p. 1


PRICE Cts. Ways and Means for reducing the high cost of living will be discussed at the Union Hall, Skating Rink, Colon, to morrow afternoon, Sunday, May 16th, at o clock by Stoute.
The public is cordially invited. Admission Free.
Grant, a Duden ugly.
Against Panama Railroad Parents Horrified to Find Company Train Wreck Child Asphyxiated Captain of Ship Ably Defends Camilita Castilla, Columbian, 10. gruesome whimse yon, Lorenz Porec ax discovers wax mule by a working By Thieves Who Carry off Dynayears of was killed in the in an himself with Butt of Revolver, train wrick nar Gabor on district of Paris when they res My 1913, together with Mis turned home from work yestermite and Fuses.
Lunes Rok, West Indian day The following account of volver returned to his Captain whose care the end was conso Alormed at nut finding their a scoting fatality which aid. by the mother, filed as tction twi child boil of whom it at the il dirithaftamin waste William Blakett, West Indian, through a plan that by 930 took place on the liigh seas First Mato Timely Aid. forums at the Parmhulter the stone, Mounterstid on sunn His chile is taken irom a late issue of The Ritter by this time Rulfo 300 and Wine tant more thy With Dual 10 bore di kaw th: Punt of Spain Gazette, and we bomen awarder 1, 500 by se jury at we out to work, the parents are pry Friday morn by politsei live Njun Rick schuin air with still it ends of this in the direct of the its. We are The. San Barth buitend of his 11 Ser Lit Gitted; which are with the rd to them to be in the vil will put ll clock the Fida Georgetown lener a ground and on osascal 15. 00 Ticient in the run stor the movie sum of irink hart Ofte and some of the on the 3rd most hai ry excitants. tiptingos Torneo in. She Kingston, the movie with the vari sub fore this or nin aside in Ticire instances woulin di Indon is the base on to Jamance on the 2nd Maven, und ending in all tirement dans in the still into the compaction. The cute that the murderers ereptu) bundary between Cristobal and arrived at Port au Prince, Haydi, shot the would reduced by Attor is not to a chemist, where all ved.
on the dil on the item oon of the online maletines the stone. Tudi ahi Milngre.
daterad The theory histhitgirl hair at i shicks out the true of the histola corto the Drently within 10 Within burs of the prope the first day wished on these were overo. net ancher and said for Port de and placed in irons Higie Grade School Eviab mesto tie trans in play te star, which is a small filling them in won arresto Plata the northern Cost!
and the lid closed initialys galvinised on stiveleted el Blwerd lished.
Hy won an hour and a hall The Like Gildes signed she was locate tur in the rear of the cold stores. El mundo Parit Chris Cam.
ale plant the bar Hrad Lien sering for diss and to the mur timers placed Attention is directed to the ad. Prominent Mer. ber of Jew and is quite isolatel, placed oli0 Monday tiny were Teached its climax.
wid Tartust by Aerican. vertisererent appearing on another ish Coiony Passes Away. Sera noose around his neck. alias Albert trond began it is said rinna Fordatorue to the establishinetto it tha page of with reference strangiin him and in bil skull with a bannertke u with a lot in hisslardat.
Maisie Court the him in an intoxicated constitute Antiin It is our very sad duty this roll it nearby too room.
at soba! Delore Wido tion. He was sent din from his hidin Nitse Gate School by Mr. Robert Wk to hitve to include in our where the when watchman Thomis with murder in the tirse dogovo post by the Captain of the ship ty of tidy made Silsity at N2 Cale Duli obituary Column Mr. Isaac Sass went undury clock in the and burglary, the Court offered.
Din this City.
Meeting three of his shipm it then sailed for Port de Plata, We would like, in congratulat West Indies senior partner of discovered the body with a piece sum of 10. 0w) for each defenda native of St. Thomas, Danish morning to relieve Blackett, he buil on the latter count in the be explored that he had tren the ice to St. Thomas Martiniquuing Mr. Lindsay on this admire tiran of Sasso and Sons, and of rope around the neck rolled ant whien was, of course, out of roughly handled by Captain Belie Belie Barbados and Trinidad able tbove, to bespeak for him the Shortly after the lightship was wholeh arwed support oi vur ish Colony on the Isthmus to away from where we murder over for trial by the district a prominent member of the Jew down a hiilside a litl: distance their reach and they were held and they the bridge the lines passed on Saturday last a slow. West tush for mute bastened to the assistance away a young Spaivaru was ais: Went of indian Chumanities for which he came some forty two had been cominitted.
schoes of class has court of the Cablain but was seized by covered by the boats wain in the been a serious drawback to our years ago The authorities were at once William Blackett was from the the four men who tried to throw rope room. He said he had not on youllis whoses parents could not Mr. Sasso died on Monday apprised and soon after Cristo Parish of St. Jaines, Barbados, hin overboard. powerfully bward at Trinidad. He left with a curls to send them to the West morning at Ancon hospital fol. bal police off cials were on the and he is survived by his wife bione movie hot and naged to get ready to be very hot Cilvede all the other in anderes for proper en el tion, you love me te.
and upon an operation per scene investigating and quickly and family, who are at present himselt free and procuring a restant for Cuba.
a source of great exp in day, aged 59 years, The heads of the Balboa police Killed at his post, doing his convenience to those parents who did send their children The Jewish funeral services also hurried over to Cristobal duty faithfully. Requiescat in Dr. Gittens at Trinidad THE MAY FLOWER BALL With an institution like this in and Masonic burial ceremonies and there was soon in operation, Pace. our midst, easily accessible sna (he was a founderof Pacific Lodge (Dr. Gittens, well known To night at the Red Cross Hall, moderate as to charge, it indeed No. in Panama) were held at his The Week Cables dentist in this city who left the there is certainly kungu iw us bhuves every parent to take full residence at Bella Visth and the Canada West Isthmus some time ago for his lively time. The invited parties advantage of the opportunities remains interred at the Jewish home at Trinidad. nás. we are have been hard at practice and offered, cemetery in the afternoon of the Indian Trade in Brief.
pleased to note, established him are anxiously awaiting Mr. Mur.
