
TIIT WOMAN. SATURDAY, MAY 29. 1920 PAGE FIVE OUR ATLANTIC SIDE PAGE Ir Milliamson Gives Elo of the. fo. com uns ASCO The Bosxoos soooooooxes 100 oots 3:27 Three Murderers. 8 (Coming from Puse. been prolonged to which the in the aftimei Hom them in when At Colon Wus:ean Church. undit.
Ilon M Wok Tal 100 proach of the rest the morning service in Sri Atm Curri tu string threat. FELT FATS.
le thus We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
Seve had nu chie. returning in ibe Lathes at tile American Bazaar tenses.
The mit 114 Watcu.
MWe took his truth marul At the cousif the testi Rooins 14:16 Let net Budi A3 min for the ti after the rigid cuminati Ng before it all sensils for the finest line of the Ehistle whom it we willen, in Aitor the colonions taken trendur hit liile the elementi min. at puse of the Episte The Wrechlins lo said resting count of in workin Junge Hanan ordered the thice that of sheer zal nidelyNgeria and in the surrounding madisors to be brought into devotedness, Clusid their sodu ucis, ang Clampa th. dock; and before prune beviy rok 01, zaio is on the denstly or that is the daily otenes sean buiely essential to the ille vastness of the work to ly vienounced each of the plays cburistian, but an amount of dis be done, and the ciyang need for over he is also necessary. Having wonkerocluding he mid: an ap Daniel McCloud, yonstantin this court charged with murder 2x discreton christian are pt at times to do more baum peal for talented young men in the first degree. You have renched abont your twenty eighth Than koud to the course for which enlist themselvos to the caus The singing of the Doxology sear, and during that time you they stand the preacher main huve very unsavory crimituin Fidelity also is one of the brought the meeting to a close at record characteristics of the ucluck. On June 7, 1910. you were christain, and also devotedness. all qualities if not dis. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC convicted of burglary in the first reetly, soberly and judiciously can be used Internally or Exdegree and so ved sentence of ban ied, work more to the ternally.
two years at hard labor in the cause, છ be Canal Zone Penitentiary come binderancen instead of belps. September 7: 1918, you. On the other hard, he contend Corring Events were convicted of highway nibThe We liyans will ho their el, the evil peaking of outsider to the Canal Zore after deportation, for bich sometimes do good. in inch an anal Sunday School excursion enca uses sell examination, which a: Tor Point on Monday the you served a sentence of eighteen tuinen. discloses emistesi 318 Thu children are looking forwart to this even suid will nal emings Zone pritentiary; and before this sentence was served you con LPtoot the christians who are enjoy the outing inmcasely.
mitted grand lere ny while still vil. poken of beleve always that Mr. Harris of Panama Suller for the church, Mr. preaches confined in the panetentiary, and Wesleyan Winamisoll said, For on rife Church tomorrow morning and on ebruary 12. 19. vora in they will uiscover that it is evening convicted in this court of grand church that suffers on their aount in many case The Universal No Improre.
PANAMA COLON the Canal zone pitetiny for thre 10th It hard labor, In conclusion, the preacher mot Association presenta a which pred din curd his reuarles to those wiyae valley lo ha this time this court cauWho would make it a habit to find this. ph Grammar School, Stret ta Lidmonished you never we who wula id faut Bress. oros might Su maluct witholes shuld refrain from day M30 Yrselinuleis DMCU Dught pealing til hy wer contain As vention abc anavances. are to participle into his couitlarnishment.
Within it very low daya niter the the were better. it shoul: your list tem of imprisonment is the aim of all to do grow them special meeting to be hela earls. en and Lapide da the coming WK for the par bad expire, ou capired with throw stones at others who per Dose of electing delegates to the si SOKIES your co defendants and did coroConvention which takes place an the hidious crime of murder. part in their local, the United States durmg the of man who never harmed you month of August.
TYCHENOR ANTISEPTIC number of wickets.
