
Demerara mour, od completely the wheels which ordered this the START washing day well with of 100 GHT АР two every bar, UNIGHT PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1920.
In earsting News from the woonop wim with Mr. Herrera to the After Sub Inspector Malooli Fraser who was at Carrera and had by this (Continued from page 2)
time became aware of what was happening, pelted to the scene in a small boat and saved Messrs.
Yami Prada and Eckel who were the worst of. The others wat ashore of their own accord.
Being heavily laden with the Prosperity in the usual picnicking necessaries, the yacht was not long in sinking, Colony CAR ACCIDENT. painful accident necessitatThe Demerara Argosy says ing the amputation of the right that between the lat April and band befeil Frederick Ortiz of May (inclusive) the Registering 15. Colville Street, on Monday Officer for the Georgetown Elec afternoon brtween the hours of toral District (Mr. A 4 and o clock. Froin informa Campbell) will receive applica tion gathered it appears that tions for registration from per Ortiz sons who are entitled to exercise uz who was in boliday hos huattempted to step on the franchise. At present there the car while it WAS in motion are 827 voters on the list for between the Cocorite Swamp and Georgetown and about 200 regis Sea View Resort, when missing Idea tered forms that bave been in sued. It is anticipated that the his grasp he fell with the right hand under the Georgetown list will be increas about a thousand this by severed all the fingers of that hand, Sergeant Williams year in view of the increased who was on the scene promptly earning capacity of the working his despatch to the Colonman, for there are but a few SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, ial Hospital in the car of Mr. mun earning less than 25 r Solis, who kindly placed it at his wonth nowadays.
disposal. Ortiz was admitted by Dr. Bucaud and so aunputation per lo md in due course.
Profiteering in DeSunlight Soap. Have the clothes At about 5:30 the same merara on the line early, and the meals day, a young man named Joseph ready to time. The afternoon is Jiman, teacher of the St. Thom Foodstuffs Law Challenged es School, encountered a severe then yours to spend at your own accident. While riding on the INGENIOUS DEFENSE FAILS sweet will.
foot board of an electric car, his head came into contact with a Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient post for electric wires. the im VALUABLE DECISION BY JUDGE work. With Sunlight Soap the housewife pact of which inocked hi un DOUGLAS does her work most efficiently, most easily.
conscious to the ground. He In the Demerara was conveyed to his houne, 20 Supreme There is no mystery. You get out of soap Queen Street, where he is being Court on the 30th ultimo His just what the makers put into it. The cream pour Mr. Douglas, The name Lever on Soap attended by Dr. Brito Salazar.
LLB. Acting Junior Puisne of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
is a Guarantee of Purity Judge, gave decision in the apThe Sunlight environment is in keeping and Excellence.
Trinidad Island as a peal of Nispat vs Inspector with its mission of cleanliness and Gauble, the appeal being from a. efficiency no soap is better fitted to Prolific Producer conviction by the Magistrate of tha Georgetown Judicial District serve the British housewife than Sunlight who The following is taken froin the imposed a fine of reco Soap. Prove this to day.
Pinancial Mail of Murch 6th:erable by die or in default months Simpsonment on the 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on The success, which have to appellant for having sold one bay tended the Trinidad Leaseho of rice at a higher price than Company and the Triodud Can.
that tixd by proclamation of trul, have established the island 25th September 1919.
o Trinidad as one of the most The pricipal grounds of ap notiable soureus of oil producpeal were that the charge dision in the world, and it is only closes no offence at law and that to se exp cted that companies the prosecution failed to prore sessink oil proports that that the defendant sold a bag isla id inust com un and increa containing asing 180 lbs. gross at a ublic attenti. Noreptur higher price than that fixed by LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT.
ly is this so where the companies the Proclamation, that the proseare concerned with oil lands situ.
cution failed to prove the said led with the Bude zo 19 contained 180 lbs. gross or great Southern Anticline, which, less, SASSASSALO060 has already provided sueh subWIIAT THE LAW STATES stantial evidence o ot Pro nature. It is this act which no On the first ground His Honour estimate of value may be based. reply that the appellant knew inisfortunes are slightly multi doubt, inspires continuous supsaid the Foodstuffs (Regulation plied.
port for shares like Petroleum of Price) Ordinance 1914 enacted So in the case of sugar, rice and what Baricor meant the Go flour to be sold wbolesale it was ernment price for the bag. Tamo Options, to day quoted at about CASE OF DROWNING.
that the Governor may by prur the bag that was the unit of mion that it was competent fo 35. 31. The Petroleum Options.
clamation direct the maximum price The biggest victim under the Limited is primarily concerned for which any article of measurement. This was no new the Magistrate to convict on th be sold and at any time strued to cast the burden of the conviction and dismiss the was evidently con evidence before him and affirm Easter Mishaps present circumstances is a wo with a Trindau property, over may be by the it holds a make, alter or or amend any proclamation. By proclamation proof of the weight or quantity appeal with costs.
