p. 8


THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1920 PÅGE EIGHT Cricket pse Boxeciso seseo sexsex esse PACIFIC THEATRE Canal Zone Notes OPPORTUNITY Commencing Monday, 17th instant, continuation of the big Universal Serial RADIUM MYSTERY and continuing during the week.
toms upon the and to the surprise of the IT LASTS Gas Stove LASTS because the Frame is made of Cast Iron and the Body of Extra Heavy Steel. That is why.
desk 00 YEAR tuas represents the Average Cost of keeping a Gas Stove in Good Condition, Oppurtunity at some time knocks at Surrey Defeats BrftanGAMBOA the door of every one, and these who nic segleet thuir chances are always most Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddy on misfortune wlun they carve the rue loud in complaining of hard luck and Last Sunday. Surry and BritannicThunday. My 6th, an pound balvyress of others which they could hive the two unleaten tums up to the boy Mother oni baby are doing well. commanded had thry not allowed their net on the Standard Oval in a Spalding On Wednesd y Mr. and Mrs. Killing chance to slip by.
Cup Sxture. More than unusual interest beck had their visitor Mrs. To the people of the Republic of Pa is crutered in ibis match, and the imWilliams of Tabatna.
name and the Canal Zone OPPORTU mens crowd that gathered there to watch the outcome the game, was no Now that the Gambos road is com NITY is now knocking at their door surprise to the public. Both tran placed pleted as far as building No. 23 my premature Death, which are the conseto rid them of a life long row und their strongest eleven in the field. Pro we inquire whes will it be continued to graces of long standing Kidny sed found silence pervaded the vast thong as the Chagres bridge Best of Britannic and Thomas of Surrey Bladder troubles, which enn always be traced by any of the following sv apemerged from the pavilion to spin the coin The numerous fans realized that with PARAISO two such teams, much depended Lame back, burning sensawinning of the tors. The coin was spun, grand Spring Dance accompanied tion certain parts of the body, Britannie won, and to the by Brod se will take place in the dizziness, headache, rheumamajority sent Surrey in to bat on a wicket spacious hall of the araisu clathoi tism, swollen feet and joints, that was decidedly perfect. Thomas and Burke faced the bowling of Best and on Saturday nieht, May 15th. All wel scanty and discolored urine Fechles the ex Surrey trundler.
come, Admission Men, 25 cents: la with sediments, inflamation of The wordt dies, 20 cents bowling was excellent, and necessarily the bladder, puffiness of flesh, etc. Boring was slow. Burke soon fell to one etc, of Beckles tricky ones, but Thomas and GATUN Mr. Watts of England wus Victor Jolin proved themselves past masters of the art of defensive cricket.
76 years old when this kink of all Indeed, Thomas John and Marcus Clarke Gatun is suffering at the pre medicines extracted stone from his but only made the bigliest scores for sent time from hard times, heat, bladder, and gave Surgeons and PhysiSurrey, but wero chiefly responsible for and street Preachers.
cians a big surprise nt reing Dellitt Pills do what they could not taking the sting out of the bowling. Bri Most of our young men will tannie exhibited the finest bit of good soon be leaving the Isthmus, and Sold in two sia at all first class bowling that it has been our privil ge to shaking the duct from off their Drug Stores Beware of imitations witness for many a day. The Surrey feet Things are too toughsome dealers are handing out. was eventually all out for 103 runs.
tough and dry as an alkali desert DeWitt Co. Ltd. London. Won The principal rourers were, Thomas 25.
We have reached the end of hottle with BLUE SEAL City Photo Clarke 17, John 14 and Harding 10.
the load macy printed on wrappers. THE CITY After the usual recess Britannic startPHARMACY, 139 Central Avenue out on their fight, leavily backed by their certain policeman is doing exclusively agents on the Republic and desk duty now, to the huge der the Canal Zone.
supporters, but in spite of all their el they were all out for 67 runs light of the entire community.
Croney and Halford fouglit bravely to May he long be chained to his off defest, but after their depar ture, only Best was able to negotiate the The Playhouse for the children Lou! The che scorers being Cro of the gold employees is nearing Dr. WILLIAMS 12, Hloford 10 Bot 10 completion. This is another gift Britannia ar po wickets from the gods. B. CH. EDIN. ins, and til for 25. For The Shamrock is booked PHYSICIAN SURGEON Surrey, lo. der got wickets for 13 to try conclusions with the Lilli.
white on May 23rd. We antiit me on tradition. Has removed temporarily to the Jamaica Swans Chorrillo il spring lines. The tomato Long Building 5345. Section A, NO. 21, are contient of carrying off FULYS E walk the Carib CC Bitung urrus, ridd we are almost som АТ Panama Gas Co.
Colon Gas Co.
The Liiht contingent PSI risulot lth Cir on the All cases iully xamirca we Wier 21. Drys 21 Dinby13 YOUR CATHEDRAL PLAZA dalle til at sidder but wiser S3 DCLIVAR ST.
htThePassinst the Principl SERVICE Tel. 793.