Airship flies over Panama, and was honestly and faithfully Colon Cricket Fans CortPersonal and Costeral profortuing his duties irg Cver to see ChamAfter the interval, West more relleves Indigestion and Colic. One of the latest Mrs. Ethel Jeffrey, accomp land went to bat with dirigible the 9 of tuan of dynamite, cape, and inse, Uniteil which you and your co defend pionship Match nied by lr mother Mrs. Watson William Sam. Crawford as IMPORTANT! States Navy visited Panama in antes intended to stevl.
Tully rochieket fars till store shortly, their firat representatives.
The fore ncon of Tuesdas: Big You stralthily stole upon the Sumayo parama on Sunday, from locas del Coro on her way Williams hraded the score with the first time that the inhabit.
to the Stat where she will Tiave your scalp massa god aud of the city, with but faw deceased William Blakett, and ihe 30:b inst, ylhe first train Green Hair shampooed by a competent exceptions had ever seen this with a deadly weapon in your to witness the Sun Sussex joined b; ber busha later one runs out of the total of 32 while MIJA illos contes FreddSamuels which takes place on the journey followed with runs each to Beauty Culturist at least once type of aircraft quiet se. comino hand struck the deceasrd on the mellaned nimi. It is the one to Pavama to more for the theme is the opinion of all who with every nonth. DO NOT TRUST tion was caused among them bytood by and saw your en defend.
head three or four time you nion of the visitors that should purpose of preaching in the the days be fair. certain detent Wosie an Church in the main negand the game that the West trained, inesperienced persons the city for quite a while, flying ant nwaits the Surrey The ing and at La Bata in the even inorders did excellent ww. who will surely damage your very low before returning to 15 on the head with a large hammer Sortex. ilin visiting team will be ing.
ing and fielding, but were found scalp and romts of huir, with trase at Coco Solo.
and you saw your ch defendants stab wan much lacking when it came to most la:nentable results.
presented as foliows: Ather Mr. Chas. Oddield, well brown handling the bat. It appars, the drummel through the with long dirk Jy captair; Elcock, Lim in Lodge actions suddenly to, LayD, Nur:e Price fell ill on Monday last while however having disposed of kulmc. 17. ROBERTS, cae. United States of white audienen kavehouden his Italy St. liil Capt fendants Williams and Lopez apponent so ensilva walking in the streets and his Samuels underestimated them Tradford, De Silver, Clas since been confirmed to bid. lle Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, America placed a e around the neck of the deceased and stringle bim ley, Jores. Elcork. Gib. is how being treated by Dr. ani became over confident in STR 05UTY 12. 20In the United States District and drag bin to secuded sou, secrer, and Suull, umpire. arence Edwards and is said to allower things to take their own Court for the Balboa Division, Course in a measure, with the replace.
be recovering Suontier Bascball Leccl o sult that thinge turned out dis. Polivar Sl. belonen Stand 9: at Ancon. No man with any spark of Among the passer gers who ar asterously for his team.
Els. Colon.
consciencor of retard for huThe youngsters of the Colored rived on the Corilla from CANAL ZONE manity could have donn, and Jonier Baseball League will le Jamaica on Thursday, May 26, stool by, and saw done what out in full strengti vien the was Mrs. Lian West, witcoi LOUIS TAYALE, Plainti soud did. Philadelphia of Ostolat, mer, George West. formarly em.
This sliews you to be one of the Detroit of La Bices, on ployed at the Cristobal shops versus the most depraved cruel, and ia Alons, the 1st inst, at man at present, night deutch 128 Bolivar St. be en oth and Sth, Colon NEARCSELE TAYALE, clerk at Lindu Causge.
buiran of men.
ou the Meent Hupscan. ond.
Defcndar: The batteries of the Philadel You showed an atter diere Mrs. West has been zway for can and Patal Treatment. Maieurin. Sannoios. Tint Stratenie of hunan life, and your aciz phia will te De Size, catelier: months, during which time she 1) top with core vib. tos. CCL QILD. io barrure. Widther CIVIL NO. 410 were attended with such circum trho is also fancus, the was under medical treatmen.
stances as indiente a wickad.
