
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Jamaica Trinidad INTERNATIONAL BANKING GORPORATION has been Capital, Surplus, ndivided Profits Over 9, 900, 000. 00 Official Depository of the Republic of Panama was inade by Conce fixing the re 17h Lesene Fitzwilliaromoted by pros.
other them and the right to subscribed and the books.
Was Grenada for varius Maris The Port of Spain Lavete says in part: Me publish an interesting me norandum by the Hon. Receiver Suit Against Miss Garnet Mott ey General, giving explanatory de.
tails in connection wit the preVinton Davis Case.
Owned By posal of the Goalsu the sum of 501 Fr rail tavs railways THE NATIONAL C:TY BANK OF NEW YORK, ind other puble puble work, by cho Dovəlopments After Meet Royal Clemency Refused.
issue of govrnment intures ing of Branch of Negro Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
On further consideration Lowever it ан Word has been received by the Improvement Assobeen proposed to incre. se the a nount to 1, 000, 000, and to ciaticn Government, notifying the refus.
al of His Majesty the king, to day meeting of the Legislative accede to the prayer of the peti Council, the Receiver General IN KINGSTON COURT tion invoking Royal Clem ney by will introduce to that effect an free pardon to convict Garnett amendment to the Bli ing the raising of the lo it The Gleaner of the 23rd Mottley, or the alternative of April states that interesting de right to earn will be remembered that the prison marks dur velopinents are likely to following his five years incarceration loan raised in 1918 for them.
the recent meeting of the merr. as from the 6th of February 1916 pose of a gift to the Mother counDEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL It will be remembered that try, was over subscribed tie bers af the Jamaica Branch of the Universal Negro linprove Mottley was convicted of murder tune of 50, 000 or so; and even ment Association at which Miss in 1916, but the death penalty DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD then, complaint Henrietta Vinton Davis, Vice was commuted to prison for life members of the public that th could not get their full allotm President International Organi following a the jury recoinent.
The idea of at zer and High Commissioner de mendation to mercy. On the oc.
he ce clared Mr. Price, local Pre casion of Peace Celebration Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches sum to be raised at 1, 000, 000, will ensure the advantage to the GO sident of the Society suspended last year the then Acting Gov this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
ernor Hon. Gordon, as an from office, public, of subscribing their fuil allotments, and at the same time Messrs. Lake and Rowe, solici act of clemency reduced Mottley Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
avoid the necessity of further tors, acting on behalf of Mr. life sentence to tifteen years imlegislation in the event of it hav Price have filed an action in the prisonment with the right prison Kingston Court against Miss earn marks. which ing been found that the original INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER. CENT. PER ANNUM ning meant a further reduction of Henrietta Vinton Davis claiming proposal of 300, 000 should be every year, pro increased. Then again we under 10 damages against her for three months in havinx herself and her son warranted it. Following on this vided stand that that applications for allotments have already been reev re vants or afecally entered the an influentially an The East Indian Herald 125 th y art today. The incident the Seditious Publication Bill to large subscriptions will be forth and Anril 1920 numerously ed from several West Indian co plaintiff office situated at No.
lonies, and it is expected that 1: Church Street in the parish beto was address the Seditious Publica is the galling when it is the bothrust upon is surely calls coming from Barbados alone. It of Kingston and taken possession ed to the then Acting Goverzor, tions Bill.
membered that we answered the forth the exclamation Et tu Bruti!
thereul and removed therefrom paying for a free pardon for apire call and shed our blood There is ample Provision in the thunderstood that following on certain books of account, docu. Mottley. As a result, the Acting on tho ba tlefields of Europe, laws of the colony for libel and passing of the Bill, the ments and papers, and Goveroor further reduced Mol pectus will be issued so that it wrongs then and is e great damage of the plaintiff: 100 of tive years, but bruary number of the Eity Majesty, the King introduce measures which will out delay the intention bene!
there did to to tley term of fifteen indian Herald.
Experir. The echo of the war manufacture extremists. We pro not to do plaintif to earn ollaims where was following on this action of progressive colony being in dane of our boys are y tubrout, and East Indians in Trinidad. Never have the prople of this sul re owns in our ears: some test against it on behalf of the not to close the list until the end June next. It turn of the books, documents the then Acting Governor, in ger of their rights ani libertis for su interessats a man will seen that as far as indicaticns go seen that next. It will thus be and papers removed by the de.
fendant from such office at 13 cenying. Muttley the right to at present, there is Jun enile Offenders Church Suieet, aforesaid and 25 earn prison marks on his reduc.
sent there is every poss bility of the increased amount of 000. 000 or very nearly that damages for the detention of the ed term, that a petition will ad On convicting a thirteen year sum, being dressed to the Throne with the NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET old boy named Randolph Fitzpa, fact that it will include 90210 outresult as above mentioned. As trick for the larceny of a box of HUMOROUS, BUT FACTS pire on the 6th February 1921.
it is, Mottley sentence will extools belonging to Messrs. Hone side capital. speaks well for tho Ross Co. Lu. His Worship general credit of the colony in ALL THE SAME the Acting City Magistrate, in the eyes of investors abroad.
Humour in Court quired of the boy parents. The information forthcoming The humour embodied in the But wait, wait inan, gie a the cyte father was away following extract taken froin the alla chance nuh, two tones. Coin and the guardian along Glaner, is our only excuse for caii bray one time man. This supported the boy. His Worship reproducing it:was the remark made by a wit.
remarked that this state of ness for the defence during his Cor petition in Fruit things was becoming fearful. The Prince of Wales 1083 examination by the com Trade plainant (a constable) in a case, at hese inen went about the town making children and then left and Grenada.
