
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1920, PAGE THREE SXSS ceios scossos :osos King Second Son to Visit Canada soos:50:08350 KING BEE Fathers. CIGARETTES socxoo 0:00 London, April Prince AlDert will represent Great Britain at the treanteny celebration of the landing of the Pilgrim in the United States bexi Autumn, actu. ding to in formation given correspond ent He will likely spend a month or two Visiting the principal cities in Canada and America according to present plans.
He is at the present time a student at Cambridge University, and will finish his college education in June. Already be has had to assume many of the public duties of the Prince of Wales during the latter absence from England, and these will grow heavier as time goes on and the heir to the throne is more and more away in various parts of the Empire Prince Albert will be twentyfive years of age in December of the Royal Air and is one of the best allround sportsrnen in the royal 18mily despite the fact that his health has never been particularly robust.
Saved America DID YOU EVER Stand near a chap while he smoked a KING BEE?
the Best Always He is an en officer Force They are 66 TE NGBE into the conduct ins al dirty linen AMOR MONTA CENTRAL MON Enc srow to investigate how effi party Extra Mila GARETTES en of. Sold EverywhereWHY?
Meet full full credit, The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice Whatever else may be said about the United States, writes this Nova Scotian of April 15th, there is this much greatly to its credit, that it does not hesitate to investigate mattes affecting the conduct of its public affairs, no matter wbom it Site hurt. Particularly this is so with regard to the part which its forces took in the war The investigation which is being Then conducted into the Navy.
precipitated by the charges made by Admiral Sims runy seem like the wash.
lined in public, but it is far more than this. It indicates real denire on the part of the American Con thoroughly cient the Navy ww and to what extent it contributed to the Allied suvo. Of e sure there probably is a good deal of politica sociated with the inquit. But in the main it in the purpose of the investigating committee to Macertain the lacte regardlow of bou the reputation of thie or the other may be aloesed.
Under the leading Tribune The British Seved Amerion, The in detail the prince Chicago significant evidence piven before the lavestigating Committee of the Valted States Senato by Rear Adevid ral Goal. The testimony of this Com.
mander was remarkably frank. He did not besitate to seribe to the British not alone for the eventual collapos of the common memy.
but for its great work in transporting United States troops and of bulwarking the United States Navy The Tribune printa in bold type one specially significant pasage in the taking of this officer evidence. Chairman Isle. the German Fleet had broken through the British Fleet in the summer of 1917, would your force have been in con dition to meet the enemy. Rear Admiral Graut. We would have gone out and done the best we could, but it wouldn have been much.
Predictions About the purest gold nestled among ITEMS OF INTEREST Public opinion, as the Toronto Globe the nations of the world.
Experiments made with regard to the above it may be noted that cattle in ways, is bound to be influenced profound Cuba.
suitability of citrus fruit rindo wa hog Dominica consume large quantities of ly by such candor and honesty. They When Wet, You Should Pormerly the production of starch food at the Maryland Agrioultural Storew nindo of limes without any harm. reveal the emptiness of the blatant alle Not Touch Electric gation of the strife making Hearst. They from the sweet potato we not four thou are noted in Experiment Station GRINS CHUCKLES expose the traitorous character of these Very Promising Future Is Light ishing business in Japan, but owing to Record, January 3, 1920. The object anti American, well as anti British Awalting her the demand created by war conditions cooked citrus fruit rinds were poisonous of the experiment was to test whether CLEMENCEAU ANECDOTE.
propagandists. They disclose be true No electric appliances should ever to for various kinds of starch, the sweet poto bogs. Three lots of hogs were spirit of teamplay which enabled the WILL SOON BE LAND placed where a person in a bathtub cantato, produced in the Chiba province, is with liberal allowance of cooked orange is just to hand It is said that, during his the autocratic aims and ambitions of very good anecdote of the Old Tiger English speaking democrncies to defeat OF GOLD reach them. Such is the assertion of being used as one of the materials from lemon rind, and cooked grapefruit rind recent visit to Egypt, while going up the Teuton and Turk. They bear tostimony Dr. Zimmern in the Presse Medicale which stareb jis manufactured. The pro respectively. The rinds (Paris) in commenting on the death of cess of manufacture from washing the about a third of the feed consumed. Dificant specimen of the tribe. basking ment on the part of true Americanism in Arthur Brisbane, the editor of colleague Filectrocution has taken place root to pulverizing the stareh, is alm ist Alter eighty nine days no toxic influence in the sun on the sandy banks of the position to know. The experience of constituted Nile, the party spied a crocodile, mag. of appreciation of British accomplishthe Washington Times, editorial with a current of of only 110 volts under entire y done by machinery was detected. In connexion with the river, Clemenceau, who had his Express a stressful past has drawo John Bull America is the land of prohicircumstances.
