
PAGE FOUR Canal Zone Notes THE WORKMAN PARAIS All Good Housewives Three Stag Blue Soap HORSE RACES as a couple :היא Europe to she has in Published on Saturdays hy HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaPrenartions are being made Walawwi wa alv. tion. Correspondence on all matters for the Wesles an dunday School Que au curuerul Street, Balama, of public interest invited.
Anniversary which will be held de All cops for publication must le Bux 74. Panama on the 13th. 26th of June. USE written on one side of paper only, and The music. numbers being RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the same ol under the direction of Mrs. McFarquhar. tate of Ope Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica on but as a mark of good faith.
Kingston Ja. it is expected that Six Nuts we do not undertake to retur this year niversary, wiu eclipse the past.
00 sejected correspondence.
TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNITS relieves Indigestion and Colic.
Is saves money in the long run to buy the test SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1920, GATU STAG IS THE BEST Monday was spent in enjoy.
THE IRON HAND IN VELVET able fashion, Althoug the his.
GLOVES torical sigoiticance of buriat Day is lost on the coloide, yet the relaxation at oled by Gore to Curope.
two days of rest, us ppreThere is a patent fact that the colored workers on the ciated. All work and no bley Panama Canal have to face, and it is that they are in no makes Jack a dull boy. Hw wise free men.
On Thursday afternoon, 27th over the trouble here is at work inst, Miss Linda Smart daughter and no py which makes Jack The inalienable right for which men have always of Mr. Mrs. Fred Smart, of G, doller stili.
struggled. the right for which the old Norman Baruns ATStreet, Cilon a well known in struggled in the time of King John, and which secured to the West Indian a a Panamanian The Silver Clubnouse was the the English the Magna Charter of their liberty the right circle, atleil on Ieruvian steam center of attraction on Monday for which the American colonies fought in the time of JUAN FRANCO Shin Huallaga for Euro Europe, 31st. ulto. Billiard enthusiasts Miss Smart will be away for a gathered early to witness the George III. the right for which the Swiss pitted themyear, and while she will spend start of the Quadrangular Tour selves against the tyranny of Austria tbis right is not Race Track ing, will come greater part of disappointed, as a some time in Ersland sight see nament, but the early birds were ours.
of the ho teams failing to secure We have been physically emancipated from peonage, her stay will be in France.
It will be. ren embered that for a distant professionals were but the dominant race has again become overlords by giving us economic shackles, and we have accepted them ist la ely returned from James Blake, these inter clubhouse cort 1d mother have not sportsmaylike enough to for game as a part of our necessary trappings.
SUNDAY JUNE 13th. where they spent a ten weeks vacation. The tests are for the purpose of se The Iron Hand has destroyed all that we hold dear, then travelled extensively over cial welding, and not for the cur initiative, our self respect, our happiness, our hopes.
the island of which she had but mere objecy of encouraging porat 30 sharp very little One of the things brought about by political evolution practical knowledge as cussionalism.
псhоul gir. 11:0W gone to The whist Tournament was has been the freedom of speech. Mien have at all ope to improve herself times sought to release the mind from bondage, and this RAIN OR SHINE sau head erts of the game.
age is pre eminently one of the assertion of this freedom.
kreat part of the world. This trip The other race have sought to teach our children to worwould have been taken prior and We are having intermittent in preference to the former but showers of rain. The rainy seas Ship their national beroes. They are set studies of the ROSS, President for the great lack of sleamsal son has been tons delayed, but life and character of men like Patrick Henry, the orator facilities since the war. when it dues cune on, it will be of the revolution, and Samuel Adanıs the Firebrand.
Miss Smart is passionately a bard the for leather solus aud men who wrote, spoke and fought for liberty and yet the fond of the French langunge, of washer women.
irony of it all! Our daily lives are a travesty on Liberty.
wbieh has much more than Vantarpool bas left the We rain at our bonds but are bound hard and foot, we Dr. EISENMANN, Secy. a passing acquaintance gained the Academy at which she grad: isthmus. was the ersto are Log tid.
unted in Jamaica. It is her in. While ser. Of the Porse.
