
DE 10:13AN, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1921 Latite ce a trou ki MEN WANTED Who will lösist on their Wives Using Stag Blue Soap PO BOX. Per FP RATSUF SUBSCRIPTION Our il the othee Thre OD Because it is made in England boys for comprising the comin meva believe טאון The Witt others will Coss Panama Baptist S.
Annivsrsary THE WORKMAN May 31 being Pablic Holi.
day, the Pan Baptist Christian Endeavoar Society will cele brate its ann ersary. In th)
Published on Saturdays by II Rate: for Advertisement on applicamorning at o clock the dele (windener vaal watter gates from ved societies will mectin ex ci.
At 11 o chos there will be Weronisan public service, nt o clock do tuonstration of this s the writers for public will take plaer, and 67. 20 tn senior 13 will entertai songs, run, dislogue, Friends Because it is the best vited to attend. The Liit of their part TICHENOR A and SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1930, PTIC cures Skin Irrizines.
Colon Baj poss PETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE League.
We are glad to basto raz It is a fact established by criminolo sts that the that the concert yiv crime wave approches high water mark during the the Colon Boys Instismo En mer months of abnorn al leat. (Siver Employez Dunawa Leav:s fcr Cuba Caral Zone sites as the Cristobal Silver Club house on Saturday, 13 Wis Be that as it may, the Canai Zone has for the past It is with regrt arnounce a thorou a success few years, been singularly free from premeditatod killings; Continued from air tuture roma GATUN There is now bei being and thue it is that the foul, brutal murder of William Blackett passage costing at ore time midst of Mr. mnd Dewa.
a Church Pa ale program for at Mount Hope on May 7, is unparalleled in the history of much as one hundred dollars who wild anay for Chi the very Sunday, be crime in our midst, by reason of the horrible brutality 01 could put one over there (Jit. w day Donawa pryd The Lilywhite am, if we take ginning to morrow. Sualay, maica) and that only when they minst inan with backbone the gospel neer teorke May 80, and as the Leasie is its accomplishment.
felt pleased to take you So, when he was arrested during the underwent inetamorphosis, and non sectarian it is proposed to The hour of midnight had struck, and the watchman as have already said, the news te silver em ulusees Atrike, for appeared on the Gatun Oval as tike in all churches and places at his post of duty, was perhaps wrapped in silent wonder of the first sitting of the com distributis Aly whets on the the Painters of worship in rotation.
at the profound hush of Nature, and the glory of God mission comes to us as a healing Canal Zone, and afterwards tried However, as all looked alike to Until the uniforms are obtain manifesied in the star spangled firmament, oblivious of balm.
the home combination, le visited the boys will wear their usual And now every one is won and equitled.
Few men would have stood the ins Painters went dor to de. apparel with the League colapproaching doom, with no warning sound to apprise him derin ors on their right shoulder. za of the danger which approached him out of the shadows of drink what next. Is it really test us Mr. Donawa, for which feat in summary fashion.
bugle will sound the wa Painter compiled the resassein ble the night. when he was struck down and hurled in the that the day of our deliverance he won the hearts is grant that it is. workers. His inability to secure pectable total of 75 runs. Thomas at 45. fall in at 53 twinkling of an eye, irom Time into the confines of Going over the personnel of those further employment on the a. and march oft at 10 a.
Eternity commission, Isthmus compelled liin to seek 26, Webb 29. The same di La corporal atson and the Shamrocks He did his assailants no harm; he was simply at his tind men who by their intelli another field of labor; hence his doubt at no time, as to its issue piesely.
be in care of tal 59 pa.
gence, their integrity, their romped rades and he is appealin to the departure for Cuba.
perhome easy winners by a margin people of Colon taid the gue post, doing faithfully the work assigned him, when his life sinal self respect. their daily was taken with his life blood slowly ebbing away, his vocation or business (which must purse was presented to himn coldJuneš 28, Earie 23, Bourne inancially and otherwise so the the of of 87 runs; making 162 quivering body was mangled almost beyond recognition, bring them into constant touch by Messrs. No Cinke and 21, anklin 19, Tuewww. li.
the boys may be able to get thu uniforms soon and also to use the and slinking off into the night shadows, these ghouls with all classes of West Indians Walker on behalf of the contrib: and their went away with their booty purchased with the blood of tions) and their long residence of his ble action.
utors, as a token of appreciation The reading room of the Silver movement a success and so a Clubhouse is looking shishane credit to the Agen Weit an innocent man.
on the Isthmus admirably fit Being unabir to tu soo each and it is a great pity that those who Indiacs.
