
Interesting News from the West Indian Islards Jamaica INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION terling DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA, RAILROAD Conac.
ployed pounds; or prince will be open to C chans paris of.
stock Ilie a ren had been fully debated and he Agents. It is proposed to run would now put the motion to the business un quite up tovote date lines, and the promoters The motion was carried.
promise to give the utmost satisfaction to those who favour them Jamaica New Civil Montego Bay Notes with their patronage. The firm starts with a capital of 35, 000 Owned By Service Cenach and is prepared to make the hixhist advances on securities It is learnt that a prominent offered.
land owner who recently handed THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Prices and Profits Depart. Over one of his properties to the ment Government for the purpose of Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
Caring Graves of West Inestablishing an industrial school dian Soldlars Prices and Prots Depart has decided to leave the island The Portof Spain Gazette of and will settle down in British ment a new brasch of the Pub. Columbia.
May 6, makes the folling an.
lic Service. is abeut to be set up Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 nouncements in Jamaica. In addition to Food Controller and At tomorrow meeting of the District nurses are getting reg.
Deputy Food Legislative Council, the Clonial Controller at salar es of 1, 500 istered with all speed. At the Secretary will move a resolution and 300 pounds Official Depository of the Republic of Panama last meeting of the St. James approving the recommendation per annum respectively, it is Board a scheme formulated by a of the Finance Committe. taat proposed to appoint a first class special committee was approved, DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL that the colony should be or its clerk as an accountant at 275 and these nurses, pending the pounds; appropriate sbare of 2, 385 te two, second class clerkssubsidy of 25 per annum class clerks Governor decision, will receive ing expenditure in at salaries of 160 pounds, rising tion with the care of graves by increments of 20 to 250 pounds British West Indian Soldiers for per annum; six Inspectors and The Easter Term results of the year ended 31st March, 1920.
buyers at at 250 pounds each; fees the English Bar Examination Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches for accountants and others en were published recently, and the Royal Mail Co. Improve on this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Special investigations following successes of Jamaicans 2, 000 pounds; travelling expenses aro noted Criminal Law and Steamers of Food Controller and inspect. Procedure (First Class. Mr.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
Since the Royal Mail Steam ors 1, 100 Burrowes (Deputy Packet Company has taken over SuperintendeXtra, travelling for Bertram of Instructors Clerk of the Courts for Man and for Agricultural Instructors chester. Mr. Alfred Ballie Ren INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM the Quillota and the Quil1. 100; prize money to encourage nie.
pue the Company has, we learn food production 650 100d pounds: pur Real Property and Conveyanc.
from a contemporary, been mak ing all chase of me of seeds and plants, 200 ing (First Class) Mr. Bur.
attempts to the improve purchase and transport rowes, Mr. Manley (Rhodes steamers in order to provide for the comfort of passengers. They of foodstuffs 2, 000 and 1, 000 for (Scholar. stationery, printing publishing It is also noted that this is the WILKINSON WILSON convent school will take the Row have and advertising ffrst examination at which lady man Catholics. Some children have spent a considerable sut op CONTRACTOR BUILDER Altogether the total vote to candidates sat.
electric fans and DYER AND RENOVATOR will be sent to England, Canada hones the Quillota, installing Barbados. Private schools will convenienres cold storake be allocated to this new depart.
have their share. At the satne to lease London before the wirk The Quillita hid went is 1, 52 pounds, Great Drought in Jamaica First Class Workmanship 107 a Central Avenue and corner time it should be modermolish that ariin, suc WiSplet, but it is to Plans and Specifications Free 16 Street West. ees ful, and when fully correspondent of the Duly ed honld have an attendance of pements will be complet In further of theme for 5th Street West raisins additional pathi wr writes House 90 Phone21 PO Box 71 about children The bollowing Jamica Cotention Ocho Rios, May 12. Box 11, Panama, RP.
Ancona Zone other the get to report that the drought it is not on. children of character Amusement and Cons in an arcant th. s Civil who cortiles which it che Rios district points to dulis rious puits thinevenat first will provibly. the site NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET the Highet Horse for Children of Distant that winle others Class.
charged Soldiers arish have bada feu rucent Ministers of all denomina Etending min, we had Lions will be allowed to lench Lety and from Speaking in this 1th March last their chidman at some convenient His Majesty lo; il.
Council o Jati Most of the live owners hour at home for the children of us are in der of loosing They will also be given Dobles and to prs.
every facility for exercising a hi herto bereicent charged with Mr. Smith Ford influence over their child Be without any evident said he woald like to see thinber of the for waste of war by the drying u just lical in hoine at Spanish Town in wles the children of D who had of the grass Oac popers not my mins from the town with Chinese School in Trinidad been on active servic: Wire car heads or Cattle and hors Bonus for Trinidad ed for, extended and the chili reported to dren oir than those belongis only one of six ponds with litte Pensioners to sold be admitted WA Welleirit the it and it is 110 Mr. Graham remarked tht the rain wil in the next wek or so institution should be overed they willi li bo compild drive From 1st January 1920 Striboil the TN for thesis The ne President: This matter Toe food supply of our public We are sure that on was mentioned the other day market is fast dying out and it nity will welcome the furthalass will be stored on Sunday Mr. Sip on sul the proper will be very much worst during at last, the Government bis le 17th instant authority 1:0 look after this the coming months. All plants cided to do coinon justo Wat the Parochial that were put in th earlier part the pensioners of the Civil Ser.
