
THE WORKMAN SATULAY. T CO 19 Canal Zono Notes THE WORKMAN GATUN MEN WANTED will Insist on their Wives Uling Uriah Seal formerly employ.
Published on Saturdas by Rates for Advertisement on applica.
ta pintas Who le Gaun was intenced Mnday threr Porn Strutoraje. Misusin ist sicalefarith i tation must be LA 19. Fencin RP Inside of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION On y It the writer Dory for truc EX Three Jotundakeretur dos Stag Blue Soap her tlaw oft MASON stop the late arrivals all lo marcbiching short of an mil known Lact the the Because it is the best brinsgressor is hr there is the palladium our right JUNIUS Jipita Pivit und die SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1920, and sovrints on en was herif rin la ting about txt IMMORALITY ON THE INCREASE.
Because it is made in England gelation is pekingu nomy of things shoemakers id seythem in will b: some time to come, The term Christiani y is one which is very loosely used.
The Post Oftice has its aird Countries are gercrally styled Christian where the Rival Cricket Teams to Clash new combination bvxes, to srl tale deu very of mails The work activities of the Church, orthodox or unorthodox, are To morrow witne by the Quartermaster very pronounced.
carpenters. This innovation is Now Morality is not Religion, but Religion ought to Name to Depend On on buth the Silver and Gold SURREY vs JAMAICA.
sides, produce a standard of Morality in keeping with its doctrines.
It seems strange that Religion which co exists with Among the passengers for Cu.
our Civilization has failed to set up this moral standard.
Tomorrow Sunday May 23, on ba on Sunday last was Mr Bruz.
The Mohammedan is more moral than the Christian the Standard Oval, the kreat card, father of Emerson Brus.
It is not our desire or intention to inveigh against the pst struggle in cricket will take and of the Gatun Cunnissars, Church, but it does seem to us that the old time power of Jamaica CC. This game it is ex land of King Cane. Young and place when Surrey meets the goes to seek fortune in the the old Apostolic Church has suffered a steady decline preted will be nearly or equally able bodied wen, ought to stop and at the present time its appeal is lost, The Church is no MASON TIRES as interesting as was the Bar and consider.
longer an aggressive institution. To day it apologises and bados. Jamaica match, and when are guaranteed perfect tires we recall the exhibition of protests mildly against the march of the forces of Evil. To There was a dance held at the during their entire life, with cricket that was displayed by Silver Clubhouse on Saturday There is no insistence in its voice. no crying of Preno limitation placed on the both teams then it is only left night law: Music 19 suplied pare ye the way of the Lord. Iniquity abounds, and the world is going mad.
time or length of service for us to imagine what mor by the Colon band. This feature rests will bring forth Can Surres caters to a certain class of young What does this wave of immorality portend? Is the during which MASON reswin? is the question. While on nen and women in the communi world approaching the time of its final dissolution? Surely ponsibility remains in effect. the other hand cao Jamaie ty, and of these there was a lib.
this mad dissipation of pleasure and licentiousness cannot maximum mileage from of the Solis rutale strengthral sprinklin.
MASON TIRES, which last this terrible saturnalia of vicious indulgence!
the Sy is another Enerson is out of hospital. His The object of this article is not to make an excursion Jeans from 10, 000 to 20, phase of the Jamaica Clion.
miny friends are all glad to see CU. with such men as into the realms of Biblical interpretation, but we recall the 00 miles, is yours with a Cain, Spencer, Barnett and the him about once mcre Some are ittle attention.
prophecy of old, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it Smith from Junaid anxious to know what wis the ca and Reid better known as whether there matter. Ochers are askinst be in the day when the Son of Man cometh.
ROCAS added to their strength Plative to which wird h: wit is any informati We are calling attention to the apalling truth that tie Will be body sccialis illected with a canker that is undermining colonial presentative wait hedis and still ansit is very existence. Immorality is sapping the vitals of our WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY and so, Captain Cain is contident would be to know what kind of na wen, children, and in a short time if we do of being als men to He was treated with victory cut till Bittorisk Eliers Surey team is weil COMPANY not call at the whole fabric will be rotten to the core.
BU power ile Cherch this to be powerless under the halfContinuation classes are all THONE CCX 115 ANCON. against und med as those ciudat lus 29 (Xw Girona Tiul combination, but Nelson holi of this incubus, and the school is a negligibove, will have the time of entre me every vening. Puent W! Wish ble factor, for it is no program for fighting this iusidumined tha: he will give these tunity calcul on the Sacr arv Captain Holder is de:er avail themselves of the Opr.
ous evil.