The first chureh on the po They robbed him of a fighting chance; they robbed a them to runoplace on that bady: overy one before leaving no are some times cond of Jolling in home of its prop; they robbed a wife of her husband, and and nt whose hands ieve Donawa requested, through this road anything comfortable clairs, du no: granta be attended in the barre innocent children of a father care, and then clept into deration it deserves. feel cer. Prienuosand well wishers, and purpose of the room is biteras, mediumtu express to many primary hist Church. Pastor: Rovd. so the dark, out into the night where the stars with unwink. tain that nothing in the line or apreciation of their kind. although it is comfortable ing eyes looked down upon a crime ius Vluck as the Rokes statistics, personil testimony, and thoughtful action towards recline like a purk, with the Deroralian Day (131. be local inspetions or of Night.
else which would thros lo portes anything, which he hopes never to ary, setting for a background. wren Huisre Wh Iyut it would be generous for the adhe Land of the Qitror McCloud, Lopez and Williams were arrested through our pitiable conditions com We wish Donawa bon voyage, Rolling on a lo lako to the lounge. Fenty is on the latte: tun, ad the cominendable activities of the police machinery under pared with that of think that the only obat Tlio library books are being ca fuis team Wing is if there Capt. Calloway. a truly admirable piece of sleuth work lieft out in the duo course of their speed and tho bost suc and their loot located in Mango Marsh The terrible trio investigations But now, just talogued. There is quite a varie Vens should fall.
tyolorst class books in all lays.
were arraigned and tried for grand larcony and murder in one word by way of advice to these gentlemen. He who know Birthday Celebration The WORKMAN Correspondent little right verr old by trice the first degree, and at the recent session of the District can tell you that no other reine nas had the privilege of reading a feat lejer le mainst the Pit such books as Onice ist work when he attempt Court were sentenced to suffer the extreme penalty of the dy which you may see fit to re.
law at the Gamboa Stockade on December commend will bring about the An enjob! o evening was spent The Judgment House by Siret stew away is dollar which a at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Parker.
boy frieai his trastod Thus has the long arm of justice reached out and equired effect is that of ropa inrell Sunu ls. Bolivar Street: Phillie Win or Birbara Worth his keeping. The devletinin triation or getting rid some the case wits the Post Ofice 16brought retribution to the docts of three of the worst way of all the surplus la bor here, Colon, on Wednesday, May ati, on by Harold Bell Wright criminals in Isthmian history. The operation of the old for that has really been the sethe occasion of the celeb. sti on of Dombes and Sou by Charles sisting Comgratuuns the Sherlock Holmes!
time principle is particularly fitting in this case. Whoso ret cause of all our failures in their daughter, Miss Jessie Dickens.
the past that ive car do with The Drer layer and The sheddetla man blood, y man shall his blood be shed.
The Office pre you of our bosses Anung inoso present were Rover by Jaides ennimore e state aparane with its ror Sociсty is well rid of these ghoulish murderers. With ust he removed Let them rea Mr and Ms. ilumber, ale corper.
the dim outlines of the gallows in the distance, they will boste thata Coubar and frience a bond Mrs. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. itself of this opportunity to get y simplti perey wore a rel.
of combination lek boxes. The and Mrs. Lawrence, The reading pub ic should avail woric of delivery has been treathave ample time for reflection, and maybe in the lite be her places are angiting na ben McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. at first class literature without how tic in con neinuration ul li. se yond their crimson dyed souls will pass through the pur with opensar els and then din ilylton, Mrs. Melhado, the Nis costos they realise that West Indian awianovation fatorial fires of cleansing.
are as. This is a salutary lesson to the criminal element and Depaid aspirations as any outon, Elville, Audreve, and many it is th: home of prejudice (ra with similar needs, desir. Saremos, Pluinber (0) Gatun is the home of whitel PARAISO Cameron, Hyl. crackers, and that means that an exemplCcation of stein, uncomprcicising, and impar. es bum human being, whether white, tial justice.
or brown, and that they of her schoolmates.
cial. However. we have read Friends are hereby reminied And we repeat the words of the presiding Judge. are entitled to considerate remu.
After refreshments trere that Prejudice is in inverse ratio of the concert on June 20th next, neration for the labor which served, dancing and gaines were to Intelligence; that is, Pn ju clau bague of British West Inunder the auspies of the Isth.
May Gud lave mercy on their souls!
they so unstintingly give.
enjoyed. Music was supplied by is greatest where the standard the well known Artistica orches of intelligence is least.
dins Thanking you for space, Nr.
