
Public Missionary Meeting THE WORKMAN MEN WANTED Who will Insist on their Wives Using of the Crist :571 Baptist Church lished on Saturdars by Rates for Advertisement og applica WALKOND. at the other cent to correspondence on a whis Due and CTOS kud BUX 74. Panama RP con for the RATES OF SUSCRIPTION One Year SM de Stag Blue Soap DI Three protestant Likeer part Our one hundred thous been by exploited ries its by a by those who Xerience Son 1. Vingur barn at the Mroy at inte DY Clon. My 12 Thiba missionary inting of the lan.
Custobal in huren ple. this eving one at 30 etek Thiebeding is crowd. ail he chair was ne.
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the charch.
Because it is the best Among the silers w: Mr.
SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1920, duction by the and ir billiintindvend.
dress. This sealordrw very DONAWA CASE NOT BROUGHT Because it is made in England interesting thouzh pathetic re tur:of the mission field in which.
TO TRIAL he is engaged: the various condi work, the masses yes tion obtaining, then The vexed cose of the lanam Canal Governmen!
and the obstacles and opposition rs in their ac mini tration, fitting to bene untered. Hy stated against Omond Donaw, a West Indian, who was THE GENUS QUADRUMANA them more and more, every day that that he had been en arrested during the late strike and held for deportation, for the grattisk lefore them. work for 20 beerengas the hal was brought to a close some days ago, when, wie under task which their moraleyes could the MONKEYS Smiling need of Argentina, stand, it was settled by mutual agreement of the parties not concerned and Donawa was dismissed.
Some white bos idots are addicted to call us by the perceive imbuing in them the as well as of the surrou idmre necessity of compulsory Thanks publics. After 60 years of mis.
The issues arising out of this case have been looked none too acceptable cognomen of monkeys.
Rising: as it would be the means ionary enterprise there are at forward to with much interest by every section of the In some respects, despite the magnified ignorance and Minighty God, for they realized churches, while the greater community, both colored and white, in the cities of Pana sublime stupidity of these representatives of the long cared that butter results would be of the the population without shepherds Tho 2) repubare like sheep ma and Colon, especially so as the result would establish tribe the term is fitting.
achieved a precedent in determining the liberty of the sub We have developed as a people a tremendous monkey worthy Peter Ogden de lies of South Am rics contain ject on the Canal Zone.
aptitude for imitation, and we exhibit in pantomine the parted this life before his ideal eighty millions persons, out of was The circumstances in connection with Donawa trappings of a civilization which is doing no good for us, secu suw 19 years and has soen fully realiz but which only and have brought into real case are doubtless still fresh in the memory of readers and which we take without question: We ape the white watehed by his successors; bless touch with the gospel. while th of THE WORKMAN. walk; by. work in It will be remembered that during the strike of the his ingo. and we absorb his decided immorality. We watered and nurtand by the areas. In Guatamala and Paris, Panama Canal Silver Employees in February last, Ormond chew filthy tobacco, and swear between mouthfuls, all this blessings of Peace, Happiness the condition of the people in Donawa was arrested at Red Tank, Canal Zone, while dis we do though feeling subconsciously that we are merely ina AT:vowerful hand out our Prosperity and guided by simply deplorable.
ble. Idolatry and tributing fly sheets calling upon the men who were on playing.
even cannibalist are rainpan: vine Captain has developed into while the natives We have not yet made the decision to work out our this mighty SHIP which we call are strike to remain firm to the cause, to be calm and orderly, and in short, to maintain such exemplary conduct as would destinies in our own way, and therefore we are attempting Odd fellowshi, this secilin oppressed in various way.
be at once manifest to the entire commurity that as strik an impossible grafting experiment resulting in consequent million souls, whose individual wrritory in the world.
Africa not is the largest solid block of ers their act on was a combined and concrete protest of loss of time in realizing our national aspirations.
ache is What we really need to do it the present time, is to mighty crew swoth the trouble trick is 8000 mil s, with a width part of that extd. The length of this Might against Right.
Donawa was held in jail, it is claimed by order of the discover ourselves, and as soon as this is accomplished; as breast as we believe in a Friend of fon 50) t» 1, 50) miles.