Subtle ccorcmic compulsions stamp on us a brand of tention, however, to perfect her verance Loxeal a very fortunnie sult in this lany nage while iu sm sort vi a juskler with position for Van to hold. Van infcriority, a feeling that an essential part of our human dignity has been denied and degraded. There is always Guatemala Brings Crew Panama Canal Cripples Flance. as well as taite up higher languages Association studies in music and painting at thu sheathed power of the higher ups to do us harm. cf Foundered Carawa some school in Paris.
She will be introluced Into 209 the worse for his enforced Cortina is out again looking Fully three months have passed since the end of the The Prams Canal Cripples Astrein. French life by the Blairon vacation in the Aucun Iluspitai.
Workers strike, and yet the Government is out scalp takThe stenmship Guatemala of the Paciation hive decided to remove their Priends of her fainily, and whose ing; still out on the war puth.
cicc Steam Navigation Company, which meeting place from Corozal, C2, to Pa bóme is in Poictiers, where she It is reported that the trios.
Lere is its boasted magnanmity? is it purely ace arrived at the Canat on May 16th from momo City with the view of strengthen will spend time as the guest ol oort Mi ernent, took quito a lot demic! Why this cold and deadly exhibition of the south Pacific prorts, brought to the latling the nesociation build numericali y and Bhirons.
blood lust ibat marks the activity of the wolf pack when miis the crew of the British stomslip As the election of ofizers for the next occupy about twenty one days, as on. formerly in charge of the The voyage by the li uallaga will It is reported that John Never in full cry?
Carawa, belonging to the Government half year is to tuke plaen shortly all erip the steamer will be calling at which foundered few days ago, John Neverson, reputed to be one of San Cristobal or Chatham Island, one ples residing in Panama are invite so Norfolk, Va. thance to the hydrographic Station has been by the the Canal nu the prominent strike leaders was taken by the Canal Zone of the Galapagos group, on March 24th join sit once in order that the association Azores, and from these islands Rolice while in transit. Thu police while travelling on a Panama Railroad train from The Carewa had passed through the may have the benefit of a wide and resues to Liverppol, Earland Canal du May 15th, en doe way from the leastwes to Gintam. president, and, wlatives per Niss Smart de iki thu Panama Canalis.
charge as winst him is made under Plense address This paper joins the friends the caption, Obstructii tho Colon to Panama.
Arthur, Tex, to Mell applications. There is nothing, that he had done of which a self resort is Tons of general cargo after No. 9, 24 Sreet, Gunehnali, or or lu her bon Vovage and ar delightfuly comprehensive pecting Negro would not be proud. Conscjentious and wandering is reported to havo leen oe King, secretary, La Bocu, cz. enjoyable and beneticial trip. branch of is being and equally vague.
patrivic to the highest degree, he threw in his lot with curioned to be on the closest blocormed at the Atlantic end, and applica. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC his fellow workers, and stood with them to the last. He island to take a disabled launch which one thereint will be reer ived by. The St. Bernard Lodge (f.
at Cutres Skin Irritations.
chanies) No. 15, of Gato obened sacrificed much, and got little or nothing. He was not a he had picked its District Christian Ercam.
white nigger. He was six feet of true upstanding crew of the Carawa, stranded on the wanted to London San Cristobal. The Mareball. vice president, Cristobal, Social Echoes.
ment, on Saturday night May 22, Negro. Whatever he spoke or did, was through honest istand, finally made their way to Giga Continued from Page officiating vfficers being Bros conviction, for like many other thinkers among us, he quil on schooner, and there were put Je Cocking and Ward. of Univy TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC On Wednesday evening the Lordse and Bro. Hai, realized that our condition was nothing short of slavery. abeced the Guatemala for reiurato Great Britain.
