
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1920, PAGE THREE 0:50: sson SOCSO cico Britain Paying for Freedom of Other Countries, KING BEE CIGARETTES NG BEE Soxo0305 ARDED Tha FORTH CENTRAL CAN MON the first CERCA VAN 49609 cioc Extra Mild IGARETTES began to Great Critu wall have little truble about exchanges, as the Vannover Prrini if she had burne only her own inancial share in the war instead of financing all Europe, In nk of this record: 2, 800. 000 robe 000 lent to Russia; 32, 350, 000, 000 to France: the sanato Itals 3350, 000, 000 to to Belgium: and Ibout the same to the Balkan States. If this money Weie tee paid; say 3, 000, 000. 000, the peole the United States for the excess of imports from that country, the pound would be worth 86.
Great Britain is still paying for be freedom of other countries.
Britain is nation which takes such duties for granted, and some other countries take it for DID YOU EVER granted Britain shall bear their burdens.
Stand near a chap while he smoked a more than one carrier beyond Cristobal. will be returned for KING BEE?
correction It is believed that this method will result in just as rapid moveThey are the Best Alwaye ment of cargo, and eliminate a certain amount of confusion.
With the publication of the above, it is required now that all carro sent to the Isthmus for transshipment, from Atlantic or Pacific, be routed. As a matter of practice, practically all of the cargo sent here for some time has been routed, and in order to avoid difficulties which havo arisen at times with reference to priority of arrival and other wise to simplify handling it was de cided to make specific routing regular requireinent.
In the days before the war practically all cargo sent to the Isthmus for Pacific carriers was unrouted, the shippers desiring to have it forwarded from the Isthmus by tirst Connecting steamer. At that time there was lively competition on the part of each line to secure cargo. During the war the condition was revers ed: the the Pacific bude carriers, having all the routed cargo they could accommodate to accept un routed shipments only after they had taken care of their routed cargo. This resulted in conges.
tion and a practice of picking the inore remunerative cargo with embarassment to the Atlantic carriers and to the to the Panama Rail road Company in accepting an routed cargo for transshipment.
In consequence, the steamship lines bringing cargo from the United States were notitied in July, 1918, that shippers should name detinitely the Pacificcarrier in their bills of lading, and it was decided that whenever it might be deeined advisable th same notice should be extended the European lines. The circular above is in harmony with this policy whether this poliev will in The question has been raised wire with the development of the SOSOKSS SEXOSSO Asko transfer business at the Canal and of the Isthmus as an entrepot. The Panaina Railroad Company states that soldierlike ap Bailey, gave their Isthmus a of pearance of sur Police both IN HIGHEST TERMS mounted and foot, and His Excel bis aides de camp, Captain Rich measure of praise is due.
His Excellency wishes to thank capacities and to whom. large ing, with the storage of goods in lency desires to express his ad ardson, Captain Bruce In conclusion, it is gratifying that is is not the function of the quantity subject to order, and by the officers of the Force and Howell and Captain Bawring, that the Prince of Wales noted. terminals to act as warehouses.
preciation of the good work done Of Reception Tendered Him E, for their admirable work with pleasure that Goods sent here for storage at to thauk Mr. A. Hinkson, 10seh all tended 30 kreatly to most marked, the dignised and distribution would in any BE, and Mr. Armstrong their several departments, thusiasm of all the crowds was Island of Barbados for so ably assisting them.
wal haviour good humour of all be consigned to a a broker make the visit a success the was manifested even in the hard or agent with destination shown The Governor of Barbados ten sustained her reputation for to thank very warmly the Ball Jenkins, M. and the mem.
The Governor further desires Hon ble Lieutenant Colonel frowest streets in the town, and the bills of lading as the Isth1. 05 and would not be in the de red a message to the people of deer loyalty to the Crown. In Committee, and in particular Mr. bers of the Secretariat upon that colony in which is conveyed particular, the Governor desires Seibert Evelyn, and Mrs. Ernest much unobstrusive but really country.
connecting carrier, which are the the high appreciation expressed o thank the Reception Commit. Thorne, on whom so large a share hard work fell; and finally the By His Excellency command affected by the re.
by His Royal Highness the Prince throughout the dressesy rassistances www.
