
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Jamaica INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Barbados rapidly the hand on able service, unless he that one or two men remain. The of his udotion by the Labor others having gone to Cuba.
Women had recently to carry a Party for ockton on Tees he was one of most active mam.
coftin at a funeral.
bers of th National Liberal Cab. When he hit the West Doings in the LegisIndies to conple his edustuon lative Council.
in Great Britain he entered Owned By Glasgow University. He took an active part while there, ia the NEW MEMBERS.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, political affairs of that grent Further Increase of college, mostly on the Irish NaT on Hon. Rebt. Johnstone Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
Lionalist side.
Salaries Collector General, and the Hon.
When war broke out he en.
listed. He rose to the ranks of Neville Roots, Aeting Director of Major in the Ho Public Works, subscribed to the At Monday meeting of the war oath and took their seats as no St. Michael Highway Commis Went right throuh Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 When minated members.
from beginning to e sioners all the salaries of the he returned to England after the NEW BILLS. Board employees were increas, armistice he decided that there ed, with the exception of that of was no future for the Liberal the Chief Inspector whose sti Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Party and that the ideals of the Workmen Compensation.
pend is fixed by statute. The Labor Party represented al com Mr. Smith introduced and read salary of Mr. King, Assistant DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL was best in democratic Eagland.
His conversion to Labor was.
a first line the Bill entitled The Inspector was raised from 72 uickler Wkmen Compensation Law 100 per month. That of Mr.
DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD quickly seized on by the leaders 1920 Walcott froin 60 to 75 and of IM.
Injury Caused by Dogs Mr Payne from 45 to 65. The ton as prospective parlianenta Superintendents also received an candidate for Stockton on.
The Attorney General, moving increase.
Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches meestalowe the second reading of the Bill to Dr Morgan family is well define liabilities caused by dogs, At Tuesday meeting of the said it is a provision to extend House of Assembly a sum of this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
known in Grenada He was injuries done by dogs to birds. 4, 500 was voted to provide a 25 born there and it goes without Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands. saying that if pea fowls, turkeys etc.
is elected to rep resent Stockton on Tees in West Mr. Simpson asked for the in per cent increase on the present sertion in the Bill of a proviso ers of the Elementary Schools.
salaries received by the Teach INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM minster, Grenada will have ono making impossible to claim damn.
friendly and competent Voice in ages for injury when the owner the British House of Commons.
of the premines has taken all no ADDRESS OF THANKS Dr. Morgun is young: he is in the early thirties. He is an ablo cessary precaution.
Decided to defer the Bill for An address was passed at speaker and is at once eloquent this purpose.
Tuesday meeting of the House are many persɔns waiting to ſhy selling at so much a bottle the lery ;used at the lunch, dance and practical. M of Assembly expressing thanks pounce on souvenirs, and there is water from the swimming bath and dinner by His Royal High WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY The Bill further to amend the His Excellency the Governor really only one source from which wars Court in which thereince ness will be kept. But it is the And Lady. Brien for the highly souvenirs might be obtained by Kved his royal person. We have to. The Prince dined sparingly. Governor Thinks Advara Resident Maxistrates Law rass satisfactory inanner in which the a large number. But then the heard of innumerable people who The only relic is a handshake a et chrome heits second reading arrangements for the reception persons in a position to grant te would cheerfully pus out purt of this won plast. There is liki litage Wouldn Justi also committee.
and entertainment of His Royal favour are not in need of way the gains of their profitoorin noul of a few persone never Firearms.
Highness the Prince of Wales They are already priced Wo existence to obtain Schitz using the right hand again. And Expenditure.
The Bill to regulate the grant were carried out.
abwe the frowns of the world measurement of this precious we would not be surprised. we When last th Grenada Legis of licenses to keep and use fire.