Our men, woron, and children are slipping with re BOCAS NEWS Inge No. 953 GUOOF! Slotbrys a lacing before he leaves of the local branch of the NLA 2, 35 m; fine and member these shores; but Nr. Hulder.
markable che down the Primrose Puth. and the social in their rignin mited from their Lange we predict for you a very hard If the weather pernit, the body accepts the existing conditions with an equanimity Does May 17.
hal to the welvan Church, one time you were infortunate Suark CC will try conclu.
which would co credit 10 the most pronounced fatalist.
We have destroyed the sanctity of the Home. We lave NT: 11. abitsCel Axent for a sus branques was Jamaica, but we are looking tor Windy City on Sunday. Gume where Rev. Surgeon pechel Tell with your Barbados XI gainst sons with the Llywhites of the the Black Seri Doft here with viven at tiir Lolge II.
rejected the natal relations with their concomitant roles. Eles Dicker PH want to your success to morrow starts at 12. 30 vn. We antici sponsiblities and obligations, and have made liberty and Lima, Coda Bar a tus iete toot. Durite som The ny friends and we wisdiers of to get cqual.
pate a largo tarn out of lwers We trust that the appointed the fine. This is the miden of social purity. Our young, parts as ane the duties ard rc mwy went on and has to make of che te puesto banner in write me who can us Brustva u clubs and suporters of our su im libertins synonymous tous. There is absolutely no ideal his stay there the work of creating in Draw Forrester, in this movince, capacidly. aro for this gamewill th th Sam from aprostrings. On every hard there are evidences of Joseph Johnn on clie. es plusest osa ei nu bor towel, behal a muhennaio ing in this way wil tend to mai sponsibilities of motherhood Derore they are well released wrquite sitifici y eutriolo.
Og Sunday sh instabout 10 in, elivia th Lab of Siring where, ludze of Di Pote ster was away on a well merit as to honor und as to the kos ock are having bevy odds this the gain, and that noth they walk Any way the present tean is a social and moral decadence.
Chwal Biru fireman, Our boys and young men seck the solden ways of Vice slot in to right hip by Panamanian lativ: mon bis Lumerous friends and this grand exhibition of cricket to proposition to hand so was chat is anticipated. May the best the Llywhites have their work they seek the launts of the demi mondelor he inspiration policeman Pro 3) First aid was cut out them it they hope to On Friday evening the ancility Schr.
which good companionship should give they become rendered Jobs by Mr. escud blase Tall men long before life has unfolded its beauties Dispenst it bete, and he was sent Lindas broubt fran Colon bout All roads will lead to the Oval improved Inde:endent irfar to Nanny y lll. The abve or mor: contract inet for the ton to them on Sunday.
Cor of Oddfellows.
During the week the fist siling hemat will the future generation inherit. The physical and Powerlina hison. previous et celui Whitsunday of being fairs of various locals of the The wind up of the financial al ted. The inl. e:itance Courchide will be as a speckled Vis all lis mijn On Sunday Bue fils Nirari, an the Biat Grand Lodge is it thanksgiving been anything but satisfetory.
to smo ting bird Inst accompanied by Nir. Ew Rapide it Xected to leave on or leyn.
he full visit to Bllevue (St. Aut u 20h iat. talia passagers be celebrated by all the It is no wonder that other on Mark s) by lunch through the e elso.
branches of the Improved pendent Crder of Oddell. ws nisations are suffering as the COMPERS ON THE ETHICS OF Wlun he ndminis cred Oa Sandow Sth the celebration at Clair London Unity Sunday Mng after math of the hot The ly Comunin an le practical lieto Park Gubito was a sucess throughoul. 23rd, will be celebrated at the members are kopen the dark at to Mr. Carrichson Bis.
