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VOL. No. 44.
PRICE CTS. William Stoute and the 500. 00 STRIKE LEADER REFUTES SHOFONO ILEG PIRACY IN THE GULF DAMAGING ACCUSATIONS OF TRINIDAD By Miss Henrietta Vinton Davis. Po to be of mantel og mind hierd. Apmeten Venezuelans Seize Boat, Murder LETTER COLORED FROM CUBA IN Gives Encouraging News By White American Boy of Conditions There at Balboa Sunday.
at taken what the. the owner replied In says; at the gone some ave are good fooly observed at about after gone most bear to dastardly deed for.
and race.
we published an extract from boy shot killed a West In in United States.
the Gleaner in which a Jamaican dian, lad in a most wan only in Cuba makes it very clear, that reckless fashion at Gatun, and Master and Engineer.
laborers are exceedingly satis what can be qualified as an equal.
TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN enough for that. Now that we have gotten ria and that there is still plenty of the Sunday ayawas Bolborn Port of Spain last Sunday after sent on a message by senthe perforated on Great fusedhad Dear Sir. Permit me through the heb prove myself innocent of cer. tion from Stoute pockets, and slaould they elect to take a trip saine, when another White Ame noon when the news spread man who was in de motor sertion your periodical of the 500, wo tura pur atten, room for a great inany about that a few young citizens Point Fortin Constabulary Ste Rain charges brought against me focus our mind eye upon his to the Pearl of the Antilles.
rican boy named Francis Boa ty of Venezuelans of Guapo. The constable came and was were cruelly murdered by a par. tion by one whose avocation is said to weak knees. The words weak Today we have the pleasure of aged 17, shot the 13 yearSometime afterwards.
call be the unifying of the Negroes kneed leader imply that who are now scattered all over ed off the strike and withdrew Presenting to our readers the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. news travelled like wild fire and lon board and said heard you hdrew experience and opinion of a well. Church, residents of the Boer, face of this mundane sphere any seltener en relyabecause it nown West Indian resident whilst she was on her way to si apre podlahyrriedking in directions fellows have fought, what saw chance to make Panaina who to Mary Roman Church with to rumor but information matter, of ours.
happening? The the Negro World of May, 22. semi thousandaire, but be. Cuba. In writing to a friend here about a.
notning. There in vain. No one seemed more in upon the constible was taken Miss cause was The story as related by the pa. formed than the other. That a back on shore and the launch Moternational Organizer of the eá jail or physical illtreatment Archowxh the high cost of liv. rente of the girrektsed on the energy murder, a cruel murder, was left for the city, Nothing transUniversal Negro Association and African Communes who were exasperated in ing is a rather serious factor in boy accosted the child, who committed no one doubted, but pired until they Improvement itie had nities League, 18 reported as hay their search for means where this place also get living is con may be was frolicking on the way the inform son furnish towards San made the following state the strike would be broken. Isthmus, especially for mechan by shouting to her: Keep run changed and Tuesday morning their position alongside each of ink Well, ll set forth the reasons ments before an audience of thousand persons who gathered why withdrew so suddenly, Cs and artisans, as the wakes ning! and on the child replying broke with no further informa the crw and ordered then and there is no end of that she would not run as sha tion obtainable.
to at the New Star Casino, New and without appearing in person work. It is ahsolutely a wise her. Van look pretty fresh, message received at constaburushed one of them and was of had done nothing to run for, said The rumor originated from a bluntly refused. The owner steer for the mainland. They York, to welcome her on her re to call off the strike.
The Canal authorities, was! be fooling around the Canal Zone will shout out and the box Sunday evening of time energy and inan houd turn froin Panama. She said in lary Headquarters at o clock shot by another and the engipart. But unfortunately they (silver the strike, had planned to seize with his tools is sure of getting he Mid with him, and loaded the bando. At once the customs of the woundet (possibly San Fer neer in going the assistance ott for inan was also shot.