FRANCIS JENKINS, to depar. quirements that transfer ship Colonial Secretary.
ments be and Bowen routed. The Carter dues militate snge is couched in the language Lady ute or irregular authority hin vices with results, decorations; His Lordship the selt much picking up Isthmus consigned to tirst steam.
and it tells a story of that deep Bishop. Dean Shankland and the seated loyalty for which Barba. Rev.
To be Specifically Routed or shipping there are no such Ellis for the arrange dos is characteristic.
to Connecting Carrier services offering at the Isthmus, The message follows:vary effective rendering of the and the advantages of specific The Governor desires to inform ham Yearwood and Captain. Prince own Anthem; Mr. Gra Tho Panama Canal Record, the routing for the bulk of the busiW.
the general public that His Royal Bowring, extra aides.
SECURITY official organ of the Panama Ca ness are held to outweigh the SERVICE nal, in its issue of 28th th: Prince of Wales Highness possible occasional disadvantages April contains the following: which might occur.
spoke in the highest terms of camp, for the care and attention of the splendid re and all arrangements concerned appreciation New lines considering entering The Panama Railroad ComPanama Colon ception accorded to him. His with the drive through the town (Founded 1863)
and vountry; Lady Brien and pany, in charge of the bandling the Isthmian transhipping trade, Royal Highness was greatly the officers of the Girl Guides of transshipped cargo at the Caor lines wbich use the Canal in by the warmth and sin nal terminals, has issued the fol through service which may from evitu the greetings and the cort Our large Resources and well known for the admirable appearance and which lowing circular No, 734, dated time to time break cargo at conservative Management afford uncalled forth the warm praise of April 3, the many happy faces agents of all Isthmus for transfer, may, members of the Staff also were of loud in their expression of thanks His European steamship lines on the course, always enter into ar.
Royal Highness; the Comquestioned security for every dollar suject of routing cargo brought rangements with connecting carfor all the arrangements inade mandant. Statt Officer and the to the Canal terminals for trans. and make specific routing deposited with this bank.
and that so far as possible. every officers and all ranks of the Vofor thing had been foreseen.
fer to connecting carriers: lunteers. Cadets and Boy Scouts, their cargo. summary of His Following the procedure ad. the services through the Canal Excellency congratulates our and who lined the streets, who forned the Guard ot Hon.
opted by this Company with re and to its terminal ports was pubthe Colony on haying gained gard to American cargo, it is relished in The Panama Canal Record such generous recognition from His Royal Highness remarked General Banking Business Transacted. quested that, beginning with of March 24, the Prince of Wales. The Gov: on the admirable Police arrangetime to time to ments and several times asked your next arrival, all bills of lad republished 1820, and will be ernor desires to record his grate for Lieut Colonel Harrel, the ing specifically name the cen keep the information may be up to date.
ful thanks to all who assisted in Inspector General, who was so ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON necting steamship line by which Additional making this memorable visit so the goods are to be forwarded be secured at any time from the Pa.
great a success, and shares the deeply engaged in his duty that President.
Vice President.
Treasurer yond Cristobal.
nama Railroad Company, Balboa pride of all Barbadians that this he could not be present at any Bills of lading not showing Heights, Can Zone, or 24 State ancient Colony bas so worthily of the functions. The Prince this information, or showing Street, New York, Sold Everywhere, WHY?
The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice quoted ab PRINCE OF WALES SPEAKS Congratulated de Governor one of the work tell, al20 Me. Alder who kind ladies and gentlemen of distribution of goods from the while be event be on Bayder ger specificalls Transfer Cargo de los biene.
present policy cargo at the Panama Banking Company penis in Queen n Park, of of res he the saw. The smartness of the 1920. to riers


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