
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1920, PAGE THRES Sosesso es SC SAS03 304CMS sc:e0:00:50 2:58:33: SISSE Don Think Muchof Plot Rumor ఆద 樓以前 KING BEE Eritish Belleve, If True, Those Behind it are Irrespons ble Agitators INVESTIGATE THOUGH saree sex Gabriele Anunzio Forming a League of Discontented Peoples CIGARETTES KING BEE?
the idea, that it osessexse 55 SOUTH ING BE ORTH CENTRA WAND Lower INICAN Intra Mild KARETTES HO Sold EverywhereWHY?
people of From the GLEANER Direct West Indian Cable dated London, April 20, states that. constantly reiterated reports that a plot having as its DID YOU EVER purpose simultaneous uprisings in Canada, Egypt, Ireland and Stand near a chap while he smoked a India in June, is being fomented in New York, have impressed British officials to the extent of setting on foot an investigation.
The offfcials entered upon their work of investigation to day with They are the Best Always it was Rtated, such a a plot was on foot, those be.
hind it were frresponsible agitators who would not be entrusted with funds collected in the for the Irish Republic, and who are without organizing ability, or other substantial backing.
The reports received here have gone so far as to suy that Irish sympathizers have left the United States for Canada, Exypt and India to plan a a revolt in these coun tries. In this connection British Ofticials have taken cognizance of statement of imeber o Para liament that he can prove that a Soviet Committee has been set up in South Wales, and is awaiting the time of the treat Revolu. when it hopes to assume Fiume April 21. Gabriela Annunzio is forming an antiIrauc of Nations, consisting of rity ement in alle runtries Oppre Which Vill be added The le of Frum. He invited Confere Cat Hume on May 15th. Dele rates Xped fro il Beypt, Tid, Turkey. Prow negro, llungary India Lion Kochnitmiky, Annun09 Secret of Foreign Af to 250eiated.
include in the Le of Fun. all peoples Conference is put under the hell of other races We will include the Germans of the Saare Region, of German Austria and tria and Danzi, and also the Turks and Beyptians a certainly the Irisl, the Hindus and the peoples of Diwati, Croatia, Montenegro, Malta, Morocco, es AS, Syria, Palestine Cuba Algerit, and Panama The new League will be a great hehen league of democracy based on the of self determina tion and communism, but withSXOOXXO XOXO Soxoxoxos QSCOXOXos 00 00 Sexoc seks out the atrocities of Bolshevism. Annunzio has used the good points Bolsbevisin in his con America and the which has developed them into and most important in the unique cable in view of the difficulties wachtend watercoloase din any ones. The poet believes in a and rejected the bad the degree that black in my.
West Indies units. Not so very small, seither in which they have evolved har where for British statesmanship judgment the best candidate great national spirit, but Bolshe The population of Jamaica monious com nearly as largon is that of New ties of white, colored. and black in unities. where and be such leam: who stood whilst in the two cisme would hakill this. We have Former Governor of Ja Zealand. It is an island colonized folk, living under the most chosen for the League a with maica Answers Talk of by English and thoroughly in which colour alicuiques and prono anen tot equal rights for white tions where white residents op a red field and gold serpent, sig fused with English traditions and judices have been steadily and tagevusly for social progress. supported by an appeal to color pre: and black has worked so advan posed black candidates who were nifying revolution and eternity.
Cession to conceive of themselves as as Jamaiidly diminishing so that appen the same ich legislative Council. peturhied on this wmeceitambay ovens Row in Durham Cathedral and of recently the British Empire The whole tion is increasingly resented by illustration of this aspect. They good whelmingly black constituencies.
