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Britain Building Mystery Ships RULING OF THE LATINS ASSAILED BY SPEAKERS GIGANTIC ENGINED FLYING BOATS OF STEEL Pluvius while there are as Pur stopped died suiwer gentleman stolen in in the. رو PAY OFFICER RACES AT FROM JAMAICA JUAN FRANCO Arrive to Pay off British Successful Meeting by Pa.
West Indian Sc Idlers nama Racing Assoclation For the informtion of the PA Former Dominican Official Asserts maine coon dingen how beat Horse Racing te vermeld of the What must be considered the 600 Horse Power Airplanes Able Indian soldiers who want to the year pulled off at Juan Fran to Alight on Land or Sea.
Tyranny and Cruelty to People. had the recentemente entre anos trakom Banday tantamia that Serxt. Clowes of Com.
ideal on weather, it appeared as Under the above headlines the Giving prisoners an opportunity rived here on the 3rd inst. for came to an understanding May 29 states that the greatest ment of her aerial armament late London despatch dated efforts to speed the improve following article appeared in the to escape and shooting them the purpose of making final set give turtites the lovely weather secrecy attends the construction Mr. Burgoyne said to day.
escaping is also said to dement with the boys here who and to say that everybody on the by Britain of gigantic eighten: Jamaica Gleder of June 4: have returaed from the fronti track thoroughly enjoyed them. gined flying bouts of steel and Britain supremacy on the and is stationed at the British selves is putting it mildly.
Worcester, Mass. May 20. bave occurred.
The Provost Courts in Santo airplanes, each of six thousand seas is to day more complete The American Military AdminisThe Panama Racing Association horse power and able to alight on than ever before. The Hood is the tration in Haiti, and America Domingo were declared by Mr. Location in this city.
most powerful and fastest lightsmaller republics of Latin Ame. reputation to delight in exces. Clearl Clowes wants it to be with WC. Ross, President; Ar land or sea.
understood that men thur Weil Treasurer and Dr.
general polics toward all the Schoenrich to have gained the ing unit ever Colonel Alan Burgogne, a submarine of 25 knots speed produced. Wei have rica were attacked in ddresses live sentences and to have re from the Isthmus who went to Eisenman Secretary, is cer editor of the Navy League Anland ten thousand horsepower.
to day at the Clark University fused to permit accused persons ceive further pay which 15 another successful Race Meeting that these mystery vessels are still others fitted with artored Jamaica for enlistment will re tainly to be congratulatedon this, nual, has just revealed the fact Others carrying 12 inch guns, and be delended by counsel.
Conference on Mexico and the to In llalti, said Str. Schvenrich, termed as extra war gratuity. on the Juan Fran»o turt.
are now of building, but all details are na protection, capable of coping with Of the eight eve: its programed turally guarded by the naval at the sess as long as the large sur This gratuity Otto Schoenrich of New York, there formerly Secretary of the Min: menis the Haitian, thu Ameri:1 month.
on August 4, 1919, whereas for the day only one was scratch thorities.
face tighting ships. Mail and Britain is engaged in strenuous Empire.
can Republic, declared that the cars occupation adding that the some of the men drew save up sd, and this was caused, re tuh.
ister of Finance of the Dominican treaty officials and the mil.
derstand by horse owners fail first is impudent, the second in to November of the same year.
ing to fully pay up the eatry recori made in Santo Domingo efficient and the third indifferent. The men are asiced to keep in lees.
mint blok disu: Unfortunate stories are also touen with their postal addresses The big event of the day was Judge Hanan De Brief Sketch of Life puintment, while the mess in Hail must awaken feelings of current or wrture by water curu as there may be mail awaiting and by shooting of prisoner theo.
the match race between Moun.
livers Sentences.
and Work Tintinent and shame Those men who left the Isth. tain Boy and Ace of Trumps for the speaker said.
The chief fault, he nllegrd, Venezuelan is Critical in for Cuba and elsewhere and 500 dollars which was won by who did not leave their address Mountain Boy the favorite. It is Of The Late Rev, Pinnock, Wy in the Washington Govern mt which in its dealings with Jacinto Lopez, editor of La at the British Levation in this stated that quite a deal of coin In Famous Cristobal Dock Multi and Sunto Domingo bas forma social et Venezuela city are asked communicate changed hands in this race.
