
Grenada view of Dominica salaries of cine 1920, and officials START washing day well with in the The objects of the soci e of here mutus ficers SUNLIGH so every bar, PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1920.
Inteersting News from the QALXDonnnON OUDNononnus og prosentative bof milie Chumbas, the Bank, Agricultural and other interests concerned to investiContinued from page 2)
gate the reasons for and effect of the present Bank rates of ex.
change prevailing in this country. b) To enquire into the possibility of this colony Adopting its own coinage in conjunction with the other British West In dian colonies and British Guiana.
Salaries of Govern.
It is to be hoped that the Chambers of Commerce in all ment Officials the other colonies will fall into line with the Trinidad body, for Raised the good of all.
Alderman Huggins, At meeting of the Legislative E, and Dr. Lassalle, Cound of Grenada the following have been asked by the resition was tow. by the Co City Council to attend on its be.
Tomat scretary, which on being half the Congress of the Nation.
put to the vote was unanimously al Housing and Town Planning Council of Great Britain to ba Hitzolved, that this Council in held in London during June 1920.
of the further increase in the cost of living, and consider ing it necessary to tix salaries at a level more nearly representing their purchase power before the War, hereby approves of the payment of additional remuneration as follows SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, The Dominica Ben. All officials with salaries top to 300 poundsterling shall SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
evolent Society.
be allowed to draw the maximum lowed their offices as from Ist January, We learn from a recent issue of of this class who were drawing the Dominica Guardian of the forpersonal allowances which were Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes mation in New York of a Society discontinued shall have such on the line early, and the meals eclypt the Dominica Benevoient personal a lowances replaced.
ready to time. The afternoon is Society of New York, organize 16 Oificers who are not on the about six months ago under th: fixed establishment, and whose then yours to spend at your own auspicies of Mr. C, Steber.
pay has not been rcently revis sweet will.
and assisted by other Dominicans ed shall recive such additional remun, ration as the Governor in Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient Society are very laudable, Council may consider work. With Sunlight Soap the housewife and speak well for Dorninicans in priate to the circumstances of does her work most efficiently, most easily.
New ans York: The Chardian each case, provided that no such says: with much pleasu There is no mystery. You get out of soap additional remuneration shall in of this move, and we feel proud any case exceed the percentage just what the makers put into it. The cream that our fellow countrymen in a increase given to ofticers of of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
The name Lever on Soap foreign land ara cenenting the corresponding grade on the is a Guarantee of Purity themselves together for tixed establishment The Sunlight environment is in keeping and Excellence.
benefits; hence we extend to them (c) bonus of 10 per cent, not with its mission of cleanliness and our hearty congratulations and pensionable, shall be paid as effic ency no soap is better fitted to wish them abundant success in from 1st January, 1920, to all of serve the British housewife than Sunlight their undertaking receipt of salaries above Soap. Prove this to day.
based on the salaries received at pounds sterling per annum, Dominican Soldier Decor 31st December, 1919, provided 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on ated.
that the bonus on the salary of silver military medal has the Governor shall be 20 per us been sent by the War Office for cent thereby dealing with it delivery to ex Private Irish, equally with that of other offkate of Dominica Coutin: cials. d) These bonuses shall be for gent; but. Unfortunately, he is not here to receive the medal.
a period of two years only, and Irish, who is a native of Montshall be reconsidered at the ex.
serrat, was mentioned by the puation of that period.
ditor of this paper as the brave Mr. DeFreitas in seconding the resolution said that there was LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT.
und daring soldier, who and a shower or bullets, went in seurch this basic principle that the Gov.
01 the field class of the officer in ernment were under an obliga.
whose e comand he was on pal.
tion to adjust the salaries of their officials to suit the cost of living Od roldt somewhere in Palestine, and tinally in Grenada which had gone up recovered abnormaily: Mr to his lieutecant. But the war on said that th porting ers while Massrs. Edward Sran all over Port of Spain that 38. bumping against a bank struck being over, nothing good to do had intimated to His Excellenes suull Co. are representing the 6d. is about the ordinary price Mr. Menzies, a heavy blow caus: here, he had to seek peaceful that he would be reluctant to vote vendors in the transaction. they sell the ecals. Rather than ling him to fall out. The driver in favor of the Resolution unless mawe a funs and lose, the people not knowing what had happened cuties new telus trest and pastures.
caims of laborers were Profiteering Coal Vendor buy it at any price. The police continued the journey without considered. He endorsed Early Closing For should make tbese people keep slowing down. On reaching Pole Mr. De Freitas utterances con the schedule price and it shat is Station, the Collector was appris Dominica Represencarning planters and Drug Shops FINED TEN POUNDS OR Two not reasonable change it. If the el of the accident. trolley MONTHS ings with laborers. He too de them before him, te would fine patched to the scene, where they 20 30 quickly plored the fact that a very rich tative Government part of the island denied labor In accordance with the powers Sookbo an East Indian coal each of them 20 or 30: Some arrived shortly after and brought Association its just consideration; that servested in him under the Summe vendor was charged at the City of the detectives in plain clothes back the injured man, who was tion was shirking a right and ry Convictions Offences)
Ordi Magistrate Court yesterday should go about and round up a suffering intensely. He was useful duty.
nance of 1916, the Governor in Supt. Sergeant Dash with selling better.