dead pnu Fatama Railroad) did not me forever from the future readily be seen that our peone was carrying. then pointing the scene, followed soon after by Sreed well inel overbonne. foot followed the wenk kneed leader who, after for as you know, to return after miserable life to which they are the ankle deliberately discharged the Revenue Ca tar Ponemah harged In the meanwhile a squad of men and swam into La Brea at owed by Stanley the builet taking a of to 39p. inbited me to do the com. Marcus jailMy citizenship papers, do need not hesitate about making downward correc dod lodging Constabutary comprising Cape and helplesso con icon had handed him the 500, 00 to 43. min an exhausted tablety Tor live relief of the strik. and corporals ering abouts. com covmiles. They imfolded that and Phillips and mediately reported the matter to put it in his pockets, anoney ahas President and other officials, and any terrors for West Ledians as whence it was removed at Ancon he is parts unknown, is hearing the seal of the Republic levidence from all parts of the Hospital on Tuesday morning all ot citizen, although signed by the ing that holds. or has ever beld part which is known as the arch, Black Set off in the the Constabulary Station. Per a Negro to were pronounced to be no globe of their prowess in the 10 o clock.
sons rushed to the unfortunate should be sorry for him good, and as the Superior fields of labor and human en On being shot the child cried gather We have been able to men assistance and gave them when they eventually locute him. Judge waaron vacation, this in dishear has abundantly estab out and cells to the ground white and Stanley Dapgat (two survive well fortunately met his eunt William Speedwell But for the paltry sum of 500 vo preme Court was not in session.
This upun tlou buy top huldet her ers) is that Pedro de Guillermo (Miss Elizabeth Liverpool. who that was sent to buya mills for one to whom could appeal to consideration, therefore we say stocking and squeezed the foot in mennt that woulu have no The above are facts worthy of Lout, removed her shoe and Guerra Vene he had nt seen for many years, women, that man would sell his prevent such illegal de 102; go to it boys and show your girt. an attempt, it is thought, to ex. launch gartered the motor Stanley had askarl babies and bread for the in zuelans. and because it is my tract the missile, at the same by Mr. Ernest HQueen owned from Guapo to Portor. SAS rnest Hargreaves of No, lost 21, which represented this purpose to stand by my have stated the titne telling her not to cry, be Town Council Street for 40 to fortnight Billiard Contest charges to the bitter end, with lel pay.
cause there was nothing the come down to Guapo to see Mr. lost 00 and his jacket hard made by Miss Davis, and now, myselt until Speedwell fighting chance Mr. Editor, will present the presented itself when the Supe. big pocket billiard contest matter with her, and that there Alfred Richards property. boots, left on board. He reached They left the lighthouse jetty shore in a nude state and a lisa facts in the case so that the rior Judge returned from vaca will be played at the Panama was no bullet in her foot.
reading public inter be hable to tion, sod am here again on the Saturday night; fumer 12; 1920. companied by two friends went morning with the Venezuelans had been discovered hanging on Later, the child mother, ac at about 30 o clock on Sunday ing boat brought him in after he Billiard Saloon, Avenue tant here statements are correct. firing line trying to get any peoüoit de Sween of Panama, v: to the house of the boy parents Hargreave intelligently decide (to sloop de.
ple to the benefits to be My name is William Stoute. Fived from comparation, a so you Hogan Donawa of Red Tank and berelated the matter to his Jones (engineer) and William was some distance of On or about March 1st, Miss see that Miss Davis was wrong. Game at. His mother said that she was went well until they reached ed to port yesterday morning The launch Forward returnDavis, in the name of the New to call me weak kneed; and sharp.
very sorry for what had happen. Guapo at 10 80 the same morn.
York Branch of the UNIA really she will have no cause to ed and that she would pay the ing. The crex went ashore and apt up to the time of writing the L, handed me 60000 to be be sorry for me when the people Court Paradise Meets For hospital expenses incurred, but met one Stanley Dupont at whose Ponemah. was still awav. She Lectures used in supporting the 16, 000 eventually locate me.
on strike. On March 2nd, sent sorrow, it should be occasioned above Court will meet for the the occurrence short while towards a colored man could do nothing more.
was said to be cruising off Pates.
house they took breakfast. Two We further learnt that these silver employees who were then If Miss Davis has cause for On Wednesday, 9th. inst. the The police were informed of of the Venezuelaas came and went in another di. men had planned in Panama, Hends, seo, oblatis amvami, by remorse of conscionce when purpose of giving here are som after it took place, and all they to assist the sufferers over hurled a poisonous dart which quested to be present, and to be froin the boy, but did not arrest departure one of the Venezuelans greaves and Jones have been reSemountshe We understand that the bodies As the time arrived for of the unfortunate men Far All members are hereby re did was to take away the rifle Morales received 20, for the relief of the Spanish may reach the heart of my moth: punctual in their attendance. Tuesday, June hm informed the owner that inas.
