
PAGE SEVEN Interesting News. St Vincent Chorrillo Drug Store Continued from Page 6)
Link up with LIFEBUOY for Health Sake.
failed SAVES LIFE our Is to avert a of. the the inuscurado Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more that can it a reputable de and YOUTH and happiness are linked up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, aniling health; it protects the children from the dangers of contagicus diseases. une Lifebuoy Soap liar a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanser; discas germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the children. keep them healthy as well as cican. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
Iscle woman in any company Under this recent and it is lo BOY SOAP of MORE THAN 301. YET COSTS NO MORE ENGLAND On TUT Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants The Women Bxchange The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder Om Flote 906. silver DRESSMAKER 46 STREET, PANAMA.
and are politically unfit to yovera. To Regulate Sale of themselves and to this we rep JUST RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT OF cinnt since Crown Colony Rule has Sugar, Syrup and and to edu.
cate us we want the chance to Molasses bLUCKSEMPRESS: PERFUME educate ourselves. It is time to with a flower in perfect preservation be in our political education, and in every bottle; also a large shij nentof as a preliminary step, we make There was introduced and pass.
CREOLINE HAIR PRODUCER the modest demand that the peo ed in the St. Vincent Legislature of Dominica be given the rec nily, an ordinance to make the world best bair strater and right to elect bs ballot the uno! Provision for the manufacture of grower from JACKSON MANUFACficial members of the Legislative Nucar within the Colony and to TURE CO.
Council Such an instalment or regulate the sue of sugar, syrup reprosentation would and molasses for local consum SELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL give us a voice in the manag. tid According to the Sentry the ment of affairs, and would, object of the bill is to FLOWERS, when our representatives have repetition of the experiences PROPRIETOR.
proved their fitness, lead even the past year when the manu.
tually to further constitutional facturers were in a position to O, Box 36, PANAMA CITY changes along democratie lices, shoal post the entire crop of the TELEPHONE 519 islands og syrup and moDummie Vink to the people of virtual control of their own des. 11834, and when the few holders Linies.
indispensible anticles of Crown Colony system of food were at one time able to de government has been given mind and revive so much as EDUCATION What is It? prolonged trial and has proved a one shor shira erib for per total failure. Its record is one sugar and a rou hirt for The mystematic devekuent and cultivation of the natural powers. The of laisser faire; it is bankrupt in less tithe Sentry: power to think clearly and interestingly to be a marked mon or ideas, and it is an absolute barienced considerable privation the por exper.
THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL pirations but also to the indus: Lut and long were the. com No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz trial development of the island. plaints against the Government for allowing such a state of will be opened from date May 30th 1520, for the dissemination of system in things to exit in cletenary and his her education accumulated through the indus is the large surplus painfully this in which colony like Surar is a staple Day School for Children.
Night School (new rion) for Adults try of our people was frittered product. Th Governo overnor appreciate ady in the twinkling of an terea ing the right of Suljects: Arithmeti, Algelt ractical and Theoretical Geome.
try English, including Crammt ind Composition. Elments of Sian.
It is notorious that the Gov ple prays around ish, French and Latin, Go, Cergraphy in llintory, etc.
ernment can slow no quid pro quo cone to some reasonable under for its lavish expenditure on Su standing with the Proprietors Beginners classes in Bolle Shorthand and Instrumental Music, rious futilities sugar estates but the Govern If practicallert for tuititt should le minde. fore This waste could never have it overtures were treated opening thay Principal: ROEERT LINDSAY (Cambridge Serior)
occurred if the taxpayers wer with scant courtesy by the major.
properly represented Box 1044, Ancon, the its or them. The only alternative Council, which, as at present therefore was the course which constituted is frequently not the Goverse eren consulted until after th ex wmch naeresis of the pendiwre which it is required to community, it is our daty to ap.
sanction has already been in prove.
curred And the result of the waste his TICHEVORS ANTISEPTIC been fiest: taxation, th. pro Ils of the way in be takes the Curn out of Burns thrown way in moment of in and Scalds.
responsibility: Death of Revd. Willian Social Condition Everard Cur workmanship reflects that Proficiency The death is announced in Comentarially on the in Dominica of the Revd. William which is acquired only by years of Experience. Everard, retired Anglican Rector Cleary in Jamaica te Glerrier toes of St. George Church, Roscau. which we are afraid is also appli NO, I, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA He also labored in the Presiden cable to our social condition. Toe cies of Montserrat and St. Kitts absence of self respect and ird ference ANN THOMAS, with the greatest success.
was most popular in the Lie opinion which is ao noticeable ward Islands. He has left al deplorably hig percentage of Proprietrc35.
widow fuce Stealisan) La matter which was caused the Works his loss.
roore thua on occasioa, tu cry out in latentation As extruet from the Gleaner e article follows The English illegitimate birth rate for last year is said to be the highest for Sfty years, the neexselly eso le said.
Tast illegitimate birth rule. In Jamsuch that rate must now be regarded as abnormal; it represents some 75 el every buadred births, it makes our illeRitimata rate of some twenty years ago, when there was such an it. Was an almost deent standard for a Britist West Indian island. In England, of curve, there is a far of preventivos, or contraceptives as they a far greater knowledge are called, than in the West ladies. And the cost of the Hisse lisve itlogitimate children would not to use contraceptives even if they 95 Get Alive to Your Interest knew of then them. The illegitimate birth rate of Degiand is therefore mere of sa indication of the lowering of the moral standard then complete positive proof of it; our rate is proof enough, more. proof than may bu found quite palat moral values and conduct have suffered able. And it is not England only that In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West a clisue. The same is true of every civilised.
Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
parison of pre war and after viar days country in the world. comshows that society foundations have been shaken, and it is only reasonable to supp so that surat his affected other couries has affected Janisica also.
It quite true but the illegitimate rate here was rising before the The circulation of The Workman is the largest of the war. Bat its rise bas any All English paper printed in the Republic of sical. mental and sincera, conditions, play: war. There is more careleseness, more the created indifference, Fegard for public opiPanama.
of public opinion on this mat.
more completo disapter) than was observable before the war.
Therefore THE WORKMANThe world is suffering from a marked form of degeacration, And it is robAble that the elimsx of the movement is a paying Advertising Medium. towards an inferior plans of conduct has not yet been reached.
Central Drug Store Oepit FOUNDED IN 1881 Th0:dest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern Oae. NUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Ooposlte La Torcedes Church Panam.
Anonka man, en roure hereunder; our bo BUSINESS MEN GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its greatest asset is their good wille Our service has always measured up to this standard and brings forth volunship and confidence.
tary expression of friend, Come in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold ers, Better than pins, FULLER JEWELER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, an outery About DIT EVER STRIKE TOU ID Jaunaich the le people who citi ADVERTISE Panama Furniture Company 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre is Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
the outbreak of nion (or rather less a more pearance WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock Wm. Lawrence, Leacock Co.
Modern Cabinet Makers ADVERTISE TO DAY Tallor and Outfitter Our RATES are Reasonable.
Dealer in School Books, and Stationery.
De alers in all kinds of NativeWood Latest Designs In Cabinet making, etc.
No. 11 Street, Panama chains from Central Ave. Address: Box 896, Ancon, C,


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