The reason is that the water on the bition and virtue. Cuba is the hands and body provides exceptionally rifle with him, took aim and fired. The and Uncle Sam together. They face bullet entered the mouth, penetrated the the future with arms linked.
near and attractive oasis. There favorable conditions for conduction of the brain, and the mighty crocodile dropped is now in existence regular airavo Concrete Ships Complete lines between Key West and Ha current. It is not safe to touch even Clemenceau could not resist the oppor vana. There are fast trains from an electric light, bester or bell when Failure.
is the bath Dr. Zimmers cites recent tunity, and turning to his attendants said, New York, San Francisco and Acases is follows. There you are gentlemen, Why canChicago to to Havana: woman killed by holding an elcc.
on these creatures, learn the lesson, THEIR CONSTRUCTION DISCON(BRANDON BANK)
which we are ever endeavouring t) in TINUED FOR GOOD BY Near Havana there is being tric light in one wet band while turning water faucet with the other, a woman erected a 20, 000, 000 botel to a wale still into men. to keep your mouths BRITISH FIRM.
erecte will killed by wiping with a wet cloth the of shelter the thousands closed!
pil SECURITY Loudon, April 15. Concrete ships are grims. In a short time there current distributing apparatus for an SERVICE will be fast steainer lines from shock by taking hold of a chandelier a man receiving a severe NOTICE a complete failure, is the verdict of Sir. Hunter, managing director of one New York which will make sure while holding an electric light suspended Panama ticiently frequent trips from (Founded 1863)
Colon My wife Mrs. Louise Herbert of the biggest shipbuilding firm in Brit.
having left iny house and protecNew York to accommodate the by a wire.
It is very dangerous to change an thousands of those who will be tion of her own free will hereby sels and take twice the time to build; we They cost twice as much as steel ves.
Our large Resources and well known notify the public that will not bave discontinued their construction for suffering from the drought and electric but when the hands are wet who will want to spend the win the floor is, wet; a slight defect in the hold myself responsible for any conservative Management afford unter in Havana and enjoy the musulation may cause a severe sbock or debt or debts she may contract. Fond, he added.
even death.
merry life there.
questioned security for every dollar ALFRED HERBERT. Cuba will soon be the land in Dr. OGILVIE HELPING DAD May 11 1920 wbich will flow alcohol and gold deposited with this bank IsNOW LOCATED AT in abundance. There has al preacher, raising his eyes from bis MRS. LILIAN MAYNARD 157 Central Avenue, corner ready been sent there millions desk in the midst of his sermon, was of wallons of whiskey. Thous paralyzed with amazement to see his Certified Midwife and Nurse, SK treet.
ands of American and millions rude offspring in the gallery pelting the For Panama and Canal Zone of dollars will go to the idolized the hearers in the pews below with horseHOURS: to 11. 30a.
isle. With its sugar crop which chestnuts. But while the good man to 30 produces more than five bun was preparing frows of reproof, the ISAAC BRANDON 30 to 30 NATHANIEL BRANDON I, BRANDON Begs to notify the public, that dred millions of dollars worth a young hopeful cried out.
she be removed back to LA Sundays: 10311 a.
year. American gold will take You tend to your preshing daddy President.
Vice President.
Treasurer Boca and can be found at House wings to Cuba and the Pearl of ll keep em Awake. London Til 1029 Dear the Salvation Army Appointments can be arranged Church.
the Antilles will be the puggat of Bits.
Te ephone 876 fed Jy says: dead Panama Banking Company there the maken West, and from flight General Banking Business Transacted


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