He. was then taken speaking strikers. was paid and who could withstand any Court John Wallace, Blackburn and store Judge much as they didn meet Rich covered and are being brought with to Small for janitor service at charged ards they would have to take to town for burial.
else except the statement Skating Rink. Motley no that her only boy has turned meets tonight.
using a deadly weapon to which them to Pedernales and to make Mr. Ernest. Hargreaves, who ga ceived 30, for the relief of non out to be a thief and a coward.
business alright they was at one time a clerk at The not. baited in the sum of 500 00 to would give any kind of money to Messrs. Smith Bros Co leaves 150 was unionists who were cn strike. Allowe od songs that handed to Miss Amy The oficers and members of appear for trial in the Ancon be taken there. The owner re a widow and eight children.
mother of usine used to the above Court are requested District Court, the date of which Morgan, Assistant Treasurer of to be me as Horse Races at Juan Fran Free Schools for West Inelse clis: was, Of Al Crimeangas tearings attend a meeting tonight it has not yet ble en el sector the tributed among females 30 dian Children co Park May God of nominating officers for the ers. Callender, of Local No the Worst of All.
Famous Salesman Sails 2504, received a loan of thus help even if it be by death, that term commencing July 1st, The Panama Racing Associa: Jof the Colon night school, was Mr. Chas. Burke, teacher making a tota la disbursement or she may never read or hear the 1920. large attendance is de Mr. Bradley Central tion of whicha Mr. Rostis up in Panama on the 27th and 460, leaving a balance of 40, Miss Davis relative to my hones sired.
of and Arthur Weil which used to assist up in de ty and courago which by this but care not, for know that ers of Stag Blue Mottled Soap, tractive programa las schools in Panama for West in: Bros. the famous manufactur Treasurer, will have a very at 23th ulto. for the purpose of ar ranging This amount of 40 will remit andis hore Negroesale beveth the time is impartial, and teel sure left the. Isthmus this twee soon Raine en Sunday, June 13, din children or indigent pour by Davis soon as practic world.
that upon Ordata for Liverpool. or.
This is indeed a grand reputation will be transmuted During his stay on the Brad Horse owners are giving their move, for there is no denying Because of the recent racial The receipts verifying the awakening, dare not at this lustre to my renown.
into a polish which will understand and that Nir.
les, was a live wire in pushing are very active in fitting the of children in Panamna go co operation and the trainers the fact that a goodly nuin ber above mentioned disbursement were exhibited by me, and seru through fear of being despised that have relieved the anxiety dirm he represente, and for the purses are good and the win: time the And now, Mr. Editor, feeling business in the interest of the horses for this meeting. The school whatever, because their thuis in de ting held in the situat as a traitor; and with the Canal on my many friends who know great demand being made local pers will be paid on the day of manded by the pacher er et bilen ing Rink, May 16th to me true, the race the month connes round, small ephope that from Panama, am between the chagrin of my enemies, to use sufficient, that Mr. Bradley has to Miss phonograph records Dr. Eisenmann. Seey. though that fee may be. It bewhich were oudest in echoing devil and the deep sea; a man thank you for the space given, been going some in this city will receive entries, which wili noves every intelligent West in and re echoing the statement while close night. şaturday June 50 lian on the Isthmus to cast in that sold my race for 600 will can well imagine the fiendYours for Right, TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC at pm The horses, several nie lot and help, such a worthy be equally loud and ardent in relish glee of the malevolent ones STOUTE.
tracting the scandalous remarks;lwho seem to forget that it is can be used internally or Era of which are new to the track cause.
Rre training well and will give a Purther particulars. will be ternally.
Colon, June 3, 1920, but fear they are not honest hard to keep a good man. down; good account of themselves. gives in a few days hence, also a bank on the wed me roobery or there. hin until er, who is thing gray me upon able add cannot lee deLe


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