Dia Sir Gilbert and Lids Crter Auid, but even here the possi. have seen such things happan lature inet, Mr. De in an unoffic.
arms, was read a second time, by Prince of Wales Will Re care, they coula mike a fortunel biticies are newligible. The cut before. nov ceased friend immer referri to the ser.
the Alorney General who quesof miny of us on of lie toas mitrol the colony being tioned whether we stand on sule visit Barbados first to shake Sir Lesle Probyn agam cut off from communication Bounds with regard to the use According the London on his of firearms. so it provides that Times. Ibe Prince of Wales Twith the outside world through promotion to th: Wreak down in the cable ser o person should carry a tirearm NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET ndministration of this Colony no That dear fellow was so will leave Australia at the end of susested he gets a certificate, and August, but will not be back in no sem munition should be sold by England till about the iniddle of pleased he refused to talk wireless telegraph being installed bis wife again with his deato in the colony. The Gwernor suid retail unless at the time of sale October as he intends to spend a grip and for months after prac he could well understand tho that person is in possession of a litle zore time at Fiji and other tised writing with his left land reason for its installation is is firearin: only responsible per pros of call than was possible in order to carry out his on lands which are calins des Sun Musterty such.
Mr. Stoman said the law ought dog will be revisited and it is the outward voyage. Barb. De business Ad Lesile was not a Prince. Honstanty called Grenada not to extend to dynamite.
Mr. Simpson did not think the land at Jamaica and other parts understood that the Prince will was just an ordinary you or no hehes incendie these categories the cost of installing law went far enough. The Cus. of the West Indies.
shaker less station here would be about. be cu powered to This is splendid news for BarThis is check the illicit bringing of arms bados whose importance is dis.
sa moinent indeed for am 1, 500 and the employment of putating and preserving the two operators 500 700 per are into the country, inember Mr. Robert Johnstore said this tinctly emphasized.
asked in exwending the meant for at present.
when so little acivanlage was to Sir John Pringle saw a dificul. Another Case of Cassava Drowning Fatality be gained and when there was ty in detining wito is a fit and Poisoning When the Prince of Wales was went of other dicu need for the accomplish.
proper person. He suggested returning. things of On Tuesday at the General Sergeant greater He that the thought that we after the public Bali given in this utility?
Hospital an inquiry was beld into to grant the certiticate the death of a two year old child honour at Barbados should of an Inspector put up with the tempor.
a seaman of powered to the Renown, Washed overary inconvenience, minimising it Attorney General answer. named Rosalie Worrell. who died od objections raised. Dynamite earlier in the morning, after board, and although every effort as much as possible, instead of at rescue was inade, the unfortu. that the outcome of the Commute acting hastily as he was in hopes Bill. Then on the suggestion of was the mother could not be dealt with in that being treated for cassava poison.
nate man body was never seen. vee deliberations would be an ing. Christina During service on board, the the elected members further conWer of dem sed and lived at sideration was deferred to enable View The Corset of the Century.
man cap floated pass the ship. All Red Routo of the West indies.
but the body was not found. His tie suggestions made to be em Monday she reaped bitter caso sava from her land, and bodied.
SOLD AT PANAMA BY after Royal Higliness wirelessed per. CAPITAL AND LABOUR.
grating and drying it she baked La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, sonally to the relatives of the inan Praediai Larceny L2W it in an iron pot. Th prepared Central Avenue.
expressiog his condolence.
An Interesting Entente.
The bill to amend the pracdial cakes were caten by deceased ECULA COLON BY Jarceny Law, read a second time, and six other children and her In view of the recent industrial aims at giving more protection self About o clock on Monday Lamu Hing Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long unrest, any signs of rapprochement to authorised Persons, and more night two of the children Mil.
Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kal Co.
between capital and labour should power too, including the power dred and Winston, vomited be worthy of record. LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents regu.
to search any package carried by larly but while decensed appear function look took place on the estato HEAD OFFICE suspected person. The second ed ill, she only vomited on one BRANCH OFFICE of Mr.
