p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1920 Cricket from with oooooo 090 ور er hakularly Wichel entire le Elmo the Mighty Men a month THE BIG PROBLEM withont Seventeen out it YOUR SERVICE splendidly.
0:50:32 Sisses S3980335 The Negro Strike. LOOK OUT PACIFIC THEATRE Continued from Page 1)
FOR THE Jamaica Defeats Standard PANAMA MINSTREL CO.
The only thit Wiin which cannot be reasonabis con ATTo Night, Tomorrow, Morrday, Friday, June 18th sidered extravagunt we wour rigts to a de Cristo al Silver Clubhouse Binnen Oval lali stadud of living an ap Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday June 29th, 1920 crowd. The wicket in hul ein. The Right to th the fourth of 70 15 bis the tion, and some sweet out allout exist tol des, but the fans were com and Saturday The Panama Minstrel Compaably Then the minimum month ny having given satisfaction and Happiness ed to dismiin mitt as the Sin bis naiture will b: 37. 11 and won the admiration of the gen. just crumbled to peers before the counting working day as he bowling of Brett And Csin who towk Featuring DOROTHY PHILLIPS, as heral public on the Pacific end of ing eight hours and a mnth as the Big Ditch anticipes storeContinuation. for 10 and for respeively America Foremosf Emotional havit venty six working days in the At only man on the Standard CC who who The Universal Serial tuwe tind that twenty seven certs 19th. 1920. No stone will be left tic end of it on June showed he ws not a hovie at the game Actress in the greatest Love Story 1) an hour must be paid for a work unturned by Die Sain and Geney was John Hill, who ingin ever told.
larly employed to earn Eyes. Influential Inuyn makro down, care this but through for not 3711 a in The out, the top Bere Measures were taken to intim getting up the latest novelties was Cinised for the small score of 27 Cozing Coon, brother Biz Universal Serial for the oce idate the negros, but after a Otsion To thie Jamica replied with 156 Uts grand lenghty, but internet considerable delay almost the for all. They did just as they had The Lion Man entire negro force on the Zone porain full of in wavin.
with the bowling, some pretty quietly qut work on February will disised the latest hits in sonde wire OO This ste scorers in Cintor.
chiners of the Zone sein anderin. 45. Drysdale 22nd Toning 10. Wel The Governor then made gound this the only shirlerin his threat to esiet the next beste Dumors on the This many hes one of the anything of an ani from their quarters in spite of us and will have you want to wickets for 35 ron Jathics this won the fact that they had paid ron see him the kine by runs in advance The Camazon awas OK ont TO MORHOW GAME to this threw the scanty belongings. ch the colored people inta 1thond Holder Benefit Niarc Salid in my them Solisiin silta in connection wit the ei vasoneis sodo to intimni maldings Lt in Your home can be solved with a Gas Stove date the negroes The role WANTO)
called off lant with the population had only two mitice to call in Sachen to Lo, either to Panam or give both metallint It was IT SAVES the Edmund His Brit Me IT INCREASES Governor Harding then called Bar also rep te that.
which one of tot run at the on President Lefevre of the le Standard Oval.
public of Panama to mi on to United States ci Ils that will entert in the Time ESTATE Safety permit this ejected population to It will be the strong are CC enter the cities of Colon or au pick train from the otlar da o Labor paying duty on Am rica cur it is expected the cricketer. Sanitation their scanty household goods and eveny fun and Lis bitter will be The Zone police dross the color in the Instiles Dicies Food front to take this matchs rual bua pont ed population across the Pena Court for the Disiv, fit bateh.
ma manian borders, and the Pana Efficiency int Aneon.
Money At Liwe last League merting the Reply manian police drove them back rehaves were informed to instruc into the Zone, their various Cinha that the League CANAL ZONE would view the abec of any Clan from Alicho hate with great displeas ALL GAS STOVES ARE SOLD ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENT TERMS While Governor Harding wis LOUIS TAYALE, Pivnih un 71 lise up of the two using these xten. versus as follows:Panama Gas Co. AT Colon Gas Co. what was the attitude of the MARCELLE TAYALE, Surrey thousand negroes Defendant striking for a bare living 1. CJ Thoma, 93 BOLIVAR ST.
