
BOCAS NEWS Link up with LIFEBUOY for Health Sake.
JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES SAVES LIFE Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap. it reputable Lucide and a sure disin fectant YOUTH and happiness are linked up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the dangers of contagious diseases.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the children keep them healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
State York MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE LIVER BROTHERS Wm. Lawrence Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder Om lete 9e silver herort will to iss, full regala to St. Mary Central Drug Store Chorrillo Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Madero One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
IYA May 1st, 1920.
The picnie pulled off by the Ladies Division of the UNLA on Monday, the 19th ultimo, received the brand mnt unqualified succes Truly this Asociation as the knack of bringing to success any in position it tackles.
It was expected by any that owing FOR to having it in the city it is custom ary that all picnics are generally held TWO the way that there Young Men, Toys and Girls ulton lance, but the puble through its itset in the ass ciation turned out from all points.
MODERATE PRICES There are a few real live wires with heads and lears in this Association Come and have a look at the assortment.
But it is undeniab e that among the face there is a very larg, and let me tay intelligent nut. ber who are so lukewarm and chil that but for these live spirits the Association would not to day have EDUARDO VALENCIA rahed a dozen yards from its starting point.
Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole It is quite a fact too, that many while anticipating and wishing Puccess for functions attempted by other organisa tions never seem to see anything or to expect anything good for the Association Strange! very strange. but nevertheless true.
Dr. LOWE Medals For Isthmian Elo Foreign News Too many thanks cannot be given to cution Contest to Hand.
Mr. Lesger Ferdinand, who so kindly L, Edin Vehicles Killed 25 on Streets of facilitate the pienie party having a good Floanad a house and four lo of land to 139 CENTRAL AVENUE To Be Presented Soon. New York During February time, and certainly the fulks enjoyed PANAMA CITY The Medals for the Isthmian According to the report of the Netheurselves with the sweet music and Elocation Contest, held under the tional Highways Protective Society of dancing The first attempt having proved such Office Hours: 30 a. Uspices of the Olympic Athletic accidents due to vehicular traffic issued Club, January 15th, has just recently, twenty two persons were killed a success it is intended to have abother p. p. come to hand, and preparations by automobiles, two by trolley and one entertainment, which will be in the form are being made for their presen by wagon on the streets of New York of a May Pole, on Empire Day, the 24th tations at an early date.
City during the month of February past Office 844 lo New York It is the desire of the Secre.
outside New Box 798 Thanks are due to the Ladies Division Phones; Residence 1002 tary of the Olympic Athletic City, during the same period automobiles on the Ancon, the whole, for their real and induſa.
Club to make this occasion ns caused the death of four and trolley tisible efforts, but sprciul mention must Chuo representative as possible, in ons. During the month six personis be made of Mrs. La president of the chequence of which all who were killed by nu om biles and one by manngina cornmittee, Ms Ferdinand, have always been so kind as to trolley in New Jersey. Threr persons Miss Forbes, Mrs. Meales, and last but contribute to the former pro wre killed me bizhwny railroad grade mot least. Mr. Joseph Lynch; it was enTailor and Outfitter srams of the club are asked to crossings in New York State and oue in couraging to see how nesiduously he jin in making this one very suc New Jersey, worked from start to finish, contributing consul.
ble assistance is making a success of Dealer in School Books, The medals, as anticipated, are the picu. Well done la dius, keep it up, Increase in Ocean Freights beautifully designed and and Stationery. ens raved, London, March 9th. The freigh!
Sunday, 25th March, being Thanks.
Prize winners are musterites on ocean shipping from England No. 11 Street, Pennarare their over would be increased by at least 50 per kiv. dk Day for the der. the ultima mem. Royal Ring Divid Tallulleen in the Stilet bowiedril, det totalt chains from Central Ave.
at the disposal on other conting cut of butiker cvel here: Ceal in arched from till Lodge town attired in the Times, in order to meet the perform their day At 45 pm they utors Address: Inok out for the date oi pre 1159 per ton, compar:d with 158. to 18. There was a fuir attendance of members Loudon this week y Church, where Box 895, Ancon, sentation. before the war. The newspaper soya and rdbereliis of the Church, for a Lois coal can be secured by industrial Thank»giving Service which opened with అన ద Ou plants in the United Kingdom for 40.
per ten. So he «vy is the cost of cua! Lian Soldiers.
the singing of the byen Onward ChrisMr. Noel, recentthat come owners Assist they have to conside the laying up fly marlucchistir protule on the text And ship when they brought their ships to land, 46 STREET, PANAMA.