Will Prevent Blood Polsoning Grace, North Avenue, was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grapey were raised from tio Epigent Master. Twello He was not against the Government. He was against what the Government represented, a system for the exa party. Subilme ploitation of cheap labor, a system that makes our lives getting a square deal from the power that bo. They being the anniversary of their Kuigh Derece aos.
burden and our homes a Hell.
do by far the greater part of the actual work, not pen threu pour of blisstal wedlock foliowed, and an they entertained. was In the re adjustment period he parted company with pushing or ras chewing; real hard work. They represent ber of their friends electea mugetare Spetters on the 26cli ultim.
his job, and thus ended his connection with the Panama the greater part of the purchasing done at the various agreeable supper and dance, the Degree conferred casters brothers had the comu business places; that. into Canal organisation.
furnished by a consideration the other brate they have not speaking they viento la being eachished phones a la Ledige na 15. IV. 15 is still active.
Now after three months he is taken like a criminal have to pay the same prices for their goods (to say staph of the latest styles, which fleeing from Justice. Must someone be sacrificed to ap nothing of the quality) as others pay for theirs, yet when alternately discoursed the most Try Again Friendly entrancing tit pease cfficial rage?
prices go up and living becomes harder and an increase in steps of the one and two varie John Neverson, behind bars is not free, neither are wage is deemed necessary, all they get is five dollars while ties and Jazzes.
wa on the ou wide free.
the two and three hundred dollar man gets five times that Many congratulatory toasts amount. And if they dare complain about it they are we offered by the gentlemen into existence twelve months ago The above named Society came told why the hell don they go back to Jamaica and bestelle andrell were no charmed at Red Tank, Willis it iby the gracious nay BURIED TALENT.
to work for more than that there.
host and hostess (not to mention mentioned, tho sanetiva of the Now though the Jamaica Government, who has heard ito a refreshmonese served that and has been able to give sick Executive Office, Balbox Holyhts, The lethargy or disinterestedress displayed by a cer the cries, has sent a commissioner here to go into the situa giving exsressions to sighs of after six months of its inception, was impuesible to refrain from and funeral benefits to inembers tain class of West Indians on this isthmus in matters con tion in conjunction with the British Legation in this city, regret when tbe hour for leave and is striving to maintain the cerning their own welfare or that of their race has been who, by the way, is making good the promise made during saling caine.
principle which its naine stando from time to time commented on in the columns of this the strike to do whatever was possible in the behalf of the paper. Really it is surprising and almost disgusting to people, yet very few, if any, of the more capable West) TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC for e. resoluta endeavour to to etnulato Bruca of Scotland see how men with a college education, whose abilities and Indians have come forward and taken advantage of the beats all as In Mouth Wash. Sprcome one, come all and join capabilities. bear the hall mark of excellence, whose freedom of the press by which to express their views pro with us in harmony. Applications thoughts and ideas can stand the light of any intelligent or con, if only for the purpose of encouraging the comNOTICE addressed to Queely, Seos community and the products of whose brains and hands mission in the arduous task it has undertaken.
retary, Rea Tank will rewill do credit to the pages of any newspaper, sit idly by Surely this is not the attitude that should be shown by Whereas on account of the ceive prompt attention and con.
with eyes and ears practically closed while very important West Indians with regard to the work of the present com infidelity of my wife Mrs. Ca. sideration.
matters are claiming the undivided attention and whole miszion. Opinions should be freely expressed and every obliged to put her away from milla. bave been hearted consideration of the public in general. These men thing done which would help the commissioners to obtain me, hereby warn the public NOTICE adopt that let the other fellow do it policy which is so a full and complete knowledge of the situation. that will not be responsible symbolic of the steward in Bible history who buried the West Indians professionals, teachers and ex teachers, for any debts contracted by her.
My wife Mrs. Louise Herbert talent entrusted to him by his lord when with just a little FREDERICK MORGAN having left iny house and protec energy on his part he could easily have gained for himself awake to your interests, the cause is as much yours as it!
tion of her own free will hereby is that of the poor Canal worker. Throw your united efnotify the public that will not another talent.
forts in this final struggle for better conditions, bearing in READ hold mygell responsible for any For example: There is hardly any one here who has mind that this is likely to be the playing of the last debt or debts she may contract not at some time been corvinced that West Indians are not card. Give a long pull, a ationg pull and a pull altogether. The Workman ALFRED HERBERT.
May 11 1920 of colored men with her.
Arrested carry oc tha Banqueting.


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