
PAGE SEVEN Link up with LIFEBUOY for Health Sake.
JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES SAVES Young Men, Boys and Girls LIFE Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more ther soap, it e a reputable germicide and sure disia.
fectant YOUTH and happiness are linked up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the dangers of contagious diseases.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the children keep them healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND Wm. Lawrence sease the Tobago Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants Co. Ltd.
اور اور Cuquelisle The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder Om Flete 906. silver Consilnption stringent urak regulations Central Drug Store ANew Political Party in Great Britain The Daily Mail is the source of the information that Mr.
Lloyd George has been directing his efforts towards forming a new party in Parliament by a fusion of the ionists and Coalition FOR Liberals. He seems to be convine ed that it is impossibte that an vreeable understanding between te Lib rals and Laborites can e Tellected, and order be able to tight the Socialists and the MODERATE PRICES agregation under the leadership of the Lord Requis of Salisbury and Come and have a look at the assortment.
Cecil, it is necessary that there should be complete Cu operation ale elements. It is said that Mr between the moder Bonar Law, who is supporting EDUARDO VALENCIA the Premier, has decided to resign the leadership of the Union ists party, and is endeavoring to die Pune Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole obtain the adherence of his fol lowers to this new combination, which is to be known as the Na Lional Democratic Party. It expected that an important rewill Dr. LOWE Interesting News. weiteren de conveyn we nootheir be the result of this move, a dos congratulations compleContinued from Page 6) tion of 60 years in the service of a direct consequence the assignment L, Edin.
the Company which event will Fuod and the Board of Trade, of the portfolios of Labor, instant 139 CENTRAL AVENUE the quality of the service with occur on the 15th In asking your acceptance the issue.
How vacant, will have to a wait PANAMA CITY which the Coy supplied its patrons but on all sides it has invariably the Silver Salver which goes by this mail the Directors hope you been agreed that the Coy inter LADY ASTOR MAIDEN Office Hours: 30 a. p. ests in this colony could not have lighter duties which have been will long live to perform the SPEECH p. p.
been entrusted into the bands of a unore capable courteous and assigned to you, and would like There is nothing left remarkable beher has proved himsele to be London stand united in like con neath the moon. This week the first painstaking officer than Mr. Mil. to add that the older members in Bor 798 Office 844.
of gratulations and wishes.
Phones: lady made her fir speech on the throughout half a century of Ancon, Residence 1002 faithful service. We share fully Yours very sincerely, Aur of the House of Commons, Other the sentiment of the Directorates QUICK ladies bave addressed the House of Coin mons before but they were not MP of the Coy contained in the fol.
and the burden of their speeebes was lowing letter of congratulation Votes for Women, la to Mr. Miller on the uniqueevent.
Lacrosse of Tuesday great event, which West India Parama Telegraph tel attracted crowds of eager crities to the Tailor and Outfitter benebes below and the Balkries above, Spencer House, 18 ihe Lei 88 of all the Suffragettes Sie uns rake Dealer in School Books, South Place, At the last meeting of the Box fairly low cui veivet costumes with white Allied with sumptuons neatness in a Finsbury, boro District Agricultural Socie.
and Stationery, London. 10th March 1920.
ty while the Agricultural Advis. fichu at the bucum, a rather MILLER q.
er spoke of the great importance de toys and wuit gloves Lady No. 11 Street, Panama Port of Spain, of CrOWINX more food and the Aalur tume tik ant amd interven The clients bake in mleu sechs chains from Central Ave.
Trinidad faling off of the experto Dear Mr. Miller. bare the table which may have been due Juan Rees lind just moves fur les to increased home Address: and better pleasure in being the mouthpiece yet he was or opinion that the He neatly anticipated Lady Box 895, Ancon, C, Board of Directors export should not have been Astor speech in rejection of his unotion.
short if they had resorted to wing towards his fair opp nont įsir more extensive cultiyation. Mr. John said that he would submit with Titus Arthur, a member, said resignatwn to Lais chastiseinent and evce that he agreed with the impor kiss the rd. To which Lady Astor retance of e extensive cultivation.