UNIONISM Пор license instituting him Three launches from Docas, conveyed Loyal Star of Hope N9, 632 Lodge regards the finances of their Thim entheelist. parties to Almiranto. 17 cars were not voorn, Calidonia Road. The firo of the largest iscal here took various The Tomorrow there will be tire eer en ugh to reit the people going to the cession will be formed at 90 ries at Guabito il a. 2. p in, and īpman contration fran Almirante, and escur Brothers Sidney, Nelcan, and Wie ti nancial statement on taus by with hin the books com containing Tic Tanama Star Herald of the 21st. inst. pub. The Rector will preach at all services Jishes the 10lowing extract from the circular of President on le cuesday 19 (3rmouth)S: Andron trasfron arts and bubi vero Coloridse Hurley, headed by Mr. the present time no one knows to Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor 11 mn on the 13t Sibulsi 11 a II ly cu wedais. Thn gence il pallis turned out and the St. Pauls Church were the anything of thesa records, and by a peculiar arrangement the Eum mening ali afiliated unions to the annual convention Cosm. Evensen; ittat feature of the day was lionel Hanksgiving Service will be Fin. Sec Treas, can make with.
trhich will take plaec in Montreal, Canada, commencing with Sermon.
Nightengah June net. We reproduce it here as we think that the sence the Venerablo Archdenean bert, first and Nr. Pardo Romes second place the cuu tersignature of any one This celebration was a benefit in aid sentiments therein expressed will be a source of amusc Jackson cf Port Limon, Costa Rica, wil PARAISO ment to all silver workers of the Panama Canal and Pana have the entire chargo if the work has to of funds for purchasing cricket and bac. Dr. LOWE ma Railroad Company seeing that it is that same sort of Oa Sunday 9ih inst was the Thaths bill outils for this colored tearns of this L, Edin.
One of the latest up to the minute bait, that equal right of a kis Kuli that was used by siv ng diy of the linee of Almiran e pozines.
139 CENTRAL AVENUE concerts will be given by the fachman Allan Barken, Howard Severs au the best of them io raise ever a better day in the lives and homes of the toilers; to the fat sum of 150, 000 from the so called members of the defend and maintain by every honorablo means in our PANAMA CITY League of British West Indian, ADN lled Tank District on June 20h at the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Wesleyan Church at Paraise, this is and Railroad Shop Laborers, which they pretended to or nawar cemerne te organize ser o per chorman adaferome and crkte Yours: 30 a. mn, p. onhering course lie the let advancement, for the exercise of our constituever pulled of ganize here on the Isthmus but which in reality turned out tional activities to protect and promote the rights and in4 p.
on the Canal anal Zone, fdie to the fac toat Professor to be a huge bubble. We are sure that to a good many terests of the workers; to assert at any risk the equal Bez 793 Greaves is working hard train the whole thing would not amount to a pinch of snufi except on Office S44 ing the musical class, don forget that Phones; Band Master Shann will be right there the old man had qualitied all such nouns as toilers, work rights before the law of all workers with all other citizens; ers, citizens, organizations, with the adjective white the workers in the meshes of litigation before the courts in Residence 1002 with the Goods. Bro. Khode is quito to aid our fellow workers against the efforts to entangle Ancon, prepared to oclipso a past records, o come over to the Silver Town of Paradiso It is also interesting to note that Montreal was chosen and have a good time.
decided stand which the federation at last year convention the principle declared in the law of our Republic (the took against the matter of prohibition. And they are right, Clayton law. that the labor of a human being is not a Tailor and Outfitter Picnic and Dance too. The boys will want to wet their whistle when they cotomodity or article of commerce, to arouse our fellowget through chewing all that rag. The extract reads as to curb and take away their guaranteed rights and free. Dealer in School Books, workers and fellow citizens to the danger which threatens!
AT PARAISO follows: dom; to meet and help solve the vexatious problems of and Stationery. Grand Picnic and Dance will It is of course, entirely unnecessary here to enume. peace and reconstruction; to emphasize the dominating lue given at the Paraiso Clubhouse rate all the important subjects with which our forthcoming and determining economic character of our movement and nc. 11 uzr Street, Panama convention will concern itself, but the reminder is not at to carry on such political action as the interests of labor chaintrem Central Avo.
bn Monday, May 31s: DAY AND NIGHT all amiss that every effort must be made to broaden tbe will warrant and the trade union movement has directed; beginning at 12. 39 m.
field and means for the organization of the yet unorganized these and other questions of equal importance will, of ne Address: MARTIN BAND will be in atworkers; to strive to bring about more effectually than cessity, occupy the attention of the Montreal convention. Box 895, Ancon, C, toudance.
οι. the Chu te:12 Win.
to Courtesy Inde Communian in with Sermon pm. Fe Dus Wm. Lawrence


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