The London Times of the 6th am. etc: London. Feb. 17There was an upMarch, published the following group, under well informed and healthy public opinion in all have, can say from personal syin pathetic handling, might pos classes.
letter from Sir Sydney Olivier: roar in Durham Cathedral on Sunday SYDNEY OLIVIER, knowledge, returned a very fulTo the Editor of the Timex, sibly be fused together into a afternoon when Dr. Jowett, the celebra non Conformit It is very wholesome and desily representative set of elected 37, Brookfield, Highgate, No. after minister Sir, Will you allow me, as one West Indian Nation. Amalgama ascended March the pulpit to to deliver his sermon. The who, from residence in severai tion with Canada would be most West Indian Colonies, from per uncongenial to them. It really BREACH OF PROMISE Minister was about to announce his text when friendships in most of them hardly ever occurs to the inhabi.
Church of England clergyman sonal and from long and intimate offi. tants of any of them to think about arose and began denouncing the serPublie opinion is gradually forming in vice in a a loud voice. There followed cal connexion, has considerable such incorporations they only favour of abolishing damages for breach soene of commotion, in the midst of knowledge of their sentiments, discuss them when these journal of promise to marry, and this has been which the objecting clergyman was seen iny to Mr. Gideonistic or political kites are flowa.
evideneed by the absurdly small dam strenuously resisting the efforts of police Murray appeal that this recur. It is difticult for English people, ages recently awarded in the Courts. It and ushers to eject him. The ugly sitring talk about a possible cession who see these places only as (BRANDON BANK)
beld or sale to the United States of little spots on the map and argue in the majority ustion was relieved by a member of the America may be put an end to. that they obviously fall within a young man and woman whose congregation singing a familiar bymn in SECURITY Proposals of this character can the American sphere of influence engagement is not a success are much which most of of the congregation joined, better apart than unhappily married, until the interrupter was hurled from the only be made, on either side of to realize the SERVICE and that the general demand for sex cathedral doors.
the Atlantic, by persons whose Vitality And Solidity equality implies that calling off should Dr. Jowett was invited to preach acquaintance with the Weat luPanama dies is contined to their position of their autonomous feeling. Any (Founded 1863)
be as reasonable for the man as for the in the Cathedral by Bishop Weldon.
Colon girl. The masculine view is that a man The Arch Bishop of York though asked on the map or who overestimate suspicion that His Majesty Gov.
monopolises a girl affections for a num to stop the service did not do so.
the significance of statistics of ernment could contemplate de Our large Resources and well known the present distribution of their taching them as coupons for the ber of years. and in a recent case the trade.
amortization of Inperial debt, to engagement had lasted ten years he conservative Management afford unIt is quite impossibie, ought to compensate her for loss, or, on the lightening of which they have grounds altogether transcending in themselves subscribed what they questioned security for every dollar the consideration of a trivial abute could by liberal war contributhe raatrimonial market. Once you ad: Dr. OGILVIE ment of imperial debt, for anyone tions, to say nothing of nearly a deposited with this bank mit the right of action for breach of pro IS NOW LOCATED AT who knows anything about these thousand lives laid down, would mise in Cupid Court you must take places to contemplate such a deal; be a deal, be particularly inopportune and these unpleasant commercial views. 157 Central Avenue, corner is the women, however, who declare Street. and, as Mr. Murray has said, the insulting to them at the present rule that iſ a girl recent inooting of a simtlar pro time and. would tend to revive posal on this side aroused in them that mistrust of the care of the consent to such an arrangement, and HOURS: to 11. 30 a.
cannot hold the affections of her man, to 30 indignation and energetic protest. Mother Country for them which she does not deserve money compensa. 30 to 30 The point is that these comma their long suffering under the ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON tion. In legal circles it is believed that Sundays: to 11 a.
nities, especially such units as Sugar Bounties did so much to Barbados and Jamaica, have a establish.
Vice President.
the laws relating to such actions will be President.
Treasurer drastically altered as soon as divorce Appointments can be arranged, long organic and spiritqal life and Moreover these colonies, and reform is seriously undertaken.
spiritual history of their own especially Jamaica, the largest Te ephone 875)
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