
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1920, PAGE THRE OS: She Thinks God Has Forgot She is Here ఆహణక KING BEE The Oldest Woman in Hinois Has Lived More than a century CIGARETTES terian beliefs.
DID YOU EVER Stand near a chap while he smoked a KING BEE?
the Best Always SOXOS senost: Sonaxxsoccers NG BEE WOWODOXoo NORTH CENTRAL AWARDED SUTH AMERIC POSITANO ay Extra Mila GARETTES Springfield, Ill. The oldest woman in Illinois. who says ind hos forgotten m bere, has behov.
She is Mrs. Mary Antoinette Smith, No. 214 North 14 Stree On April 18 she will be 108 years old. Contined to her bed for years because of infirmities of age, the hopes that this will be the last birthday She regards death as thing to be desired.
And she prays that her remaining days un rantate few Mrs. Smith was born on the land of Madeira ia 182 In 197 her peo ple, the Alves family. Portugues, we obliged to leave Madeira and Ruinto exile during the persecution of the Por tuguese, who had taken the Presby.
Her mother, Maria Joaquina Alves, before their exile, was thrown in jail berause of of her religious beliefs, charged with spostasy, beresy and blaspherny.
found guilty on the latter charge and They are condemned to die. English residents of the island appealed to Queen Victoris of England, who in tura took the matter up with Queen Dona Maria of Portural and the sentence was commuted to fine For failure to pay the fine Mrs. Alves was kept in prison for twenty three inonths. When she was released the fam; ily fled to the Island of Trinidad, remaining there for two years and then reinoving to New York with a band of misionaties Four months later the fourily left New York, coming to Illinois, where they maile their home in Jackson ville.
Mrs. Smith is the oldest member of what is probably the oldest family in the United States. Five living members of the Alves family, ranging from 108 to eighty years old, total in age 454 years, an average of nearly ninety one years.
The baby of the family, John Alves of St Lake City, is righty years old.
The others of the family are: Manuel Alves, a farmer liv hest Jirksonville, who is ninety x, Mrs. Figueria al Brooklyn, wh) is eighty seven, wad Alves of Farmingdale, III, who is eightyOhree.
Mrs. Smith is the only one of the mly who is not active to day. She ha Leen confined to her bed for more than two years, but is now only a little wiep of a woman.
She lives with her daughter, Mrs.
Catberine Franks, who, though sixty, four years of age, is the youngest of five living children. Mrs. Smith oldest liv.
ing child is eighty. one. She has twentyseven grand children, forty great graadchildren and five great great graadchildres Prohibition has been blow to the aged woman. She misses her wise since Prohibition went into effect. She thinks old people ought to hav a little wine as a stimulant, according to her daughter. Incidently the daughter, Mrs. Franeks though sixty four, could pass for considerably younger and gives promise of upholding the family SOKO 890 Quotes Sosioco Soxo0 COSESC tradition of longevity. Last full the babyof the Alves family, John Alves of Salt Lake, visited The Outlook Springfield. that time he saw his being opened, and they are seeing the West Indians on the Isthmus. necessity of standing together and stand. have never read an appreciable sister, Mrs. Smith, for the first time in ing on their own legs at that should article written by any talented Editor of THE WORKMAN.
say God be praieed? There is a time for member of the race showing any Sir. Thu word scris to be, and cor rything and everything to its proper way or means for an economic TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Woto not hold oursel: orestonsible for opinions expresscu in this cotumn tainiy is, on the rapid march of evolatime. Die Stetits axiorna till uplift. say it is a shame. Just takes the Sting out of a Close time aro paroly those of the correspondents Lion Ex Intion of idone, and ideales of the iw wasie is greater than in parte dink of the many lawyors, doc Shave, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ans and schenws and the development West Indians will see the truthlunces of tors, ministers, teachers and und perito Of schemes and propuse this when they, to a man, leve we ever business men we hace, ail Mount Gilead Past Masters tiene. Et seem to trove list in the mighty chisin, mooking Miss Amy Morgan Nolike wind can we hier either a week ang tipidity. The custodia is puter endless purebaze ого Thurnin her living through. Thea dollars hand which refused ious caugh The tide of emigration time it Lodge.
it will be mighly huud that if they don change their atti.
to distribute on the night of the licens to y new woves the world.
tude, we the masses will boycott Gives a Clear Statement 5th. Several persons came day that is born. This is the natural Mr. Elitor, you bave from timu to every professional negro and Loyal Order of Ancient Shepfor to receive help herds.