before Mr. de Verteuil by lot of them. That would be then put on the passenger train, Dominica like many other West Executive Council has ordered which fortunately was behind, Indian islands is tired of Crown Defendaat was tined 10 or and brought to the city and taken Colony Government. Doming Says the Grenada West Indian: that drug shops in Port of Spain coals above the schedule price.
shall future come under the Defendant put in a please of two months bard labor. to the Colonial Hospital where can Representative Government if a certain Canadian firm does no of the early closing guilty.
he was admitted by the Surgeon Association having been formed tot come here as a large buser reculations. It is therefore or The Sergeant stated, that on on duty and detained.
a conster petition has been the day in question he was called Railway Accident be at. pared which will b: forwarded into Stowaways from to the Crown praying late bars and ship the stuff to open from o clock in the morni Street where he learnt that the praying that the Contractor Injured right Canada in that form. it will noting until in the afternoon on defendant had sold a bag of to elect the unofficial mem week days except on. be due bers Demerara Again of the Legislative Council the advisability of the project. in the afternoon.
want of inquiry into when they shal close at Clock colis weighing about 45 16. for of price On Sunday last, there occur.
be granted to the taxpayers.
Pineapple growing in Grenada on is 60 cents, per bag of 50 red at Rio Claro a serious acci. Detained on Ship to be from the Association viatifestos The following is an extract a large scale, cinning on the pounds has THE TRINIDAD LOAN shipping to Canada, is His Worship said bis only be up to now, terminated fatally.
published in tne Dominica GuarSent Back another matter in the of the lief in this mw. ter was that he Contractor Menzies went out dian just to hand.
The Port of Spain Gazette does not suppose that there is a from the city on the ballast train Shortly after the Harrison firm. The need of electric power of May 15, says in connection single coal vendor for the last to superintend the loading of Line steamer Patrician wheighed landed some months ago for the The Dominica Representative to run the factory. is the only Association drawback, but the tirm should with the 1, 000, 000 domestic three months who has not sold sleepers. This done, the return anchor from Demerara for Trini. Soun hit a double stroke by loan that is being floated :tendering coals above the schedule price. journey was growing Commenced, the dad some time on Saturday last, purpose the people o Dominica Up to yesterday afternoon, He does not think that there is contractor riding in the vait, sit two boys named respectos, our direct object is to secure by for electric lighting of the town desire of at the same time, that is it the around 183, 000 had been sub one man wiro sold one cent less ting by the door. short dised 13 and 16 years respective constitutional methods the aboliJarnes Norville and James for representative institutions.
Government are prepared to rescribed towarus, the new Million than 3s. Tae only thing that he tance from Rio Claro station, due Pound Loan. Yesterday sub could do is to deal with one man to the rockitig of the train, one ship. They were subsequently browsh Colony Government. This move obstacles in the way.
discovered on board the scriptions reached 3, 000 tion of the at a time instead of convicting of the sleepers from the trt or in Electric Lighting for St.
300 of them. It is a positive fact front of the said van fell off and taken to the captain who order Cro Big Cocoa Estate Deal ed George s, Grenada them to be detained on the system of Governinent is admitship to be sent back by the earl. tedly autocratic and arbitrary, it As a result of negotiations.
is contrary to the spirit of demoWriting on the subject of Elec which had been in progress for STERLING likely that they will be sent back cracy, and to the English tric Lighting for St. George a some time, the valuable cocoa by the Antilles which arrived ple of government by the will of racent issue of the West Indian estates at Oaura, Areadia and FAMELE TONIC yesterday. It will be remember the governed, and inconsistent that in answer to a letter Veronica have been ed that on the Maraval there with the leals for which from the Government relative to by Major John Rees McCarth were sent back, from the same Great War now happily ended.
were also two stowaways, who people fought and olid tus trict Board decided to tell the Messrs. Dalton Co. Ltd. for Tonic and Alterative colony.
We contend that there onld be no taxation without repr seg.
tation that the people who councihould When the Government named estate was, it will be reundertake the scheme of membered, formerly owned by Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and The Exchange Situation bute the revenue of the island Electric Lighting, and that the Mr. Max Reimer, and was aca voice in directing should have Board will be willing to pay acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, its quired from the Liquidating special meeting of the TrinUnicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, idad Chamber of Commerce was the expenditure, and we claim quota for the lighting of the Committee by Messrs. and etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficialre held a few weeks ago for the lized peoples to have a voice in the recognized right of all civj.
streets and institutions of the Henderson, who also bought sults may be anticipated.
purpose of discussing the ese the management of our own ab Board. The Board does not feel Veronica from Mr. Lynch disposed to waste money on Connor later.
at the change situations was adopted: fairs.
following The Sterling Laboratory, Kitson lamps, and will try We are conversant with the ar The acreage of the two places. a) That a report of this diswith the old fashioned kerosene which are contiguous is about lamps, until Electric Lighting is 800. Mr. Palmer Chizzola is Los Angeles, cussion forwarded to His Esgument that is always burled cellency the Governor requesting against us, namely, that our pece provided.
acting on behalf of the purchasthat he appoint a Committee re. Continted on page 7)
SUNLIGHT SOAP 480 the much Trinidad the ade quately their deal.
which spot, and mind Govern. nent was voicing the were Klish princi says ar


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