
lateersting News From the summanoNALDO annunci Heads of 20 Women (Continued from page 2)
Discovered in House of Egyptian Bluebeard Barbados 398155111 Bon Burned, but tiot the Head: Wave of Prosperity NUWEELY LM WAS RAISED Sweeps over the Island of Barbados Divery of the hof ws Lensented.
with the vive ry of been iurethrenntna then.
is attractive us sible.
on their most precio Oh START washing day well with Crown SUNLIGHT every bar.
SUNTEM SUNLIGHT SOAP. N imposed lebe Commenting editorially on the Exp. has revealed the prosperity of Barbados Esyptian Biue Globe Sysinler alu: tanl the dew of wh. The never drought through in whole which this island been pas 10 monster, it aping during the past several weeks women of gooi is only rendered endurable by et visit in in his house the prosperity attending the tretutinat he would in manufacture and disposal of its then Wealthy admi staple produce, for we are told that at no period in the long his. of when ever caine try this island as a sugar Ib. Kern his house.
producing centre have such pri1 Vitin the winnen ces for the product obtain able as now, Sugar being the backbone of the colony mainte.
SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, nance it is therefore, sale to say and that never before has such a SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
in krast. hok wave of prosperity been spread th thing and murde et over the land. burning their bodies With the advance of the price not the heids. He comte of the produce the value of th.
Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes ve suciem wckly unui Jands producing it has leaped on the line early, and the meals consid rably with the result that nquiries by surrowing relatives to the Tanta murder house, land taxes are on the increase in ready to time. The afternoon is when upon the criminal fled. He thu various parishes, while lands then yours to spend at your own is described a handsom. ad are being bought and solu at Venturer with a flowing beard prices which are considered sweet will.
His still at large.
fabulous Plantations bought on credit five or six years ago Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient for three or four thousand pound work. With Sunlight Soap the housewife People of the Presidency of does her work most efficiently, most easily.
minica in the colony of the ale now placed by auction on the market to fetch in cash tiſty or There is no mystery. You get out of soap ward Islands, British West In.
sixty thousand Take the latest he just what the makers put into it. The cream dies humbly sheweth as follows: such sale Tire plantations, of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
The name Lever on Soap WHEREAS under the system is a Guarantee of Purity lot aggregatink 585 acres not all Colony Govern:nent arable acquired just two years The Sunlight environment is in keeping nvestablished in the Presiden and Excellence. ago at what was then considered with its mission of cleanliness and ex of Doninica, the unofficial Lobu a fabulous ligure. 70. 00)
menbers of the Legislative pour ds or just over 100 perc efficiency no soap is better fitted to Court of the vaid Presidency peracie, have just change serve the British housewife than Sunlight are nimited and removable hands for a by sum of 110, 000 Soap. Prove this to day.
the Olicer administering the pounds or about 150 pounds por Government of Dominica.
acre The purchaser in deals of 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on And whereas the members to this sort in Pasily found, and nominated are not unconmonly little or no bartering is heard of out of touch with the aspirations during the period of negotiation.
of the people of Dominica who There is wealth swimming in the se in consequence virtually with land and hundreds are today the out representation on the Legislamasters of thousands who, nine ture of the said Presidency and or ten years ago were barely without adequate means of mik.
struggling on a few borrowed 15 their desires known to the hundreds Government of Dominica And wbereas under the sald Partial Distribution LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT.
system Colony Fortune has been exceptionally Pn nent legislation affecting the partial in her attentions, for in interests of the people of Domini this golden pool there is a vast ca can be and sometimes is proportion not yet permitted to enacted and taxation impo awin. We are aware that accordwithont adequate consultation of ing to the natural law of circu.
wishes of the governed, and Jation some advantage must in tipancial matters the usarily accure to all lines of ing the Wireless station with and Smith of Three Houses, Barbados Plantatlon Deal.
tive Council as at present consti business and trade where is two spark gaps and a new mo. 414 ucres: Golden Grove 206; tuted is often not even consulted money being spent; but such cir tor, was passed in the House of Thicket and Fortescue 720 acres ESTATES RE SOLD AT HUGE antil after the expenditure wbich oulation is usually slow and, as Assembly on Tuesday, May 12th. to a syndicate for 210, 000 Three it is required to sanction has alwe hear it it vulgarly put so fre The Government desire is to Houses was bought by Mosers PROFIT Brown and Smith According to the terms ex.
ready been incurred.
growing the horse is starving. hulpse this serving so as to increase the range of ago for 20, 000 and they added connection with the sale of two pressed by a West Indian cono Crown Colony Government has And whereas the said system while the fate of the non communication to about 250 miles. Fortescue in 1918 for 33, 000.
well known plantations in Barba temporary, it would appear that been given a prolonged trial and swianmer is desperate. Without dos affords ample evidence of the Lieut. Colonel Negus, the Attor. has proved unsuited to the med increase at all in some in stand in the not suitry and Government Laboratory the property of Dr. Good lors, with regard to the future of recently vacated his ofllce and said Presidency who are desi.
The Professorship of Chemis. Stirling plantation, St. Phillip, confidence entertained by invest. ney General of St. Lucia, who quirements of the people of the. cient to meet the demands caused Act 1908 was on Tuesday amend ing, has been sold to the duties there without leave, has rous of by the terrible prices obtaining ed by the House of Assembly to Foursquare plantation, Ltd. for sugar industrg Two Kent and plantations for the coinmon necessaries of been dismissed the service, lis cous of having by means of popu.
Staple Grove life, he is faced with the propermit of a better salary being 30, 000 pounds sterling.
