
caragic We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortovog 00:00:00 30 ODD. OOK the strike of the אוווו ויותר American Bazaar Single Recresses Large several este pris To the president of the St. Jos hudlence at Colon.
blana lott ry, Le swoos eph Society same tin: exibiuraits of an unbalance inind, which Sir: is with the greatest Caton, May 16 In risponse to pleasure, hat we meetthiserenie bill inviting the residents of until three weeks when his UTIR Furose of show na ticity to hear of case si le peciation of per prolonged vial important let.
service prident of ourse b; Stouteattning This morning at ut 3)
ty during which to you bave manner instie cudite fi ruthne wiridis manner.
beretem attie token of gratitude we hereby present you thin on the platform. He con tant Vis tot Noitin. blem or that inity which inds Tris dress by stating the price are aftm Hales us not only as achies, but as Brothers and sisters in the St.
ence as a jury, while he would cd him in a ofered him som Josepli Friendly Society and Thope that as long as you live it pat himself in the place of a cofee which he round ugh prisoner, as there were som who he had not bad for for a period it will always brit you fond brunded him a coward, while for three di.
memories of our bapy Associa Hosiertly after til olurs thought he wis brave, ward left and re urned later in tin together sine held that he was dishonest, the day looking very much wore My Gd bless you and conti and others were of the opinion ried and plexel. His friend nue to direct the affairs of our that his dealings were all hones realizing his position. advised society wjth peace and unity.
and straightforward him to take a rest but he refus We are, Sir, With regards to the high cost od and went away a second time, Oticers and members of the of living, he said there were two Bet reen the hours of and he St. Joseph Cath, Friend way by which this could be relaxain returnel, and on being ir.
ly Society.
medied get more dolluns for our vited by Hales to sit with him on labour, or let our dollars get more the balcoy, he stated that he President Mederick fittingly for us. We had already tried one wanted to lie down. Haies as replied, after which appropriate wy, to get more dollars for our sisted him to take s shoes off addresses were delivered by work, but had failed in a ser se and returned to the balcony, leavBros. Underwood, secretary.
and Williams, treasurer.
At this juncture; Mr. Stoute in him on the bed.
An invitation cereinony was stated that a great many persons After a short while a gurgling held in connection with the ineet said that the strike was unau sound was hard accompanied thorized, but he was able to prove by convulsions which led his ing when seven candidates were to the contrary by showing cer friend to believe he had an at initiated ment is fresh and all sizes are After this junction refresh tuin fact, that being the best tack of tits, and caused him to means by ments were served, when a very which to clarify any jump to his assistance, when he situation With that he had read discovered deceased in the act of happy time was spent by ali until obtainable.
7:30 pm when the function was by various individuals in the hall. hacking his throat with a small brought to a close.
in an audible tone of voice, the pocket knife while the blood various cables he had received lowed profusely. Hales manag and sent before the strike, ail op. od to sit this away from him, Universal Negro Improvewhich in its as plain and mpea siistaining a cut on one of his ment Association.
language as possible, authorized thans, and returned to the bal members of the cony shouting for help. Decens BMW. and on the Isth in the meanwhile helped him Colon. May 16. very enjoy no He also into the sell to the dinner knife in able time went at the meet rious circumstances in connecna by, and competed his horri Com ing of the Universal Niro Im tion with the strike, bis suddenle work before it is net!
provement is sitio with disappearance, the financial rival too plaats Hons during the strike COLON PANAMA another things of interest host are being tak to recover the All of a San in the hands of the grandi Lodgsight The strike was failure only Wit to Preb.
from a financial stand peat teens Tington point, Sunday School AniversaNr. Smute contended, as the BAKITW veri kaly is letter from the Scentary of Serv. co al Col W::to all, GB.
the Britilo, stating that leyan Church Pr.
