p. 8


28. 08. 20:50 50. 000. 000 Big Demons ration OPPORTUNITY Curry Daleat Standard There was one games on with the 66 lestynd Sandratie PACIFIC THEATRE Sunday, 9th inst.
Thursday, 13th inst.
BIG VAUDEVILLE SHOW SET FREE Nana Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday THE LIST INDIAN DANCER Gable and wife Continuation of the Big The Cowboy and Cowgirl in Universal Serial FANCY ROPING The Radium Big Reels The Great Montana Stampede Mystery Cowboy Buckirg Buliniais (Continued from Page 1)
Op;tunity at one time koks at At the conclusion of Pis the door of every one, and three who een. most dud Por Sisa who loud a complaining of hard luck and Westo era puch in Emisior une in they serve the uely.
This presentation Wise minded bad tlory Lut alluned their vel with wrivat enthusiasa chce tu slip by.
poultha stared ca fr Paling to Ole Olu. their de th DKH1.
nd ? וה ו1ג. מג יווני הנו tinct of th: bly, 10012, ats, Sty ne ci :30 PROVED SUCCESS Tiit on the 11 20 The Price Is Moderate Monthly Payments Sold on Easy Advertise Workm: YOUR wie ti that auto leite or well, Holder 10.
ition it would be stope 2013 Back 10. Bowling for euprins had to tot Sliders for Continue on fuollot Club guari Fur Stutdurd listen toured cd by police The. oment wis eventually the CC.
Games for To morrow.
reiched when there was e xcitement among the crowd: 14. Chorrillo, at Istanian two military auts arrived, the FITZ BOWEN first bearing fou Sarry vs. Britannic, at Standard Oval Star stars and the next with stars, the first was the general. THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR The two unbenten teams Surrey and huwd. turned bac car which not being able to foru 82 November Street, San Miguel Brinc wil net lo Brow for the Tuin tratals are very strong went away but the second made T! e 2)
and though it may be too early to is way through, helped by the moke a fun cast of the possible winner You are Cordially invited to inspect our pilice until it reached the clut)
of the cur, there can be no doubt about whin General Kennedy alight the tatter that the winters of tomor from same, accompanied by a Complete Line of Gas Stoves.
row milch will not only be the leader Stall and a few ladis.
The other car car turning back the cont but hay also be the aid going away attracted the possible wind IN THE Umpa Jick and Coilthrust at Panama Gas Co.
АТ Colon Gas Co.
atention of all present who su 1shonlathi Abby unl Satils at peted it is the car, bearing Sudard Oval General Pershing this Wat CATHEDRAL PLAZA 93 BOLIVAR ST.
by General LEAGUE MEETING same to one of the ushers. As soon as it was made There will be a meeting of the Spald Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364.
known that General Pershing ba ina Ingue Committee on Thursday, tund back, Presitent Prvi May 13th, at the leal School2016 Kut in his car with his Aid Street, Gu chapeli. Lach club is re and went away amidst quested to send a representative busi applause and burralis of the ness of great importance is to be dis to carry out his tour of the northeaper train wreck occurred at Merd And CUPS.
The Week Cables tion of the country. The renowa stils when 150 passengers were killed or bura.
The wrontinued to wait Niceting starts 15 on Monday to meet the Prince at Weed to death expecting Geral Pershing to in Brief. THOMAS lington.
return but the attitude of the Secy. Treas.
Japan cxport trade with Argentina London news states that the news of people became so threatening Buenos Aires news anciennes that increased from 1, 000, 000 before it was the death of the Crown Princess Maro mounted police were called Edmurt Holder to Leave weatship cargo service is to be ut in 10 10, 000 000 in 1918 says the Bull til firet of Sweden, on Saturday was receive wo keep order, and placed at the operation this month by a new company merce at Buenos Aires.
of the nited States Chua. ber of Cod by her father, the Duke of Conaughe entrance of the Chub By this The Isthmus. o be known as the Pacific Argentine while receiving congratulatory meskis time the guests started to leave, From Bombay it Brazil live. The boats will trade between is reported that on his inntinth birthday but ter with such dificulty that military patrois had wb It is with deep regret that the principal poris from Seattle, Wah called on the scene.
have to announce the expected niston, down the western casts of Nori Meu tine the dance was departure of the Captain of the and South America and the east coast of pende. Pershing Suriey CC. Mr. Kimund Halter South America, using the Panama Canu.