Mr. Lindsay is a son of the late Mr. Sasso was the brother in law in his profession in that co. tin Jazz band, when he tries Robert Lindsay of Jamaica, who telegram from Tokio states that the lors. In writing him up the up the first waltz, Mr. Scout the tor mora uso wanny years was of Mr. Levy, at present Delegetes From Islands to Ottawa Conference will Prince of Wales is expected to vizit Ja.
Pori os Spain Couille proprietor needs no recomien. Suconi Mastur of the Alico Train in Panama, they having married be Guests of GovernThat the dental parlor of Dr. dation on his part as to delivery College in that island. He to two sisters on the same day in Gitteos, at 105 ing the real goods.
toda a tirat els Cambridge Se Kingston, Jamaica. He is sur.
ment vived It is indicated by a cable from New by a wife two sons and Queen Street, is one of the most 0107 it you miss. You wis Lale reading for the London Martricu Workman tenders the deepest Coruscale and is at present seven daughters to whom the York that the prohibition law is filling up to o date of the many such par. thing when you miss this Ball.
Halifax, May At the the alcoholic wards of the city hospitals lors in in this city is the opinion of sympathy and covdolence in their weekly meeting of the Board of with patients to such an extent that the the many persons who have paid Cut to Pieces and Instantgriet.
Health Commissioner is non plussed.
him a visit. Yesterday our rep Trade Council yesterday, a Delely Killed.
resentative took a peep in and Extent of Fortune Left by gation from the Progressive Club Washington announces that a Cana was simply delighted with all man by the name of Abel.
tho late Mr. Ernest Toronto World Finan discussed with the Council the dian Minister to the United States will that he saw The operating ordo about 40 years of age and a aproaching visit of the merchants Minister is at present withheld for dipsoon be appointed. The name of the Vorley of Jamaica cially Involved, room wbich is painted white native of Martinique, employed of the British West Indies, Mr. lomatic reasons, but it is stated thet be throughout with furniture to its laborer at the Cristobal Coal match is very inviting every ing plant, was cut to pieces and thing The will of the late Mr. Ernest WELL KNOWN NEWSPAPER MAKES Henry also made a strong appeal will be invested with such unusunl powe care instantly killed on Wednesday being so cleanly ASSIGNMENT.
for faster steamship service on ers that he will be able to take full fully stred. The laboratory is by the 35 shuttle train bound Vorley was lodged in the Su.
this route.
also fitted up with the most re. for Fort Randolph. It is said that preme Court of Jamaica on the The President, charge of all British diplomntic questions cent appliances required in the the man stepped in tanto the aun inst, by Messrs. Cargill, yet another big Canaliau news. ing of the visitors had been disa It is significant of the times that Whitman, said that the entertain the British Ambassador.
dental art. We are sure that engine as the train was passins Cargilland Dann, solicitors to paper concern Toronto World cussed with Sir George Foster Berlin cablegram stated that it is Dr. Gittens with his wenty the Cristobal round house. in years experience in England, the estate, and in a few days has been obliged to make assign Ottawa last week. They will be semi officially announced there that the America and Panama cau loon STOLE BONDS. time application will be made to ment owing to financial difficul the guests of the Federal Gov. German military air force will soon be forward to a successful tuture u Judge in Chambers that it be ties. The announcement made ernment who will map out a pro disbanded in accordance with the terms in this colony.
recent telegrams with For the alleged theft of admitted to probate.
the gramme and the Board will fol of the treaty. Aerodromes and other es 30, comment that this assignment low it as far as local entertain toblishments built at a cost of 60, 000, 000 AT HOME. 000 worth of bonds a Columbian From what can be gathered the affords further evidence of the went is concerned. The matter marks will be destroyed except one aerogiving the name of Carlos Danayo tentator has left iñe sum of serions position in which news of having local interest confer plane factory and one hungar.
was arrested by the Cristobal po 85, 008 divided as follows paper publishers find themselves witb the visitors would also be Paris announces that the French Quite an enjoyable evening lice on Government has decided to dissolve the was spent last Sunday at an At is said Corday morning last. It Personalty 20. 45 and alty at owing lo the rapidly that the bonds. has cast of Home giyen by Mr. Waits of from a wealthy Columbian in Bo vised the whole of his fortune to Mr: McLean MP is newsprint and wages.
general labor federation which has BIRTH of the World one of the most wide been supporting the railroad strike.
San Miguel in honor of bis 24th gota, and that Tamayo had 23, his children. The Government have so far ly known newspapers in Canada. the Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Misses Anderson, Worrell and captured. He was apprehended got 11, 774 128, and 9d in death and the second Toronto Journal Richards of Ancon Avenue a wage raise averaging more than 30 per It is reported from Manchester that a Brown, Mrs. Jachman, Messrs througla the medium of a wireless duties and it is expected that to be plunged into finalīdial diffi bouncing baby boy, on Wednes: cent has been granted to 400, 000 cotton Folks, Yearwood, Murray, Clarke message sent by the Columbian they will get a further sum by culties the past nine day, May baby mills. Thompson and Alleyne. government to its consulat Colon. way of succession duty.
are doing well.
threatened strike, expecse and self in pau next year.
mays lation, with the United States in the absence of increasing attended to.


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