
MEN WANTED Who will Irsist on their Wives Using Stag Blue Soap Three Because it is made in England el 13 Canal Zone Notes HORSE RACING Juan Franco Park other.
this FAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY, 8, 1921, BOCAS NEWS THE WORKMAN The fo lowing address was de.
livered to Miss Henreitt Vinton Davis an Mr. Cyril Henry on the 5th ult. at a reception held at San Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applic.
Miguel Hull Bocas.
WALKOND, as the ottice Central av tion Correspondence on all matter Due and curberol Street, anana, of public arest invited.
Mr. Clairuan, Lading and der Gentlemen: Permit me, on rislication must!
PO BOX Panging Ne ing, to chagra ulate you on this written on one side of patironiy, and most huvid mode RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must containd by the same sion. Ti cathering day vil, One Year Cy. the writer, Dot Becessarily for puble. am su be theation in the but as ibark of good faith, Six Mont history for We do not undertake to retur gles for be Oas 23 jacted correspondence, Windrei Ilok Because it is the best bD entit, sed assembly of the face The Liberty of the rese is the palladium of our rights. JUNIL before mis e Vision yes, an in.
SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1920, and spiratio of horn, frength, of victory.
We are here to day for the OCCUPATION OF TABOGA specific pirpose of the delates of the gro Imovement The recent occupation of a large part of the Island of and African Communities League.
Tabega, Panama greatest health resort and wateringMiss Hnrietta Viana Da place as well as the land of the pineapple, by the American Vice President and Internato ai military authorities here, is causing no little stir in political Organia zr of the League, regard circles in this Republ The inhabitants of that Island, it a special privilege to bid you backed by considerable public sympathy, are naturally welcome! Mr. Cyril Henry, you GATUN are also equally welcome! Honor very indignant over it and have appointed a Committee of (UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE JUAN FRANCO TURF CLUB)
Defense to fight the matter before the proper authorities, Readers of the WORKMAN. comes you and will line up her: ed delegates, Bocas del Torowe decaring that not even an inch of National territory ure five conseutive inues of the pape self should be ceded to the Americans. They claim that the y making an advance payment of twen self with our Brethren elsewhere y five cente on the pay day. This is to stand by the Universal Negie spirit of the Treaty giving the United States of America Improvement Association and only the price of three scope of cream May 16th, 1920, at 30 the right to acquire any territory in the Republic, outside in one paper sells for the price of pend upon it, Bocas del Toro will product the Black StarLine.
of the Canal Zone, which they might consider necessary bad ogar.
do her utmost to bring about the for the completion, operation, sanitation and protection of Official Program)
Business at the Silver Clubhouse seems conditions for which we yearn the Canal is being stretched beyond the limits of human to be improving. The billiard tables are and strive. Bocas has plodged reasoning and that according to the American interpreta FIRST RACE, Maiden Race, for all native horses that in full swing and regular crowds are herself tion of the Treaty it would be reasonable to assume that have never won a race. Distance: furlongs. Entrance still drawn by the movie sws on the For the cause that lacks assistance fee 10. 00.
the United States would have the right to occupy the whole regular nights. The litrary has received Grinst the wrongs that need resistance, SECOND RACE, The Merchants Cup, for all native quite a number of books from the La Por the future in the distanen, republic at any time that they considered it necessary so horses. Distance: furlongs. Entrance fee 1500 Boca Clubhouse stock, and as soon as a And the good that she can do.
to do for the completion, operation, sanitation and protecTHIRD RACE. Panama Handicap. for all native horses bookcase is provided the reading public tion of the Canal, thereby annulling that part of said 13 hands and under. Distance: furlongs. Entrar. cu fee will have an opportunity of reading She is arrayed in earnest and Treaty whereby the United States agreed to respect and 10 00 some of the best novels and classics will not shrink froin the conflict FOURTH RACE, Juan Franco Handicap, for all second of the day maintain the Independence of the Republic of Panama. It Ladies and Gentlemen, The is plain, says cne writer, that the rights of one party class horses. Distance: furlongs. Entrance fee 15. 00 USC The Tennis Court bas bern completed Negro pist was one of splen could not be so extended as to annul the rights of the FIFTH RACE Mitch rice between Hum Drum and and devotees of the game can be seen in dor, of glory, of renown; his pre.
Bush Boy Side bet of 123 00 each. Distance: furlongs. the evenings busy practising at the nels and degr. dation; and his futura sent is one of sadness, humiliation As an outcome of the feeling which exists with respect Weights: Humdrum, 110 0s, Busb Boy, 100 lbs.