Reyes Reyes, along with Arthur sides a protit sharing interest as dated 9th August At the all prior proclamation under the contrar the weight of, or quan phrever hearing Mr. Hum EXPERIENCES AT SEA Stewart, Arthur Green, Nora de to 25 per cent. This particular of a 1918, revoking.
appeared for the appellant Barry and seven or eight others property is situated in the Palo including an officer of the stentialities such as are enj»yed in, a a bag was fixed with the while Me. de Freitas, K3 Seco that area, where there exist po One Victim Claimed the articles mentioned to como object of avoiding what in many acting Solicitor General repre Assonan left Port of Spain last Monday, on a pleasure trip nowhere else in the Island.
plaint but the defendant pleaded cases would be difficult, and in sented the respondent. Argosy.
aron not guilty to the offence as set some cases impossiple to ascer tain. The quantity in a bag is Dr. WILLIAMS ACCIDENTS ON TRAM CAR to Carenage at 12:30 in a bum commanded by Frederick out.
That the Easter holiday invarir. Osborne. On getting somewhere Mr. Millers JuOn the point whether the pro peculiarly within the knowledge (M CH. EDIN. bly proves destructive to the it. off Point Cumana an unfavourable secution should baie proved that of the vendor. At this bilee. seekers. the bag contained 180 lbs. of rice would draw attention to the or less and if not whether the aence of Barker told her PHYSICIAN SURGEON far as this corony is concerned, precipitating the whole party in evidence proved the is by now an historical truth. to the water. This woman who Fifty Years in Telegraph appellant the appellant) she was guilty of the offence charg. wan a bag of rice above the Gov.
Gor: Has removed temporarily to the strange destinypeculiar to the apparently could not stand much Coy Service.
seems to exhaustion, soon ed, His Honour said the object of ernment price and would report the Ordinance was to her. De fendant said Long Building 5045. Section A, No. 21, influence over most undertakings was drowned on hile the thang others prevent the undue increase in the local ment did not buy the rice, she FOLKS RIVER which appear difficult to over remained clinging to the boat. DIRECTORS SEND CONGRATULA come without leaving behind a Arrindell happened to pass TIONS price of articles of food and did. There was no question at tail of woe. This Eastertide has about two hours later and seeing Schedule must be interpret the time of what quantity the bag been no exception. save that the the plight of the shipwrecked It goes without saying that it ed in exactly the same manner contained and it is clear from her All cases fully Examined rescued so many as the doesn fall to the lot of very as if it were included in the OrdPaunch could hold seven.
inance, as Brett said in Attorney General vs Lamplough honrs afterwards the others were many individuals to celebrate res led by Diniel Valobra, of the vice in any of the varied Willie were golden jubilee of continuous ser1678 Ex 229. The schedule Trinidad is as much a part of the statute This of business life and when it does and as much an enactment as any accident occurred about one hun.
other part. He was referred by dred cause and fifty yards the certainly ccansel for the appellant to The shore.
The unfortunate woman congratulation to the individu. resident Golden Rule in Beals Cardinal of Point Portin concerned. This unique distin Rules of Legal Interpretation and and had come to spend Easter tion has recently been attained with friends in the city. Up to zen in the person of Mr. by a worthy and respected ciWills has put it in its simplest form in vs. Judge Whitehorne the time of writing her body had Miller, Superintendent of ti not been found.
1904 K. 827.
Trinidad office of the West Indi: ANOTHER MARINE TROUBLE and Panams Telegraph Coy, who NATURAL MEANING THE PROPER on the 15th ultimo completed his MEANING Another party comprising fiftieth year in that service. To There is only one safe rule BEST few young gentlemen of this Coy has had its trials and from think, to apply to construing an city, were also given a rough time to time, there have been Act of Parliament where we have Given for all kinds of Second hand Furniture awakening, although happily the inany coinplaints directed against nothing except the bare words consequences were far miider (Continued on Page and that is to give them their naOn pleasure bent, Messrs. tural meaning. That was to say Robinson Oil the natural meaning ordinarily fields, Herrera, of the Teini Dr. OGILVIE dad IS NOW LOCATED AT attaching in the country to which the Act or Ordinance applied and of all kinds made to order Prada and Perey Eckel, in the 157 Central Avenue, corner to arrive at it the Court should small yacht of Mr. George consider not only the class of gins, junior, started the Street. transaction dealt with, but also the day for the Islands at 12. 25, Mr Herrera at the helm. When Jogue or practice connected with that class before. In the present Call and see me first, 107 Central Ave. or write Box 333, Ancon nearing Carrera on the way to 30 oase the Ordinance was passed to down, the craft became unman 30 to 30 peta.
enable the Legislature to fix JOHN HART ageable on account of contrary Sundays: in 11 a. in.
limit of price. Different articles winds and capsized as a result.
of food must each have their par.
Mr. Carlos Prada took charge of Appointments can be arranged Mr. Robinson and all started to ticular measure on which the Te ephone 875.
AM Trinidad food system. It wa be a bag: on the tity boat com poinetul e Govern Three Motor Boat Club. This from occur, it is Second Hand Furniture Bought and Sold was PRICES Mattresses Springs Carlos and Yami Hug same HOURS: to 11. 30 a.


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