Panama Canal Government beyond the time limited by soon as we lay aside this monkey trait, then will the ob ship that sies in a very human In een law for giving a hearing after being arrested. He was scuration be removed from our eyes, and we shall obtain a being a brother. love, that in ed) an carnest appeal for young Conclusion, this speaker eventus ty taken before ihe Balboa Police Magistrate and perspective fitted to the working out of our ideals as it fitsc. Tratha an impregnable bulweruta for this work 100, to raise the fallen 11 When and woma charged, but was there and then dismissed is the Govern these being the foremost plic Ajuncture a solo irist ment lind failed to prosecute. But as he stepped a cutside Thanksgiving Day the sale or fallil the prinples of the der, in all. Wiscorreos court. it was alles ciples of the Order.
Frien Iship may be better under od hy order of the Governor of the Panama Canal and Is Missively ren Exercis 23 dersund by those Let themelore Ollons all Kit Girl Son held for deportation.
Thumbly sell our spirits to the call it, than may be able to describe pse il content Turgely words. It is one of the atten the statem: oth previous WIL UI dialens corpus was immediately filed in the dants lure heilis, confort s dali come which appear in many forms, and his hearers me resp hunan District Court b; Donawa Attorney, Dr. Carring Cf the Grand Unitc. Grexistence vakrad brought to the minds der of Oddfellows 0:3 the resp stility ton requesting that his client be given a hearing. This C10 General Law reus thus: develops itself in various ways of each christi un individually, as was upheld by the Court, and Donawa was brought before Sunday Last This feeling of Pondship is in will its of the churb, as a wide LIW XOX Chief Justice fianan oi the Ancon District Court and reface belonging to man moralin nissonary work Ts; HO natur. Irendship in the first renee to the zal that leased on bail of 500 Cy.
Tho Thanksgiving a Sel Tacoal stepowstone in varierande scherz: the 1:a. repeat them fere nun, Donawa Aito Little IULUI los vermem ship, bowever depends on a mi missionary work in Jamaica secara le spell the the Government never seemed will and the end came allas. Biay bilen. lers, loss. nl very branching which lads them during its far back is the days of few days ago when Donawa was told l:c was free and Listinder the spices of the Lily of Paris Lode. No 5711, and of the of of in America bail Lond of 500 returncl.
carried out successfully. Sasa Day of Thanksgivins, by seek each others company and a very: holding in the service As has been previously stated the result of this case the power and they are in or auditorious Friendship is of vital importune chose incidents lors the story on TN of th: moit steking of an appropriate was watched with great interest, and it is disappointing Cathering ut bombers in the arios city, towns and to to this 0, der. To great a value a slave, wholespite the set that not only to the witte West Indian con imtinity on the stout.
throat cannot be set upon it.
It is common ishaded be mus but to all cher aliens that it should have terminated the Ma onlra for the pro derinitions at which rives on the principies vi Olulegato a prechod the Thus, as it leaves the regravating situation exactly as ition to forwarding minister of the Gospel without the pwer of Friend slui penales; and th other was the shall deliv red by lowship. persisted in thus ou cadasther We could not exist as a socists though threatened with a like tl. e Canal Zone, against the chances of being arrested and Marsils of the tous Ludress on the principles of the objets of this Dideri willingly les veral les ter in slending inicrestieg kaow why the case was not brought to trial thates.
Hatert by the Silver Cry!
While Oljelow are taught is true Sell 10. be tudd to Card each other Rind the perde en verre MORTGAGING THE FUTURE BY RA a ine prinet. pl the same pont as an inte wat our brother keep hos who have ed is its resultat charnie is in the heart of this the speaker point SOUANDERING TO DAY Charrt, the bear under day with prayoritise on tot in that friendlbord dette not yet the strains ara nunta the then rendship is a ciwck to the 12 10 Deltmenns Poverty and Poverty means Mizors, am here that they come into win bedeni sa do niya Bite of whoi Lietus. Shake care may say abominatie in de o Decont of Love this of AUVTSy, won be follow UV to Stoly land li vetem. Terny is a set Wick to the rig ini crijosmeat Brood Bowen, Some women and chil crudies on the pleasures De Coco of lie: Disease, creand suficring attend in its training Stron city for this ea! stana in lastus. 100 tis proe for which Wanne, 10. o join in one cord in neu hino enjuseid.