The court pients fine appearance to the affair, there was held on Sunday evi ning last a SIXTH RACE The Visitors Purse Handicap, for ail and the Ication is convenient. The whitever that future will blies golf links on the Lcks are well patronisedm les with him in making. In our native horses 13 hands and under. Distance: furlongs.
mass meetirof Panamanians in this city which ccllectEntrance fee 1000 Both these forms of recreation appeal to efforts as an oppressed ra, u. ed at the Santa Ana Park and marched to the Union SEVENTH RACE. Toe Clerks Purse for all native sec.
those with leisure and money.
lift ourselves, we have, witain. past few. de astonishing Club where a reception and dance were to be given in ond class horses. Distance: furlongs Entrance fes 15. 00 The local Branch of the Negro Im. Strides in the various tields of bonor of General Porshing, in close presence as well as provement Association and African Comtion. Leus nos fort that of the other Panamanian and American officials there EIGHTH RACE. The Champion Pony Handicap. for all munities Longue wil hold concert on And although we are still p13 assembled, the people intended to voice their protest. It native horses, Distance: furlongs. Entrance fee 15. 00 Sunday evening, May 16th. Tickets ing tarazh the night of obstru.
Lowever happened that on account of the immense crowd will be sold in advance of that date. tion and wapins, let us with st NOTE. more than three horses start or enter the The regular meeting of the Association purpose, tak cara, for. which attended the manifestation, two thousand being a club will add 20 per cent, if three herses start 30 per cent.
will be held on Suuday, inst. ours will b: the bright morning mild estimate, the General car could not reach the enEutraneus closes on the 11th inst, at pin.
of triuin oh and joy. In the go There are quite a few matrons nround old Book it is written Behold. utrance to the Ciub and he was thereforo compelled to give the driver orders to turn round and return to the SECRETARY.
evinco profound siko for the mike all things ne! and Tivoli. Unfortunrtely, there were included among the companionship of husband or children, anong tre mvy things tut me and are to be found around and ab ut just an mwe nevoisins mia. Sr Conosions, cortojn pripomists This carnival pis olu piee, out of time. Pilen. Several se habitues of tbe club New Negro hus been awauad sort Ily when the shows of nights at itigi who, alter the CC BUCI CL til vir 10. An. erican officials had left, tried to force an entrance into We are backing into the picurcan code. II ive we elected hour, where they hold Bohemian court. to self consciousness.
Husbands ought to sit up and take the Club with the object of putting a stop to the dance, to cat, to drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die?
which resulted in the Mayor, Hon. Arch. Boyd, and the The haunts of the demi monde, these halls of leasure no ice. but perhaps they aro und. petAnd this self conciousness h2, ticoat goverutent.
in great measure, been broughs police taking a hand in the matter owing to the throwing are insiduously undermining the teaching of the home, the about by the genius, the pitiene of stones at certain of the guests who were at that time school and the church. Our wives, our sons, and our The high revel will of trying to leave the Club, For this misdemeanor and what daughters are brought in touch with a social stratum reek King Sol is reguont. Wo are will come wonan; and this woman theo iencing layo sad nights of in ense heart bodiment of noble and digniti was further considered an obstruction of the police in their ing with immoral suggest and false ideals.
duty in not dismissing the people when ordered so to do, One of the objects of the Press is to fight for the con Ir is well that ws are not an agricultural womanhool in its mehte: one of the leaders was sentenced to eight days imprison servation of civic righteousness; Friends, put the brakes to look mox 101 alw for the counted to big among ustody. she, my friends, community or we would perforce have grandeur, is, am to ment by tne Mayor. An appeal against this sentence was on. Veer around and seek the things which exalt a people. ger than a man hand.
is no other thin th lady who now claims our homagan made to the Governor of the Province who turned it down.
The Shamrock is busy practs. whomwe have all assembled hera Since then a joint Committee of prominent Panamanians THE ETERNAL FEMININE. ing and getting into shape. This Club to honor.
and American notables, including President Lefevre, Genis willing to take on any club fron ither eral Kennedy, Governor Harding, Secretary Alfaro and the Atlan. is or the Pacific ends. Com.
Sons and daughters of Afriss others left for Taboga to look over the situation. West In It is sometimes held that three things contributed to munications can to addressed to the sunny land united for one come Secretary, Gatun, mon purpose, let us stand shoul.
dians here who have enjoyed many a pleasant outing to the falt of the Grecian Empire, WAR, WINE, and der to shaller. Let its zuvince that beautiful isle are watching with keen interest the ovi WOMEN.