Grenadian Selected tune, Taiparo, Gren uda, receutly.
Anthony Lucas at La Bora reading passed, and the commit occasion. The three were brought 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave, tee stage, after minor amend to the Hospital a few hours later, Colon, R, Panama, R, as Parliamentary Lucas envertained. Crop being over, Mr. and ments were made.
and detained. Mildred and Wing Box 152. Phone 90 O, Box 585, Ancu, and labourers Candidate Stamp Duty Law.
dheir overseers ton are recovering in answer The Bill to amend this Law to the Coroner she said that she of appreciation of their good passed through its second read. therefore had it skinned and knew the cassava was bitter and an enjoyable time, and expressed ing, also committee stage, thorougbly dried before baking Grenada West Indian of 1st their satisfaction with the instant.
inent accorded them by their em deceased was Good Employment Oker, the boost mortem examination of was served The following communication ployers. The meal by Dr. Mortimer Johnson who The following is a clipping stated that the child interval in regard to the progress in the under a big tent specialty erect.
Mother Country of our friend, decorated with poseda podsis purpose, from the Times: appearance was consistent with Pr: Hyacinth Morgan, son of There is an excellent oppor cassava poisoning. verdict in Mr. Leo and Morgan and brother to sic was supplied soa pods. Mu.
tunity for any man desirious of accordance with the medical tes Dr. Laurence Morgan of this else done to give the employees getting steady employment in timony was returned by come to hand. The It Kingston by applying to The Jury.
covering Considered the best blood and letter on the subject is that the relationship between West India Electric Co. Ltd employers and employees on this who are wanting reliable men as Mementos gof Pr dent from the London Office of estate have always been cordial.
of tram car drivers and conductors.
Nerve tonic in the World the Manchester Guardian. We This healthy spirit is worthy of The wages offered are from 6d.
Walas notice that the Glasgow Her emulation as a means of restorto 9jd per hour which means Under the headline Notes and ald and other papers in Britain ing normal conditions desirable.
that for a fair day work a fair Comments, the Barbados Heris highly recommended by press and public for are eulogistic over the selection, Wesləyan Methodist Work day pay can be earned all the ald says interalia: Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and ard Glasgow in particular is year round by a good, steady proud of the achievement of In St. Patrick Grenada worker. Men from the country erable regret at the few opportu We learn that there consid general depression of the whole system.
graduate of its University. It is reported says the Grenadistricts who contemplate com.
For Both Men and Women.
ing up to the City in search of nities afforded for obtaining me.
interested in the Eng factor in the parish of Patrick employment are advised to call mentos of the Prince visit. He Sole distributors for Central and South America lish newspapers to hand announc has promised a generous cheque at the Office of the Tramway touched few things that might ing the adoption by the Labor to the Wesleyan Methodist body Company, 151 Orange St, Kings now be treasured as sacred that Party as Prospective Labor can for the purpose of PANAMA DRUG STORE desires have had a serious set aidate for Stockton on Tees of leyan Methodist work in that starting back. The Governor motor car Dr. Hyacinth Morgan, of Gre parish. We have the feeling that Muller Building which was used throughout by The Scarcity of Men.
when the work is started in St.
His Royal Highness is scarcely Dr. Morgan is one of the ic Patrick as will be done in fulfilA Visitor to St Ann writes, likely to be broken up and handed CALIDONIA.
tellectuals in the Labor Party ment of the terms of the gift. find that there are some dis around. His Excellency intends in England. He was a Liberal other persons will offer similar or tricts in this Parish where only to keep it for himseli. There for many years and at the time larger amounts.
This toms olnud num he be be le is provided Police be em was The On Grenada pleasant The Wotake the following from the an enjoybe. cmployecs had quite the treat of was New Discovery Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound Cocoa a the town bas the is shull be Wes.
CAS nada.

    EnglandWorkers Party

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