hiz duty creditati ankfulness Alreizhty Cond true friends The Socialisi drcams ci a time when this srim horro true friendshis always dwel (Connael on raqas)
The shall be removed from our Social Iconomy is based upon reci by the pascoltof the Church oan transaction through the rally of a bro spiritad ottura a realization of what is means to cop the wolf from the Red. Tocare was one pist year, and so besuch Himias are taught in a coupledged roles: this white door over is be remembered: Thu with all sine rity to favor us to ve 0:14 Another this be we now wall at ful harig Individually we may not be able to contribute largely was of y Br. Wikir through the future, to the top engin ni the Gulden Age, but you com at least son, who had bend the boi oi Trendtars received, we may aloe protect US and jority Inwari and in you all for the post och but was Thanksgiving Day to do this during your years of productivity, you will cer dote to dativne und perform the fie as members of the Croaa toist supporters two che con jerebre by the mighty therebral as day by by Jay tainly be unveriliy of even the cold and questioning po luty imposed on litus by the United Order of Oddfellows have power of Love to drew nearer to tronage of organised charity in your declining years.
TRUCH. 18. prirciple opposedlordo certo che stof ous to ba thuakful because this On Order which is the nitting of Bro. Wir cinson Address fello Thrift is insurance against Poverty. When you run Unid States of America in the one is the nugat into debt for things which you cannot afford you are Reverend Sir, und Christian var bject the promia year DS3, on the 1st try the ones the negative to the other one of Graad Unii mortgaging your future at a terribly high rate of interest. Friends: We the members of the Grand Vocal and children ofaucassety Dart Truth its pri March has drawn together inconvenient is constant and acra nithe It is natural for appetite to cuirun income, but men same yesterday, For the sound other blessings who curb their appetities for expensive luxuries in this under the jurisdiction of the cial, moral and mutual benefit. in extending our hands be way. thanksgiving service held this United Order of Oddielows, creeds and nations for their so and forever. May we therefore we are thankful. And may this their day, may possibly be able to afford them later on.
Sub Committee of Aanagement admonishing Indulge in thcm now and you are overdrawing on the of America, have assembled bereiter father to become beted by the highest motives and soday in this to yn of LnBoa bo account charged against your future. Debts collect heavy oday in ecccordance with the mothers, so that their children which Old fellowship is based.
and women better exhibit the principle of truth on one ever to be remembered by one and all toll on future income. Čut out this habit, Don worry General laws of the Order, 10 mny follow their gorú example, to keep up with some one else. Try and live comfortably mighty God for favors which He brought about? In the year 1813 adoration to Almighty God for May friendship liko iry, encirelo tliy render thanks and Are we not justified in coming Where er thou xellest, may content be LO AL How was this great success here this afternoon, in praise and thy lot; but carclully, Buy intelligently. Make every dollar go as nas graciously bestowed upon us our worthy Peter Ogden (of guiding this. to, its present far as if it were last.
the past year guiding this blessed memory) fustituted the successful stage? Should this may cach rosy vrn, clrose:d in muntio cot; us renewed energy for coming generation; a reasonable insurance against the ingles on from victory to victory, lodges were fore adopt the watch word of Con Gicult years later seventy thr: the onward march. Let us there shed health o er thy cottagn, thy blessWocs of want and the carking cares which vex the soul.
and to beseech Him in His in seventy seven years nearly eleven stancy and Stability.
smiling plaaty ndora thy fair The most fashionable craze to day is motherhood. tinite mercy to forgivo us for thousand lodges have been insti And now in conclusion let us spot. Children are bearing children, howls the Cynic. But period, and to lay our burden achieved by the steady nad gra cerity to continue His ever graci. May guol humour und mirth bo ia ily wrongs committed during that toted. This success has been beseech almighty God in all sin. May sorrow er form a part of thy lot; it is good business for nurses! yells the Optimist. The at the Mercy Seat, thereby fittcious guidance of the All power ous and tender guidance throngh. perceful retreat, Philosopher quietly caurmurs, oh ricil, it is Lcap Year. ing us for the purposes for which fert mul tabace omnipe out this year, troing evils which in kby cottage may friendship and fanowe. and tent who tenderly led our Lead we. and work, N 123hes re sort of frie en sus of prayins. Using as an Media the story of ind and a Band Oil 10 il then thie e darkness: baxt LU. Proproters of ple Sthe praise to Services with you the besturing your future and that of the bring the return to does to together not of pesce. ings incrasa; Alay 60


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