Sila yovernment licin to John CATHEDRAL PLAZA CIVIL NO. 410 S y referring to the conduct of Arr. Peterson, Iter, negros De Bus Hardi1. Clean Was sind 1 Tel. 798, Tel. 364.
Publication of Summons never saw anything like in Lynton, was absolutely notone Custo The Combined Team disorder the niggers behaved TO MATCHLE TAYALE Creation: SM rritt (Cat. Bist, Crony The first thought of Chairman Take Notice Bitannie CT Samuel Stoute was the care of the sich That on the 2nd hy of May. Vincentian C) WiltalirRul Tank C Williams. Blachian CONVENTION.
In the Ca val Zone hospitals and 1920. the name is Ta.
OPPORTUNITY WANTED (Chorrillo CC. Kinght. Yuthali sanitation the cities of Paie, til din action against you nain and Colon, ordes being the District Court of the Co. Demera CC. The above branch of the League Weils. Sta. C) and Bare DIVn to the gas of the sedenal Ancut, praying for (Jamica Gaetaris 12.
Opportunity at some time knocks at desires embers to know that it SECOND HAND PIANO irtone di content ont partments to continue on their decree of divorce ist you.
le duur overy on, and the js Xw therefore, on!
ou the The Committee Fagrets very tarze veghet thriv planers are alwaye mot Peruso, time this meriti, IN GOOD CONDITION. This altruism, this brord ha sudut Physie, snall pure thout the wins of Can, Driedadeam towd in conglottis of hord lack and the date of which will be announc.
manity, on the part of the color sohaily be and appear before the Walker are not available on that day misfortune when they observe the sue ed later. It is therefore, been APPLY AT ed man toward a race despising above and court on or before stley feel that the prince the en of others which they could have decided to sustpone thineral THE OFFICE, him and crushing in, is one the 30th day of July, 190, and en would be of uw to the commanded by bry not allowed their vieting with its to have taken wa suiticient Dit the white ad, awer or dear to th)
place in the 15th insultater bined team; and they feel that a chut chance to slip by.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY, on the defensive and shine al complant, the matters and like the Jamaica C should have WK To the peope of the Furpulolie of Pa the convention shall have been Central Avenue. him. Few, very few of the negroes things therein charged and st tthan one representative in such a strenamt and the Canal Zone OPPORTU held scabbed; their solidarity was ed will be taken as contred and NITY is now korking at their deor quite ideal. The Man WA deervenierdaramouc Yorkshire to Play Lilywis writiem of a bite turg. left to the white an, union or cording to law and the prayer of the On Sunday June 20, the Lily whites o pretsature Death, which pre conte ilotherwise, and he scabbed js. id petition Colon will jourboy acrosete Isthmus oes look standing kidory and ously and unblushingly. he la. Daudat Ancon this :8th dy try couclusions with the Yorkshire iSwider troubles, which een niwa be ter wird is used advisedly for of May 1320.
on the Isthmian Pauk. This match theed by any of the following synp the women scabbed, too. Their wer SHERLEY, should prove to be very interesting as təms.
zeal was pronounced at first fair Acting Clerk of the District the two teams are about equally inatch white women who had never Lame back, burning sensaCourt.
washed dishes for, say a decade, ed. The Lilywhitus are saying that the tion certain parts of the body, time has come for Colon to enter into its washed them now, and waited on CARRINGTON, own as far as cricket is concerned; while dizziness, headache, rheumaFREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE restaurant tables, but it is only Attorney for Plaintiff.
