p. 8


PAGE EIGHT Visit of United States Warships PACIFIC THEATRE The Second Division battleslip squautun under the command of omnem Elmo the Mighty Henr Elmo the Mighty der to pitality SC Sesso Boss At The Lion Man Elmo the Mighty Admtal Jan Canding the Connect was quite Kali erent for the cities of Panaira and Colon The Atlantic and Pacific end vied with each other in giving the milding and jackies a time that may be approached, but not equalled nor surpassed for how and genuine true meart.
ed feeling by any olher place that they may visit in the course of their 1500 mile cruise to Honolulu. The ard tire Knights of Columbus e: themselves to the limit ld then some more to enter lain the jelly tais of Uncle Sain not to mention private indir.
duals in Ancon, Balboa and tobal. They will take away with them pleasant meinories, never to be forgotten, of Colon and Panama, and it must be said that their bearing and good be.
haviour during their short stay fully demonstrated their appreciation of all that was being done to make them feel happy.
General Gorgas Seriously 11 In London tended Cris.
fronth of the following VERY SMALL SMALL SUM Tour.
thin 0 MAKE YOUR COOKING PLEASURE cute Cable news report the serious illness in London of General Gorgan, the man who with the able assistance of fearless West Indians, made the Canal Zone habitable for the present dwell prehrRA would be autocrats without the autoe) who wish erush with the iron heel of Pen.
wry and Injustice those who Bade it pussible for them to draw big wages and salaries and live a luxurious life, hitherto un known to them, in the Paradise whore beautiful shores are caressed by the waters of the Arlortic and Pacific oceans.
It is said that General Gorgas WP8 about setting out to Africa to execute a commission in bis neist line for the British Government when he was struck Kox George of England visited down by an attack of apoplexy th General at the hospital inferred on him the order of Knighthood in recognition of the Kreat work that he had acconplished for the world in makiag the building of the Canal a pune sibility.
a and THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1920 908909003 soos: BOCAS NEWS Petition to President Leferra At a recent meeting of tre Bieis Division of the UNIA. ACL the following ward To night, Saturday, June 19th The following it forward Tuesday, June 22nd et desire for the perioled the issulished by of the years complying with The 18th and Last Episode of in Constituto MRP request:Olivie, sides; G Par To His Excellenes Е: sa 12. Vio. Postat: Lor 16th Episode Ferdinand, Traver; Thri De innate the livl, General is erter LADIES DIVISION. Malan Executive Prir Sunday, June 20th Presiden Maria Puchatellir.
Mr. President. Miss Eloisa de Fernand Heart of Texas Ryan Vice Presidenti Pronpelbs our Miss and 1st Episode of beth Fernandez, Assistant Treamaintain justice and ins: rod Our Stof duty in our can Monday, June 21st arer: Miss Ad lla Ferdinand Secretary this meeting to Panduanian në bog to adulto tra 17th Episode of there were delegates from Piret Citiz of the Rablicas inirunte Farms and respec tively, and it was arranged the ing his support of a jutand and continuing during the week the first Vice Presidents of the cause which wiatr Division will be elected at alming in behalf of our rights as rante; other natters of import well as those of our fellow oooooo ance were dealt with which kep pens in general the meeting open until a very Buca Rodrigu z, in nurse intin Mr. President: Mrs El late hour.
humanitarianitation During the past week a meet we belong, for th simale fact ing was beld the Alinirant that she married a Panananan, YOU NEED ONLY branch of the NI. As ben asked to tender for the purpose of delegatin gnation Wien th hich two candidates to the greater ile has bop tiling under the Convention of the Negro Rac rəntrol of the American governin August ilent, and which is due to the T Samuda, Atkins, Mis, canning work of the other Am rican nurses who, impelled by res Madam Marie Duchatelli beir inexorable hostility bow Mr. Felipe Oglivie; th ards our fellow citizos, have en Each month to buy a Gas Stove that will enable two last nained won by the largered a protest against the aforeest numbers of vote in their ta mentioned lady who, withons xaggeration, outclisses you to prepare your Meals economically.
