
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Jamaica INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION their And ener mill equipped wild by one cen al pre came offered in the in Trinidad Pru.
diguity. Gazelle sayer Brierly eliable sourea that the repor.
sentatives of the adjoining par bean says ar other things. which will on tit frati the evolutit Varaus forces hat operite in heistence of para bid the industry red by The Tide of Em. is thus with the sugar things mu Het teadly Owned By towards dissation of field gration work from manu ro Heavy Rains at Ulresses and the soon s natural THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, leavage is consid the Or 1110 Fenons left the ster Spring more specialized Clony in March for ProHead Office, 55, Wall Street, ness of either brand va working example will has cla med Places The sharp six week drought been accomplished is brownictvy rains feil every in the Gunthorpe MAJORITY TO CUBA day since last Saturias, and in the island of Anti: ra planting operations that were Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 the large land owner Odis carded The Governor directs the pub suspended have started vigor antiquated in have focussed their expelence lication for general information, ously. The March planting of towards of the following return of per: corn and peas liave practically Official Depository of the Republic of Panama farmi vanished, and those who planned sons who left Jamaica for pro, to plant in April are now execu: land pure and simple, their har vest being handled claimed places from the ports Kingston and Black River under ing their pledges.
DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL modern the Enigrants Protection Laws nery, The history of this en of the colory, during the month The buying of canes by weight DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA) RAILROAD prise presents a practical illus: of March lastturned out a hollow farce. The tration upon which the sugar in.
From Kingston to Bocas Co estates hesitated to give a decent dustry of these islands could be safely modelled. This success Ion 151. Colombia 2, Port Limon price and coquetted with the Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign (Branches 10, Cuba 1, 021. Black River. Food Controller who stuck out fu! establishment, tracing its Total 190 for his pound of flesh and refus.
this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
origin from the efforts of Sir Permits were granted under ed to allow the growers to make Gerald Strickland in 1903, was the following heads: their own terms with the estates.
the outcome of an agreement be Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
estate tween owners of sugar estates That they have already made The Food Controller parriedin that island and a London comthe Proclaimed place their fixed wet sugar at at 133. 6d, and home 216.
sent on the truck, well knowing INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT, PER ANNUM pany who was to construct and teulhey are of independent that 13s. 60. per tin would then operate the factory, the contract means, etc. 50 vent growers selling by weight ing farmers pledging to grow and deliver canes from That they have deposited 258. at 255. The truck easury 83.
25s. them 27. 61. and getting areas over a period of 15 years for which they were to receive That they have deposited 708. no canes left to baul stones. the Treasury Weeks passed, the estates offer WILKINSON WILSON payment according to the cur: That they have deposited 605. ed better prices and the truck rent market quotations of sugar.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER in the Treasury 1839. Total retarned at the Food Crotroller DYER AND RENOVATOR At first this was lbs. 9; iest price for boulage 255. per ton sugar for every hundred pounds 1990 of these left from the for 14 miles! After taking away First Class Workmanship 101 a Central Avenue and corner Education n Trini conclusion of the crop they were of cane produced, and at the port of Black River, all others between 20 and 30 tons truck Plans and Specifications Free 16 Street West.
left from the port of Kingston leaving cut canes in the field, dad.
This return does not include ex. went gallantly to the rescue of to receive in addition a liberal proportion of the net profit of the H3590 members of the British West In the diy districts and is now 5th Street West Phone 21 B, PO Box 712 factory. The agricultural dies Regiment or whou bý were merrily hauling water. Mex.
Next Box 411, Panama, Ancon Canal Zone cipants to this combine, in real New Steps Taken granted free permits.
time one estate offered 15s. per ity cane farmers, ware design Lim, and was getting a supply and Contracting Proprietor, The Food Controller demander The Director of Education in a description, whilst not detract Extension of Rail 20 ting out of every 100 Dougla.
and the buying close down. NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET Trinidad now is Mr. Han ing from their prosperity contri cock. beard of Education has buted towards the maintenance that estate contemplated ma way.
making been started under the recently of their ancient dry sugar from the wet article, pissed law. The Governor ad. The proucunced succes at no one is clear as to why the dressplit at its tirst meeting, so tenuing this enterprise will be Agitation of St Mary Citi. Food Controller does not demand the Director. The Port of sun when it required the low zen Association to Exhis quotit in cry sugar Anyway Spain the growers backs are up is average of 94 tons of cth of the tend Line to Gayle.
stated the matters of urgent im. 50, 474 which they are losing their trade, while portanc» to which the Director mills during the first decade of its the Food Controller refused to the attention members exi its existence to turn out is ton of STRONG DEPUTATION.
opon his own buying centers or were three in nuuber, better crystals, 34, 000 pounds sterling cven to supply the estates with training of teachers, better pay being distributed to its share tius.
Since ment of tenchers, and better holders.
its foundation The inhabitants of Western St.
teaching in the schools. The the plant has been one of contiMary and the adjoining districts Notable Organ Gift.
three things are co relative. No nuous growth from the original of St Aun and St. Catherine are one can exist without the others design for the extraction of determined to carry on their ayi The organ which his hi herto As we have consistently pui thousand tons, the installation tation for Railway extension to stoud in Halfway Tree Parish out for some years past, the sala. bas been gradually evolved to a Gayle to a successful issue. It is Church has been sold to the ries nt present paid to tenchers capacity of over 10 thousand, and within the recollection of the Morant Bay Parish Church. Iis in this culony are the general principles at Gurreading public that this question place is being taken by a fine wholly inadequate, they are ac thorpes could, with advantage, was brought prominently before new instrument, the cost of tually conducive to poor results. be emulated in other of the West the public of Jamaica since 1911, which is 1, 500. This is the newspaper writer says in Iudia Islands.
when at a demonstration held at gift of a lady well known for her treating of the question of pay.