Paris to Have Oil Pipe Line they forsook all ond followed Him From henceforth you shall be fishers of men. Mr Wifred Anderson and JUST RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT OF CONDUIT 150 MILES BEING CON. Nisu Veronica Lynch pres. ded at the BLOCK EMPRESS PERFUME STRUCTED FROM HAVRE organ, with a flower in perfect preservation London. February 25. The American Chamber of Commerce in London is inGRINS CHUCKLES in every bottle; also a large shipment of formed that the French Government has CREOLINE HAIR PRODUCER sanctioned the construction of a double Editor of THE WORKMAN, piine line for oil between Havre and the world best hair strater and St: hiverad Jack Pots letter, Paris, a distance of about 150 miles in yours 21 April whilst agne grower from JACKSON MANUFAC.
One of the pipelines, with an inte hall with him imtihe ladies henned should diteter of 10 inches, is to be used for NOT invited to our Ball Roots.
SELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL heavy fuel oils, and above it will be ask why dit le leave out such Un4 inches for petro desirable as FLOWERS, lourd aai motor spirit.
It is anticipated that 4, 500 tons of Ann Irely. Dan de Lion PROTTILTON.
be vyand 1, 000 tons of light oils and Taal Die Tatur Dcx 26, PANAMA CITY.
spirited by pumped through thes.
Con Fiating Dan Duit TELEPUONE 019 dly, thus matensily lightening the dif.
Ann Mert Ann Tipathy of supp sing Paris with cord lay lienee. Solleitung froiditte too heavy is it is Sal Aneste. Sul lepati BEDSTER noc Genel Din Gros to complete the in in time for next winter.
Anni Malule. cocia EDUCATION. What is It?
The construction work will be carried out by a encla company, Compagnie and other collinaire As this is to The systematic development and cultivation of the natural powers. The Francaise des Macouise Petrohs, ba Young People Ball hope we power to think clearly and talk interestingly. to be a 1kou moner which also will build whor at lave wont live the company of Such Old woman in any company Por ve his bringing the oil. rect restrings ns Anti Bilious, Anti ScabuTHE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL voirs with a total capacity of 60, 000 tic, Anti de Luvian, Anti pasmodic and No. Calle Domingo Diaz tons and provide pumpiog sta ions, etc sa 61. Please Du spelling.
The estimated cost is about 3, 000, 000 will be opened from and after May 10th 1920, for the discination Yours, etc. clementary and relier education sterling at the normal Tale of exchange.
CONSTANT Ly School fa aldra Night School (now in sestion) for Adults.
Suljecte: Arithmetie, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical Geome Great improvements Car youngster was told by his School try English, including Grammar and Composition. Ekmeats o Span ried out by British HarMisires, that she would like him, to try ish, French and Latin, Gramomar, Geography and History, etc.
bor Authorities to write sane poetry, at which the little Beginners classes in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Instrumental Music.
fellow produced the following: 11 practicable arrangements for tuition should be made before Ibns to make a Rime, you know epenlog day.
Now London Dock Noaring Or bead of Class, shall not go Principal: RODERT LINDSAY (Cambridge Senior)
Completion Now these last words, they simo with Box 1044, Ancon, Love, large number of importart improve a better Doctor, no one does know Who cured me once of a soro toe.
ment schemes are being carried out by Than our good friend, our Dostor Lowo dock and harbour authorities in Great So when you are sick, tell you to Britain. At the Port of London a new Rush off at once to Doctor Lowe dock of 43 acres with a water dept of 38 lle will cute you right away. Heigho. feet, in nearing completion. The scheme include grating dock to accomodate vessels of the largest class. two storey Say Joe how did you come to lose river jetty with a frontage of 1000 fest that game of billiards last nighat? Why and a low water depth of 30 fart is also when left; you were 20 points ahead?
being constructed. At Liverpool the That so Bob But as you left all the works in progress will cost 50 000, 030 av balls turned round on me. Our workmanship reflects that Proficiency and a large half tide dock and an ex.
tensive series of storage tanks for oil.
which is acquired only by years of Experience. Oa the Clyde new berthing business large enough for the biggest vessels are being NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA laid out and important extensions are THE LATEST BRITISH TANK also being made at Leith Bristol Channel ports are increasing their at Leith and Dundee Great Britain now bas a tank that will equipment for handling coal, and at speed twenty miles an hour and already Plymouth, Dover, Grimsby, Sunderland, has made a trial run of 1, 000 mailes with Proprietress.
the Tyne, and the Tees many improve virtunlly no wear. So saya Mr. Winston ments are being carried out.
Churchill, GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its greatest asset is their good will.
Our service has always measured up to this stand.
ard and brings forth volun.
tary expression of friend.
ship and confidence Come in and see our Ner Slip Grip Soft Collar Hoid.
ers. Better than pins. FULLER JEWELER 192 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, DIDATI smallar pe line EVER STRIKE You ܝ ܪܝ bcultor Panama Furniture Company 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre Haarmentors for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock SCORE The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKER Leacock Co.
Modern Cabinet Makers NO. 8,. STREET PANAMA CIT PHONE 1060. BOX, ANCON, C, Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood Latest Designs In Cabinet making, etc.


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