Boards and the expenditure of the year are dead and in convice by the grant of a bone should not be provided from General Revenue His parish squence of the continued dry no the principle adopti din was the putative rather and bod garther planting has been it.
vice generally, using thin creased cost of living due totho The Dominusu Grigrlite sans mother of tempted.
many of these institu Our orange crop is ruint and great war. The ort of span ciatipus already and could not curry o trens dead. Coconus The Corset of the Century. The gro Win it at zette in a series of articles las tapt to teach the Now any more burden; bisparis! scores SOLDAT PANAMA BY been advocating the claims of respect appears to have cause jected to general revenue provides are seriously affecteu, bun ing parochial relief to support anuary are to be seen derd pensioners to sinal treatment ibition of severonit dreds of young plants put in in La Luna Sisk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; key ring, as their colleagues at present in paupers of other pho Sir John Pring Dot Sur distrit most of the pasterop there is little corn itt resent in Central Avenue.
the service ind it is thicilores ECILI COLON BY that the Home in question having been bought up chilly with extreme cratitication we designed to suppEins this int inled for chiuren of Lan Hung Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Cheng Long note that the matter us length car ca ion are being.
for food.
Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
to be brought to a settlement, by meam and Trinidad, wd this charged soldiers children were sent for the LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents the folowius resolution to be unjustifiable at to certail would har to moved by th Colonial Se:retary the liberties Mr. Blewited with HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE tomorrow meeting of the just sentment of all ist TOUS The the remarks of the bootable 134 140 Eolivar Street 62 Central Ave. Legislative Counci:lucians meuber fo: Kingst Colon, RP Panama, Council to the uncil approves Mr. Graham said he preo Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancen, the recommendation of the Fin.
prith what is caed yth Mr. Shto Pemberton, The Girls School.
ance Committee that a bonus be granted to henora vle nombor for Chren.
ponsioners of the and ist, uisi Judge. Leard Civil Service from taclot of dan Islards and tation at 1)
don The Colonial Secretary and the lady posessing the degree uary 1920 on the following scale: pica, has resigned on pension as On pensions not exceeding ton was called the bar, Ir ner from 30. April, Penber matter wond be booked into to! of London University of 50 pounds sterling as at present advised is seened wide experience has offered to per annum.
to him that only coldren of dis CNC out all star an upper 20 per cent. On pensions ex Temple, in 1885, ard his entire charged somers could be scared tool for girls in Trinidad ceeding 50 pounds, but not ex. career has been in Lonline.
there free The salary which she asks 2250 ceeding 500 pounds per annum 10 per cent.
Mr. Smith spoke on the neces. per amoun is far less than she sity of of Jamproving the child life would earn at bome. She comes and said he looked because she to go where Accepts Post of Headmis Dr. JOHNSON forward to the day when the ber works will be more uselul.
The cost of starting the school tress of Anglican School SURGEON DENTIST State would look after the neg.
lected illegitimate children. will be heavy. gives 150, Considered the best blood and Recently a cabie was received Phone 1003 the fees from the girls should from Miss Stevens, Lon P: Address Jamaicans Abroad pay the salaries of the under Nerve tonic in the World don accepting the post of Head Ancon 852, The Council continued the mistresses, there remains 100 mistress of the prospective An.
consideration of the debate on for the mistress. 50 for her pas.
glican High School in this 60the motionsago out, 100 for rent 100 for Is highly recommended by press and public for lony for girls at a salary of 250 That with reference to the apparatus. There is no apparent Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and per annum.
message fron His Excellency source from which this money is the Governor dated the 2nd to with one exception, general depression of the whole system.
The Central Loan Coy.
March, 1920, this Council ap. Mrs. Stollmeyer has kindly of For Both Men and Women.
Tailor and Outfitter proves of the payment by this fered to get up a Bazaar to pay new business, under the Government of the traveling ex, the cost of rent and apparatus. Sole distributors for Central and South America style of the Central Loan and Ac Dealer in School Books, penses of representatives of the need hardly say that any contricoinmodation Coy, will soon British Legation at Havana, who butions will be thankfully rePANAMA DRUG STORE make its bow to the public at the and Stationery.
may be required to accompany csived. Will not some generous corner of Prince and Charlotte such Officers from this Colony person convey a suitable house to Streets in this city. The manage No. 11 Street, Panama as pay be appointed at any time the church and leave his name Muller Building ment will be in charge of Messrs.
to investigate cases of alleged as founder of the school which Walker Bros. who will conduct chains from Central Ave.
ill treatment of Jamaicans in has been long desired.
the business of pawpbrokers, Cuba, It must not be expected that real property brokers, auction Address: The President said the matter the numbers will be large. The eers and General Commission Box 895, Ancon, C, and extended there mir es vir daly for for water children Dominica Trinidad New Discovery Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound Gesires Wm. Lawrence


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