the greatest daily necessities salutary lesson to rogues will be That hydra headed beast, Pro of sugar to 25 cents per lb one ing as to how to administer a and the policemen were obliged while after which he again as Brown of Careening Cay, who in the neck of this community of human consumption there readily taken cognizance of by to get within the door way. sured his people that he would After the crowd had succeed do his utmost to prevent the departed this life on Tuesday, and seems prepared to hold on fore the Goverument inust recog. this Government to rid us of OC 27th 27th ulto. at the ripe age of 81 indefinitelv.
ed in breaking the cordon of the cupation of Taboga. At this lat. years.
On all sides the complaints of nize that it is its sacred duty to these pests.
police and got some automobiles ter declaration the people be.
Deceased was a member, also the victims of that merciless protect the people from these out the way they put the Pa carne so enthusiastic that they class leader for 60 odd years, of beast the profiteer, can be heard. smug, ravening wolves, FAMOUS SOAP, nama na flag exactly in front of the asked that the Panamanian Na the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Surely the Government of this Sometime ago a feeble attempt principalcony of the club, was done by the Union Clube funeral Service was conduct country cannot be blind to the was made to put a check on the tional acclaimed the President of ed by Revd. James, who made fact that there is no limit to the advancing prices of commodities We wish to direct the attention him to the orchestra. At the conclusion of mention of the activities of the operations of these vampires who by means of a so called regulation of the West Indians to an adver.
in delay but soon appeared and was ued his speech but was inter said church. large procession quick to the detriment for the but these measures, ai is wel this paper in concection with the received with great applause and rupted several times by ap.
shouts of hurrah for himself, plauses and hurrahs for Tato Hall Over to pay their last tri poorer classes of the community cious, operated in the contrary so well known and liked in the of friends followed the remains consumer in general and the known, far from proving effica famous Blue Mottled Soap. soap Panama and Taboga.
bute. She leaves a great many in particular, direction and they were finally, West Indies for the good results Mr. Manuel Garrido was (Continued on Page 8) relatives to mourn her death. The Government must know of discarded without anything elsel (Continued on page 8)
fair Hall will SO sweet as on that night sound them to have a part alright, but George will not pay any notice to the will speak on the prin.
of cordon and acord balcony. The boga


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