Cases. In keeping with popular re. played a disregard of The other seven were pery quest a brier sketch of the lite Jamaica for fioul balances it keenly contested by the various Tights of the inhabitants, an ob maid that the President of the with the Command Pay master at ob. United States exercise a virtual any.
and work of the Rev. Pin.
competitors and in one case the uschens wieder in gece hos dictatores the sales and Sergt. Clowes states that dur. finish was het even that it looked District Court on Wednesdus tor atin at do clock is there given.
At the sitting of the Cristobal rock who died on Monday June devalving upon Usileu States and an indierence Central America. nncontroli a tag the short while he has been uite a dead heat but the decision delivering sent neos in the mat republics of the Oxribbean pastor of the opinion of Latin America by public opinico either in the there quito a number ur balances of the judge, who seemed to ter of the famous Drk chce the San Miguel and Pueblo world which are simply United States or in the repab. have been paid and he expresseskoow his job, was in every case Jade Hans of Colon seemed recent illness lasting succes.
said in effect that vos Lapuisi Churches is comprehen ible, lics themselves. Since 1893 the his sa isfaction of the assistance a popular one and there was the the inerchants Inhabitants of the Virgin United States, he said, by seiz given hin by the man themselves never an expression of disatis to be under the falso impression si vecino faction audible on the ground, in that they could goods was alling for some time butsue. months. The Rev.
Islands, he declared, are come up of this connection.
Zine Canal various and one can bed afver tas short period.
orong that they had more free tablishinteatere stations the es, in making settlementele dom and consideration under protectorates, had bucome su: The only regrettable circum. joy immunity from punishment His life work was one active Di tule than at present a dipreme ioru of the Caribbean and Ex Conv. ct Repeats Heln stance throughout the meeti glihrough being uon residents on service in the on service in the Master cause botar was an incident in which Simon rritory that was no under thin Airca and viie isthmus of Pa it sed that whiever in the retained its position by force ous Act Only tie protection of the ve years the United States Loy, who act as starter in jurisdiction of the United Last has assumed the government Sates preservis the first two eventi, was mixed thu but he desired that tiey should ther country. The coming ut pitseat Governm nt of Nica a.
nin. understand undation for that ideas to the people to whom he The district of Ancon Avenue up. It was the concensus of clearly that there was ing to the tomu the American fag signified sup gua trom being overthrown by in the viciuity of House No. ion, which was freely expressed wo legal. attached, ile was thoroughly acom of po ular institutions her sister republies and the real was somewhat disturbelon son the ground that the start in. Vivian with quite a Af.
and so see my up of an arbi malo. Nicaraguan people, Jane in provins, last week en nian executed and it appears that Loy sentenced to was murauhigt disturbed on in the second event was shamefully and Williaun Saunders weru each rau dialects He had quite a few trary and inettic he said. In the Cuban elections of woman of about 25 years of age. by the many expressions of als that he had already served one year impri: things he fined last wite died over he brought from Africa as Heard Stories of Cruelties 1916 President Menocal was was slashed to death by one by 30 in addition to the five d2 Venir.
years ago on the Isthmus. He Not a few of the naval and ma overwhelmingly defeated 80me of them not very jul: Hule, who had been in nua in and Charles Ja nes alias Big Man, a by children in in is survived by found officers Santo Domingo owing the attempt Jamaican.
mine tolice rov in lead the boy raingo e evolution verobe The real cause for the killing pertunjured in giving yen nghis assessed or sine or modo, Philip que le monducteur convenient op in the states in England vent to prison months. was also relatives. The feelings aid to speaker but a number out, which the American Gov. is reported to be jealousy, andet er much smaller man than Reece, found guilty on two attended, by nost of the have been conscientious. Some, ernment assisted in suppres. this is true, Big Man seemdes: himself, who however pluck. counts, was tined 60 with the ters on the Pacine end. Quite a he avorrd had openly slown sing.
tined to become a tropical Blue ily retorted. and but for the tiute already served; John De hea searching Serinon their race prejudie The United States has a mis. beard if permitted.
