
LAGU POUR THE WORKAAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1921, THE WORKMAN All Good Housewives tendency dis!
lerage to all Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALI, ale teatral Hon Correspondie on ait males bu abu curuer ol Siret, tabam, de of public restrite Al cons for publication must be Bux 74. Panama written on one side of paper only and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must bompanied by the Dame of One Year 40 65 the writer, notar orbica Six Mat but as a thark of ad fatih Three One Heted correspondence USE bela; withou: punishmens Stag Blue Soap The Liberty of the loss is the palladium of our rights JIS SATURDAY, JUN, 1920, Is saves money in the long run to buy the best STAG IS THE BEST CA 99 THE COUNTER MOVEMENT HORSE RACES ATeroised in the States the first conclusion must all through and am therefore forced to accept the second. aling carefully through the led, Parks Ok In bound to see.
played on her rt to take advaa tage of her sex of her overbeariaets, that she evidently believ, that being woman, and ano Wotan besides she has the illege of insolent and SUD Crous being handed the she desires. is once whea struck the war Now it cannot bedtis Miss Davis rei ware tha risult of lack of knowledge or ol misinformation astu very centre of strike. ie and in constant issue with rive eral persons who 012. be be curtretly informed that of which inglit mention lot thre, wamely: Miss Morgan, the As.
sistant Treasurer of Branch of the UNI Nr.
Eduardo Morals, one of the In Defense of Stcute live wires of the then United Brotherhood, and lastly, Mr.
Henry, her co worker. Miss MorAnother Lady to ile in dues not doubt hving re ived the 150. 00 handed her by Rescue Mr. Stoute for the relic of the women nor does Mr. Morales ibe TO THE EDITOR HE WORKMAN 20. 00 received for the Spanisha Sir. With rference to hear strikers. Besides Miss Doris Hole which appeared in the Nero Richardson, an active member of World of Manila, discrib the organization, in a letter to ing the activities of the Universal your paper tells of Mr. Horus No Asocia knowledge of th: a thonnts re.
uring ceived by Miss Morgan ther vist entral Amera and the strike leader in Panama City, the Wstincts dikthehe bavins had verbal.
ich me ty rit ledgement from both parties.
Viten Das the liter tional would have er, onlar to the stretch my im uzination beyond Uned States, should xceed the natural limit to to conceive that ing obligd 11 und give theither of th se pardes ever hit to M193 Davis directly or in iening directly the part thiselin Praphs of the the disbursment of ile 00. 00 war wasA ricans Let us how Let us low ver, for 11 Divi iting the ligro ow.
at that she hii thon that women are such information and that ti id tedd at disappearing of Vir Sie Tom, sum wat sta HINO wa se can it not her busin Disini atu in fenquiryant it? Did Mint Davis pisany of the intellice ive Cohe tips in conne that will or it hall Vest of in 2015 Waldoul NEPIX ut Mis: DANS by all yuerance and in Sua JUAN FRANCO Race Track It was a blessed day when the Silver Employees or.
the Panama Canal lost out in the Big Strike of February 24th, 1920.
Had the strike been successful, we would have rreted on our oars, we would have been contented with the fruits of victory. would have been filled with the clan of success, and would have inevitably slipped back into the old ways, been satisfied to travel as a people along the lines of least resistance, and we would have taken to lotus eating in a land that is not ours.
As it is, with the strike lost, welave pained a new cutlook. We have been jerked violently cut clour sell in Cured passivity, and a new movement has been Ideased from its moorings the Movement out of this country Labor Post Hole.
This Movement is in no wise sporadic. It is general ani wu spread, and has been brought abou: by the is sistent call of Necessity.
There is no gainsaying the fact that our present pe in tion in regards to obtaining a liveliced in this market untenable, and in view of this, within the last two months!
the long established relationship between The 17:00 1Jasbi has been violently reversed. Whctes locetofore Je was subsidiary to his job. leis sinni (to it as a leans of acting out Hundr:ds are goirs, and lurreds more will go. The present economic situation is intolerable. The more consider it, the more is one is with the laburt superlauve patience and long living cu yerli They have given their best man lave giren their all draining their sin tuli. ceusing and likewise knows 1:0 (0:1)
It work, work work front to 10, work with Wor, Wor orsan and by SUNDAY JUNE 13th at. 30 sharp RAIN OR SHINE ed to artice that the Hork are of Sake, add it to 1, President ARTHUR WIL, Treas, Dr. EISENMANN, Socy. arיווחי: 11. bune of JUST SRRIVED So it is, then that is in CLUhlm. The (Titlul de th els canonici. it. It tieto els Sliny hc Woo. intent to Forel:cre is Oportunity for at Commen, 10coni rokers, delicate cbn Ten and aille. ca CVE AN OPPORTUNIY TOR EXPLANATION FuPACE Termine cction to Pris Davis rinnFOLLOW TO President tho United States compune of a good West Sonda inse Hall am Stout in the.
wo ti: Area la nost distrist or Com the ci :11.