noint the question of living conitions 2000 e smi Wapvint 19 di 20 eie of the West Indies on the isih The Co Weslyn were fall in has been presented to the loural till the prince as the ials for the 10, aud tritt in de Bent and will receive a tirs of the Sunday San jus. haring niestry services, which tkel Steantra parte, couldness of their lives to glenn fron! couling, Strachunkt winner, Mirditin The judges Contact Vr. Stoute stated, pe at 11 am on Sunday th: afo. to do some so. The un refuse and filth of dat erihisht exime 01 the s waving tried one way of re 13t inst. of Revd. II. rarn, pracher dåpored the fa that will there were nobleaves and a partaia were miny professing anl mora pritable the High cost of Livingstony to Souto, inore war.
tpise In :sadalso to box p: h, or and failed, he had decided to try who it will b: remembered gure ceristians who had absolutely no win they could employ their prins the fans of their Tini va broa sit to a the other way de reasing ng the a very in traci address the ambition, and were to be co time or the nun in th: Cide number of vollars to be spent; Colon Cristobal Baptist Cauru pud to a in who would tgeim Pois A: o cle na splendid cleat Dip in and in order to do this, it was ne oa the night of Wedssday to trailway station to parase with the muk rake ke 13 toring deliverel by Dr.
cessary to get our own stores.
120 inst a ti it wit bahwing ind up rabbishie enpletely is. O2? the Caio Church, PERSONAL GENERAL to buy from ourselves. He After the preliminaries of the his mind as to the place he was met la crowa Biag wait Rd. N 1b)st of then outlined the situation and am hal met warme Rvagant Gwer in ddwny part was h Prapher at tale cosa Kihnu PC.
going. Hverer folish this held out limb; tancl. Caara, Camp. Ceo dall, Mr Malam Cof the whereby a croperation can be Strachan, 6:40 e precha; his miniatimetd, it was precisely na, bleek or white, the bring in servis sermon, very muy pressing chris. difieren been them. The 11:s of the nurrary having ben thrzaly suc: The riceting vias at this stage little talk to the children, th: tians were in to pretend to live S21113s was held on Monday ful in th: various branches of opened for discussien, hen srown ups as well ajoying is There were others, he added, for to that oth world, levering the 1761 ins. when a herprofession, has further turn.
many chestions were asked by a great extens. iz taught the wh» really hard ambitions, bas of wai prista. totie ez 13020 splendia solars of the Sunday and ofherming varions persons and satisfactorily a litele Spinsh Gorus, te slavand unworthy a ntare ai tu veure of the Sun the man witi rendere) od her attention to the comer: big the roata litas man patrons.
answered, proving the scheme to me ining of which is Carist say to be compared to certain mea tains that needs try, shald in a way that reflected buat toroughly workiallo and Saviour will keep me always an wote ha come across nchin ts tes plues in our much credit on Jr. c. Ker the parlor is an English piun» by beneficiilene.
and made this as suaj. or his in Poru, yo made it the busi. lives.
and Miss Doris Epiney who means of which it is naderstood Among those present were Jr. talk, eveloping therefrom the trained them for the occasion.
Mm 10 berts, wa hersell it Jackets president of the fact that Christ is not only able to pianist wili at coavenient tim: Colon Benefit Cooperative So deeds if they ask hin, but he is So forgive their little sins and mis Now lotge Put Through wintie they are being treated glulen the hearts of patris NILE QUEEN ciety and Mr. Edgar McCarthy secretary, wl wlo gave valuable is also able to ke p, or preveals nav lodge, val Sceeas hºr Assistants sistance in explaining the scheme them from repeating them. The World Finest Preparations for Hair cnd Skin N) 10. 135 Grand United Oder Chas. Rid bitrkova in th Mr Steut stored that the Taking as his text Philippians of Oldillos, working under wilda arrived shares would be sold at cach: 18: isorgetting these things the Pan District was Duretly from Bus. oraal CREAX P103 155. ADS)
but not less than shares noula which are behind, and reaching through on the 13th inst. in the tr binz a zent for a period of Syrisgeld. be sold; and urged the people to unto those which are before, Hull by the of the Isthmus Ludge ab wat nine months.
buv as many as they could as the Revd. centiamna preached a Sott. contractor anel Executivo Gontleman Nile Qreen prettions have donders for my stranskin. quickly as they could. He is to most able and heart searching be found it the ideal store, 8th serinon, In opening, he stateil Buis from Panim, as they are builder who hails fron Kingston salt of a soc al which worked for Samica passed away on Tars.
and Cash streets, every day be that the anniversary is in a sen :o it. wisaallou wale woultry Nil. Cueen a period of five months.
day the 13h inst, at the Sun uri.