Tel. 364.
cond with Ci prved to the the trond Sorlative to un, bb: CCC II ministering corporal punis riiet thu lorP schotti der with a ss of swichiar strate ho by the FOR SALE WA, Wito school teacher V2W GAMES took the view that the castigation Yosir Je all this ONS KIMBAL ORGAN Park The testimony of the District Tink Drut Tuk In Good Order also Pisician, Gnder, also prov: Br. Vat Sana LOT OF FURNITURE ed that on an exift: cond, performed with foar UNPIRES Ways of the alleged offence, he Courut and Jack For particulars apply to found no indicating marks or at Istinian abrasions.
Park Mrs. CHARLES HAY 15:ewtoran by at Rol Tank No. 10, Street FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE The philantro hie ladies who Satals and Nurait Sandard Oval took up the cast from a human Panama, itarian. point of view did not realize that he judge was a stu: Public Missionary Meeting dent of chili psychology: atid MRS. LILIAN MAYNARD though not an advocate of corpo. JAMAICA Continued from Page ral punishment yet, realized the Certified Midwife and Nurse.
necessity of preserving law and Rev. Wilkins took as the order in the embryo republic reFor Panama and Canal Zone Will leave CRISTOBAL at A. will leave present by the school. wise basis of his address Jno. 1: 11 Begs to notify the public, that Andrew, finding Jesus, brought BALBOA, noon on SATURDAY 15th and learned judge!
Mrs. Mascoll was a visitor his brother Peter to Him. He she has removed back to La MAY 1920, for in the section on Sunday said, this was the true spirit of Boca and can be found at House every person who had really and 1029 dear the Salvation Army Luenaventura and Tumaco.
truly found Christ, Hadwelt a Church. Percy was in town on Sun good deal on the words of the day night. Be it understood that previous speakers, and impress.
he is no understudy to Old Nicced upon the congregation, the NOTICE demus, but our mutual friend South America as well as in pays his devoirs when the lamp is crying need of the people in My wife Mrs. Louise Herbert fit. His friends were all glad to CORD oth other parts.
having left iny house and protec.
welcome him. Say. Percy did He said christians could not tion of her own free will hereby Will Icavo CRISTOBAL GA. on WEDNESDAY you hit the bigb so while in The greatest number stand by and see others perish, notify the public that wil not town?
of miles possible to build we were all our brothers hold myself responsible for any 26th MAY, 1920 for Visitors from the Three Sis.
into tires is built in The speaker in calling debt or debts she may contract.
ters Lodge paid friendly call MASON CORD, FABRIC for workers for the cause stated ALFRED HERBERT.
La Rochelle Pallice and Liverpool.
to Mrs. Mayer on ind SOLID TIRES.
that there were many in the con May 11 1920 nesday, 12th us. They say That is the reason why gregation who had natual quali absence makes the heart grow they satisfy the most fications, but needed the saving CHURCH NOTICES onder, but the countenance of DISCRIMINATE BUYET!
experience. These he said should ona friend slumpeneth that of an.
and the MOST EXACTendeavour to tit themselves so as For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies a oluer.
to be able to answer the call.
St. Peter Church, La Boca At the close of the address, CRISTOBAL On Sunday last the Oddfellows DISTRIBUTORS the chairman made a few closing held their anniversary celebra remarks after which the meeting The services at St. Peter tion in Colon. Many members of or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, WESTERN AUTO was brought to an end by the to morrow will be as follows: the crait together with their singing of the Doxology, at 10 SUPPLY CO.
6, 30 a. Holy Communion.
friencs entrained from Gatun to o clock. Celebrant, the Rector)
PANAMA Culor. pleasant time was en.
Phone 65. Box 816 Ancon 11 a. Matins and Sermon.
joyed. Among those who availe (Preacher, the Rector. or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents Late Czar Slayer then selves of the opportunity were: Messrs. Mayers, Young, p. Sunday School.
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Panama.
Gittens. Carew, Williams, aud 30 Evensong Sermon.
Paris, May The man who (Preacher, Rev. Major Hyde. confessed to have murdered At the close of Evensong, sev Czar Nicholas, Bosrednitz by eral probationers will be admit Sacred Cantata fore, a musical treat is assured o clock.
ing, 16th May, to commence at name, was executed at Varsovo ted into full membership of the those who attend.
yesterday. Before being led to Girls Friendly Society.
Some splendid selections will the scaffold, he begged that his sacred cantata entitled The and children, 10 cents, gut up by the church. The pro Admission: Adults, 25 cents, be rendered. The programme is last request in life be granted, T, MULCARE, Galilean will be rendered to.
viz. that he be allowed to wear ceeds will be spent to purchase the silk shirt which Nicholas morrow at p. u. at the Wesley new Hymnals.
wore when he riddled him with FITZ BOWEN Street.
an Methodist Church, East 15th silver coilection will be taken United Methodist Church, bullets. It was granted, Those who have spoken at length with THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR The choir, whieh had been READ the murderer believe he slew tea 82 November Street, San Miguel Praf weeks past, will be assisted be conducted at the United Me. The Workman Sacred Cantata Serrien will because wanted the sbirt, Icuse 20 by well known local talent, there. thodist Church on Sunday evenRoyal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
32, 000 MILES What Tire are You Using?
MASON ORDUÑA because wa keeper Wed


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