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VOL. No. 42.
ASKS UNIONIST MEMBER ܐܠܐ 1 de matter could be referred to Government Leader, replied Cecil Harmsworth. Under As regards Germany, he To Commission on West Several Found Gulity and Indian Lahorers.
Three acquitted.
The Jamaica Gleaner reIn View of Her Desire to Protect On Monday with the resump Among West Indian Laborers on ports that the Hon. tion of the Dock Case, Motta, the Canal Zone.
Bertram, Auditor General, defended by attorney Reid Small Nations.
sailed on the Santa was found guilty by Judge Hanan Marta Wfor Colon.
Reece, Dirceny. On ka The following direct West India cable appeared in and We are exceedingly glad to report that an InterMr Bertram, it is under. De Freitas wars up for trial the Jamaica GLEANER of the 13th inst, re tire national Commission to enquire into conditions stood, is going on an oficial derece buting to und guilty, and. de. Taboga incident. Being the question of the marenie among West Indian Labor on the Canai Zone, sat for mission from the local Gov cision in the case of Du Boulay the first time yesterday at p. at the British Lega ernment to enquire into and with a focus came will undoubtedly be read with interest: Luis Linds report not conclud trial consumed the whole Wed London, May 10. Major the purpose of protecting the tion in this city.
Br tish West Indians and need to kiliy late in the lion Unionist, asked in the America litter decision to the jury bringing ina Christopher Lowther, Coali entrance to the Canal and The Commission is comprised of the following particularly Jamaicans in gentlemen: Hon. Hulcheon, Acting Britis Panama and the Coal Zonc. after the fun House of Commons to day, postpone action. Arr. Hans Fron time to time coins to be trie! Getty wether the Government worth adviend that it did not Consul, chairman; H9. Bertram, Auditor Gen.
eral of Jamaica, anrointes y citat Gover 100t; 13. plaints have reached the au Weros uted, DC attention had been called to appear iole il tulia Adrian Bara, la taer Panas2 Hirowaro Coma Linorities in this island from or in the relt that the United which the on the Isthma Sasha seized the island me ny of this city, apoi la calisil, at Ducas del Tors, of Tb which is the pre terven. Mr Lowther asked Nir. Ju iɔ Heurtenaida, o tie Franco Bazaar, rore Mr Bertram bras been sent ley JW pose of erecting fortifications jeered to the French occu y.
senting the French Calons, and Low, iv2. d, south to make a geneld in nis res ved in each posity of Panama for the pure it was the main bed in was the com and whether in Attorney Carrington, and Red. Nigintergale, vestigation as toute state is of lines in ourty!
view of ing Frankfort and dil tot est Indian in, wirous of the mo. Great Britain desire to pro. protest when the United the last three to represent Wot ladan labor. Tough of British it did not get out oficiaily, We understand this as said before) the Canaltor tritie re rating teet the rights of smaller States Occupied an island be commission is the result of the tipiteawal brought D, Chand Panana and MW the Nationalities, a protest would longing to a small Nation.
Bucu del Toro. The investi dinding the dots be made to the United States ality.
ty is about during the recent strike of the West gator will work through the duel, Sal Musha was icd 13 and further, whether the Andrew Bonar Law, the Indian employees of the Panama Canal and the British Minister in Panama, by Judge Bhekuri, Fanama Railroad Company. Yesterday roting and on his return to the led.
the League of Nations.
that there was no analogy.
was merely for the purpose of discussing the prelimi land a fev weeks hence, will naries ani though the scope of activities and the desert a report to the local Wesn Indian News Secretary of Foreign Afairs. Government.
in replying described the said, we acted together and methods to be adopted for conducting the investigapaper on proposal of the United States our objection was to any of tions have not been made public, yet we have been Death of Mrs.
in 1908 to erect defences for the Allies acting separately.
cerditably informed that statements will be taken Hutcheon The United States and the from the ranks of labor representing the various dePeace Treaty partments of the Panama Canal and Panama Rali.
We regret to have to record the death KENNETH SPICER DIED YESTERDAY: DORIS road Company. THE WORKMAN will follow with in st Ancon Hospital, on Menday night, of The Grenaa West Indian of terest the deliberations of the commission with a Hutehoon, acting British Consul at Colon recent date just to hand, com.
SPICER HELD ON CHARGE OF MURDER, view to giving its readers some idea of what is being from attack of influenza which developed menting on the attitude of the and will be done.
into pneuinonin. The funeral service to United States with regard to Under the above caption the Jamaica GLEANER We learn that after going through most o the place at St. Luke church Anco, at five the Peace Treaty observes thus: of the 15th inst. reports the following: o clock Tuesday afternoon, Archdeacon The United States as a whole, preliminary work the Commission adjourned to meet Carson assisted by Revd. Father J.
Cooper, and Vior Hasley Werlein officiat or even in any respectable por. Kenneth Spicer, who was shot detailed statement from bimas again on Monday next.
The remains were followed to the tion of its people, will have noat his residence on Monday night to what happened on Monday erave by members of the British Lepothing to do with the Peace Trea. Spicer, from whom he had been Bon. Mr. Burke, Supernu.
alleged his wife Doris night. For this purpose His bodies Chauffeur Day in Pa Central Avenue Robbery and many prominent wat in which ceca sa fie changes to come time dia merater Resident saist ules De Indians. Many by Mere Youths.
floral. oloyme things critics of Trea at st.
sanitarium nama last Thursday tective Inspector Sullivanthe coured including the President and More about two weeks ago, but, we few minutes later the wife Simpson) went up to the patog trenere per boy friends at the site is on America had to say up to Delocer y esterdajate about. 3acused Mici Doris picer. forenoon; her solicitor (the Hon.