In Stoute Defense from Dutcome of the hard and untamed treat time spoken forcibly on these and kind business men who do not in the the balance which was in neat and conditions band, saying that Miss Davis ple by supercilious overlords. The wagos torials and should be strengthened and with the Negro cause. There is conditions imposed on a peo red subjects in your my inspiring edi near future identify themselves Under the auspices of the To the Editor of The Workman bad sent them; and refused paid for labour skilled and unskilled is so encouraged. As for myself say go on, the greatest negro movement above named Lodge, a very giving any more until saw Miss infinitesimal, and with living cost spar Me. Editor iny appreciatmn and thanks the world has ever seen and yet pleasant and instructive meeting Sir. Permit me space in your Davis myself. then went to ste ink every day, by leaps and bounds, are always and always will be yours, educated West Indian negroes was held in their Lodge Hall valuable paper to make a few re: Miss Davis for the purpose and skyward leave our people no other alter. This letter is the leader for others to seem blind and deaf to the groan 20th. Street Central Avenue on marks on the publication of Miss Henrietta Vinton Davis, the money, and further refus. where conditions are more congenial and anticipation and expectation for the fu men of the race. cannot at several she told me to go on distributing native but cmigrat on to other paris fortow, Mr. Editor. So thanking you in ings and appeals of their fellow. Saturday June 5, 5, 1920, when International Organizer of the given addresses to do so until received a inviting. The recent strike has served turli by ed UN Las publisha written order from her.
tribute such attitude to anything the Past Ofticers. The meeting ed in the Negro World of the 22nd to demonstrate to West Indians that The written order rån as fol different to other countries it is re.
else but either from selfishness was eailed to order by Bro. Sam AFRICANUS. or rank cowardice.
ulto. regarding Mr. Wan. Stoute, lows Rugless, garded almost, if not leader of the late strike. She treason, by some Worthy Pastor and Yours for social and economic at 8:30 Special men Miss Amy Morgan, please people, to strike against the Canal Zone Letter of Approbation uplift, stated that as soon as she band: distribute to the women and government in demanding justice and fair tion must be be made of Bro. Wiled him the 500. 00 he folded it MCDONALD, fred McBarnette, Pastoral Secy.
and in his put such statement incret, Ideem children who are in most need play. Great Soolt! What do we see. whose address on incorrect. It may band.
whatever money you have ip Strikes against governments greater and To the Editor of the WorkMan New Providence, The Life of a shepherd and a that on receiving same there stronger than the Canal Zone followed Dear Sir: Permit me space in Rep. of Panama, Said order can be produced at by an amicable settlement in nearly your valuable paper to say a few Past Master was very ably de June 7, 1920 was no other place for him to monstrated also several fines solos. and. were rendered by the Choir.
in any way be connected with, or take opinion as voiced in an article undersigned who knows of the name) having been signed there for any other further still for any one to words in corporation Oxyfer The meeting came to close at different ways in which the monto Miss Davis might have re part in a strike is liable to arrest in published in THE WORKMAN of had FOR SALE 11. and the members and visitors resorted to the ey was spent, beg to give the taken in exchange for the 500. 00 prisonment, and probably deportation, June 6, entitled Buried Tal even if banquet statement: hall and did justice to the good obomwons abaten March 3rd, Mr. Mr. Stoute cha, acter, the tears of cold water to quenchen atiker a thickt.
and wishes Sir, must say that you could Stoute handed me 150. 00 of the lof his friends. trust Miss Da allo e And yet judge ye goda how head that article with, because gode this is the unkindest eut not have found a better word to ONE ĶI MBAL ORGAN things provided. The officers and members extend to all Past same money to be distributed vis will correct this mistake and dearly West ludians loved their task and it never in a In Good Order also Masters Mistresses in Panama among the women sufferers on Hot allow the name of a good teak community educat.
a cordial welcome to their social strike and with an itemized a man to go the way she is having taskmastera. From camion with all ed men and women have hidden LOT OF FURNITURE meetings at all times, the count of its distribution which its concomitant evils, deliver us good their attainments it is on the was examined by Mt. Ogril Heno it in the Lord. Nevertheless through all the pre Isthmus of Panama. mean the For particulars apply to FITZ BOWEN ry, Assistant Treasurer of the Black Star Line, ho (Mr. Cyru Assistant Treasurer N, as the unrufiled surface at the sea. That longer than a few days ago was Mrs. CHARLES HAY THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR to keep them.
Colon Branch.
the spirit of racial consciousness and discussing the same subject, No. 10, Street 82 November Street, San Migue The money was distributed up unity is abroad goes without successful Since the late strike the night of the 4th when the June 9, 1920.
contradiction. Our people you are ended 80 disastrously for Panama, P, Icuse 20 Sold EverywhereWHY?
The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice. The Open Forum: link obnocelera ed od on every were am, etc. Ola ye of The ANY MORGAN. en


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