Gayle in July of that sear and at generosity. The removal and re.
ing male and female teachers tended by bat there should be cqual ro.
Protecting The Boy Scouts claiins of these districts for rail to Morant Bay is, we learn, in. 5, 000 people the pair of the organ which is going nameration for equal duties Association.
way extension were fully and ex: the able hands of Mr. Daniel not be denied, but on the other The Government of Trinidad haustively set forth and the therl Lodgo.
The Corset of the Century.
Governor, Sir William, Manning female tenchers or female labour tive Council in the near future a hand it must be admitted that will introduce into the Legisla.
who was present, expressed him. This Point Needs Attention SOLDAT PANAMA BY on the whole has not same Bill to further and protect oftisell as lavourable to the scheme La Luna Siik Siore, Santa Ana Plaza; Kuy Hing, the sterner The Legislative Council of 1912 The Times of the 17th says; Central Avenue.
and on liiat principle the router ses cially the activities and interesting discussed this same question in of the Al the Montego Bay Citizens ECLC ECOLON BY lary proposed is justifiable. elial Colors Scout Association in it was satisfactory to note that that the movement had been colony.
Connection with a petition pre. Association Mr. Edmond Hart is sented to the Council from the in brought up a point that needs Lan Hing Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kal Co.
habitants of the distriets concern teachers as other Civil Servants loot in that concern, attention. It it this, when a draft several ed ad and the Congo unanimously for, say, 420, 103. is remitted LEE CHONG CO. Sole Agents adopted a resolution in favour of from the Canal Zone the Tress.
dependent on site or school. This cial recognition would do very fixed salaris will not to sears and the Government Yeartal conclusion that ofti.
HEAD OFFICE here Cushes it is that sum BRANCH OFFICE the extension. preliminary sur ury pernicious principle received Vey Was utid the ons: When that Treasury reunits 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave. denth blois at the last meeting, but much towards the spreading on very house to accomodate the the such a draſt hence the good work. The local ordr.
Colon, R, to these it Panama, R, agree with Llarence that nance is taken from the Gold Surveyors appointed to carry charges on the sum 95. 11. 00 Box 152 Phone 93 Box 585, Ance 1, question of fixed salaries Curst Ordinance of 1918.
out the tival survey was rented each five dollars. Exactly the should not be settled before an when the great Earopean War same thin; is fell upon the world like a bolt Aloney Orders from the about happening opportunity is given of gauging the total emoluments Big Fire at Las Cuevas from the blue.
Tho inhabitants of these dis each tive dollars but the full ex.
They are paid at only 20. 61. for teacher. These emoluinents un der the present YOUNG GIRL KILLED trigls submit that the question of change rate is charged when it is considerable bearing on on their De been investigated and set are wanted payable in the States.
linu 10 Gayle has al. the other way, and live dollars lary of the Head Teacher, and in The following is taken from as the Director snggests, some ths Port of Spain Gazette of April by the Gorernor And Legisla Duneil, that the question change will be made in it by which the by 21 now for discusion is the construc GIRLS SCHOLARSH. Assistants will be en titled to News has reached Blanchis.
tion of the line at earligst conve in the Legislative Council it portion thereof, it is but right that the qnestion of of Las Cuevas that a serious firo seuse from the outlying district nience, and that to shelve or side was approved to increase the Ja truck this scheme would be to maica Girls Scholarship borlarios should be tackled com, broke out there on Corradinales: from prehensively break faith with the country, in 150 a year for three years 10 Considered the best blood and In a letter sent recently by the ham. The fire having been disthe general and the inhabitants con 2200.
a in particular Nerve tonic in the World Under the auspices of the Oil Tarks for Janaica.
to the Director of Education, 200 Ercan and a gang of labourers Trinidad Teachers Association covered, the overseer Mr. Mc.
Western St. Mary Citizens Asso per annum was suggested as the worked hard to check ils pro.
ciation a determined effort is be.
maximum salary for the elemenSome time ago, the Jamaica Is highly recommended by press and public for tary school Teacher, gress, but their efforts were of ing made to conserve the gain Gleaner stated that it was the Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and no avail. The Blanchisseuse made in the discussion of this intention of the Admiralty to Constabulary and Mr.
question, and to this a strong build oil tanks on the Kingston general depression of the whole system. Notes on the Sugar ment were notified, Lance Cordeputation has been appointed to harbour front, in view of the For Both Men and Women.
wait on the Governors elected fact that all the latest ships of Industry members and Imperial Associa the navy were oil burners. it Dowdy and the last named Sole distributors for Central and South America official quickly repaired to the tion with a view to secure a more can now be announced that two The fire at that time had definito pronouncement on the experts from the Admiralty whole matter, a pronouncement Works Staff have arrived PANAMA DRUG STORE ved in made considerable progress, but EMr. Fadelle in his Notes with the assistance of a larg is which it publishconfidently hoped msica, and that all arrangements will lead to an early construction for building the tanks and a big Muller Building ed in the Port of Syain Gozelites or number of labourers, the officiais April 14th in his plea for the succeeded in keeping is under of the line. Both the Custos deep water pier have been com adoption of more up to date methcontrol, Considerablo damage and member for St. Mary have pleted. The tanks, which are beCALIDONIA, ods in the manufacture of this has been done; approximately 30 been asked to serve on the depu ing built in England, will be in import staplo throughout the acres of land having been burat tation and it is learned from a the islaad in a few month time.
British possessions in the Carib (Continued on Page 6)
uuta pointed pot merely can known crements come to to the the actually made, the of the syslom laves a New Discovery Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound Some on cerned a beeis end poral Dow!


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