Yorkehire is sxying that Lily whics an tism, swollen feet and joints, truthful to note that after fortysure of a Angging scanty and discolored urine eight hours their zeal suffered a countries, whether of pure Spanwith sediments, inflamation of a pronounced decline. The strik ish, Indian negro or mixed blood All reads lead to Juan bladder, puffiness of Hesh, etc. ers endeavored to get cablegrams are contemptuously dubbed CAUCA told that none reached Detroit, have heard these terms ap to the Statis, botla Spigs. S: sgoties. and often Franco Race Track to etc.
morrow Mr. Watts of Er gland: was Will leave CRISTOBAL, A. will leare BALBOA noon, the union headquarwist least to individuals who were intellec176 years old when this King of all on THURSDAY, June 17, 1920 for no replies were received aved by the tuaiiy far superior to their doo medicines extracted store from his strikers on the Isthmus. But will sail for Esmeraldas, Babia. Manta, Ballenita, and Notice bidder, and gave Surgeons and Physi.
u But tractors.
notwithstanding the solidarity Guayaquil This is why so many South cians a big surprise at ewing DeWitt of the nesroes, their strike was Americans do not like us, and All claims against the Silver Tils do what they could not Da, da Sru the only tulerat us becotune of our Sitike was Sold in two sizzs at all first class Employee Associatiou must be ployees returnediad the ensinancial power over the to work, not at then, Americans behave as toII.
sent to Charles Stevenson, Drug Stores, Beware of imitations ACAJULA their old starvation wage scale ward the averageindividualiouth Box 764, Balboa, not later than some dealers are handing out.
but the richiest government on of the Rio Grande, holw much June 30, 1920.
DeWitt Co. Ltd, London, on will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA ngon arth, not content with refusing MARTIN, bottle with BLUE SEAL City Fharon SATURDAY, JUNE 12th, 1920, tor them a pitiful raise of seven cents mney printed on wrappers. THE CITY President.
an hour panished them by recericans on the Isthmus for PHARMACY, 139 BUENAVENTURA Central Avenue ducing even their previous star able economic condition. But lig exclusively wents on the Republic and stipend Notice the Canal Zone. about the government sro question which, now that the strike is over, an incrers no de PERU holdings and influence inPanama. number of white employees are My wife, Irene Goodman, hav. Court Minerva No. 9284 will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALEO A, noon on All the big docks and terminals asking their selves.
ing left my home and protection on the Isthmus are owned. opera. Government in the event of of ber own will, hereby notify Elects Officers SUNDAY, JUNE 20th, 1920 for ted and controlled by the United wbile employees strikte hesite the public that will not hold Guayaquil, Paita, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry! Callao, States Government, while the to use colored men to break myself responsible for any debt Panama Railroad (controlled by Truly, an ironical aftermath, af At a meeting held Saturday Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta Chamaral, or debts sbe may contract.
night, Jane 5, Court Minerva No.
Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
Americans) own practically all fording food for thought.
ALLEN GOODMAN. 9284; Ancient Order of Forest.
In all respects the administra.
ers, elected the following officers being the case, it is easy to see tion et the Canal Zone is autocra.
June 6th, 1920 why to serve for the ensuing term the United States can so tic to the last degree.
commencing July 1920.
easily dictate to the Panamanian son of Republic NOTICE William Thomas, Peter or one No man can get work tendencieser anvldly socialistie it he is Richardson, R; John is discharged by the United criticize the policies of the gov.
For further particulars apply to the of th. 1111 States Government ernment in the Canal Zone is at Whereas on account of the McDonald, Treas. re elected. CRISTOBAL One cannot sum up our Govern once deported or banished. The infidelity of my wife Mrs. Ca. Geo. Marshall, Secy. re elect ment policy of degrading the negro employee is to degraded milla Morgan, bave been o. Alves, Geo. La or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Isthmian colored man without state of virtual slavery. Under obliged to put her away from Pierre, John Hill, considering the attitude of the suola cotditions how long will the me, hereby warn the public Campbell, PANAMA average American who comes in Isthmian colored man stand his that will not be responsible The Installation will be on the Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents contact with Central and South subjection, and how long will it for any debts contracted by her night of June 19, commencing at Americans an attitude of in so be before the Panama Republic 17. 80 The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Panama.
reAll members are FREDERICK MORGAN lent arrogance and superiority. will be absorbed by the United quested to be there on time.
In general all peoples from these! Staies?
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
tb through vation word the a


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