
PAGE SEVEN War Veterans for Demerara MORE OVERSEERS ARRIVED BY QU ILLOTA, Link up with LIFEBUOY for Health Sake.
JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES SAVES In boneca LIFE and signed Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap. it reputable Cucide and. sure disin fectant YOUTH and happiness are linked up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the dangers of contagious diseases.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the children keep them healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
LIVER BROTHERS TRANRI TE GLAND salary of Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants Grenada The Going Away of Central Drug The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder lete9e silver Om Store Chorrillo Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One. NUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
bouring Meesis Callaghan, A, Rickard. C. Hugh Jones and RH Wilkinson who arrised in 1) merantly by the Slotante come out to take FOR. uainment 24 oversters with Messrs Curtis Campbell 10. Lita etic. The Young Men, Toys and Girls el join the wall Beriani MODERATE PRICES Non arel will be attached to Pin areil. Eist Coast Demerara.
Come and have a look at the assortment.
Malaghan served with the Subir for tive years tool at in the Battle of Mons the first battle fought in The war. He was wounded in the risht shoulder at Valenciennes EDUARDO VALENCIA France on the 25th October 1918 was sent home to Ireland Next Hotel Metropole where on the Santa Ana Plaza being dhe was de mobilised.
Sr. Rickard was attached to the Royal Air Force in London for about a year while Mr. Jones was serving in the Royal Navy BASEBALL THAT IS BEST Interesting News. being in North Russia for abouy Baseball said Herbert 11 kell, re. Little Elsie My papas minister Continued from Page 6)
minds me of the household. There is the and that is best Little Grace My It is proposed to introduce a plate, the batter, the flies, the fowls, ete. Papa a lawyer and that is best, too Bill in the Demerara Legislature It reminds me of marriage, replied to determine and secure the sala.
his wife, first the diamonds when they Little Esie No, your papa is not a ries of the Auditor and Assistant are engaged, then the struggle, the hits, real lawyer; tae just practises law. But Auditor and to amend the Audit the sacrifices, the men going out, and my papa is a real minister because he Ordinance. 1854 The principal finally the trouble they have in reachis just preaches and never practices. My of the Bill provides for the home again. Kreolile Ne us.
Searching for Oil in clause of the mun says 80, kranting of an of an annual sum of Demerara.
1, 250 pounds to His Majesty, his heirs and successors out of which STERLING sum shall be susan paid to the Auditor Arrival of An Expert.
the annual salary of 750 and to the Assistant Auditor the annual FAMELE TONIC 400 pounds, rising by CONCESS ON TO BE THOROUGHLY annual increments of 25 to 500 pounds. In the absince of the SURVEYED.
Tonic and Alterative Auditor the Assistant Auditor shall have all the powers and per.
Mr. Macrorie, Geologist for all the duties of the Auditarri el in Deinerara recently or.
Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and by the Mayaro. He acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, nicorn Root, Senna Likeres, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, is one of the expert: engaged by etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re Mr Alien in the world wide sults is be anticipated.
Search for oil and intends to make through peological sur The Sterling Laboratory, vey of the concession inted to his Company with a view to start Los Angeles, ing oil boring operations. He will be joined shortly by Mr. Bullbrook also a spologist who expects to sail from Trinidad about Speaking to us a day or two the end inst. Mr. Macrorie is a lago concerning our frequentre Feologist with 19 years expe. expressed in connection piece in oil boring operations with the departure from the coand it is felt that his advent will lony of a large section of the la 46 STREET, PANAMA.
go far towards settling the ques.
tion as to the existence for oil in planter observed an intelligent Demerara been lowking at the event in the that we had JUST RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT OF Mr. Macrore stated that a wrong light. He argued the BLOCK EMPRESS PERFUME powerful drilling, plant is avail men were not departing so much able in the West Indies and will because of bad conditions as in with flower in perfect preservation be requisitioned for use should spirit of adventure. They wanted its services be found necessary to have experiences in other in every bottle; also a largesbij ment of As it result of his fields of labour rand, in order to CREOLINE HAIR PRODUCER Halso gave the information that able to go ara to the the expedition of Mr. Raya had gone the length of the world best bair strater and frontier their frower from JACKSON MANUFAC.