685 acres place has been filled by Mr. Jo lar representation on the Legiscovering lature of the said Presidency, all told, vere sold one in 1913 to Stanley Rae of St. Vincent lom which is amply suficient to paid to future holders of the in the roanagement or their of Lecturer in Agricultural RES bafle the brains of the stoutest of Science at Harrison Collego. It Wesleyan Church at Bank Hall across for the best porn Slothes The corner Stone of the new Mr. H, Richardson, Kent 240 own affairs and in the control of THE St. Lucia Voice of April the expenditure of the revenue has been discovered that the ser was laid on Tuesday niternoon Grove845. acres In 1914 to the 24th mentions a report that Mr. which they contributs.
purchaser vices of a capable Lecturer cao: last in the presence of a large pounds. In 1918 Mr.
Richardson, tive of Barbados has been ap of Crown Colony Government is 10, 200 Dash, late of Guadeloupe a naMost Brilliant Bats not be obtained at a smaller number of spectators.
And whereas the said system alter seperating the dwelling pointed a« Manager of the Cul not conducive to the intellectual man in the World ing by annual increments of 25 house and seven acres at Kent, de Sac Factory, and that Mr. advancement nor proinotive of 50 500 per annum. It is intend Dr. OGILVIE sold the two plantations to Mr. Lewis of thel Vieux Fort Factory the political aspirations of the ed to fill the post by July this Yearwood for 69, 700, thus is to be assistant Manager. people of the said Presidency.
Is Now LOCATED AT Expected to play in the year.
making about 53, 000, pounds and and is inconsistent with the lofty 157 Central Avenue, corner now Me Yearwood has sold to TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC ideals for which Your Majesty K Street.
Mr. Fawkins for 110, 000 pounds, Will Prevent Blood Poisoning loyal sum of 130 was voted on West Indian subjects thereby making 40, 000 pounds: fought and Tuesday by the House of AsHiobe under: sembly to meet this Colony bled in the Great HOURS: to 11. 30 War now victoriously ended.
sta Included in the share of the expenses incurred to 30 Your Majesty petitioners un which is likely to 30 to 30 therefore humbly pray by the Imperial War Graves Cum West Indies early next mission in connection with the Sundays: to 11 a.
THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR do graciously year will be Hobbs. I1 this be so then West Indians will who made the great sacrifice in care of the graves of Barbadians Appointments can be arranged 82 November Street, San Miguel cause the said system of Crown In our last week issue we collined Gover emble them to be pas?
Government to. have the pleasure of seeing at the late war.
Te ephone 875: ouse 20 the wickets the most brilliant made reference to Dominica beers of the said Presidency to шо batsman in the world today, ing tired and sick, like many elect by ballot the unofficial and one of the finest fields at resolution was passed on another West Indian Island, of members of the said Legislative cover or long off. Hobbs was Tuesday granting the sum of EDUCATION What is It? the enfate formele romantic holion Councibendedor encounted Soderinave the first batsman to compile 87, 48, 9d to Mrs. Lilian Moore, under which it is to the grant 2, 000 runs in the last English widow of the late 30, said Presi.
The systematic development and cultivation of the natural powers. The and mentioned people of dency such further measure of a Season and has more than George Moore, in recognition of power to think clearly and talk interestingly to be a marked manor, As.
once topped the batting average bis long and faithful service.
woman in any conpany sociation bed been formed with autonomy as to Your Majesty He has represented All England may seem expedient THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL the view of obtaining an amelioration of the existing conditions, PETITIONERS AND YOUR MAJESTY against the Australians and Rev. Daniel Smith, the enNo. 2, Calle Domingo Dlax also we published an extract bound, will ever pray.
49 in duty South Africans on several occasions and is a star of first ment in this Colony on Thursday ergetic head of ME Church OFFERS ELEMENTARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION AT from the Association manifesto tirmament.
MODERATE TERMS He plays for Surrey. The night opened a metropolitan en richi appeared in the Dominica Day School for Children.
Vote to Widow of Lato Ad Globe also learns that Dr. branch att the of Night School Adulta.
From same paper we take Knight ok Coxtord and Surrey Street Sevöral prominent gentle Subjects: Arithmetic, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical the draft which follows of the ministrator.
will skipper the visitors.
men gave short addresses and Geometry. Geography, History, etc. Elements of Spanish, French and ploposed Petition by the Associa Ferreira, a gold medallist elo. Latin Grammar. Courses in Bookkeeping, Business Forms and Letter tion to His Majesty the King on Under the direction of the Seccutionist of the Canal Zone con writing, NEWS ITEMS tributed recitation in brilliant FREE practice in Underwood Typewriter and octave Kimball the question of Representative retary of State for the Colonies, the Legislature of Dominica The following news items are style. We wish the work every Organ for advanced day and night pupils.
Roseau, April 20, 1920.
voted payment to Mr Enid culled from the Barbados Weakly success. 30 Our motto is Vouloir est pouvoir (Where there is a will there Herald of the 15th alto: is way. Colony of the Leeward Islands. Mabatts relic of the late Ad.
ministrator) of an allowance of SHOO!
Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY (Cambrfdgo Senſor)
Says the Advocate. The biggest Resolution asking for Presidency of Dominica 100 pounds sterling per annum Hot exceeding 400 pounds ster plantation sale that has yet taken Box 1044, Ancon, To the King Most Excellent Majesty for period of eight years to Ing to meet the cost of supply place is that by Messrs Browne The Humble Petition of the sons, assist in the education of her Legisla St. Lucia is Neanus a voice in onice Text Yearܝ ܐܢ. ܬܪ ܝ ܝܐ FITZ BOWEN Dominica that Visit Your siajesty cricket ered that thing Government sum


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