who as a well knowa factor in the New York May Daylabor activities did world is known to be cricket led but to Cricke won mand of crowd Dancing genial sportsman, and all who not call for the employment of the 11 000 have come in contact with him police officers who were held in rondiness for any emergency that may have arisen, inside decided to kill time by have formed the same opinions only one small easily dispersed open air While it is not definitely known dancing while the multitude out side decided they would yell. What Tire are as to the exact date of Hold sathering of socialists took place.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE This commencement of er departure, still we believe London reports that although May the scrap as a group from the You Using?
that month engagemnt Day labor celebrations on an unprececrowd attempted to force its way with the Sussex will be his dented scale were arranged nothing unto into Club but was stopped by last appearance on the cricket ward occurred. There was an almost unifield. On Sunday, at the Stand versal stoppage of work, which, however, the mounted ORBITA the charging of the ard Oval Mr. Holder will meet did not affect the vital public services. mounted police the crowd still all of his friends who may not such as postal and transportation.
remained in front of the Club have a chance to meet himn again CORD before his departure, and ated the lead of the cities of the United London and Buenos Aires have followand protested to Mayor Boyd about the charge of the mounted which time he will be able to an States and have inaugurated an overalls The greatest number we will leave Cristobal police. The Mayor could not nounce definitely the date of his of miles posible to build understand why the crowd should Linto tires is built into departure. Mr. Holder has been wearing Campaign calculated to reduce on the Isthmus for a considerable dhe former city have adopted Deuin the high price of officials Union have gone to the Union Club as MASON CORD, FABRIC of number of years and has now overalls as their wear, and have issued General Pershing and the Club und SOLID TIRES.
decided to try some other field appeals to the membership to follow their had nothing to do with demon stration. The Mayor was very That is the reason why of labor.
THURSDAY 20th MAY 1920 example, while in the latter place students at certain moments and they satisfy the most FAMOUS SOAP of the National College of Bartolome DISCRIMINATE BUYER his friends had to struggle to Mitre have doobed the same fashionable and the MOST EXACTgarment in protest.
The Governor, who was also Continued from Page ING MOTORIST.
it yields, both as a rare cleanser The Customs authorities at Rangoon FOR present, was in the best of mods DISTRIBUTORS trying to calm the crowd and and economiser, that in every seized over 15, 000 worth of British and asking them to retire and walk household it reigns supreme as American gold coins which were concealWESTERN AUTO from side to side tried to the housewife soap. To those ed in a water tank of a steamer arriving prevent the police from injuring SUPPLY CO.
who have not yet made the ac there from China and the Straits Seitlethe people.
quaintance of tnis household nements, Phone 85. Box 816 Ancon When the serap was over Cessity, we would introduce it to you as an English product, which Canadian steel, coal and transportation Montreal telegram states that nine there were several wounded should be sufficient guarantee companies have been consolidated into a among which was one Rivera, who had his head cut open from a that it British Corporation capitalized at 500 Then there is another matter 000, 000. It is the largest transaction of Liverpool.
blow struck by a mounted police to be considered. The good that its kind in the British Empire and seeman. The police managed to arrest seyeral but the crowd were you can do by purchasing Eng. ond only to the United States Sieel Cor opposed to their being taken to Tish goods. The pound sterling is poration.
For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies a jail and the Mayor bad to be sat now at a discount because England is not exporting enough Dublin news continue to chronicle outistied that they be let loose.
CRISTOBAL Many were the wounded by goods to re establish the pound rages by the Irish outlaws. They re stones thrown from anong the equilibrium, and hence your folks cently blew off the roof of the police or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, crowd and also by sticks used by at home are suffering on account arracks at Rush, fatally wounding a both the police and the crowd.
of the low purchasiug value of a sergeant and another policeman, and PANAMA few minutes later a truck shilling to day, and you also suf also held up train and robbed the arrived with patrols, who were fer through them. It is, there fore, your clear duty to buy Eng.
News from Ackland, states that or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents sent for to protect the American lish goods as much as you e in the railroad. trike there has been settled The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Panama.
officers who were then leaving, and soon after everything was and so help to relieve the situation, and the Prince of Wales will now be able again calm, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. So not return it was som started Pacific Steam Navigation Co. La not stop right away a supped on 32, 000 MILES was the this police Mason excited calm bim ing La Rochelle Pallice and is genuine. bags الحديد


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