The Anglican Church, in spit Aconrding to thob ure jul.
respect of great opposition is advancing by leaps and bounds which innent of these nurses, th: Pana quite visible. On the 24th ult menians are of an inferiorricial status and for that reason th the Foundation stone of sielaim that Mrs. Rodriguz ma Joha Church (Shepherd Island)
being riage is disgraceful them as performed by De: Thomas Hy Americans, and she in ther.
ton Stewart, senior licensed a victim to tha scurri chist. It is hoped that the built lous criticisin of these foreign ing may be completed in the near Lorser, who in no way are grace future. Ton much cannot be said tol for the respect and hospitality in recognition of Mr. Lendered them by the Panny Bryan services instarting this Thuse hostile demonstrations nians.
Panama Gas Co.
AT Colon Gas Co.
a zainst Mrs. Rod iguez and, in It seems that since the great measure, Against us as Panama.
European conflict, the sons of nians, obliga ust) solicit Your YOUR CATHEDRAL PLAZA trt patriotic 93 BOLIVAR ST. tie duty towards Empire Div, tigh in order that our rights, at in honor of Vitoria the Gooi.
least as Panamanians, ay bin Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364.
His Britannic Maj sty Birth ogniz. and that Ms. Rotri.
day on June pissed off very xuez may be favored by the la quietly also. Probably they are namanian govern nent in vi of PA preparing for the birthday of the attitude taken by th: the Honorable Marcus Garvey to ican government so that the carry out their loyalty and pa to Tonas triotism DOLI Day the valuable services of so dili Recovering Owing to Inck of accominoda gent and worihy a nurse In We are pleased to state that tion at Blu field: Nicaragua, the celleney spirit of justie und full lenowledge of Your Ex.
Me. Elward Riveneau who has mowr boat Rapida and also patriotien, we submit this perj.
ben in Ancon Hospital for the the sailing slup Ready Callation fully convine hit you will post two weeks has greatly in return with it lalr number of no: allow our always, and now proved in health and expects to passengers who left here more than ever, beloved Mrs.
be out in a few days time.
seare of work.
Rodriguez, to be molested.
We are your sincera sirvants FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE English Isinglass Grand Concert at the Red and compatriots, at The West Pharmacy Cross Hali Du Bois, Borrer. MRoNOTICE.
bolt, Borrero, Arboleda, D franchs, Clotilde Vá que grand concert and dance del MANAVI Rios Estar Gonez, will be given at the Red Cross Intending competitors for the Luisa Nivas Mae Hall to night, June 19. Martin Isthmian Park Athletic meeting will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA. 1100n, on orchestra will furnish the music are advised that enterius for at Vá quez G, Ruloba. Berkes, Bar Rosario, del MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1920, for The public through this mediumerenis except the cycle races will is invited ria Esmeraldas, Bahia, Man a, Cayo, Machalilla, Mangian, Plicuela Ruyes, Ana Ma and all yood time is a close on Monday June 1st ticipated García, Rajas, eresa de Jesús Barría, Maria Alvo and Guayaquil.
al preparations are Please turn in your enteries to made to make TRI it a sucuess, the several agents appointed to Luisa Nieto, Isabel section of the Red receive then.
Calvo Cross Samaniego, Nare is working for this sa Vásquez, de la pricevent assisted by children of the lla, Ana Quintero, SEDBURY.
various schools in the form of a he OPPORTUNITY Contreras, and Aparicio. beautiful program will Sail from CRISTOBAL on SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1920 will be the feature of the even. Opportunity at some time knocks at TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC for Havre, Rotterdam and London.
ing, composed of recitations, dia: the door of every one, and those who takes the Burn out of Burns amuse the logues, and even that will aeglect their chances are always most after which loud in complaining of hard luck and and Scalds.
the jazz band will render some of misfortune when they observe the subthe liveliest hits for those who cess of others which they could have PERU a LOOK OUT There is a great rush for seats will leave CRISTOBAL A. , will leave BALBOA, noon on so be to slip by.
on time.
chance to To the people of the Republic of Pa FOR THE SUNDAY, JUNE 20th, 1920 for Guayaquil, Paita, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, The California Restaurant NITY is now knoeking at their door PANAMA MINSTREL CO.
Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta Chaparal, to rid them of a long sorrow and. AT JUST OPENED AT No. 6, ST.
Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
premature Death, which are the conseCourteous and up to date quences of long standing Kidney and Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Bladder troubles, which can always be June 19th, 1920 Service traced by any of the following synp OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The Panama Minstrel CompaFor further particulcrs apply to the Office of the Companies at Lame back, burning sensa ny having given satistaction and CRISTOBAL Notice tion certain parts of the body, won the adiniration of the gendizziness, headache, rheuma eral public on the Pacific end of or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, tism, swollen feet and joints, the Big Ditch, anticipates storm.
All claims against the Silver scanty and discolored urine ing the Atlantic end of it on June PANAMA Employee Association must be er Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents sent to Charles Stevenson, with sediments, inflamation of 10th, 1920, No stone will be left The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Panama, Box 764, Balboa, not later than bladder, puffiness of flesh, etc. yened by Big Sam and Gazey Influential laugh makers 30 etc, in getting up the latest novelties MARTIN, Mr. Watts of Ergland was for the occasion.
76 years old when this King of ali grand lenghty, but interest WANTED Notice medicines extracted stone from his ing, program full of innovation, Notice bladder, and gave Surgeons and Physi: the latest hits in songs and guys, cians a big surprise at seeing De Witt e will be displayed.
Pills do what they could not.
worth while seeing and hearing, To all Members of the dont forget it. Worker Society My wife, Irene Goodman, hay. Sold in two bians at all first class ing left my home and protection Drug Stores, Beware of imitations best Buck Dancers on the Isth.
This company has one of the IN GOOD CONDITION. You are requested to cail at the of her own will, hereby notify some dealers are handing out.
mus, and will have you want to office, No. 31, Pedro Obarrio, and the public that will not hold DeWitt Co. Ltd, London, on see him dance always. Look out APPLY AT West 20th Streets and leave your myself responsible for any debt bottle with BLUE SEAL City Phar for the Artistic Bano King.
THE OFFICE, address at once.
or debts she may contract. macy printed on wrappers. THE CITY Come and be charmed by his GEO. LEWIS ALLEN GOODMAN.
PHARMACY, 139 Central Avenue melody.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY, exclusively agents on the Republic and Now be there on time and Central Avenue.
Sec. Treasurer. June 6th, 1920.
the Canal Zone.
aroid the rush Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Dead body of Man found Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
on Railroad Track, in CH) the res e Dianus, Phe mutilated body of an un tdentified inan, supposed to be ayanamarian or Chilean about 25 years of age, was discovered on Monday by the driver of le 78. train froin Panama ly wher.
Tward double tracked opposite the Village of Calinit. The train was immediately stopped and the body placed in the Hospital car and taken to tho Ancon Morgue where an autopsy was bela.
It is thought that the man W18 Accidentally killed by a pasing train in the darkness during the night.
jolly sall Teresa Antonia hard contest, Bishop Morris Freaches at St. Alban Church, Paraiso, Tomorrow The Right Reverend James Crail Morris, will preach at St. Alban Church tomorrow afternoon at 30, and not at 30 ns was previously anvounc ed. The public is cordially in.
vited. This will be the Bishop first visit to this church and friends are asked to kive bim a hearty welcome.
An Impossible Commission.
Eyes, ting Sir William Open, the distinguish artist, has refused an oder of 1, 000, 000 pounds for painting 300 portraits which is said to have been made by an American. is quite true the offer of 1, 000, 000 pounds to puint portraits came to me from America. Sir William snid recently confirming the report, according to the Daily Mirror. To complete such contract would take as long as three hundred years, Something Advertise SECOND HAND PIANO IN THE Workman


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