Evidently Thursday 20th inst.
Jacob Abadi dry goods Letovre. The Workman extends ita sin, think, a cartoon gave the unkind. who had been released from Sanitarium was Chauffeur Day. as quite store at No. 72 Central Ave, was on the condolences to Mr. Hutchoon in his est cut of all. Uncle Sam is custody on 500 bail in number of them the tune 1, 500 ad bereavement.
shown in a buggy driven by a charge of shooting with intent, Spicer was sleeping and could on a but on arrival found that Mr.
Inspector at his court at Santa the result of the operations of a Anu to pay their respects and gang of juvenile burglars nained Lodge Installation.
horse called Aunerican Com was re arrested by Detective not be seen. He appeared then Imonsense.
contributions to the Public Treas. Gregorio Alberola, fourteen, England, foobsore capital offence of murder.
for Inspector Sullivan gaining in in strength. Early yesterday ury ul from five dollar upwards years for exceeding the speed limit settifteen, and eduardo Espinosa, Mt. Zion Lodge No. 44. of and weary, carrying the burden The shooting, which yesterday Condition orcing however, his Isias Barrera, nine and of holds a meeting (the Treaty) asks for a lift, but.
grew worse, and some about 11 clock he sent teen. They were all arrested on on Wednesday May 26, for in. Uncle Sam, coolly enjoying his culminated in tragedy. been by law in Panama.
Monday inorning stallation of officers for the com cigar, whips his horse and rides the sensation in the city since soine mer members Monday has been turned over to Bathing quarter. Meeting begins at away, saying No! The title of be the daily cause celebre until of his family night, and promises to including his Joseph Husbands Leaves. Circuit Court for investigation. children. Erathey 30 sbarp, members are re the cartoonis Open Refusal, arrived, the curtain is rung down however, he collapse It is not definitely known who quested to be on time. openly arrived at.
final chapter. Immediately the quadrilia The police were at The many friends of Mr. held the leadership of The May Flower Ball.
after the shooting on Monday and Detective Inspector OʻSulli: once notified el en die de sorte sa bude sproste obese portions Dr. Dillon says that Mr. Lloyd night, Mr. Spicer was hurriel van swore out a warrant and domeile As was predicted, the above Georgia and President Wilson. to the St. Joseph Sanitarium, arrested Mrs. Spicer of the new field el labor, Joe being an one of the inost prominent meine night. The ball was packed to ence, should have remained at in the effort to save his life the before His Hou. Mr. Burke active. bursthe circled around. Bon Voyage to it was from thereabouts that three stars from the Atlantic way of enlargement or modifica fit was realized from the first remained in custody until mon sained the affection of all he has gang took lace at his house and its dancing capacity. There were way of All we can add, either by wound was in the abdomen and in the Police Court at 12:30, and they sullied forth in the quiet end, who displayed all the latest tipfo ish that President Wilson that the case was a grave one day when the preliminary ex ners of the night to tickio te te Arrested for Embezzlement job.
house. The proprietor has home. The West Indian always but the bullet could not be pected that the case will be tried been. Ist umlan Leegue of British cakes for repetition which the serious a work for mankind, to So General Toole, who was ac. which meets next week. Gavin, erstwhile agent quests a. to companied by Detective Inspec Yesterday afternoon Dr. La. West Indians.
for the Continental Supply Co. is seriously considering drag his wife behind him, here, tor Sullivan, took what has son Gifford, for King.
of St. Louis, MO, Manager of the there and everywhere in Europe. turned out to be the dying depo ston, went up to the Sanitaria in Ciro Cabaret, Corner of Street special meeting will be conBon Voyage.
was Mr. Wilson new sition of the injured man. In and started the and Central Ave, was arrested vened in the Wesleyan School bride it is true but seeing that that, it is alleged, he accused amination on the body of the de. Williams wife of the urday last on cable instructions o clodk.
There ore matters of Dredging Divisu, leſt on the 8. Pos to know better, than to show her by the Canal Zone Police on Sat rosa tornight beginning clave popular Thea og hellity are utice Gore hoe was married before, and that this wife of being responsible censed. At dusk the bullet har is man, he ought for his injury: not been located, and it was de received from Wyoming importance to be dealt with, tores on Sunday list for New York by off at such a time, or to feel pride the same Mr Spicer lingered on in much cided to move the remains to the for the embezzlement of 16, 000 chiefly among these is the elec way of Havans, Cuin. Mr. Withảms will in taking her to see the Euro geons would not allow him to be will be continued there this condition the sur mortuary, and the post mortem from the above named Company, tion of officers for the ensuing join his wife shortly after. Friends and peans warship her hubby. We distarbed until Thursday, when morning.
Bail was fixed at 20, 000, and he term. fall attendance of mem and colleagues join in wishing her Boo believe too, Mr, Wilson is a hen it was decided by the police is being held at Balboa jail pend. bers is urged. Please make it a voyage and best of good wishes to her pecked husband, but ben pecked authorities to make The funeral will take place point to attend.
relatives ia New York.
another there this afternoon at 30 from intellectually, of course. effort to get a further and more il Lincoln Road, St. Andrew.
it is tion nama, Joseph and the late late forenoon the to of age, Ale to the ti Hits and passed away.
on its you. the President, post mortem exing trial.


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