Mass Charlie and Mass Freddiele City Magistrate Court yes.
terday, in four them urcareil for. These boys are amoung the two best known were chargedech with young men becamo regular tres.
No men on the north side, che is wonder there was such a It suddenly reliev a lot of Royal Visit And Sediticus passengers.
Prince of Portland, and the other ea the inonotony of the Court as juvenile offe offenders in this colony Bill Incompatible.
This thing Duke of St. Mary, so that Mass it provoked much laughter. At ing as brcoming learful Charlie letter in the Gleaner of the conclusion of the case, the and he must write the Govern The Grenada West Indian bes March 25th has been read with defendants were tined or ten ment about it. When these men the following to słynnent the intenso interest especially by days each.
left the colour, the Covernment proposed visit of The banana should first tind ont who were Prince of Wales to Grenada Sune people think that it was their children and then make behalf of the people of Grenada some order or the other not quite a thing for Mass Char New Bank for Port 07We thank His Excellency the Gove lic to mention certain fucts con Spain cerning helping his friend in the Tho Cttawa Conference. com our people penge coccanut deal. It is very plain The Corset of the Centuiry. cireular telegraphic despatch Wale Wales. The Governor has 3that it will necessary to do this canadian Bank of Commerce in order to show the radical received from the Secretary of pressed the sentiments of Gree Will Start Brar. ch SOLDAT PANAMA BY State recently was taid before nadians who rejced to know change of front of his friendLa Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Piaza; Key Hing, the Legislature by the Governor that the Prince has included in one day he comes and states in The Pori of Spain Gazeite of the Central Averste.
the same day. The these ancient any loyal his tour substance: am in the Lion sulto. is responsible for the ECELACOLON BY forwarris a communions. the very words lised by mouth and likely to be devoured. Following: for the love of Mike help me out. We understand that yet an wan. Ming Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Cirong lons estion from the Officer adminis the Governor) But, with this Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai ca.
the Government of Can. our ancient loyalty is to be in: few works after he comes and other large Canadian Bank will ad shortly be opening up a branch Con especting the sulted by a Bill before Council LEE CHONG Co, Sole Agents says in substance: it was all holding of a solid mistake, the lion is a most bene in Port of Spain. few days at Ottawa in May to ulich cannot but brand our peo consider the volent animal, in fact find he ago two highly placed officials of BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE subjects of which seditions: has are not. That Bill 134 140 Bolivar Street 110 teeth, and have been the Canadian Bank of 62 Central Ave.
fed core kindly and helped were in our midst Commerce representatives from England and an honest heart true wel treated very Panama, R, Colon, R, of Wales to a passage to America where the ground. and left for Halifax O, Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancu 11. attend the same. The Secretary not go together. If the Bill is to am slated to see the President.
on the Canadian dian Steamer which of State approred the arrange be passed over over the Heads of the The Public can judge the reason sail ci on Sunday morning. They for this sudden change of front, were Niessrs. Slow et Piterson wents, and the Council gave its people to stand by reason of the assent to the Colony sending a might of the Government, the Another queer thing has hap and l aulkner the latter an delegate.
welcome to the Prince will be pened of late: a certain gentlemen Inspector we are informed and, in Port Mars buying bananas just as soon as their report a people who will have Provision Plentiful in serious though silent doubts and for a company who are shipping been made, the necessary steps Trinidad Krievances in their hearts. The them as freight by the ships in connection with the opening owned by the trust! Did you hear of the branch here will be under Government are setting out to of such a thing? We hear that taken. The advent of yes an. recent issue of the Port o. disgrace Grenadians to blacken When cockroach mako dance other of the great Canadian Spain Gazette says that for the their record of loyalty, and the him no ax fowl, but here we see Banks in the West Indies will past few weeks ground provis Prince of Wales is expected to cockroach and fowl making be be welcomed.
with the restricLions, principally from the Piparo visit us in the early days of our friends!
imposed on foreign Bankdistrict were being brought to impending humiliation to witness Draw your own conclusions ing institutions, there is certain Considered the best blood and the city in almost alarming our free expressions of loyalty, from this interesting Phenomely ainple room for another bank, quantities, by rail. They were love and gratitude.
brought at what is known as non. It is similar to a well known while the desire of the Canadian Nerve tonic in the World cheap rate. six cents per one electioneering dodge where one Banking establishment of ex: of the candidates bringsin a third tending their field of operations hundred pounds, and sold 10 Dr. JOHNSON candidate to split the votes so in these parts is ample proot of Is highly recommended by press and public for cally, SURGEON DENTIST that he may run sucessfully and the contidence reposed by the defeat his opponent.
Dominion in the future of the Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and Trinidad grown oranges bave Phone 1003 Address am, etc. West India Islaods.
general depression of the wholo system.
been coming in for a share of Ancon 852, BANANAS.
For Both Men and Women.
high appreciation from guests of 1st. April, 1929.
Shirt Factory at San Ferthe Queen Park Hotel due to nando.
Solo distributors for Central and South America quality which judges of the fruit WILKINSON WILSON It is stated in the Port of SpainCONTRACTOR BUILDER PANAMA DRUG STORE is additional evidence of the class of citrus the island can produce.
DYER AND RENOVATOR Gazetto that a new industry has been started at San Fernando in First Class Workmanship the shape of a Shirt Factory.
Muller Building The Trinidad Government Plans and Specifications Free 107 Central Avenue and corner This factory known as the South16 Street West.
ern Shirt Factory is turning out House 90 Phone 218 B, Box 712 pyjama suits and shirts in large In connection with the local 5th Street West Aneon Canal Zone aumbers it is said. Loan of 1, 000, 000 to be raised Box 411, Panama, mon.
On the very tering the lence and shipping and sof prefer ple as over Call has given by New Discovery Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound 89 tions


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