Mr. Forsyth, emploreo of the sai educate ourselves. Let us.
come of the whole affair, We do not hold that Woman is a necessary evil. Ra lilydro Electric Station contemplates enter every avene of human (1)
ther we adhere to the old world iclea that led the knights Lis family to his native land.
king vacation of sixty days, taking deavour. Let us rvath for the and of old to do deeds of all or the ladies of their choice Height of our mashood anilor live up in iruest fashion to THE PATHOS OF PLEASURE. We are well aware that in the world economy woman Mrs. Laura Talian, for years resin womanhood. Let us a la plays a vital part, for the hand that rocks the cradle, is deut in Paraiso, is now domiciled ia Gia. our place, first and foren sie tun as a practising mid wife.
There is something decidedly pathetic in the attiiude the hand that rules the world.
among the various races of the of the major portion of the colored population on the Isth Woman influence has at all times affected the mostMr Weise has opened an infant human family, mus, towards the constant life problem.
momentous issues in the world history, sometimes benev. school in the Lower Quarters. This the Universal Nur Improve Again, illustrions delegato Just like the horse that is not backed in the way olent; often malevolent.
created by that is just right, we balk and shy at obstacles. There is Samson sacrificed his rianhood in a woman lap, and the removal of Mrs Smellie. Parents meni Association, trics royal would do well to patronise the new school. welcome!
an absence of fixity of purpose; there is no tenuous hold Antony threw away the world sceptre for a woman Lºsons tue alio given on the runofred ing on to principles that make for stability and progress. smile. There have been Florence Nightingales and VictoWe do not strengthen posicions gained and thus advance rias; there have been Lucretia Borgias and Catherine de 17. Laurie is one more in the cu imunity. We hope to see her again Hd VIILNEAL. along lines of progress, but we are apt to lose ground all Medicis.
taking part in the efforts of the commune the time and are prone to a retrocession that is in no way Yet the word Woman suggests to us the word lty for uplift. Dainty wedding took place at St desirable. We like to disport ourselves in the shallows Mother. the dearest word in the English language and have neither the will nor the inclination to probe the nourisher of youth, prop and stay of our later years; bearer crly held by colored clerks are being fil William Gitterns of Barbados und Wie Alban Church Puraiso Sady Apr. The contracting parties were Mr.
of our kings to be.
ed by gold employees. This is the thin Eugene Jarvis of Antigun.
As a people we are too light hearted; too gay by far.
It seems then that our women supply the foundation edge of the wedge.
Master Oslore, conted at the Orgiri Sorrow does not leave its impress upon us, nor are our ac stones of the race: Given good women, we have assured heralded the coming of the bride who er tions in the present dictated by the bitter lessons of the to us the future of the race Reunion Dance tered the church leaning on the arm of Past. We are not learning. We are not exhibiting the cor The greatest, the most virile nations of history, preher father Mr. Jarvis, who gave hot rect attitude towards the stern realities of life. We re act served the sanctity of the hearthstone, and it is interesting away, attended upon by her sister Miss to surrounding circumstances in peculiar fashion.
to note that their fall was primarily due to profligacy and ting on a normal aspect the other assistant maids. The As things are once more put Olive Jarvis as chief brides maid ant In line with the fore going observations, it seems to prostitution.
Rev. Nighten us that the conditions under which we live, do not justi Making a practical application of these truths, it seems City Band of La Boca will give formed the ceremony which was very ever ready and popular Silver gale in his usual pleasing manner perfy indulgence in this mad saturnalia of pleasure; this to us that our women, big and small, are not assuring to its regular monthly dance at the impressive. After the marriage rites were death dance of our aspirations and hopes.
us this vision of a future worthy of the race to which we on Tuesday 11th perforried the bride and groom lett tio Our young men and young women crowd into the Club belong. They are not exercising a benevolent influence inst.
Church amidst the musical strains of the houses and other halls of amusement, in frenzied pursuit of on our men and youths. They are not setting up an ideal press from the States in the mother nt Red Tank, whero a grand reThe latest hits just hot of the organ, for the house of her father od unhealthy excitement and pleasure, dancing and whiling to be cherished, but are rather raising up the standard of form of jazzes and one steps will put was in waiting.
the precious hours away; feeding their baser passions and the vicious age in which we live an age that deliberately be introduced to the audience not The Bride was richly attired in a dress starving their souls.
erases the not from every law of God or man.
to mention the numerous waltzes of Charmeuse silk trimmed with silver From a purely monetary point of view this is serious, We need good women. As Charles Kingsley wrote, etc.
for nothing is gained and much is lost. There is something such is our advice to our young women: On Saturday night 15th, the ried a beautiful bouquet of white rose.
Inco beads and orange blossoms. She end Band will be entertaining the wrong somewhere. Why not learn the lesson of thrift from Be good sweet maid, Paraiso folks at a dance at their husband, as thny passed dowa the sislə and a happy smile by the side of the the canny. Scot or the money saving Jew?
And let who will be clever. A: of that grand edifice.


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