Very tru Yours tween the hours of and 12 a m, to be compared to a stock taking The officers of this lodgeara as tan Ibsp. tu. 13 ting ass vi 55 And and pm when the progress of the school SOLD EVERTWIERD KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS follows. Livingaton, years. collection or 15 tas talen up for the past year is looked into; C. Winthrop. G. Dakers Set who 19 an old tiiner in to assist in defraying the sum of and it would be a wise plan for. Axrons, memb of Caristoteca br. the Union Hall, for holdng tho meet onder die tone such ocasions,. charged for the use of the the elder people, pareats and to take retrospect of sea and a trustee of Cart Brock Cephus, Pin. Janos Advocate Lodg? OF. HW13 bori Much dissatisfaction was remembering their reeponsibin Chaplain; iv. Samuels, with the futl ritos and ceremonies evinced by the people at this ty, and trying in erery possible THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE Warden.
of the order and is survived by charge which was considered ex to aid the Before the installation of these a wife and daughter to waon hulitant, while some expressed work. At the same time it does 167 COLIVAR STREET, COLON.
officers took place many capdi the entire community tenders its the thought that it should be which is behind, with its failings not help to dwell on the past, that dates were initiated into the tys. Stacere condolence.
given free teries of the order. Continaed on Page 8)
the nature of the meeting that like St. Paul, unto es victories as the reacto unas be Call and Inspect our Stock of Musical Albums, before. Every christian, S2. Joseph Catholic IMPORTANT!
Man Slashes His Threat the speaker contended, should Wrist Watches, Radiolite Watches, Tie Pins, Friendly Society With Krite in a Fit of have a definite aim view Just affairs and business of Canal Stones, Birth Stones, etc. etc.
Colon, May 16. The St. Jos Te:npotary Insanity Have your scalp massaged aud day life, it is necessary every epli Catholic Friendly Society Hair shampooed by a competent to a definite so skonid it held a special meeting to day Beauty Culturist at least once Colon, May 16. Septimus of the christian should be to do be in the christian life. The aim EXPERT REPAIRING DONE whoa a gold ring, and a bouquet. every month. DO NOT TRUST who until recently was with an address, were presented to have your hair done by unplayed at the West Indian em: good under can circumstanees by tho inembers to Međerick, trained, inexperienced persons president for a number of years saip and roots of hair, with who will surely damage your WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS zasr. 6th and Bolivar Streets, and in every way; not like the as a token of appreciation for his most lamentablo results, brought his life to a sudden ter. Priest and Levite who passed by Made to Order excellent services in connection mination to day by cutting his the wounded traveller without with the office Mmo. ROBERTS, throat with a pocket knife and a affording hin any assistance, The presectation was done by dinner knife, inuch to the alarm but like the Samaritan, who JAMES WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. Misses Marson, and Black Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, of all who knew him.
though of a despised race and Kashmir Bouty Parlor, su BOX 752, CRISTOBAL, man and Mr. Chas. Bonrgard, Is is alleged, that deceased looked down upon just as cis while the address which is a fol. 133 Do irar Between Sth and 12 who alout three months ago 1702, bearers are despised in the Unit fows, was read by Mr. Martin: Sts. Colon. יטי ווי 1: 2: 0 alles, Ang.
Cover of mir Chemical Co.
Chicago Grand trie nearly every ting to clearing complexlos. of punples, liver spots and black hels without Nueces until fou Kashmi Nil QurenNow my staan Soth and lovely enn be and my hair has town so long ani ulossy, as fricasa Sind. SALLE DEI 29 Dolivar St. between sth and pub. Colon.
Dox36 Cristobal.
IN nocks, things in as in the have plan, so


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