
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1920, PAGE THREE ce sosokszors:se:os: sessises SSSSSSS KING BEE Four Sets of Twins, Three of Triplets in Family of Twenty seven Berlin Woman, 38 Years Old, is Proud Possessor.
Best Always They are the แแแแแ משומנתם תנו לנהוג The old woman ol nursery Come who Lved in a shoe must look to ber laurels She has a rival. Frau Navocaoy is her name, sod she lives in three roomed Apartment in the east end of Berlin, with o fewer than twenty one children.
Frau Navocaoy, who is of Polish origin is a young looking wiman of thirty eight. Yes, she said, when a Daily Express correspondent called on her am the other of Berlin largest family. don look it? Well, think being always surrounded by childrea keeps one young You see, my eldest are only sixteen. Are? said be, not understanding aloy stor Triplets; replied the lady: mv family comprises three set of triplets and four of twiss. Then have four other alive, but have unfortunately lost six.
Otherwise my family would number.
weney seven. Come and see how we live Frau Navocxoy led toe to wo adjoining roots which are arranged a dormitories.
In ote of them six beds with searlet cov30 ces are ranged along the walls. Three children sleep in each. The last twins lusty infants of two years have a cot in their parents room, where the Benjamin of the family, aged four months, also lies in a cradle. But how on earth do you all manak.
to exist? the correspondent asked. My husband has good work, and allows me 200 marks a week. 50 at pre.
war rates. five of the children also work, and are able to contribute something, while quite a bumber of interested in my little family, are very kind in sending me useful things Thank heaven, my Top children are healthy. must admit that it is some times hard to feed the whole circle. My husbud can eat the week ration of potatoes at one meal, and that means buying aloitty pices. Nt? We have stew on Sundays roularly, The visitor rotnarked bow pleasant it must be to are the wole family lown to itSunday ine Frau Navoc.
zoy laughed. u you picture all sitting round the table, she said. Xwe est in three parties. We used to take some of Il aus in each pistiy, ut we triplet or twin would romeinues secure two dinners at the expenco of one of his brothers or sisters, so now we sit by ages. But they do eat a lot.
The rooms were presly clean, and le nine children een during the visit all looked well kept. Some people, said Frau Niezby, express their my pathy with. But they can keep their sympathy. They simu.
nly don understand. love all my chil.
dren and wouldn be without a single one of them.
INGBE of people who are AR PORTH oooo:seyse ses se SEOS: Extra Mild GARETTES mischievous Sold EverywhereWHY?
The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice Over the Top! What Jis There. The Open Forum. for more Arch. The people home Colon is Going Strong Do Soxoxosooleskoos Ex Corporal Watson, one of our well known returned British West Indian article which appeared in a local paper cessors into oblivion soldiers, has started a League for the of recent date under the caption of Very fine work Dr. Reeder, a few more young boys in Colon. This league is Conditions on Ganal Zone Undemocra ought to respond AMEN.
To the above all Silver Employees open letters like that wont hurt the little called the Colon Boys Institute LeaTin foil Gods, of the Isthm is What kue. The object of this feague is to tie to last Degree. has caused many of We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions expressed in this column us poor unfortunates to do a deal of Home Run reads thus Paragraph two, which is indeed a think you Brother Roaders?
train the young boys both mentally and the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents Thinking.
Yours as ever What we want down here on the physically. The development of tha SILVER ROLL body, mind and soul. This league has The first paragraph which cause me to Canal Zone, ie bore sound business and been formed a few weeks now, and to LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. sit up. ran as follows.
less deception and planned Junkets day you can see the large body of boys The Booklet charges Genl. Geo. To do this we ask for an entire change COTTON CULTIVATION marching every evening at five o clock.
Governor Circular Dis perpetrated on a body of people seeking of Autoeracy on the Canal Zone, and beginning at the HEAD etc.
Goethals with having instituted a reign the same of course to be to be made gradually They meet at the parade where they carded.
their just rights has been perpetrated with having passed it on to Gov. Hard.
the silver employees of the Panama All the addition needed to the forego Good News for the Tropical Co are met by the Corporal and two other Instructors. After drill is over they go lonies of Great Britain roule march.
of Colon nal, yet still the United States Governing who is characterized as the Crown ing is the time worn words of the Prayer To the Editor of The Workman ment (to quote Secretary of War Baker Prince and the reigning Monarch or Book We Beseech Thee to hear us suggestion was approved, says the are so taken up with the Boys movement words. is too big nation to oppress Sovereign ete. may he follow his prede Good Lord.