Blick: Jokisch pd who is from all paraces she lists Tw Private Apartments. Eest Resuits, Lowest Prices known as the Julior Balu Puth Deel greatly benetitted.
01m. Anka Patti Brown, world. fertad prima donna Publication of Summers Prayed, ani malignant spirit. Your life has been not 113 Alexat der. 11. who has a ray! It has beca definitly urder.
Witam wa treated to her entir Ballutastiske recommencie us.
an absolute failure so far as tofat tatting sverige: Barclay. Mine ROBERTS, TO MARCELLE TAYLID, Creating ing right, and you have been not 2b. a rather bad baderstood that Rev. Coühe will Datuty Specialist. Graduate of the Kalair destitute, Cicate, onlyan enemy to yoursell bit you Willems, who habitually hits the arrive on the isthn us in time 10 pill; Simth. 56. Ilawkits. Japa. take services on June. lle is Take Notico have deliberately, wilfully, par.
expected to preach in Pauama posely, and maliciously neuacel and Martin.
That on the 22nd day of May. society.
La Buca will be represented as in the morning and in Colon in 1920, the above named Louis TA The penitentiary bad na ter follows: Hinds, Payne, 22, the evening of that day.
THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE yaló, filed an action against you rors for you, but with each em Jardan, ss. Warner 30. Camp in the District Court of the Ca viction and sentence you have Bell, catcher; Chili, Mathew Colon, May 23rd. The West167 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON, nal Zone, at Ancon, praying for grown in criminulity, and your 6:11, 1. Roberts, jr. 1; Gay moreland suffered defeat a decree of divorce against you. crimes have grown until you have pitcler.
at the hand of the Melbourne Now, therefore, unless you, the at last committed one of the The home team is preparing to in today cup match play said Marcello Tayalé, shall per most heinous and awful crimes make things as warm asi possible ed at the Camp Bierd oval. Will Call and Inspect our Stock of Musical Albums, sonally be and appear before the known to humanity. You have for the visitors.
ning the toss, they sent the Nel.
above named court on or before not only taken a life dear unto bourne to bat, Layne, the cap Wrist Watches, Radiolite Watches, Tie Pins, the 30th day of July, 1920, and himself and wife and children, Crowd Disappointed at Net tain accompanied by Seales plead, answer or demur to the but you have inade a wife a being the first to stand in honour Canal Stones, Birth Stooes, etc. etc. said complaint, the matters and widow and junocent children Hearing Judge Hanan of their club. Layne was caught things therein charged and stat fatherless, and deprivod them of Colon, May 26. crowded by Green off Reid for the small ed will be taken as confessed and the care, nuture, support eda.
EXPERT REPAIRING DONE house awaited the presence of score of runs, while Seales was a decree entered against you ac. cațion and training of a father.
cording to law and the prayer of Twenty eight years of such a Judge John Havan at the ran out after heading the scores seid petition life as you have lived is entirely Cristobal Colon Baptist church of his club with 12 runs out of a WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS Dated at Ancon this 23th day too long for both yourself and the this evening, and a wave of dis total of 67.
Aird who captured wickets of May 1920, worid. Judge Llanas concluded appointment swept over the en Made to Order SHIEBLEY, his remarks directed at McCloud tare congregation when pastor for 25 runs in Govers, proved him Witt announced that the judge self the bowler of the day, disat 4:03 and then turned his atActing Clerk of the District tention to Lopez, could not be present.
playing considerable coolness, JAMES WILLIAMSON, Proprietor.
Court. Eduardo Lopes, Before proceeding with the judgment and tact thronghout BOX 752, CRISTOBAL, C, CARRINGTON, you have reached about your twenty seven subject of the evening, the Rerd. He was ably assisted by Reid, ger:lleman explained the object who also accounted for a goodis Attorney for Plaintift. Continued on Page 8)
Williams that Kashmir Beauty Parlor cord of llariwiny, Hair Desin. Hur Uscing.
Fette rend coure mudera appes


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