Paraiso Red Tank district.
tra. Aliss Jessia was the recip We are plased to notify aline DENOMINATIONAL Editor, am ient of some very nice presents, The bosses around seem to be terested parties that the moder Yours, etc. CO ORDINATION also expressio23 of 5000 will for endowed with plenary pwers. Johnny Valicer will be on the ber future.
They can amend. annul, abro sa Many prominent West SILVER EXPLOTE.
gate any or all Executive Orders. Indians will also be taking activo True it is, that every white boss part which issures perfect proA few days ago an exchange gave out as an item of is a Governor. These busses can grime and delightful time for news the fact that a Church of Eng and cleric created TICHENON ANTISEPTIC tix maximum rates. can tix per all.
quiic a ructiou in an Lnglish Cathedral for the simple take: tko Sting out of a C1:59 lods for inci ease (sometimes sears) can fix anything flow. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC reason that Dr. Clifford the noted Nor conformist preacher Shave.
ever, we are soon going away boats all as in Mouth Was hadi beon asked by the Bishop of the Diccese to preach a IN THE fron here. Whero du we go gaumon from the pulpit of the aforementioned Cathedral.
From here, boys. DLIND HUSBANDS of th: EMFIKE Now, this little affair sets forth very clearly the Paciic Theatre Tuesday There will be a big timo nt the cutstanding weakness of the Church of to day. Each de.
Silver Clubhouse on Monday. therhood of St. Andrews, ot, The Junior Dranel of the 0.
nomination is contentedly sitting on its dignity and reMay 31 Tuere will be a Quad Burnabus Chapter, her rowceived fuses to step down. There is no true fraternization; no rangular in. sacrifcu to Dorma, and fellowzlip is confined to particu The door of Opportuninity is now open to bring to bear ander. Prof. Julial orchestra botiga de Tea true and sincere Christian fellotvship. True religion is tunity to lend instead of to follow. It has been neglected Gawin. Paraiso, Rec Tank, and Senter te bouit ons from the because hitherto it has had no message for the world. Buca taking rart. In the States and those aspirants for night there will be a big free coberta con prius lar types of restment.
What we need to day is an Inter Church Movement upon this world the leverage of the power of the word of will discourse music. Come and nombs will be taiesed oy na Rerd. Mulcare to morrow God.
jasz it out.
under the leadership of the Christ Ideal. Back of the at 80. in. All friends and governing organization, back of the conferences, back of placed there as the heritage of the Christian gospel, on horseback. He has eschewed dinily invited Whatever is best in our Western civilization was out again members are con. Mr. Sealey, a member of of the power of the Spirit of God, and the demand that which in view of the organic weakness of Protestantism, emoh nebotolny de las console wind it be allowed to work unfettered by denominational speaks volumes for its conquering power.
scught the freedom of the road the Senior Branch, will be the It is our bounden duty to march along in line with again. Rotten luck for colored new Director, vice Mr. Sayers jealousy aud competition.
civilization. We cannot go along in the old ways. We can folks.
who will no doubt, be creatly missed by the boys in whose beThe world of the present needs to be regenerated. no longer use the old methods. We can no longer wait in All the panaceas have been tried except Christianity pure the indifferent ease of former days professing Christians, to a close and our children will The school year will soon come half he has done yeoman service and undefiled, an Inter Church co ordination ought to can no longer follow along the lines of least resistance then say good byo to teachers, Picnic and provide a chance.
We want a new Church policy The Church in the past, boolis, and everything. The Dance AT PARAISO religious movement such as this would give labor not expecting much, has not contributed much. The cal teachers will be given a chance of nine organizations and groups of capitalists a wider vision; con of the Church to day is to co operate itelligently for the months in three months of vincing the latter especially, that they will in nof wise be benefit of humanity.
forced idleness. Grand Picnic and Dance will counted guiltless of prodigal waste, while the toilers of The beloved old among us guard denominational be given at the Paraiso Clubhouse the world are perishing because they cannot obtain distinctions with zealous care, and their children support under treatment in the Ancon. is ill and on Monday. May 3zst enough bread to eat.
the denominational Church out of affection or reverence Hospital. We wish her a speedy DAY AND NIGHT The Christian Church up to the present time has been for their parents, but the generation of the future will recovery.
beginping at 12. 30 m.
pitied because of its failure to measure up to the needs not go to Church because it represents a particular denomA Whist Tournament will be MARTIN BAND will bo la ate of the world. It has an opportunity right now, an oppor ination, for the next generation will be wise in its day. played at the Silver Clubhouse on tendance.
Fellow Advertise Workman


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