Corted the Sr Juba was tou ndalu: vise and as 46 STREET, PANAMA.
value he showed four yams he would consider it. In the Peers Gallery, had reaped from his garden tently lis:ening and holding his brow, which was specially planted ac. was my Lord Astor. The member for cording to the Agricultural Ad Plymouth spoke JUST RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT OF quarters of an visers direction as a test. Two bour vivaciously, in rather Lighpitetu BLOCK EMPRESS PERFUME white wat yams lovely Tobago was with a onounced America with a lower in perfect preservation yam weighed respectively 26 cent and may be and 28 lbs. The two Ebo yanis het dhe tetrist pertae, Shoma ads in every bottle; also a large shipment of weighed together 32 lbs. making uso wi a la ge buds e of notes and a CREOLINE HAIR PRODUCER two holes. Should these yams at hand. The speech was a fervent apa total of 85 lbs. of yarus from rutier charming ges ure with her gloved the world best hair strater and be sold at the lowest rate, 3e peal for Iceperance first and prohibition grower from JACKSON MANUFAC.
per lb, the return of 58 will later on, wib accusations of of profiteering TURE CO.
be a splendid record.
ugainst the brewers. know what said Lady Astor SELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Our labouring people are suf Minister to Her reinurk that abo wanted the the Prime how he is master in his FLOWERS, fering from want of Tobacco:this.
caused some cominodity being sold at 79. pero lauzlitet that PROPRIETOR.
Congratulations s, in the shops. The plant is in a parily murdant. Eox 36, PANAMA CITY digenous to the soil and not long iwwert ed un lice after the sat down after ago it gave a circulation of 14. 000 5, and the rest was Alice in World 14. 000 pe veral peroratious by way of feminine TELEPHONE 519 annually airong the peasants who hadi without Alice.
greviticultof the profit cering the fingo. Tue price offered by them for the cured EDUCATION What is It? leaves absolutely killed the industry. We are sure if the The systematic development and cultivation of the natural powers. The be made to believe that power to think clearly and talk interestingly to be marked men or they will get a good honest price woman in any company for their Tobaceo, the industry THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL will again he started. Wenden Preparing to EstabNo. 2, Caile Domingo Diaz the same for cotton which grows lish a College here well. Will the Director of will be opened from and after May 10th 1920, for the dissemination of Agriculture make a move for the elementary and hieher education benefit of these industry, The St. Vincent Sentry of Day School for Childten.
the 26th March states that as a Night School (now in session) for Adults. FF Buljects: Arithmetic, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical Geome The Indigo industry can also result of tho recent visit of the try English, including Grammar and Composition. Elements of Span be renewed if people can be Lord Abbot Dom Mayeul de ish, French and Latin, Grammar, Geography and History, etc.
made to believe that their are: diet, who went to that colony to Caigny of the order of St Bene Beginners classes in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Instrumental Music, duce will be bought at remune take over the Catholie Parish It practicable arrangements for tuition should be made before rative prices.
work, at the instance of His opening day Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY (Cambrfdge Senior)
Grace the Archbishop, the apMr. Hamilton of Green pointmeot of Father Carlos VerBox 1044, Ancon, hill has started to erect a sugar becke as parish priest has been factory at his eatate at the Blen. contirmed and an inportant move.
heim and the Meteyers have ment towards the RENESC cominenced to plant canes. We of a college there has been made.
establishment hope to see a flourishing estate in the old Commissariat stone a few months ready to manufac building at Edinborough and all ture next year crop.
the adjacent military lands known as Ross Castle, about 20 acres, Dr. JOHNSON Abbot from the Govt. and the SURGEON DENTIST new owners are already clearing up with a view to proceeding Phone 1003 Address with their work.
Ancon 852. Our workmanship reflects that Proficiency WILKINSON which is acquired only by years of Experience. WILSON CONTRACTOR BUILDER NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA DYER AND RENOVATOR First Class Workmanship ANN THOMAS, 107 Central Avenue and corner Plans and Specifications Free 16 Street West.
Phone 218 B, Box 712 5th Street West House 90 KIIRESTEREN Ancon Canal Zone Box 411, Panama, Chorrillo Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 Tha Oldast Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modera One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Aenue, 33 Opposito La Mercedes Church Panama.
of 00 for three (a American some bere by it?
GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its greatest asset is their good will.
Our service has always measured up to this stand ard and brings forth volun tary expression of friend.
ship and confidence Come in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold ers. Better than pins, FULLER JEWELER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, RP.
lalang about saiu דו פיD.
18 master in EVER STRIKE You people St Vincent Panama Furniture Company could be 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door eo Cecilia Theatre Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock PRE The Woman Exchange FONDAZU DRESSMAKER Leacock Co.
Modern Cabinet Makers NO. 8, STREET PANAMA CIT PHONE 1060. BOX, ANCON, C, Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood Latest Designs In Cabinet making, etc.


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