his not yet left Trinidad where that emmigration by that ass of TURE CO. Reynolds arrival sexpected the inhabitants would SELL REOLESALE AND RETAIL daily. motor launch has been ticial results. The men will work churtered to take the party to for money, come back and FLOWERS, Venezuela lands ont of their savings. Ia mer ply to his remarks we told our PROPRIETOR friend that we regarded the mat Drill Instructor Gommits ter with much concern as we were Dox 36, PANAMA CITY Suicide TELEPHONE 19 of the opinion that good labour Quite a sensation vas created Colony Purcebe retained in the caraan speaking EDUCATION What is It?
10th inst. when it caine known sme subject, say that he regard.
at ihe Constabulary. Depot. De al inding agriculture that Lie Sergt Job Archibala ed the matter with all serious The systematic development and cultivntion of the mature powers. The Joseph had ness as he felt that, should the power to think early and talk intcrcatinkly lo Le a ked non or committed suici structor. exodus continue, we would be by slooting woman in any company himselt in drained of our man power in the THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Joseph, who to the Police Force for a had been attached principal direction of our wealth.
No. 2, Caile Demirgo Dizz of about ten years.
will be opened from and after May 10th 1520, for the dissemination of Labourers and Wages.
appeared to be in the best of spi.
clementary and bisher education, rits but latterly he complained of As re fully expected, some Day School for Children.
domestic worries of which he Night School (now in ersion) for Adults.
seemed not to be able to rich hile persons will give increased anges. Sutjects: Arithmetic, Algebra, Iractical and Theoretical Geome.
self. He was trained as a Drill some can not, try English, including Grammar and Composition. Elements of SpanInstructor for which he Those who will not should be ish, French and Latin, Grommar, Corgmply and History, etc.
Beginners classes in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Instrumental Music.
great aptitude. During the late made to do so, and those who can.
war Segt. Josephi renderea valu not should be put in a position to If practicslle arrangements for tuitiou should be made before able service in assisting in the do so.
opening day.
training of the several batches of We Principal: ROBERT INDSAY (Cambridge Scrier)
e are thinking to day of those men whom the colony sent for who cannot. There are thousands Box 1049, Ancon, ward to do their bit on the bat. of them who have small holdings, tleticld.
and, taken as a whole, they occupy an important place as em Legislation will shortly be en hese peasants must be assisted.
ployers of labour in the colony.
acted in Demerara providing that Sone of them are tied up on the deatu of public officer like or pensioner, including Ministers of Religion whose names are on st the Clergy List, an amount equal will labourers decent wages. It salary of such officer or pensioner shall be paid to such ance for Government to go to the of the family of the deceased as their prosperity will mean Govin the opinion of the Governor ernment prosperity in revenue.
penple, because may have the best moral claim The Government should estab Our workmanship reflects that Proficiency lishi Loan Banks and invest in the which is acquired cnly by years of Experience.
It is announced that a West NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Indian Race Club Ltd. has been formed in ANNIR. THOMAS, More than 40, 000 has been FITZ BOWEN already subscribed. The capital THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Proprietress.
has been fixed at 100, 000 the shares being of 100 denomina 82 November Street, San Miguel tion.
ot se 20 argued that New GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its greatest asset is their good will.
Our service has always measured up to this standard and brings forth voluntary expression of friend.
ship and confidence.
Come in and see our New Slip, Grip Soft Collar Hold ers. Better than pins. FULLER JEWELER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama. RP.
HD DID 1D IT EVER STRIKE You the Panama Furniture Company with Sergeant il period had always 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door lo Cecilia Theatre he showed Headquarters for High Class Furniture New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock The Woman Exchange are in debt, and, fighting odds, they cannot to a month DRESSMAKER rescue of these thereto. Leacock Co.
Modern Cabinet Makers NO. 8,. STREET PANAMA CIT PHONE 1060. BOX, ANCON, C, Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood Latest Designs In Cabinet making, etc.


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