There arc, said Mr. Schoension, and a noble one, in the Car timely intervention of the police Freitas, who had been Police records disclose that Loy by Rev. Walker who of tortura of pers by water those nuo 18 to enter into the James alias Big Man is an ex Vereight have been treated on bail from the time of his ar presided at the Church while th rich, unfo tunale stories current lobeaa. It should be to help roughly on the to pay 500 in Rev. Tylerbest did the We have stated that this was a the convict, who had been serving a cure and by application of red path of px pisical development by term of 15 years in the Panama very regrettable occurence which a full confession of onsideration of his having made u attendance of members portions at the cemetery.
of his share in hivi machetes and to other wasseran en la her independence. jul for murdering a woman in tended to mar the the pleasure the transactions, and in hancia Friends of the various churchA protest sigued by the Arch. tegrity: nd bishop of Santo Domingo, which, The iuni lor naval bases shout the Province of Bocas del Toro of turfites, and we want to state ed over to the police the balance es on the Isthmus were present bis heute si prendere la Polivat nut be currica su far as to tre hermed with tinge heterorumdich Kindsting by wound on riuht here now that persons of the goods that he had in his to show their appreciation, and possession, authority for this statement, boundaries.
LatiAeric, is in part, my pass upon moral and political instant death. He was tent to faithfully and judi on the whole, of materialer pay their last homage to the de.
one of the criminals pai doned by ciously carry out any charseran case against him was exceeding: assist. ceased.
en ance to the government whose the Panama During the last period of his to them should a a The Misssionary John Bull Appeal is reported that 14 neg roes were broepings with the passed alter enough to decline and not allow is wear; and Francis Blue Bourges elde wonek be formed what is call the desire for notoriety to expose was set free, being found not mer burnt; 31 were shou; 24 were The woman succumbed to her them to abuse by disatisfying the guilty.
ment among the churches on the Pacitic end, with the hope of its Against Barbarism hameen cutere beste cesto alle altor wounds shortly after on the public. It is to be hoped that in was cut to pieces all for operation table at Santo Tomas iuture the Association will see to Feuille, made a motion for an a, lieved he died with the Judge Wade, attorney for Fred. extension in the future. It is be.
tiendish entertainment of your Hospital.
nission it that men who are capable of rest of jydg nent and a new trial ary movement as his last prayer countrymen in The following is taken from From time to time, James is at present in police filling certain ofiices are placed upon which Judge Feuille ad. to God to raise up Negroes of the therein Join Bul. dited May 1, 1920. the high souled Senate of the custody at his old home awaiting the court in behalf ша his of the Judga Hanan, To His Excellency John Davis, United States, its still mo e trial.
Gospel to Africa, tie is dead but newspapers, and not overruled the It is stated that he has conmotion United States Ambassador, high souled arrest of judgment, but a small portion of its peerless fessed in a very cool and bare. Sunday School Anniversary fendant attorney gave the deeous death giving as his last teg.
Grove snor Gardens, people have busied themselves faced manner of having comuntil the 25th timony Heaven at last. We with moral lectures to this counmitted the rime and inflicting of Jane to file the bill and depo may well tuke up the strain and Sir: the to in.
tofnu you that have received prayed by intewered lastaid monitions the woman, one of which severed leyan Sunday School takes place appeal in the New Orleans Court. righteous, and let my last end be several on body of The anniversary of the Wes sit bond for the hearing of the say. Let me die the death of the numerous from the National Association and threats. suggest to your her right hand.
to! did give like for the advancement bacoly rose Excellency that you should do oficial en questionedors his precie preachers for the day. At the fining or contining him as he did Heaven.
When questioned by a police in this city. There will be special the worthy judge the trouble of We never say good bye in a record of barbarity by citizens of the United States duce your noble, angelfish com ous confinement in the Chiriqui 30 m, services the Rev. Tyler not pat in an appearance in court, in your power to inwhich must scandalise humanity preferring to gave the amount of civilization everywhere. The patriots to put an end within penitentiary, Big Man coolly re Best will preach.
his bail bond to settle the inatter, Election of Officers record is in the form of printed their own borders to the infa plied the same thing as this matter and illustrations. The mies to which have alluded.
He was up before Justice There will be a grand Flower printed matter is a selection of Court John Wallace, JOHN BULL Susa of the Superior Court dur Service at o clock in the after TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC No. 9111 will hold its regular appalling accounts of negro ing the week for preliminary noon. Great preparatiens a re election of officers to night. All lynchings from United States hearing and remanded in cus being made to aake this service will Heal Cuts and Wounds members are asked to be presGewspapers. Last year alone it May 1, 1920.
tody a delightful one.
ent and be on time States, mama a and vapeut 20 year in HO was a source of source of bless.
of United press in Pa funer was and was at liberty rest, was grounds.
was made to.
aad ik inflicting they are incomper on and publiexcellency places.
however the gospel lives. He died a right: one.


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