Manchester Guardian, that the Lad you can see them pouring out from Sir. Permit me space in the columns any people. Take common sense as a cashire capitaliste provide 15, 000, 000 every street to see the boys drill.
of your journal to express my dissatis guide. If a man cannot live on what pounds sterling for commercial develop We trust in the near future the police faction or disapproval of the high hand he earne, how is it possible that he can ment to be invested in cotton growing of Colon will have trouble with ed injustice meted out to the silver em live on less by a reduction of his his wages?
in some selected colony or colonies, reas the boys. good number of these boyo ployees of the Pagama Canal and Pans.
These foremen, whose salaries have sonable facilities by road and rail to be have already turned their backs to the Railroad since the strike.
been inereased just a few days ago by providol by the colonies where cottoni movies and theatres and and their faces from grown.
Despite the Governor cireular put 20 to 25, who live luxuriously and do lished on the 26th March relative to the not care about the silver employees it. You cannot now see that great number of idle boys in the streets at night. But re employment of the silver employees whuse eu rnings are so meagre that they (BRANDON BANK)
SNOWSTORM DESTROYS BL over and you will find them there. May go to the Negro Hall after drilling is 89 whose ratings shall be given them as are next to starving, complained bitterly before the strike to take effect as from of the high cost of living, got their inBLICAL LANDMARK God help the Corporal in his undertak1st April last, the foremen of several crease. but the silver employees Rota SECURITY ing.
departments, and principally the supply decrease. The scripture is being fulSERVICE During a recent snowstorm the famous Corporal Watson will give a mili Depar ment, have bluntly refused to Gilled: He that hath little, even the free named El Budnia in the Garden of tary entertainment at the Silver Clubplace their men back in the Time Books little he hath shall be taken from him Gethsemane, was blown down. Accord house at Cristobal, ou the 22nd of May, at their forter rating, giving no expla. and added to him that hath more.
Panama (Founded 1863) Colon ing to tradition, this tree would fall when in aid of the Boys League. This enternation for their refusal, a though the The men are so thoroughly dissatisfied the Turkish Empire had fallen twice. It tainment will be the first of the kind services of those men have always been at this glaring act of injustice that alwas bound round with iron bands to that has ever been launched on the IsthOur large Resources and well known and still satisfactory.
are prevent it from falling.
mus of Panatna. Our returned soldiers Unless the Goveraur circular is though a good many of them are work ing, in the near future, the greater part, conservative Management afford unwill display all they know to the audience.
made o mulsory in all cases, and thus if not all, will be returning to their res.
Trusting that the friends will eat less not leaving it to the discretion of the pective homes, and others are seeking questioned security for every dollar Dr. OGILVIE and drink less and save space for laughto do as they please there will fresh fields and pastures new ing, we go forward with high hopes to be complaints from the silver Thanking you for the space allowed, deposited with this bank IS NOW LOCATED AT the culmination of our project for the employees am Mr. Editor, In the civilized world over bave 157 Central Avenue, corner promotos of the welfare of the rising Yours Truly, Street.
generation of Colon.
never yet heard where a body of men The boys of the league will take a prowho struck work for higher wages had SILVER EMPLOYEE.
minent part in the fun.
General to return to work for less except on the HOURS: to 11. 30a.
Admission: Adults 257, children 15c.
Isthmus of Panama. And why was Is this Really a Fact? to 30 30 to 30 this done? Simply because there are no Tickets sold at door.
ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON I, BRANDON other industries where men can get emSundays: to 11 a.
Corporal Watson will be going to Pa.
Colon ployment but by the Panama Canal and President.
Vice President.
Treasurer nama in the near future to form a May 18 1920, Panams Railroad, hence one of the Appointments can be arranged. branch of the Boys League on the Pacigreatest injustices that has ever been Dear Sir. Two paragraphs from ar Te ephone 875; fio end.
Panama Banking Company foremento always be 10 Banking Business Transacted


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