
PAGE SEVEN Link up with LiFEBUOY for Health Sake.
FAMELE TONIC آورده eel SAVES encour LIFE Chorrillo Drug Store This estal termination and creat Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP more than soap. it is a reputable permicide and sure disin fectant BLOCKJEMPRESS, PERFUME YOUTH and happiness are linked Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the dangers of contagious diseases.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the children. keep them healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
LEVER BROTHERS LIMIT DHURISHT ENGLAND The Woman Exchange within easy reach of their Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder Om plete 90c, silver a DRESSMAKER West Indian Central Drug Store only givin e you with one hind Commercial STERLING from with the her to make the good obVentures teistotehtals but in Tittle that is practical to Continued from Paye 3)
what we lens. Alprat, we detuna a demontration of of the we now Tonic and Alterative lur element who are alwahila fornire to our Wom Ballorin sus, an pentin making the colore wi, le passats could not wonde independent. Oar women pood Sterling Female Tonic contains inflatable and but failure in any efforis put forward by them bey and their huslands, that are acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazal tart, It is not my tet witter informed as to to our intention, this letter the righ or must educate them and see that their Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Roo, Vor, Black Hlav, etc. and when taken according to directions, benetare Wron Vws of those in ntioned above carings to in the proper channel. We sults may be anticipated, but its my expressed o Vect to desire to advise the management of the ge the support and assistance of the West Indian Trading Company to use West Indians in the commercial ventures their best business acumen in buying in The Sterling Laboratory, which have been toader the prpose such markets which will enable them to our commercial and industrial and extend to their West Indian cuníreres Los Angeles, vancement We are not going to pre the benefit of the reduced prices given tend that we are in agreement with Mr. by others.
stanford in all his business methods, It is wel known that hold no brief but it Dit 18 is obviously just to mention from the West Indian Trading Co. but that no man hind more confidence in in my humble option am discharging the proposals placed befre the Wes obligation which owe the West In Indians at the organization of this con dian people. Core forward and remove pany than himself His pluck and the scales from your eyes, amidst hardshipa lishment gives employment to fourteen 46 STREET, PANAMA.
and opposition have overcome all diffi West Indians. Let us ask how tuany cilties, and he has unquestionably sue West Indians are employed in the other ceeded in JUST RECEIVED LARGE SHIPMENT OF Code in starting business that a grocery establishments in Panama? Let arge number of us would not have at our motto be. word in time is en tempted, because of our leur to with ough for the Wise.
tcri icis usually launchB. WYNTER.
with a flower in perfet preservation ed at the promoters of West Indian enin every bottle; also are shipment of Panams, June 3, 1920.
trprises, and we must confess, that the ICC achieved has been entirely the CREOLINE HAR PRODUCER results of Mr. Sandford energy and TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC the world be it hair strater and business foresight We are requesting cures Skin Irritations.
grower from JAKSON MANUFAC.
that all selfish motives be put aside and TURE CO.
that the West Indian community will do all in their purchasing power and use BOCAS NEWS SELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL other influences in securing the financial success of this concern, Its fulure from FLOWERS, Sunday May 16, was the Angliesas day want of support would be a reflection on at Guabi o Church; and Rav. Thos.
PROPRIETOR the entire West Indian population in Johnson was at high water mark in his Box 36, PANAMA CITY Panama At the commencement of the First sermons at 1130 a. In, and Evensong TELEPHONE: 519 Business along Central Avenue, many At Evensong he preached an able Philosophical Sermon from the text were the protests of those who are residing at Culidonia und San Miguel as Psalm 110; Thou hast the dew of thy to the distance from where they are you to a large congregation, descrit108 Dature revelation to youth of living saying that this would barnper inaterially their support Now a shop hun Christ.
The Pastime service that was ann wone been opened ed for at p.
homes in those districts, and we are rewas changed into the Sunday School. It is questing our West Indian people to reation of give that shop their unstinted support hoped that Pastors. Deacons, Local We are a very foolish people Turks preachers and Catechists will be interest Syrians, Indians and any other people ed ed, in belping encouraging and training 13 CAD open shop and call West the e young child en of their congregations lodian House, so as to ensure our sup four sup to attend Sundy School ne time has port and take away our money, but uohas now come, when the Our workmanship reflects that Proficiency din different denominations are being united fortunately when we get a which is acquired only by years of Experience.
house of our own, we give it very scanty and it is hoped that others may follow in support. In trying to find out why the same course for good, and for this, large number of West Indians do not and no o her reason this Sunday Sehool NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA buy at this own store, we are told moment has been organized.
that things are sold at a higher price help in God greit work, among the There is a need of spiritual teachers to than in the other places make our people understand that it is chudres of today who will be the fu Proprietress.
imposible to sell chep in these days ture men and women. Will they be able and any business house which makes you to perform their duty. Yes, they will if 132 133. NITI believe that it is selling you cheap goods, properly taught Train up in the Teachers KO at prosent are those whose lives can be examples to the children they teach, for instance the late deceased Mur ray, ofthe Bocas Wesley in Church, Suday School Superintendent and Loe!
Preacher for toany yeats up to the time of his death Rector Jolanson led in opening prayer and delivered an instructive address to the chillren prosentir. ME Grant was a Superintendent, Mr. Osar Sisserts Mr Laws Treasure. This Sunday School will be a nion one and the Literature to be used will be obtained from the What bas proved to be a success in the line of a mighty revival is the series of Evangelistic services an Lantern with im pressive pictures thrown on the screen Get Alive to Your Interest that are being conducted now by the Rev. Surgeon. Special mention must be made of one at Guabito on the 19th ult. There was a large attendance in (the church was full to overflowing On Monday 17th ult. Richard Palmer who hails from the Parish of St, Catherine Jamaica while at work at 30 a. in Chocolate Walk at Farm Changuinola in Company with Gordon his partner received a terrible bite from my Gough stake, the reptile after bita y himo refused to let go but with a great struggle he kicked it off and was successful in killing it.
Soon after an approaching train in an swer to a signal to he received treatment, but despite the skill of the Snake Doctor he died on Thursday of said week and buried the following day at Form Panama.
Five days after his death his partner was attacked by a larger sized Tommy at the same place but he was fortunate enough to kill it before being bitten Those who are subject to heart affection are warned to be careful in night there is a set of boys who have passing Sixth Street and Avenus at carcely entered their teens who make it a to get a stuffed black stocking, attach it it to a cord and drag it across the roadway in imitation of Black Owla Snake, instead of being at studying their lessons at that hour, thus constituting themselves nuisances to Our passersby. One of them would have received a flogging the other night but luck was in his favor. ANN THOMAS, FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
a child in way he should go chers needed BUSINESS MEN GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its greatest asset in their good will.
Our service has always measured up to this standard and brings forth volun.
tary expression of friendship and contidence Come in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold ers. Better than pins. FULLER JEWELER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, DID IT EVER STRIKE YOU the use of a Magice Laccompanied by a fact Panama Furniture Company ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre Tom Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
The circulation of The Workman is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Farm 11 where he stap took him to Gough Therefore THE WORKMANis a paying Advertising Medium.
WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock hobby of of their Leacock Co.
Modern Cabinet Makers home ADVERTISE TO DAY RATES are Reasonable. NO. 8,. STREET PANAMA CIT PHONE 1060. BOX, ANCON, C, Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood Latest Designs in Cabinet making, etc.
TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC will Heal Cuts and Wounds Quickly.


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