GE The incident in itself is rele the crear hy miss llavis relative to the point, woro undoubt els llacsicu.
Isthmian serialing Go, many well wishers, jo vishing and fuis Datud tu concha It is ir nesible for us to pice down to the lesis ide ted. Wedsthmian toerisking Curvy to all with but few WC piny Lu, every success tross West Indians. In Hititor lot, Wiwhich Miss Tavi launch much charges, but and Brooklyn. fitcltare neler ve We want to wieve that olesid as she is by the work that nerad The Isthmian ties nettir heart and le all imperince the working Indeki Caseball stor Icaguer United States the neral man in the litt any town in the membership OS! of UUN. nicilinances Serweb es not exceed 20, 000 and bene made the underwate slip, or which wo hope that she who tla inat, whow the hearse The Chopiilo Red Sox Juniors know, aleco will in due course make an open apelogy.
The oid adago of Blumaunm est Errarum is appli demois Parade weather worning the La Boca Diamond at earu therefore the main support est tissue of to indation sha uwede le fa táro premises at upper Cali. will inent tle Red Tank Juniors turn on the breatesWest are to bring of five housing Indinus apart from not invins the mer.
csible to all mortals alile, therforo while no argoment, panied by the manager. Mr. ap for ked sex will be as fol quently, the main supporwrs of the mennest ingrati ud, for stie 1930 for the first trial, uceo clock Sunday June. linene oys of the Association and conse uncharitable however, serene er subliine, tan justify Miss Davis dam. Sam Greaves, Toppin, Bowa: 0008rd, fi Perempp. ine Negro World, and we should must know sud ought to know sging statements it is not wise at this time to indulge in isaacs, Treasurer; floods of recrimination and offensive diatribe but give her Secretary: audR Wilkesicer, davne 1st. b; Challe 2nd b; Belo not stand for any insults ruth. wul Stoute was liked a greaves, Con, 3rd b; Camp: lessly our by by class as ul Wet the opportunity to explain why she should have lost ber Superintendere propresenting bell culi Head to Reasany whose only better qualifica: Indians in 23a Cilles sont she Board of. The Tauk will be as follows: Edward.
balance in the Star Casino that night.
master piece of work p; Hubert, c; Pabla 1st tion Sears, designed and built To know Stoute, to get into personal contact with for the position they occupy and Colon and that by hurtos by dues 2nd; Vivian is that they happen to tind them bum she was hurting us all alike. Merrivalo belves living in the United him and in so far as it is possible for one man to diagnose help but an acknowledging the Holder, All are invited to such outraye, away with the No. speaking she met but few of the West 3rd b: Silscot t; Angels, f; of America. say down with Miss Duis States like to to inforte that comparatively the feel it can safely be said that for Puritanic honesty, for eve aire monolia dos composta fellow see this gamo botween the two web West Indians, who took active better indomitable courage irrespective of contingent circum part in its construction, and And now with regard to Miss this The majority Davis account of the recent purposely avoided her in the stences, William Stoute is without peer.
make this opportunity to We hold no brief in his defense, but we feel that by culate them on the success they Newspaper Changes Hands strike among the colored employ: same, maaner as the Universal of have achieved. We lean that Negro sdding any quota in his justification it is only exercising this Company will take appren The St. Lucia Voice recently the Panama Railroad Company is avoided by the better class of a duty incumbent on us for the general good.
tices, as work and so give our converted into bi weekly, Mr. Iwo conclusions that can be Miss Daris that some of us hero butes its failure. There are but The whole affair is indeed regrettable, but Stoute can wood will deal in all class changed hands, and has been and the cause to which she attri. Negtoes in the United States.
In conclusion wish to remind rest assured that his reputation has suffered no eclipse gaun timur nomponent to the German Gordon is the new pro drawn theretrom. 1) either that still remember the fordele ole have in Iand, be prietor, locally, and that as for the rest, Time, which is the great some good work men. Now in The WOREMAN takes th op there was a too abundant supply Malakites with which she was adjudicator, will justify his actions, both past and pres your chance young men. 80 tor:portunity to wish success to the of wine at sho supper to whicn connected a few years ago and anz, and give him that phase of mental satisfaction which word toe ben macendo bich your buy forragement toutes contempora the New Star Casino theoreet hanking you tor opec Mies Davis sat before going to which ended in smoke.
is induced by the realization of having done one duty over for the places which walory for a whom is has always en ing, or (a) when she ha at wala ka eventually ariae in later years. tertained the bigbeet este un and deliberate calumluator. Now in Your pobly and well.
The Works foing witb their affection.
flew of the strict probibition exMABIL DIDIR is Sted: will however Isthmus.
on of


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